The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 119: After meeting a master, do you think that a mortal can beat the eye of death...

Looking at the interface where the game ended, everyone couldn't help swallowing.

This girl is so strong!

If the first combo can be considered luck, then the second combo can really show that the strength of the girl is so terrifying!

You know, a few minutes ago, the girl was a cute young girl who didn't understand anything!

Muhua Saki Yaxin looked at the end of the game interface with a bored expression, and slowly turned her head to look at Huang Mao.

"Do you want to continue?"

Huang Mao also saw the girl's seemingly boring mood, and he was a little panicked.

No, the girl must be left behind!

He took a deep breath and looked at the girl seriously and said, "Go on!"

Muhuasaki Yaxin nodded: "If you want to continue, you have to add a little bet. After all, my eyes of death don't make meaningless transactions and behaviors."


Huang Mao was stunned.

"What bet?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin's mouth curled slightly, and a little bear's paw patted the pile of game coins on the side.

"Humph~ Of course it is game currency."

Huang Mao was a little dazed.

It's okay to bet on game currency, but why does he feel a little stupid?

The juvenile on the sidelines is also a bit dull.

Good guy, take the money given by the gangster and bet against the gangster.

Standing in the position of the winner at the beginning.

This is simply the most profound white prostitution!

Maybe in the end, you can even double your assets!

The young man suddenly admired the girl.

But he felt that the girl might still be in danger.

After all, he was threatened to surrender all the coins just because he scraped a lot of game coins, otherwise he might be beaten...

The gangsters were also a little surprised.

"Betting on game currency?"

Huang Mao smiled, he added more of these things: "That's OK, how many times at a time."

"Twenty at a time."

Muhua Saki Yaxin counted her own pile of game coins, probably less than fifty.

Huang Mao nodded: "Yes."

Immediately put in two coins, ready to start the next game.

Huang Mao thought to himself.

The last time was an accident.

This time, he will show his true strength!

ten minutes later……

The game coins next to Muhua Sakiya's scheming machine have turned into small-scale coin piles.

However, Huang Mao seemed to be autistic, and fell into deep suspicion.

"No! That's not good! Let's play another mode! Three on three! We choose three characters for one person!"

Twenty minutes later...

Muhua Saki Yaxin's coin pile has turned into a hill.

Huang Mao looked at the screen in front of him blankly, and he was completely autistic.

The crowd onlookers felt pitiful for the boss of Huang Mao.

Because it is too miserable.

The strength of the girl is too strong!

It's not a level at all.

Huang Mao came to the back, basically making the girl like a child torturing elementary school students, using all kinds of endless spikes...

I believe that if it is not the cute and cute girl playing at this moment, Huang Mao's mentality will all want to come to a real fighter, to give the opposite person a real infinite connection.

Looking at the autistic Huang Mao, Muhua Saki also felt boring. After all, she also felt boring for such an opponent and didn't have any fun in the game.

"It's boring. Sure enough, when a mortal meets Shangwu's eye of death, he will soon fall into despair, and then collapse himself in despair."

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin was about to exchange this pile of game coins for small coins and leave.

However, at this time, there was a voice.

"Can I play a few games with you?"

As soon as this voice came out, everyone was stunned.

Everyone was thinking about the person who made the sound and looked at it.

The yellow-haired **** is no exception. After all, seeing the girl's terrifying strength and dare to fight with it, then he must have a certain strength!

The boy stepped forward, and the gangsters voluntarily gave way.

Huang Mao was stunned when he saw the boy.

It's actually this guy!

The nature of this guy and the girl are similar.

They are all guys who want to play Mortal Kombat once they can abuse others!

He has also played against it, and he is not an opponent at all!

Huang Mao's eyes lit up, yes!

This guy should give the girl a little bit of fun!

He quickly stepped aside.

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin still looked boring.

"You? Do you want to challenge me? This time, it's a hundred game coins."

"One hundred game coins?"

The boy scratched the back of his head a little embarrassed.

He doesn't have one now, so he looked at the yellow hair.

Huang Mao immediately understood the youth's distress.

He gritted his teeth: "I'll give it to you! Remember, we must win!"

The boy was delighted: "I will try my best!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately sat back with interest.

"Then get started quickly."

The teenager was also a little excited.

He has been invincible for a long time, and is looking for some masters!

No nonsense, the two choose a role and start directly!

3v3 mode!

Sakura Kihana was the first to take the opening game.

And the boy took a role she hadn't seen before.

However, she still didn't panic.

Controlling "Sakura" directly rushed over as usual.

The boy saw this scene in his heart, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"This girl's gameplay is very aggressive!"

"But that's also true. It is difficult for him to succeed with that kind of difficult infinite connection, but the girl is casually picked up. It seems to be careful and not make mistakes at will!"

When "Sakura" approached, his eyes instantly condensed, watching his character jump in the air, making a heavy kick!

This character has a very high level of air volley determination. Few characters can fight against each other, and "Sakura" is obviously not one of them.

Suddenly, "Sakura" was hit and fell into a state of instant stiffness.

The young man seized this opportunity and immediately controlled the character to give "Sakura" a set of usual combos!

After the combo was over, "Sakura" was left with half blood.

Looking at the teenager who had a big advantage at the start, Huang Mao suddenly became a little excited.

"Quick! Kill her! Kill her!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin still didn't care very much, after all, she could use unlimited connections as long as she seized an opportunity.

However, the teenager clearly understands this truth, his skills are brilliant, and his defensive and offensive skills are basically perfect!

Suddenly, "Sakura" was worn out a lot of blood, and then caught the opportunity, and suffered a set of combos and the blood bar was emptied.

Muhua Saki Yaxin glanced at the boy next to him in surprise.

And the boy also showed a bright smile at Muhua Saki Yaxin.

"I won."

Muhua Saki Yaxin curled his lips: "It's only the first game."

Huang Mao went crazy with excitement: "I won! I won!"

The second round soon began.

In this round, because Muhua Saki Yaxin knew the role of the boy, he quickly used his superb skills to break the boy's defense, and a set of combo moves turned into residual blood.

Take a few more moves and send away directly.

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly raised her head proudly and looked at the girl.

"You lost."

The young man was not discouraged at all, with a bright smile on his face.

"Yeah, I lost, you are really strong."

Huang Mao looked at his heart and raised it again.

"This... this guy won't lose, right? One hundred game coins! If you lose, you won't let him play."

However, the teenager was very upbeat and won the third game.

Huang Mao suddenly became excited again.

However, not long after he was excited, the boy lost again in the fourth game.

Huang Mao began to worry again.

At the same time, the gangsters who watched the game sighed for the battle between the two.

For the master showdown, these two people are too powerful!

Moreover, the two actually played five games!

The final game, the decisive game!

There must be a winner!

The teenager is also very serious!

Muhua Saki Yaxin also looked serious.

"As a mortal, you are already a good opponent!"

The boy smiled, he felt that this little bear girl was a little foul cute.

"Even if you say it, I won't release water in this round."

Muhua Saki Yaxin was disdainful: "Huh~ I don't need you to release the water!"

The battle begins!

The two have started a new round of The roles of the two are extremely cautious, and every step is full of calculations!

Look at who shows the flaw first.

In the end, Muhua Saki Yaxin revealed a flaw, because she didn't understand the boy's character moves.

That's a tough attack to break defenses!

In an instant, the young boy took on two violent and mysterious ultimate moves, directly defeating Muhua Saki Yaxin's role into residual blood.

Looking at the threatening health bar, Muhua Saki had no fear, and the moment he got up, he seized the opportunity and directly fought back!

Unfortunately, this character does not have unlimited connections.

After the combo was over, the boy took a few shots with a light kick and got a KO in a row.

Muhua Saki Yashin lost the game for the first time.


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