The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 120: The devil is coming!

Muhua Saki Yexin left the console with both hands, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Interesting, interesting. I actually lost."

Muhua Saki Yashin turned to look at the boy, his eyes full of warfare: "I haven't tried defeat in a long time!"

The boy tugged at his collar and smiled openly: "Oh, then I'm really honored."

"Humph, funny human."

"Haha, funny girl, the way you talk is really funny."

this moment!

Muhuasaki Yaxin and the boy looked at each other, and they both laughed.

"Your name is?"

The young man was stunned, and said with a smile: "Xiuzhichuan."

"How about you?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin stood up with a mysterious smile.

"Listen! My real name!"

As she said, she covered her left eye with one hand...

Left eye...

With the clear vision of the left eye, Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly realized that she did not carry a "seal"!

When she took a bath, she fell in the bathroom, and then forgot to bring it!

Xiuzhichuan looked at the dazed girl a little bit puzzled.

"what's wrong?"

Muhua Saki shook his head: "I just forgot to carry the seal of the Eye of Death, but fortunately, I have been able to perfectly control the power of the Eye of Death, so that the power of the Eye of Death will not leak and cause damage to the world. A major crisis."

Muhua Saki Yaxin said this.

Everyone present was dumbfounded.

The eye of death?


They suddenly couldn't understand it.

Just now, even though they were a little second in secondary school, they could still understand them, but suddenly they couldn't translate these words.

Muhua Saki Yaxin looked at the boy's dazed expression, and she smiled.

"Hmph, as mortals, you don't need to know the power of my eye of death."

"Okay, now keep listening!"

"My real name is!

The eye of death! ! !

Muhua Saki Yaxin! "

"I'm here, it's just a guide to the occurrence of my money law."

"Money journey makes you so destined to meet me, you should feel honored!"

Xiuzhichuan's mouth twitched.

This girl is really weird...

Huang Mao was excited, the lovely girl in bear pajamas, speaking seriously in the second quotation.


This is too much to his appetite!

No, this girl must make this girl a regular visitor to the game hall!

So pleasing to the eye, and a cute girl in Secondary Two!

Never let go!

Muhua Saki Yashin quickly counted a hundred in her coin pile and gave it to Xiuzhichuan's table.

"So, let's move on to the next set!"

Xiuzhichuan nodded, and compared to the cute and strange girl, the game was really fun.

This round.

Xiuzhichuan chose three different roles.

And Muhua Saki Yaxin is still the third, and these three roles are not ugly female characters.

She doesn't like anything else.

Twelve minutes passed.

This one is over.

It ended very quickly!

It was Kihana Saki Yashin who won, but it was a narrow victory.

The two men fought bravely and immediately began the next game!

Kihana Saki Yexin wins!

Kihana Saki Yexin wins!

Kihana Saki Yexin wins!

Xiuzhichuan wins!

Xiuzhichuan wins!

One and a half hours passed!

The two played a total of sixteen!

Muhua Saki Yaxin won thirteen!

Xiuzhichuan won three.

Now Xiuzhichuan was sweating profusely and looked very nervous.

He found that the farther behind, the lower his chances of winning, it is basically impossible for him to beat this girl now.

He felt that this girl was a monster, it was terrifying!

Her operations seem to be accurate to every frame of action, and for the character he controls, as long as he has used it, he can basically predict his next move!

Now, all his signs have been used up, and when the comparison goes on, it is simply looking for abuse.

It's too ridiculous...

Xiuzhichuan sighed.

"Stop fighting, I surrendered."

The table next to Muhua Saki Yaxin can no longer hold coins, and the savvy gangsters have already pulled a small cart to hold Muhua Saki Yaxin with coins.

And the number of coins that Muhuasaki Yaxin had had reached an astonishing 1,400.

Muhuasaki Yaxin also felt that this opponent had already lost the qualification to fight her.

"It's boring, it's boring, and sure enough, it's impossible for a mortal to fight me."

Huang Mao has also fallen into autism, this girl is so desperate!

Who else dares to challenge her?

other games?

Huang Mao suddenly realized that there are other games!


My car is superb!

Huang Mao confidently challenged Muhua Saki Yashin!

Two hundred coins in a round!

Muhua Saki Yaxin naturally accepted it with pleasure.

"Hmph, don't you understand? My eye of death is invincible!"

Soon, the game started!

However, what Huang Mao didn't expect was that compared to action games like Boxing Fighter, the racing car was obviously easier to be familiar with the operation for a player like Muhua Saki Yaxin.

Therefore, in the first round, after Saki Kihana became familiar with the racing skills, he went straight to various perfect micro-manipulations.

Drifting, short cuts, perfect cornering, keeping the limit speed all the time.

Huang Mao can't even see the taillights of Yaxin Mu Hanasaki's car.

Lost directly.

Huang Mao does not believe in evil!

"Shooting game! Alloy Wars!"

This is a relatively popular horizontal shooting adventure game.

If the two compete against each other to get more points, everyone will pass the level the fastest!

There is no doubt that Huang Mao lost again!

Under Muhua Saki's extreme micro-management, the bullets and rain did not touch her body, and she never died from start to finish, and used various resources to the limit...

Huang Mao is nothing compared to...

Seeing Huang Mao who has fallen into autism again, Muhua Saki has no waves in her heart.

Almost two thousand coins have been harvested tonight, and it is very late, she doesn't really want to play again.

"I had a great time today, but that's the end of it. I'm going back."

Hearing Muhua Saki Yexin was about to leave, Huang Mao was immediately excited, and he raised his head!

"Don't go! Play another game! This time it's basketball!"


Muhuasaki Yexin was a bit dazed.

Huang Mao immediately took the girl to a shooting machine, and then raised the shelf to the highest level!

Maximum difficulty!

"Shooting! We shoot ten goals! Twenty goals! Whoever scores high, who shoots fast! Whoever wins!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin nodded her lips with a little finger, and said in deep thought, "Well, this game is a bit interesting."

However, the audience is a bit disgusted with their boss.

So is the Xiuzhichuan boy.

This obviously wanted to use his man's advantage to defeat the girl without martial arts.

After all, shooting, to a certain extent, is not a game, but a sport.

The girl doesn't necessarily vote well, and the girl is so small, wearing the cute but obstructive clothes of the bear pajamas, obviously at a disadvantage and can no longer be at a disadvantage.

However, Huang Mao is already anxious. If he doesn't win a game, he will be crazy.

Other people feel this way too, so they didn't say anything.

Then, Huang Mao ordered Xiuzhichuan to count down the countdown.

Muhua Saki Yaxin and Huang Mao are already in their positions, holding a basketball in their hands.

Xiuzhichuan gave Huang Mao a look, then yelled the numbers clearly.





Muhuasaki Yaxin shot suddenly.

Got one!

Huang Mao's shot was embarrassing, because he adjusted the frame too high, and he didn't make it in the unfamiliar one.


Kihana Saki's heart is not fast, but it is very steady.

One, two...five...ten...twenty!

all hit!

And Huang Mao, with five or six **** left underneath, holding one in his hand, who is still hesitant to throw it.

Moreover, he has already failed three goals...

no doubt……

He lost again...

Huang Mao sighed and put down the basketball in his hand.

He admits his fate, such a game genius, such an enchanting girl, they simply cannot stay...

On the contrary, if they stay, their game hall may close down...

"I lost……"

"It's normal for you to lose. After all, it's me, the invincible Eye of Death."

Muhua Sakiya straightened her chest proudly, and then pointed to the game coins on the cart.

"Since you don't play anymore, then please exchange these game coins for money for me."

Huang Mao suddenly felt a little in his heart: "Change... for money?"

Muhuasaki Yaxin nodded.

He was a little panicked, it is indeed in line with the rules to change money, but the problem is...

With more than 3,000 game coins, the exchange price of one game coin is half of the original price.

That is fifteen yen.

If it was exchanged, they would have to spend at least 45,000 yen!

This is not a small sum for them.

Huang Mao sighed again and ordered.

"Check it out and exchange these coins for Miss Ye Xin."

The two men followed the orders and walked to the front desk while pushing the trolley.

Huang Mao looked at the cute girl in front of him, and said with a wry smile: "I really didn't expect that meeting such a cute girl would be a game evildoer."

Muhua Saki Yaxin smiled proudly: "Hmm~ It's not a game evildoer, I am the eye of death."

at this time!

Bang! ! !

There was a loud noise of heavy objects falling on the ground.

Everyone suddenly looked over.

I saw that the two gangsters pushing the trolley fell to the ground and the trolley was overturned.

Countless coins fell on the ground, and the sound of jingle bells rang...

"Hey! What are you doing!"

Huang Mao was angry, and he didn't have the idea of ​​arguing!

At this moment, the front desk looked a little dark, but a group of gangsters with joking smiles came out.

The headed young man with long green hair and bangs stepped on the head of the fallen gangster with an arrogant face.

"Hey, hey? This place is not just yours, but half of it belongs to me. So did you hand over the money?"

"Ghost Wolf!"

Huang Mao called out the name and looked a little bit gritted.

"Let go of your stinky feet! Don't step on my people! Also, what is your business with the money I gave me!"

However, Can Wolf smiled jokingly. He looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin who was wearing the bear pajamas and teased: "Yes, you can exchange these coins for money and give it to me, and the girl also gave it to me. Your subordinates Give it back to you."

Muhua Saki Yexin's complexion turned black, and just about to say something, Huang Mao went past her and stood in front of her.

This made Muhua Saki Yexin a little surprised.

In addition, Huang Mao's men also stood behind Huang Mao, and everyone's chest was filled with anger.

Huang Mao stared at "Ghost Wolf" with cold eyes.

"Don't deceive people too much! Ghost wolf!"


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