The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 129: Deceptive exchange

Muhana Saki Yashin, who was playing with a mobile phone in the room, seemed to sense something at this moment, suddenly raised her head slightly and looked aside.

She giggled: "Has anyone exchanged skills again? Good luck to him."


The function of the main **** game is basically realized by the root goal of Muhua Saki Yexin.

Although it is not difficult to realize the power of the main **** in the future, Muhua Saki Yexin, which contains the root of the body.

However, now she can say that she can only achieve the mighty power possessed by the legendary main **** in terms of destructive power.

As for those exchange functions, there are many things she can't achieve.

For example, she couldn't find any exercises or artifacts.

Even if you make it yourself, you can make a paradox at most.

Not to mention what skills are exchanged?

It was impossible for her to directly instill in her memory, but the problem came.

Memory infusion is possible, but having memory does not mean you can master it.

Exercise skills, but need muscle memory.

Although Muhua Saki Yashin's research and research rely on the mighty power of the source, this point should be easy to break through.

However, this main **** game, she is essentially made to play.

What are you going to play with?

She just quit.


In a peculiar pure white space, there are various weapon racks and a long table.

Huang Mao sat blankly in front of the table, looking at the books on the tabletop.

He was dumbfounded.

"No? Didn't I exchange a skill? Why did you teleport me to this place?"

He looked at the books on the desktop, the literacy of special forces, military physical fist fighting, free fighting, wild survival masters, gun manufacturing, the essentials of rifle shooting, understanding of guns, cold weapons from scratch...

He was stupid.

Looking at these books, a terrible idea emerged in his mind!

He showed a reluctant smile, looking at the sky, shouldn't be said, above the pure white space.

"That, Lord God? Can I stop learning? I don't need skills anymore, can you let me go back?"

His voice seemed very weak in this empty space.

No one answered...

Huang Mao is going crazy, that's not to say that he has to read in this space by himself, and he can't go out until he has mastered the skills!

Huang Mao stood up and shouted to the sky:

"Lord God! You play with me! How can you learn skills like this! What's the use of just reading a book!"

Huang Mao's roar still no one answered.

Huang Mao gave up, he sat down sullenly, picked up a book in his hand, and violently flipped through to read the book! He really reads and learns! "

In this way, time passed unconsciously.

In this pure white space, there is no concept of time, and as long as Huang Mao doesn't make a sound, he is quiet and scary.

After being irritable for a while, he was surprisingly able to calm down and read when he was quiet.

In fact, you still have to push things like reading, it really won't work if you don't.

He doesn't know how long it has been, two days? Three days? One week?

In short, he finished reading a book, the quality of special forces...

He hadn't read a lot of books, so he didn't know many characters. Fortunately, the caring Lord God also provided him with teaching materials and a dictionary.

After he really read and comprehend the book, the space changed.

A place for instructors and some special forces training was conjured.

Huang Mao looked bitter.

"Okay, I practice!"

The temperament of the special forces, the physique of the special forces, etc., are the qualities that the special forces should have.

Therefore, he stands in military posture, runs long-distance, cross-country with heavy load, climbs and does various physical exercises.

In his spare time, he continued to read books and finished reading the guns.

The training program has more firearms.

Disassemble the firearm and familiarize yourself with every part.

Pistols, rifles, sniper rifles, rocket launchers...

Of course there is shooting. When he first shot a pistol, the palm of his direct training cracked.

However, it was amazing that he recovered from his injury once he slept.

Moreover, as long as he wants to eat and drink, he will automatically appear in the space.

However, these foods are pitted.

You can only fill your stomach with no taste!

But fortunately, this kind of food made him concentrate more on learning and training.

Cold weapon!



driving skills!

Survive in the wild!

The training is carried out in an orderly manner!


Outside the big ball of light.

Narita Masako and Yoshimura looked at the disappearing yellow hair with some doubts.

"Why would the exchange skills be teleported away?"

However, the next second!

A flash of light!

Huang Mao immediately returned to the side of the main god, the big ball of light.

He looked tired at this moment, and his temperament was completely different from that of him a second ago, as if he was a returning soldier!

He looked at the big ball of light in front of him, without even thinking about it, he cursed directly: "Lord God! I **** you xx!"

He also wanted to punch it up.

At this moment, a thunder suddenly appeared in the sky, slashing directly on Huang Mao's head!


The yellow hair was instantly scorched and crawled to the ground. One of the yellow hairs became explosive.

With black smoke coming out of his mouth, he still didn't give in: "I **** you a god!"


It was another thunder, hitting Huang Mao directly, and the thunder arcs everywhere!

Huang Mao suddenly lost his voice, and the whole person was like a coke...

Narita Masako and Yoshimura Yishin had stood ten meters away at the moment, looking at the miserable situation of Huang Mao, they looked at each other.

The two approached Huang Mao cautiously, and then slowly squatted down.

The two poked their fingers on Huang Mao's body.

"do you died?"

Masako Narita curiously said.

Yoshimura was so anxious that he hugged the coke yellow hair and said in mourning:

"Don't! Boss! Why did you leave me so quickly? Didn't you say you wanted to fly me?"

Narita Masako had a black line next to her, she was just joking.

This guy is obviously still breathing.

Thinking, she touched Huangmao's cheek with her hand, and she suddenly felt that the temperature was a little bit high: "Huh~ I'm not familiar with it anymore, right?"

Yoshimura heard the words with all his heart, and the body holding Huang Mao suddenly felt a little hot, and then quickly threw Huang Mao's body down, and cried out again:

"Wow~ Big Brother, you are really familiar. Big Brother~ Big Brother~ You died so miserably~"

"Stop calling, your boss is not dead yet."


Yoshimura Yixin stopped immediately, staring blankly at his coke-like boss.


After half an hour.

The pitch-black yellow hair woke up leisurely, and now he felt pain all over his body, and subconsciously wanted to scold the Lord God.

However, as soon as the words came out, he saw the thunder brewing above the space, and immediately closed his mouth, his heart was full of anger.

"Boss! Boss! You finally woke up."

"What have you experienced? How do you feel that your whole person has become different?"

Huang Mao watched the two people standing next to him slowly sit up.

He thought of the experience in that space, and couldn't help but scold his mother.

"Don't mention it! That skill exchange pit doesn't work! I'm also taking it too!"

Having said that, Huang Mao thought of something and asked quickly: "How long have I been in that space?"

Yoshimura Yixin and Narita Masako looked at each other, and then replied in unison: "I don't know?"

"Boss, you disappeared in front of the big ball of light and came back in a second."

Huang Mao was shocked: "One second!"

How long he has been in that space, he has no idea at all.

One year? Two years?

Anyway, it is absolutely impossible for a second, and he is not that genius.

It's all skills and body made by time...

Thinking, he rolled up his sleeves, and on that dark arm, he could vaguely see the muscles as strong as steel.

Before he enters the game, such a body is absolutely impossible.

"It seems that this main **** still has something."

Narita Masako and Yoshimura looked at Huang Mao's steel muscles, and they were also surprised.

"Have you succeeded? What do you mean by the pit?"

Huang Mao suddenly gritted his teeth: "Do you think this is directly granted by the Lord God? I have practiced this bit by bit!"


Yoshimura Yishin and Narita Masako were a little At this time, an old player seemed to have noticed something and ran over with a funny face.

"You didn't exchange your skills? That's a big pit."

"I think at the beginning, I exchanged a pistol for Mastery, but I was teleported to a space."

"It means disassembling the pistol and shooting, and the practiced hands will be useless, and the pistol proficiency requirement is met before being sent out.

"It looks like you should have exchanged a terrific skill."

Looking at the smiling face of the old player, Huang Mao suddenly turned black.

Although it was already black like coke.


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