The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 121: Song of death and redemption

In the rather dim game hall, the group headed by Huang Mao and the group headed by Lu Mao confronted each other!

The aura on the scene plummeted to freezing point!

Lu Mao raised his eyebrows, and a cluster of green bangs flicked.

"Oh, do you want to protect this girl?"

"Do you think you can really fight against me?"

Huang Mao took a step forward and shouted with a fierce expression: "You can try! Ghost wolf!"

Xiuzhichuan, who was hiding behind, suddenly discovered that this yellow-haired **** boss was a little handsome.

Moreover, the one who just blackmailed him should not be the yellow hair, but the green hair over there!

He thought that these gangsters are all in the same group, it seems that they are not.

And Muhua Saki Yaxin, at this moment, is not anxious to make a move, but looks at Huang Mao with interest.

Of course, she must recover her money, Huang Mao is definitely pretty good!

At this moment, hearing Huang Mao's arrogant speech, the green-haired ghost wolf seemed a bit funny.

"Haha, haha... don't you think I'm very talkative if I haven't been aggressive recently?"

Huang Mao's complexion did not move, his eyes still cold.

However, some of the younger brothers behind him took a step back unconsciously.

People who retreat, they have all seen, the fierceness of ghost wolves, the reason why ghost wolves are called ghost wolves is not a casual nickname!

It was he personally typed it out and killed it!

Fierce wolf is his original title, because he is fierce like a wolf, he is merciless towards the enemy, he is not serious, and he basically forgets to fight!

The ghost suffix was added last, because he killed a lot of people in a certain battle, and the blood he killed was sticky, just like a ghost in blood!

For this reason, he was called a ghost wolf!

Have seen that scene before, or know a ghost wolf!

No one is not afraid!

Huang Mao also knows that the **** murderous spirit of the ghost wolf is not something normal people have!

Only when Zhengzhen comes out of the **** battle can he have that kind of aura!

Moreover, their people, no matter in number or strength, are not as good as ghosts and wolves!

They will definitely lose this battle, but it doesn't mean he will be afraid!

The big deal is death!

Since stepping into the underworld, he has been fully enlightened!

The ghost wolf looked at Huang Mao's appearance, and also felt a little surprised.

"Oh, it seems that you have come to your senses. Is it worth it for this girl you don't know?"

Huang Mao smiled disdainfully: "Hmph, do you think everyone is the same as you?"

With that said, Huang Mao shouted at the Muhua Saki Yexin and Xiuzhichuan who were on the side: "You will fight in a while, you go first, and I will break him!"

Ghost Wolf smiled, smiling very happily, he took his feet off the face of the underground gangster.

"Very well, since you are so enlightened, I will return these two wastes to you."

The two **** who fell on the ground had already lost consciousness.

The ghost wolf called the people around him to lift the two underground people, and then in the look of the yellow hair with cracked eyes, the two people were thrown over like rubbish.

Huang Mao quickly caught up with the younger brother next to him.

However, at this moment!

The battle has begun!

All the ghost wolf people took out a guy, or a knife, or a baseball bat, or an iron rod!

They are like wolves and tigers, they don't care about martial ethics, and they don't care about Huang Mao's life and death!

Knives are fierce, but sticks are deadly!

For a time, flesh and blood flew wildly, screaming again and again!

Huang Mao's subordinates fell down one after another, some people were frightened and some people ran away hurriedly!

Just a moment of fighting!

It seems that the victory or defeat is out!

The boy who had never seen such a scene, Xiuzhichuan was directly frightened!

The group of ghost wolves is simply a group of desperadoes.

They don't care about the life and death of the other side, beheading, hand, and foot!

Scenes of incredibly **** scenes, show them face to face!

This is even more exaggerated than the horror plasma movie of the 18th ban!

He couldn't imagine or understand this kind of thing in his own life!

Why is there such a demon!

Correct! It's the devil!

They are all demons! ! !

After a while, there was only **** yellow hair standing on the pile of corpses in the scene. His face was pale at the moment, and the yellow hair had been dyed red. There was fear in his eyes, and he couldn't believe it.

"Wolf-like evil spirits! Wolf-like evil spirits!!! You guys are so ruthless! How dare you be so ruthless!"

I really don’t experience it, don’t know

He only now understood how the title of ghost wolf came about.

Ghost Wolf Green Hair's clothes were also dyed red, but the blood was splashed from the enemy's body. He looked at Huang Mao with a cruel smile, and pulled his clothes away.

Suddenly exposed inside, a horrible body with dense wounds!

In the whole body, there seems to be no piece of meat intact, and scars of various sizes are crisscrossed!

Huang Mao looked at the "marks" on the ghost wolf, and he was stunned.

"How is it possible! How is it possible! This kind of injury! How can you still be alive with this kind of injury!"


The corner of Guilang's mouth was slightly raised, and he smiled slightly, which looked very bloody.

"It's because I came alive. From that time I came back alive, I knew that I must be crueler than anyone else! Not cruel! The dead person, maybe it is me!"

Huang Mao was stunned, he shouted: "Impossible!!!"

Puff! ! !

A knife pierced Huang Mao's chest directly, it was stabbed by a ghost wolf.

At this moment, Huang Mao had already been hit with no idea how many knives or sticks he had hit. He was mortal. If he was hit with this knife, his brain fainted.

He clutched the ghost wolf's arm tightly, but could no longer bear the drowsiness of the brain's fainting. When his eyes were closed, he stared at the ghost wolf viciously, his **** mouth, and shouted every word. Road:

"Ghost wolf! You will not end well! I am waiting for you below!"

After speaking, Huang Mao died out...

As for Huang Mao's words, the ghost wolf was unmoved, and he was tired of listening to such words.

After dropping Huang Mao's body to the ground, he began to look at the girl with big gem-like eyes blinking aside, seemingly fearless.

There was also a boy in school uniform who was trembling all over.

The ghost wolf suddenly felt a little bit interesting. He didn't care about the boy, but looked at the girl: "Hello? Are you afraid of me?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin glanced at the green hair slightly, and said faintly: "I'm thinking about how to send these stupid humans like you to the hell."

"Because, as far as your sins are concerned, it's just killing, that's really too cheap for you human dregs!"

As soon as Muhua Saki Yaxin said this, the gangsters who were there again laughed.

Ghost Wolf also laughed, smiling very happily.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

After laughing for a while, he stopped and looked at the girl in front of him seriously.

Pink bear pajamas, cute little face, less than 1.6 meters tall, a little one.

He couldn't help but smile again.

"It's really been a long time since I was amused by anyone. It's really okay for you to make a serious joke."

"If you can make me laugh again, I might let you go."

Muhua Saki Yaxin sighed.

In fact, she had already begun the sorrow of malice long ago. Observing the malice of this group of people, it is no different from the devil!

These people can no longer be called human beings.

She couldn't even imagine what they had done to accumulate that level of evil.


Kill the door?


She also didn't expect that in this seemingly peaceful everyday world, there would actually be such a guy hidden.

"Sure enough, where there is light, there must be darkness.

It's what I think is simple, and of course it's also because the world feels too peaceful for me.

Come to think of it, since there are both heaven and hell, it is not surprising that you have the scum of human beings. "

Muhua Saki said slowly: "So, I decided to start a game with the supreme power of my eye of death."

"A game of hope and salvation as well as sin and punishment."

Ghost Wolf frowned and looked a little impatient: "Hello? Is this joke not funny?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't care about the exchange of green hair, but used the Eye of Root to call out some rules.

She once encountered a chat group system in the world of cursive war return, and she has completely resolved it.

After analyzing the chat group, she obtained many different world coordinates, and at the same time fully understood the root law of the chat group.

The chat group system has very clever functions. She can borrow some of the principles to create the game she came up with temporarily.

And according to a certain book she had read in her previous life, she could learn a little bit of thinking.

At this moment, Lu Mao had completely lost his patience with Muhua Saki Yaxin, and his expression was cold.

"Tie her down. With such a cute face, she should be able to play for a long time."

With that, Lu Mao's hand walked towards Muhua Saki Yaxin with a grinning face.

And Muhua Saki Yexin, at this moment, also looked at the green hair and the crowd, her face was cold, but the ethereal voice of the girl was indifferent like a god.

"It seems that you guys can't wait to play this game."

As he said, Muhua Saki Yaxin's right eye flashed red.

Lu Mao and all the gangsters all suddenly disappeared, and at the same time, the bodies of Huang Mao and others disappeared.

On the side, Xiuzhichuan was already so scared that he was trembling, and even his feet cramped and couldn't move.

At this moment, I suddenly saw that the gangster in front of me suddenly disappeared, and the hellish scene disappeared completely, turning into the original somewhat sloppy game hall floor.

He was a little stunned again.

Am I dreaming?

Everything just now is fake?

At this time, Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly turned his head.

The figure of the boy also disappeared suddenly.

Muhua Saki Yashin scanned the game hall for a week, and after confirming that everyone had disappeared, he nodded.

" are all sent away, then I will go get the money by myself."

With that said, Muhua Saki Yaxin slowly walked to the front desk, and found some scattered money in it, and there was still a lot of money, but for a game hall, especially in this era, the money is pitiful. Of it.

"Really poor."

Muhua Saki Yaxin curled his lips.

She won't take more, just take her own share, after all, after their band signs, then she will definitely not be short of money.

"Oh, right."

"Choose a name for that game."

Muhua Saki Yaxin pressed her little finger to her lips, thinking.

"Well, it's decided."

"Just called..."

"The Lord God Game: The Song of Death and Redemption"

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