The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 117: The game starts now

At night, the moon in the sky is partly covered, and the sky is partly covered by mist and thick clouds.

The night tonight doesn't seem to be so good.

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't care, she was thinking about it, while strolling casually on the street.

She was thinking about where to go to withdraw money.

Crane machine in a big shopping mall?

Or a game hall?


Game hall now!

Muhua Saki Yexin decided, after all, she hadn't been to the game hall yet, so she could go and play.

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin began to trot faster.

As far as she knows, the game hall is not far from the community where she lives, so there is no need for transportation.

At this time, a strange scene appeared on the street.

A young girl in a pink bear pajamas, stepping on her short legs, is rushing like a gust of wind.

This strange costume and strange behavior made passers-by look at him.

"This girl, isn't she meeting a bad guy?"

"Is anyone chasing her?"

"It doesn't seem to be?"

"It's probably in a hurry to go somewhere."

"But who is her parent? It would be too dangerous for her to run out alone at night."

"Isn't it running away from home?"


Muhua Saki Yashin didn't seem to care about the gaze of passers-by, and trot all the way straight to the legendary game hall.

The location of this game hall is a bit remote, and this small building is still a bit dilapidated.

Muhua Saki Yashin stood at the entrance of the game hall, lost in thought.

"Huh? This place doesn't seem to be a good place. Generally speaking, this kind of place will definitely hide a lot of bad people or demons on the earth."

Thinking about it, Muhua Saki Yexin raised his head, stared at the doorway in front of him, and said seriously: "Since I have discovered it! Then, realize it! My eyes of death will completely purify this dark place!"

At this time, a teenager in school uniform just walked out of the door.

As soon as the boy walked out of the door, he suddenly saw the girl in the bear pajamas standing in front of him, and he was stunned.

this is? What?

night? Maiden? gaming room? Bear pajamas?

If these elements are matched together, anyone will be confused, right?

When Muhuasaki saw the boy, he also noticed that the school uniforms on the boy were actually open, and the appearance of the boy was basically in line with the bad boy.

Therefore, her eyes suddenly changed and became fierce. At the same time, she raised her bear claws, pointed at the young man's head, and said solemnly:

"You! Are you a devil!"

The teenager was dumbfounded again.

Evil... the devil?


Without waiting for the boy's answer, Muhua Saki Yaxin started her own malicious death.

At first glance, you can see the colors of good and evil on the boy.

In the middle of one black and white, other colors are mixed, and the whole person looks a little colorful.

Muhuasaki Yaxin nodded suddenly.

Well, the proportion is very balanced, not a badass.

"It seems that I was wrong."

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin ignored the boy and walked in directly beside him.

The boy turned around blankly and looked at the back of the girl in bear pajamas, scratching his head in confusion.

"What is it?"

Suddenly, he looked straight, no, she went in! She can't go in!

He ran back quickly.

"Wait! Don't go in!"

Suddenly, it occurred to him that it was strange that the girl saw the demon he said in the first sentence.

He immediately thought of those gangsters, those scumbags, and it's not surprising to call them demons!

That girl won't be looking for them, right!

It would be dangerous!

The young man's face was solemn. He was only extorted from all the game coins just now to be able to come out safe and sound!

If the girl angered them!

That's incredible!

The teenager rushed quickly, and rushed to the door of the game hall. He just wanted to shout something, but when he saw the scene in front of him, he was stunned again.

I saw that the gangsters who had just threatened him to hand over the game currency were standing beside Muhua Sakiya's heart.

As the boss of the Golden Retriever, with a gentle expression, he handed dozens of game coins to Muhua Saki Yexin.

At this moment, Muhua Saki Yexin was holding the game currency in a pair of bear paws, and she was also a little confused.

The moment she entered the game hall, she realized that she had come in her pajamas and didn't bring anything.

Without money, how to earn game currency?

Since then, she fell in love with the group of gangsters who seemed to be evil forces, and she directly shouted at these obviously gangster groups: hand over the game currency!

The gangsters heard the shout of Muhua Saki Yaxin's girl, and they were taken aback, and then everyone laughed.

The next moment, everyone withdrew their smirk subconsciously and turned into a more ordinary smile.

Then, they actually handed over the game currency!

Moreover, it looks like something hostile.

Muhua Saki Yaxin looked at the game coins on her bear's paw, and then at the boss of the small gangster in front of her, she was still a little dazed at the moment.

But the boss of the gangster said with a gentle expression:

"What's the matter, isn't it enough?"

Muhua Saki shook his head: "It should be enough."

"Then what do you want to play? I can play with you."


Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly turned to look at the various game consoles in the game hall, and she noticed that there was a game similar to the King of Fighters.

Her eyes lit up, and she trot towards the machine.

King of Fighters! When she was a child in her previous life, when she was a child, some friends played with her.

But it's just a small game in the computer, and the boys bullied her. The girl couldn't play, and directly killed the characters she controlled.

Sometimes, she didn't even get rid of a drop of blood on the other side!

That was really miserable!

Today, she is no longer the rookie she once was! With the Eye of Death, she is invincible!

She finds the place back!

Thinking about it, Muhua Saki Yaxin put the game coins next to the machine and sat in the P1 position.

The Huang Mao boss sat in the P2 position with interest.

The little **** behind him looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin's back with a smirk.

That's right, they were excited the moment they saw Muhua Saki Yexin come in!

gaming room! Maiden! Bear pajamas! night!

What a wonderful combination this is!

In their place, there has not been a girl in ten years!

You know how excited they are!

You don't even know!

You only know that you care about yourself!

The Huang Mao boss is also very excited, and at the same time he is holding his excitement, try not to scare this cute girl!

In the game, he should try his best to let the girl feel fun!

Know the beauty of the game!

So, she will definitely come!

With such a treasure of the town shop!

Then, his place will always be glowing with the fragrance of a beautiful girl!

Those passers-by will hear the wind!

Spring will usher in his game hall!

Thinking about it, Huang Mao couldn't help closing his eyes, indulging in that beautiful future fantasy.

"How to play this?"

Kihana Saki Yakina's paws fiddled with the buttons and joysticks, and it seemed like an ignorant and ignorant new person.

Huang Mao suddenly became sober, seeing the girl's curious look, he was instantly delighted.

"I teach you, as long as you put a coin here, two, you can start the game."

"After starting the game, you can choose people and characters, and you can enter the game and start playing."

Huang Mao was teaching seriously.

"Want to try it? I'll play with you."

Muhua Saki night stared suspiciously at Huang Mao, and she suddenly felt that Huang Mao seemed to have any intentions.

Huang Mao was staring at it inexplicably and a little hairy. In order to delay the embarrassment, he raised his hand to block his mouth and coughed.

"Ahem, do you want to play?"


Muhuasaki Yexin nodded, she didn't care what Huang Mao had intent, it was impossible to endanger her anyway.

Here, Huang Mao also tossed two coins, the game started, and he immediately entered the state of picking.

Muhua Saki looked at the many characters in the game interface and found that the muscles of these characters were very exaggerated and bold.

Even for many female characters, the thigh muscles and chest muscles are very scary.

None of them fit her aesthetics.

Quickly flicking through the list, she finally found a character that she had seen.

A girl with short hair wearing a white dance costume girl has a red ribbon tied on top of her head.

It seems that he is a rather cute martial artist.

Lock it directly!

Huang Mao looked at the girl's chosen role and smiled suddenly.

"As expected, she is a cute girl. The casting is just fine."

Muhua Saki Yashin also glanced at Huang Mao's role. He chose the role early. It was a very domineering role.

Wearing a black sweater, his muscles are tight, his face is cold and resolute, his cold eyes are invisibly revealing murderous intent, the background is dark and **** thunder, which further brings out the dark and cold domineering!

The casting is successful!

The scene switches randomly!

The game starts now!


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