The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 122: it has started! Great salvation!

After three o'clock in the morning, the sky was gray and the moon was not visible.

Ino wandered on this deserted street, looking for the trail of Kawasaki Yashin with his left and right probes.

"Where did this fellow Ye Xin go? She won't teleport away directly, right?"

She is now on the way home, after all, she can't find Muhua Saki Yexin, she can't find it if she finds it hard.

She simply gave up, anyway, with Muhuasaki Yaxin's ability, she was the only one to bully others.

Looking at the entrepot in front, turning from there, and then going forward is my own community.

After passing the transit, she suddenly saw a little pink bear in front of her, lowering her head, walking slowly.

Seeing the little bear's short legs taking two steps, Ino immediately knew who it was.

She turned dark, and suddenly a ninja jumped, tracing a semicircle through the air and falling precisely in front of the pink bear.

The little bear didn't seem to notice the obstacle that suddenly appeared in front of him, and his little head slammed into it.


Muhua Saki Yaxin directly hit her **** and sat on the ground, her head still a little confused.

She raised her head blankly and looked at Ino in front of her.

His eyes stopped for a second.

The confusion in her eyes disappeared, and she stood up with excitement.


Ino tilted his head and looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin's delicate face.

"Ye Xin, what are you thinking? So absorbed?"

Muhua Saki shook the little head with the fluffy pink bear ears, and said with a proud look on her chest.

"Hmm~ I am designing an earth-shattering game!"


Ino thought of Nanako's increasingly addicted game console: "That's it? Nanako is quite fascinated."

"My game is different from the one played by Nanako. The difference is huge! This game of mine is the only one in the world! The main **** game created by my eye of death!"

Kihana Saki Yashin felt a little anxious about Ino comparing his game with Nanako's spicy chicken game.

"Comparing the game Nanako played with my game is like comparing a human who has just learned to crawl with a **** who created the world. There is no comparison!!"

"Is that amazing?"

Ino was a little surprised: "Then Yashin, why did you create this game?"


Muhua Saki Yashin looked at Ino with a puzzled look: "Of course it's for fun."



Ino's face returned to calm.

Sure enough, there is actually no difference...

"Have you made any money?"

"That's natural, my money law is EX level!"

"That's good……"


In the special imaginary space constructed by Yashin Muhuasaki using the eyes of the root cause, the upper part is gray and the lower part is dark.

The included yellow and green hairs have separated their souls from their bodies.

The soul is bound in the air by an invisible force, floating slowly.

The flesh lies on the dark space barrier that serves as the ground below.

Suddenly, a light cluster appeared in the space, and the light cluster gradually evolved into a human shape. After a while, a wooden flower Saki Yexin was created.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at everything around her curiously.

"Create a master **** game?"

"Get a big ball of light first."

Thoughts move.

A big ball of light appeared in the center of the space.

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly drifted over curiously, stroking the smooth surface of the big ball of light with both hands.

"It seems not bad."

However, when he thought of the work that was needed later, Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly felt a little distressed.

"Stupid body! With such a heavy workload, how can I be enough by myself? Hurry up and send more people to help me!"

At this time, there was a voice in the dark.

"Stupid clone! Don't you know how to clone yourself! You know, you are the clone of my absolute wisdom, don't let me down!"

"Ahhhh, bastard's body, I want to share the clone! Damn it! You know to call me!"

Muhua Sakuya bowed her head and looked distressed: "Forget it, divide it."

Muhua Saki Yaxin pinched a seal with both hands, and yelled earnestly: "The technique of super-dimensional external incarnation!!"

Bang bang bang!

Smoke is everywhere.

In an instant, dozens of Muhuasaki Yaxin appeared in the space.




Suddenly, the space became noisy.

Muhua Saki's hearts were chattering and began to quarrel.

Muhua Saki Yaxin, who was the incarnation of wisdom, suddenly turned black.

She shouted loudly: "Don't make a noise!"

The group of Muhuasaki Yaxin in the space suddenly calmed down, and they all looked at their bodies together.


The wisdom incarnation of Muhua Saki Yexin, floating in the air, said with a serious face: "Next, in order to distinguish, we will give you a label!"

With that, a string of light and shadow appeared on Muhua Saki Yaxin's little head.

Light and shadow show zero.

Zero Muhuasaki Yashin looked serious: "I will be Zero from now on!"

Then, the group of Muhua Sakiya began to show their own marks on their hearts.

From one to one hundred.

Just one hundred!

Muhuasaki Yexin nodded: "Now we start to divide the work and cooperate with me. From the 1st to the 10th, I will improve the space, and from the 11th to the 50th, I will be responsible for creating a copy... The latter is responsible for a series of aftermath work such as finding someone!"

Zero Kihana Saki Yashin finished ordering, and all Kihana Saki Yashin began to mobilize.

Soon, this space began to change rapidly, and at the same time subspaces were created...


At this time, a mysterious law quietly merged into this everyday world!

An invisible wave began to diffuse, like a gravitational wave, quietly passing over all people or matter in the entire world.


Kobayashi's house.

As the dragon maid, Thor was cleaning the hygiene with a broom, humming briskly while wagging his tail happily.

Suddenly, an invisible wave passed by.

Thor seemed to feel something and stopped suddenly.

"Huh? What happened?"

She raised her head, looking at the ceiling and thinking.

After thinking for a while, she gave up.

"Well, forget it, there should be nothing."

She continued to hum and clean up.


In a dark alley.

Three gangsters blocked a thin guy in the corner.

The headed gangster held a folding knife at the thin guy with a grinning face.

"Be interesting and take out all the money."

The thin guy cowered and took out his wallet: "Here...Here."

The gangster holding the folding knife grabbed the wallet, opened the wallet and took the money out and stuffed it in his pocket.

"Quite sensible."

The **** smiled grimly, and casually threw the wallet on the thin guy's face.

"let's go."

At this time, invisible waves passed by.






Sin value: 36

Sin value: 48

Sin value: 41

Sin value: 156

Sins worth more than thirty ~ ~ send invitations.

The sin value exceeds one hundred, compulsory invitation.


Beggars who have fallen on the streets, social animals who are numb, autistic boys, paralyzed soldiers, vegetative people...

Some people who have lost hope in life... have been detected and invited.

This invisible detection fluctuation began to test the whole of Japan.

As long as those who meet the conditions will send an invitation at a certain time!

After the invitation is sent, an option will appear in their minds.

Do you want to understand the meaning of life, want to truly... live?




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