The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 123: Game copy: check tickets



His dim consciousness was slightly awake, and he slowly narrowed his eyes. .

"where am I?"

next moment!

He felt a tingling pain in his mind, and various images began to pop up in his mind!


Splashing blood!

The machete dyed red!

The fallen figure!


Severe pain!

Finally, a handful of cold light penetrated directly into it!

He immediately sat up abruptly, staring at his surroundings in horror, as if he had just experienced life and death, panting for breath.

"Where am I? Hell?"

He looked around, it seemed that there was a carriage here, and he seemed to be the only person around.

He frowned: "What is this? The train to hell?"

He looked out of the car window. It was gray and could not see the outside scenery at all.

This is obviously abnormal, and if someone says it is a train to hell, he will definitely believe it.

He looked at the empty carriage, frowning.

"Go ahead and have a look."

With that, he stood up and walked to the carriage in front.

However, as soon as he reached the door, he saw a young girl coming in.

The girl seemed surprised to see him.

"you're awake!"

"No, no, no."

The girl waved her flustered hands in the air, and then recovered her composure in a second.

She had a serious face, with one hand behind her back, and she coughed with one hand in front of her mouth, like a small adult.

"Ahem, you are the best sleeper among these newcomers."

he:? ? ?

sleep? Sleep best?

"Bah, baah."

The girl seemed to realize that she had said something wrong, and quickly changed her words.

"Ahem, it's because you sleep best, so you are the best-quality one among this group of newcomers."

"Hmm, that's right! That's it!"

The girl seemed to confirm her confidence.

He felt a little funny, and inexplicably felt that the girl in front of him was a bit familiar.

"Well, I am the best-quality one among the rookies."

"Then the question is, where am I now?"

"In the main **** game."

The girl proudly raised her head and said, it seemed that this was what they were most proud of.

He was a little confused: "What is the main **** game?"

The girl put a finger up and shook it in front of him, and at the same time shook her head and said:

"The Lord God Game is a game created by the great Eye of Death with supreme power to let lives find salvation."

"In this game, you can find the meaning of life, find the salvation of yourself, and ignite the flower of life!"

The more he listened, the more mysterious he felt, and he couldn't understand what the girl was talking about?

How do you feel that there is not a single word on the point?

He couldn't help interrupting the girl's words: "So, I'm in a game? I remember that I seem to be dead."

The girl shook her head.

"You are not dead."

"No, it should be said that you are dead, but not completely dead."

He is even more confused, what does it mean to be dead and not completely dead?

Is he Schrodinger's cat?

"It was the great eye of death who chose you and let you participate in this great game!

In this game, as long as you get enough points and game coins, you can be resurrected, and you can even get super powers that you can't even imagine! Even become a god! "

He was stunned.

resurrection? Become a god?

It was a bit mysterious, his mind was full of thoughts for a while.


He hesitated to ask a silly question.

"I'm the guide, I won't lie to you."

The girl stared innocently with big eyes and said sincerely.

He was silent.

He actually believed it a long time ago, after all, it was amazing enough that he could live.

He has nothing to lose.

"So, what shall I do now?"

He continued to ask.

"You can now wait for others to wake up and then win from this copy of the game."

"Game copy? What game copy?"

He was stunned again.

The girl also felt strange looking at his confused look.

Why doesn't he know anything?

Suddenly, her eyes widened.

"Oh! By the way! I forgot to put the information in your head!"


He stayed immediately.

This girl is too uncomfortable, right?

Immediately afterwards, the information of this game copy appeared in his mind.


Game: Check tickets

Difficulty: Two stars

Introduction: You are a ticket evader, and the flight attendant will check the ticket soon. You have to find a way to avoid him, her, and other people.

Prompt: Do you dare to get on the bus without a ticket? Oh? So you have a stunt?


He looked at the introduction of this game copy, and he still had many questions in his mind.

"There are others besides me? Where are they?"

The girl was stunned, and suddenly let go of her position.

He looked in.

Good guy, a carriage is full of people.

He was a little helpless: "Have I packed up the entire carriage by myself?"

The girl shook her head, then said mysteriously.

"Give you a hint. Not everyone can play games like you."

He was still a little stunned.

"Okay, time is almost up, the others will wake up soon."

"As the first participant in this game copy, you are still the first to wake up, so the Lord God specially rewards you with 20 redemption coins and 10 death points."

He immediately heard the prompt sound in his mind.


Obtain 20 redemption coins and 10 death points.

The girl smiled sweetly: "Receive it."

He nodded.

"I'm guide number 56, and please give me a five-star praise."

He nodded.

"I will."

Then, the girl in front of her disappeared out of thin air.

And he stabilized his mind and began to look at the people in the carriage.

It seems that everyone except him is sleeping.

Moreover, he found a vacancy, one and only one!

It is not difficult to guess that this vacancy is for him.

He didn't go to the empty seat first, but walked forward until the door at the end of the carriage.

It was locked by a steel door, and he tried to open it, not surprisingly.

It can't be opened at all.

I don't know if there are any participants at the other end.

Since he couldn't make it, he gave up, and just turned his head to return to the empty seat, he suddenly found that the carriage behind was also closed!

Closed by the same iron gate!

However, he clearly remembered that there was no such thing as an iron gate at the door when he just came over!

This scene made him somewhat understand that the game should be played in this carriage.

"It's really a weird feeling."

He raised his hands and looked at his feet and body.

"I don't know, what state I am in right now."

Unable to figure it out, he continued to scan the sleeping people. The girl guide had said that the other participants would wake up soon.

Sure enough he saw a few movements.

A woman in professional attire, and a gangster with colorful hair.

The two opened their eyes, seemingly at a loss.

At this time, he seemed to think of something interesting.

He immediately stood up straight, with his hands behind his back, his complexion became straight: "Yes! You are the two best-quality newcomers!"

This correct voice immediately caused the eyes of the woman and the bully to be placed on him.

this moment.

The woman's eyes widened, her expression agitated.

"You are the leader!?"

"Menhu boss!"

These two completely different titles stunned him once again.



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