The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 128: The game continued, and the girl was very happy.

Ino was speechless for a long time watching the black screen of the TV.

She turned her head away, looking at Muhua Saki Yaxin with a black line on her face.

"Ye Xin, this ending is too weird? And, you are too outrageous as the captain."

Muhuasaki Yaxin suddenly became unhappy: "What's weird! What's outrageous? The game is so simple, okay, that is, they are just stupid. And there is nothing wrong with me, the captain."

Ino couldn't smile: "I have to say that these actors are really good at acting. The most important thing is that they are willing to perform such nonsense and weird scenes for you."

"Hmph~ They are acting in their true colors, of course there is no problem with their acting skills."

As he said, Muhua Saki Yaxin's right eye was shining with red light, and a mysterious smile was on her face.

"Also, the game is not over yet."

Ino suddenly rolled his eyes: "Still pretending to be mysterious?"

With that, she looked at the time on the wall clock.

"It's ten o'clock."

Ino looked at Muhuasaki Yashin, looking like an old mother, and shouted with his arms akimbo: "Yashin, don't worry about the end, it's time to sleep."

Muhua Saki Yexin suddenly looked upset: "I see, the old mother, the dark emperor."


Ino's face suddenly darkened.

Muhua Saki Yexin watched the dark aura of the Dark Emperor burst out, and suddenly jumped up like a frightened rabbit.

"I'm going to bed."


The girl disappeared in place like a gust of wind.

Ino also put aside his face, and said helplessly, "If it weren't for you who really didn't grow up, I wouldn't want to be an old mother."




Inside the company's office, it was pitch black, and only a computer screen on the desk was faintly lit.

And in front of the computer screen, there was a figure sleeping on his stomach, with a faint light shining on his face, and his frowning brow and ugly face could be seen.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes violently, raised his head, and looked around from left to right. There was still a look of horror in his eyes.

He took a breath and looked back at his computer screen.

On the computer screen, there is a code page window in the center of the densely opened windows.

He sighed and recalled the scene in his dream just now, but his memory was blurred, only a few fragments of memory.

I vaguely remember, what alien aliens, what chainsaw madman, there seems to be a very gentle young lady.

With a chuckle, he continued to concentrate and looked at the screen, then tapped the keyboard to continue working.

"Check the ticket? It seems to have a nightmare?"

"Recently, the mental pressure is a bit heavy, and I have had nightmares. Try to get the project done in the past few days, and then go take a good rest.

After speaking, he struck the keyboard excitedly.

In this dark office, his face looked extremely pale under the light of the computer screen.

His eyes seem to be swollen. Although there is a smile on his face, this smile is very far-fetched...

Because, he knows, this is not the life he wants at all, but...

He can't...

What can you do in this **** reality?

It can only... force a smile.

Ding Dong——

Suddenly, a pop-up window popped up on the computer screen.

Inform him that he has received a new email.

He was suddenly puzzled.

It's so late, who will send him an email?

He clicked in curiously.

I immediately saw a strange sentence in the email and the choice of "YesNO".

He felt that this thing seemed a bit familiar.

"What? Is it a prank? How can you feel like acquaintance?"


In the main **** game space.

Huang Mao stood under the big ball of light and asked many questions.

He also knows a lot of information and general rules.

For example, this big ball of light is the terminal of the main **** game, created by the great eye of death, and its name is called the main god.

The main **** is very powerful, and is essentially an intelligent AI with Mo's emotions, responsible for the operation of the entire main **** game.

Moreover, the points and redemption coins obtained by these players can be exchanged for any item on the main god.

You heard it right, it's anything!

Huang Mao tested it.

It seems that you can change it down to bacterial paramecium, to airplanes, cannons, nuclear bombs and even the stars and sun.

At least there are clearly marked prices.

Moreover, as long as you save one hundred thousand miracle coins and one hundred thousand points, you can resurrect in place and get out of the main **** game.

Before leaving, you can even exchange some super powers back to the real world.

I have to say that Huang Mao was moved.

He was a dead person who could enjoy life again, even if he was struggling in this strange game of Lord God, that was what he earned.

Moreover, he felt that these game copies were actually quite interesting.

Being able to see all kinds of wonderful and interesting events is not a joy in life.

Huang Mao smiled relaxedly.

However, when he saw his points and miracle coins, he suddenly couldn't laugh again.


Player: Yutora Okamoto

Miracle Coin: 40

Points: 20

Unexpectedly, to clear a two-star game copy, you can only get twenty miracle coins.

So here comes the problem.

What can these coins do?

Buy something to eat, drink, live and sleep...

That's right, Huang Mao found something very pitted.

That is, this game does not include food and accommodation...

In this space, they are responsible for their food and housing.

Buy things with points.

You also need to use points to buy furniture such as the house and bed you live in.

What makes Huang Mao a little weak to complain is that.

In the exchange list, the lowest price is a miracle coin.

In other words, you buy a hair is also a miracle coin, a hamburger, a meal is a miracle coin!

Yes, one day's food can be exchanged for one miracle coin.

In contrast, a wooden bed actually costs five to ten miracle coins.

Yellow hair smacks his tongue.

"I am very poor now."

He didn't know what to redeem, and he immediately withdrew from the main **** terminal.

As soon as he exited the terminal, he immediately saw Yoshimura Yixin with a look of excitement.

He excitedly shouted at Huang Mao: "Boss! Boss! Have you changed anything?"


Huang Mao shook his head.

"What can I exchange for this miracle coin?"

"makes sense."

Yoshimura raised his fist wholeheartedly and exclaimed: "However, after we have gone through countless games! We can exchange all kinds of superpowers and return to reality!

When we return to reality, the boss, let us build the strongest organization together! "

Huang Mao smiled: "Okay."

However, the old players on the side poured cold water.

"You think it's easy to play the game as the Lord? Save it, you don't know the cruelty of this game if you haven't experienced the battle royale mode!"

Battle Royale mode?

Huang Mao frowned immediately.

"What battle royale mode?"

The old player pointed at Narita Masako who was still immersed in the big ball of light with a cold expression on his face.

"That woman has definitely experienced battle royale, you can ask her.

I don't want to say more. "

Say me, the old players walked away on their own.

Huang Mao was immediately depressed.

How come these old players are all riddles and strangers.

Huang Mao looked at Narita Masako, hesitated, and walked over.

Naturally, Yoshimura wanted to be a follower and followed him.

At this moment, Masako Narita just came out of the terminal communication.

At this moment, she seemed to be thinking about something.

Huang Mao approached Narita Masako and asked casually.

"What's the matter, did you redeem anything good?"

Narita Masako shook his head: "I wanted to exchange a skill, but I felt a little strange. After asking the Lord God for a while, I gave up."

"Skills? Strange? Why is it strange?"

Narita Masako glanced at the yellow hair, then hesitated and spoke.

"Just now, I wanted to exchange a junior skill for special forces, but I feel that this skill is a bit too cheap."

"A pistol requires twenty miracle coins, and the pistol will automatically carry a bullet from the magazine.

In addition, bullets are exchanged for points, each bullet is a miracle coin. "

Huang Mao suddenly smacked his tongue.

"This is outrageous, bullets are too expensive. Who can afford it?"

Narita Masako nodded: "That's right, so earn enough miracle coins and points to exchange for pedigree, skill is the most cost-effective."

"I found a special force skill level one, this skill is very cost-effective.

Only one hundred miracle coins and ten points are required.

Among them are a series of comprehensive skills such as elementary fighting ability, elementary firearms proficiency, and elementary field survival. "

When Huang Mao heard it, his heart was immediately moved.

This is really too cheap.

"So, do you doubt anything?"

Narita Masako shook his head: "I don't know.

In fact, in my last team, my teammates who had experienced more than a dozen games did not seem to have seen any skills exchanged by them.

Therefore, I have reason to doubt whether there is something strange in this. "

As he said, Narita Masako's eyes lit up suddenly: "Well, do you want to try it? Redeem this skill.

For newcomers, the first time you exchange items with no more than one hundred miracle coins, you will get a 10% discount directly. "

Huang Mao suddenly narrowed his eyes.

"Oh, what did you redeem for the first time?"

Masako Narita was stunned, knowing what Huang Mao was thinking, and said a little funny: "The first time I exchanged it was a must-have artifact for newcomers, the coin of destiny.

This thing is a special price when the newcomer enters the main **** game space for the first time, as long as ten miracle coins and ten points. "

"Coins of Destiny?"

Huang Mao immediately asked the Lord God to check it.

Sure enough, the exchange of the destiny coin was discovered.


【Coins of Destiny】

In the face of the threat of death, throwing coins can change fate.

The positive side represents survival, and the negative side represents death!


That's right, if this thing is cast to the front, it can force you to continue your life.

Of course, if you cast it to the opposite side, then you are cold.

And it must be cold!

Huang Mao suddenly shook his head.

"I don't want to bet on my this thing is not for me."

"So, do you want to try first-level special forces skills?"

Narita Masako blinked at the yellow hair, showing a mischievous smile.

Huang Mao hesitated, then nodded.

After all, the exchange of such a skill is nothing more than ten miracle coins and points at most.

He still accepted it.

Without hesitation, he directly called out the Lord God to exchange skills.

"Lord God! I want to use the newcomer's authority to exchange for the first-level special forces skills."

"Received an order..."


Huang Mao's figure instantly disappeared in front of the big ball of light.


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