The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 118: At this moment, he realized the strength of both sides, it was really wrong...

The game starts now!

Both characters have an entry action and lines.

The martial arts girl under the control of Yashin Kihana keeps a cute set of characters and gestures into the arena with scissors hands.

And the overbearing muscular man is like a game BOSS, the dark and thunder surround rendering, appearing cool and domineering.

At this time, Huang Mao did not rush to operate, but said with a gentle expression.

"Do you want me to teach you how to play?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin shook his head: "I am the eye of death! No matter what game it is, it will be seen through my eyes in an instant!"

With that said, Muhua Saki Yaxin began to explore the buttons and moves!

Fists, heavy punches, light feet, squats and kicks.

Huang Mao also leaned in the corner wittily, did a good defensive posture, and occasionally taught girls how to release their moves.

Especially all kinds of big moves that require violent anger.

In just over a minute, Muhua Saki Yaxin probably knew all the operations of this character.

Huang Mao was also a little surprised. This girl was able to explore the character's moves so quickly and thoroughly, and she could use it perfectly.

The button accuracy and hand speed are not easy.

What's even more difficult is...

This girl is still wearing clothes that get in the way like bear's paw!

Muhuasaki Yaxin nodded, she still knew how the character was operating, although she didn't know what moves the opposite character had.

However, she still has the confidence to win!

"It's time to start!"

Muhuasaki Yaxin looked at Huang Mao earnestly.

Huang Mao looked at Muhua Saki Yexin's eyes, feeling a little depressed inexplicably.

"it is good."

The onlookers suddenly looked forward to it.

The reason Huang Mao boss is the boss is because of his superb game level!

Not to mention, this game!

【Boxing Fighter】

This is the best game of the boss!

Huang Mao boss has participated in the national competition, and has entered the top 100 masters!

And the character controlled by Huang Mao is also his good character!


In the game settings, it is indeed the boss of the overlord level!

Of course, the role controlled by the girl is not weak, although the role background is just a well-known supporting role.

However, in the actual battle, there is no difference between the strong and the weak!

Even the character controlled by the girl is a good character for a certain world champion!

However, the girl is not a world champion.

The gangsters all know that girls have little chance of winning.

"I hope the boss will let it go."

"Yes, yes, but this girl's talent is very good, so I soon became familiar with the role of Sakura."

At this time, the young man also came behind him, wanting to watch the battle.

He looked at these gangsters, a little depressed, why would he be blackmailed?

Do you welcome this girl?

Maybe I'm not cute enough?

No no no...

The teenager quickly got rid of these inconspicuous thoughts, and cast his eyes on the screen of the game console.

At this moment, Kihana Saki Yashin is controlling the character "Sakura" to quickly attack "Godfather".

Huang Mao didn't pay much attention, he thought, just stand up and buy a flaw.

In the first game, he gave the girl a little bit of sweetness, and in the second game, he controlled it to win with a small advantage.

In the third sentence, he let the girl regret defeat.

In this way, the girl will definitely feel unwilling!

Will come again!

Then let the girl win once!

Let the girl lose again!

The girl will be fascinated by the joy of victory! Gradually, she will fall in love with this game!

Huang Mao thought beautifully.

At this time, Muhua Saki Yashin had already controlled "Sakura" and approached "Godfather".

"Sakura" kicked the defensive "Godfather" to the ground with a squat kick.

Then, before the godfather had completely determined that he fell to the ground, a hook kick kicked the "Godfather" into the air again.


The "Godfather" was beaten and kept knocking into the air.

Huang Mao suddenly felt that something was a bit wrong!

Hastily got serious.

However, it seems useless to be serious.

Because he is not called "Godfather" at all.

"The Godfather" has not been hit by the combo...

"Sakura" moves one after another, Muhua Saki Yaxin manipulates the buttons and joysticks, and there are afterimages in his hands!

Kick in the jump!

Ortho punch!

Little Thang Long!

At this moment, the "Godfather" has already lost one-third of his blood.

A cold sweat appeared on Huang Mao's forehead.

Kick up! 29 combos!

Big Thang Long!

Cut your feet!


Upright! Dragon and tiger run through to kill!

44 combos!

I saw that the "Godfather" was hit by a series of gorgeous combos from "Sakura", and the blood bar was emptied...

Huang Mao's eyes widened, and his hand holding the rocker trembled slightly.

"Fa...what happened?"

"I was cut off by a set of 44 and emptied my health bar?"

"What combo is this? What hand speed is that? Why haven't I seen it?"

Huang Mao was a little suspicious of life.

The onlookers were also shocked!

This is a new combo for the character "Sakura"!

And it's the perfect combo for 44 cuts to end the game directly!

However, it seems that the opponent's speed requirements are very high!

They felt the pressure and swallowed unconsciously.

The teenager watching the game was even more surprised. From the beginning, he knew that the girl had indeed just played this game.

Just start, you can directly play a perfect combo, this kind of talent! It's a monster!

He suddenly itchy hands.

Muhua Saki turned his head away, looking at Huang Mao who was still in self-doubt with an incredulous face, and said casually: "The next game begins, are you ready?"

Huang Mao looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin in a daze. He shook his head, making his head a little clearer.

He looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin with some suspicion:

"Are you...really just playing this game?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin blinked a pair of big, pure and immaculate eyes like gems, and nodded slightly.

"Yeah, what's the matter? Doubt I played it before?"

Huang Mao suddenly shook his head, he let go of the messy thoughts in his mind, and took a deep breath.

Reluctantly accepted the setting that this girl is a monster genius in the game!

He also knows that he can't just let out the water!

Moreover, he was just careless just now!

As long as he gets serious, he won't necessarily lose!

Huang Mao took a deep look at Muhua Saki Yexin, and slowly said:

"let's start!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin nodded, and arbitrarily controlled the character "Sakura" and ran to the "Godfather".

Huang Mao also got serious.

The girl is not familiar with the godfather at all!

"Godfather" has a long kicking distance!

Huang Mao's eyes condensed.

"The Godfather" suddenly came and kicked. Unsurprisingly, "Sakura" couldn't react to being kicked to the ground.

And Huang Mao also seized this opportunity and controlled the "Godfather" to come to a sweeping thunderbolt and knock "Sakura" into the air!

Wise wave!

This is the "Godfather" haida fist move.

A group of black fire waves directly flew "Sakura" to the corner.

This time.

The "Godfather" combo is over!

"Sakura" wearing a white martial arts uniform also stood up from the ground.

Huang Mao did not give up this opportunity. You must know that suppressing characters to the corner can create many opportunities for combos.

The "Godfather" quickly approached the corner of the "Sakura", and various moves began to be suppressed.

And Muhua Saki Yashin controlled "Sakura" to alternate between squatting and standing defense, and the defense did not leak.

Just the next moment!

The "Godfather" took down the moment when the sweeping of his legs ended.

Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately seized the opportunity to let "Sakura" release the defense, and an instruction to catch the "Godfather".

I saw "Sakura" throw the "Godfather" into the corner of the wall where "Sakura" was originally in a shoulder Huang Mao was shocked.

However, he was surprised to no avail.

The game is over!

"Sakura" hooked her foot and kicked the fallen "Godfather" into the air again.

At this time, Huang Mao suddenly shook, and his hands with a wry smile left the keyboard.

Next, a very familiar combo!

Thirty seconds later.

The "Godfather" blood bar is empty...

44 hits full!

KO! ! !

this moment……

The audience is silent...

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