The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 124: Is it a variety show?

He... used to be the little boss of the underworld, probably because of his loyalty, and he was fairly well-known in the arena.

But it's not particularly famous. The title of Menhu was just taken by himself.

In other words, only those who have followed him will know the title of Menhu!

The "leader" that a woman calls out is even more incredible!

This means that she has seen or knows the leader!

He frowned and came to the side of the bully.

"You know me?"

A colorful chicken coop humiliated, and nodded excitedly: "Humen boss, have you forgotten!"

"That day, we fought together to the end!


The bully suddenly looked dull, and he slowly said in disbelief: "Then I seem to be dead..."

"I'm dead!?"

He raised his head fiercely and looked at the yellow-haired Humen boss in front of him: "We were all hacked to death by the ghosts and wolf men! We are dead! Are we dead?"

"Humen boss! Where are we now?"

Huang Mao suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

He really didn't remember the little brother in front of him, he couldn't recognize it at all.

After all, there are forty or fifty people under him, how could he remember each one.

However, he knew that the little brother in front of him was one of the group of little brothers who died with him in the game hall that day.

Thinking of this, he had some tears, and he patted the **** on the shoulder.

"We are not dead, or not completely dead! As your boss! I swear I will take you back. You are my brothers! I will take you to play this game!"

The bully listened to Huang Mao's words, a little confused: "Game? Take me back?"

"Yes, take you back. Think about it. Some content should already be in your head."

Hearing what the boss said, some specific content of the main **** game suddenly appeared in the bully's mind.

He couldn't help muttering: "Can you understand the meaning of life only when you are infinitely close to death?"


Huang Mao was suddenly surprised: "You have a good sense of being able to say this."

The bully shook his head: "This is a reminder from the Lord God, isn't this content for everyone?"

Huang Mao was stunned. He subconsciously looked at the woman who also woke up next to him.

At this time, the woman covered her mouth and laughed: "Haha, you should have seen the leader, and the leader should be a bit rash."

When the woman said that, Huang Mao immediately understood.

He thought with a black line on his face.

The girl really missed something to him.

At this time, the woman stood up, handed out her hand to Huang Mao, and introduced herself with a smile: "Narita Masako, a newcomer who has just passed two games."

Huang Mao looked at the small white and tender hand that the woman had handed over, hesitated for a while, and shook it.

"Yutoro Okamoto, a pure rookie."

The woman chuckled: "Let's cooperate."

Huang Mao's eyes narrowed slightly, this woman is not simple, after all, their hair color and speech can prove that their actual identity is the underworld.

However, this woman in professional attire can still cooperate with him so calmly, this psychological quality is very difficult.

The woman looked at Huang Mao who was not answering, and asked with a chuckle: "What's the matter, don't you want to cooperate with me?"


Huang Mao nodded calmly, and let go of his hand.

After all, he has no experience in this game and working with women can be regarded as his advantage.

Of course, you have to keep your eyes open, after all, this woman might just want to use them.

The woman looked at the gangster with the colorful chicken coop on the side, and handed it over.

"Where is this gentleman."

Seeing the hand that the woman handed over, the gangster blushed immediately, and he tremblingly handed it over and held it.

"Yoshimura Yixin, new... newcomer."

The woman suddenly smiled charmingly and looked at Yoshimura with an ambiguous look: "Oh~ I know, Mr. Yoshimura is a real newcomer."

At this glance, Yoshimura suddenly became even more shy, and quickly let go.

Yutoro Okamoto suddenly covered his face without seeing.

What a shame, this guy!

Have you never seen a woman?

Women also find it funny, her appearance is not outstanding, but she is also at the upper-middle level.

It was the first time she saw such a shy boy, but it was a pity that she was a gangster.

Yutoro Okamoto sighed. He was a little disappointed with his little brother. He casually looked at the other sleeping people.

"Other people should be waking up soon. There shouldn't be many new people like me?"

"I don't know, every sentence will have a considerable percentage of newcomers."

The woman replied.

"Moreover, some people don't yell when they wake up, especially some old players who have gone through more than a dozen games. They are likely to hide themselves."

Huang Mao suddenly glanced at the sleeping man in the seat with a dignified look.

Sure enough, he knew that after so long, it was impossible for the two of them to wake up!

Someone must be pretending to sleep!

"Don't worry about them, what we need now is to understand some information about this game, after all, our most important thing is to win this game."

As soon as the woman's voice fell, she heard a scream.


A girl woke up, holding her head and screaming frantically.

The sharp sound made Huang Mao and the others feel very uncomfortable. Their brains were buzzing, as if their eardrums were about to burst, and they quickly covered their ears.

At this time, three people woke up again, and it is certain that they were awakened.

The three of them got up very angry, and suddenly yelled irritably!

"It's so noisy!! Let people not sleep!!"

"stop fighting!!"

"It's noisy to quarrel with you!!"

One person slapped the seat fiercely, looking very manic.

The three violent roars seemed very effective. The girl stopped screaming, put her head in her hands, shrank in her seat, trembling all over, and looked terrified.

The three of Huang Mao looked in their eyes and could be sure that this girl must have been frightened before.

After all, they all have a deep understanding that when they enter the game, their previous memories will appear in their minds.

So, the question is, what kind of memory will make the girl scream hysterically.

And the three people who were awakened seemed to have discovered something at this time, and the memories before entering the game emerged.

Everyone was mumbling to himself.

"This is where?"

"Why am I here?"


At this time, the woman looked at Huang Mao and showed an ambiguous smile: "You go to explain, or me?"

Huang Mao naturally didn't want to talk nonsense with those people, and said casually: "You go and explain."

After speaking, he immediately became alert and his eyes opened slightly: "Explain to them that there are rewards!?"

The woman smiled and nodded: "Yes, so do you want to go?"

It's really like this!

Huang Mao looked at the autistic girl, then at the three grumpy men, and shook his head again.

"It's better for you to go."

The woman nodded, and walked forward to explain to the three people who woke up.

Huang Mao looked in his eyes and exhaled softly.

He is a dignified man, and he has not yet fallen to the point of competing with a woman for this reward.

Before Narita Masako and the three people could fully explain, another three woke up.

The three of them reacted more strongly, and they started to make noise when they woke up.

A young man in plain clothes made a loud noise with a broken face: "Ghost! Ghosts! I didn't kill anyone, I didn't kill anyone! Don't catch me! Don't catch me!"

A middle-aged man with a Mediterranean hairstyle and a big belly looked at the young man and suddenly stood up and yelled: "Who are you! I'm a friend of the police chief! If you know you, let me go! I am! I don't believe in ghosts and gods!"

The other person seems to be a gangster, dressed in punk clothes and punk haircut, with a fierce look on his face: "Who's got this uncle here! Bastard! The guy who pretended to be a fool! What did you want to do when you brought this uncle here!"

He turned around and saw a cold yellow hair. He became even more angry. He looked left and right at the two sleeping people lying in the seat beside him. He didn't even think about it and put his hand on the seat next to him. The sleeping man caught it!

But something strange happened, and his hand passed directly through the person's body!

This scene immediately silenced the three of them.

The young, middle-aged, and arrogant gangsters watched this scene in shock.

The arrogant **** was still a little unbelievable, so he probed back and forth with his hands.

And the sleeping person seemed like a phantom, and his hands could be put through at will.

They suddenly fell into a panic.

Could it be that they really got on a **** train?

They are all ghosts! ?

Huang Mao also felt a little shocked. He immediately touched his body, touched his chest, felt the sense of substance, and felt his strong chest muscles.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Others followed suit and arrested others and themselves, that is to say, the people who woke up were all physical!

So what are these real phantoms?

Is it really a soul?

They were lost in thought.

Narita Masako, who had just explained to the three people and comforted the little girl, just happened to see this scene, and suddenly felt a little funny.

She suddenly took an elegant step, stood in the middle of the carriage, and shouted aloud.

"Listen, everyone!"

Suddenly, everyone looked at Narita Masako.

Facing everyone's gaze, Narita Masako smiled confidently and explained: "You are not kidnapped by anyone. You were invited by a **** or some great being.

Remember that invitation?

You all ordered yes, right? "

Everyone recalled the invitation that appeared in their minds.

Indeed, they all clicked yes.

Then came to this place in the dark!

But there are some exceptions.

The middle-aged man's face was very dark, and he gritted his teeth.

"I didn't click yes!"

He remembers the option of inviting him to play garbage games at that time.

Without even thinking about it, he just clicked NO.


NO becomes YES in seconds!

Isn't this cheating him!

At one point, his eyes went dark, and he immediately came in!

Narita Masako looked at the middle-aged man gritted his teeth, suddenly thought of something, and smiled charmingly.

"After you clicked yes, you volunteered to participate in this game. No matter whether it was truly voluntary or voluntary, you would not be able to escape.

So, give up those ridiculous careful thoughts, only through this game seriously, you can survive. "


When this was said, everyone in the carriage looked pale.

"What does it mean!"

The middle-aged man asked in a panic.

Narita Masako maintained a charming smile: "What do you think it means? Not a fool, everyone should understand what it means.

This game is not the play house you imagined. The gods or the great eye of death will not be interested in your play house. "

While speaking, the woman pointed to a timer on the carriage.



"alright, do not piffle any more.

The five-minute countdown has started, indicating that the players are all here, and when the countdown is over, the game will officially start.

Those unreal people can be said to be the NPC of the game.

Players are those of us who have been invited. "

"I have one last word of advice. Think about the rules of the game in your mind, as well as hints. This will make you more likely to survive."

The cabin suddenly became quiet.

Narita Masako smiled lightly, did not say much, let these people think for themselves.

She walked directly in the direction of Huang Mao.

Huang Mao looked at Narita Masako, frowning, what else he wanted to say.

However, Masako Narita put a finger to her lips.

Huang Mao stopped her voice immediately.

Narita Masako leaned her mouth against Huang Mao's ear and breathed out the aroma: "Let's discuss it in a low voice, let's talk about the conditions for completing each task in a hurry."

Huang Mao nodded clearly.

Those people just now, especially the thorny bullies and middle-aged people, are obviously the kind of people or villains who can only make trouble in the TV series.

He is not a Virgin, nor is he the protagonist, he naturally does not have any senses towards them.

But Huang Mao still stayed alert, he whispered:

"You speak first."

The woman smiled, and she knew that Huang Mao would let her speak first.

"My task is to escape the check of the ticket inspector."

"mine too."

Narita Masako was suddenly surprised.

Huang Mao pulled Yoshimura, who was cowering next to him, with all his heart.

"What is your mission?"

Yoshimura was stunned, "My mission?"

With that, he took out a ticket, then scratched his head.

"It seems to be saying that my ticket is fake and I must escape the flight attendant's check."

Huang Mao was surprised again.

Fake ticket?

Have a fake ticket?

He quickly fumbled his pocket, only to realize that there was nothing!

Narita Masako noticed the abnormality of the yellow hair, and her eyes flashed with light.

"No need to look for it, your mission is a bit different from ours."

With that said, after Narita Masako was wary of her surroundings, she carefully took out a ticket.

"What we have are fake tickets, and we should be able to cheat the flight attendants to some extent.

Well, Mr. Okamoto, your mission is different, right? "

Huang Mao nodded heavily: "I'm a fare evader. I don't have any fake tickets. I don't have anything."

Narita Masako was stunned: "This is a bit difficult for you."

Speaking of this, Narita Masako rubbed his temples a bit distressed: "Actually, I don’t feel that my game difficulty is far from yours. After all, the task reminder is obvious. Moreover, the rules of this game are not written. Not having rules is a good thing to some extent, but to a certain extent, the difficulty is greatly increased."

"I can only say, is it worthy of a two-star game copy?"

Huang Mao immediately glanced at Narita Masako slightly.

In other words, did the difficulty of the games she had experienced before were all one-star?

Narita Masako seemed to think of something, and immediately asked Huang Mao: "What is your game hint?"

Huang Mao thought for a while, and answered without concealment: "The only noteworthy sentence of my prompt is, I have a stunt?"

"Stunning? Did you acquire any skills?"

Narita Masako felt a little strange.

Huang Mao shook his head, he was pretty sure that he hadn't acquired any skills.

Narita Masako suddenly sighed in frustration.

"Then there is no way, now there is too little intelligence, we can only act by chance, wait for us to take care of each other."

"It can only be this way."

Ye Xin's small home. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

In the hall.

Muhua Saki Yashin was holding a big bag of potato chips, sitting on the tatami, watching TV intently.

Ino walked over with two bottles of Coke, put one next to Muhua Saki Yashin, and then sat down leaning on Muhua Saki Yashin.

She watched the TV show, which seemed to be a variety show.

"Is this show really that good-looking?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin nodded in excitement: "This is a game show specially designed by me! It will definitely be wonderful! Ino, you can watch it, right?"

"Oh, is it so?"

Ino watched the picture on TV.

That was the scene of Huang Mao talking with Narita Masako!


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