The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 130: Seaside war

The island government is very angry.

Because there was a case of disappearance of many people in China recently!

The first estimate of the number of missing was more than 100,000!

Fortunately, most of the people who are missing are those from the bottom of society. Even if these people disappear, they will not have a big impact on society. Their government can still suppress the news.

However, the seriousness of this matter can already cause a big panic in the society. The island government has issued a heavy order and ordered all police departments to urgently investigate and deal with it!

In this regard, they have even sent military support and even granted the police authority the authority to use heavy weapons.


And as the instigator, Mika Saki Yashin, what is he doing right now?


The sky is blue, white clouds are curling, and the sun is shining.

The three sisters Saki Yashin, Nanako, and Ino wore swimsuits and stepped barefoot on the beach, feeling the softness of the sand, the bright sunshine, the crowds, and the wet sea breeze.

The picturesque and beautiful coastal scenery impressed them all.

The three raised their little hands to block the hot sun lightly, flushing with excitement on their faces, looking at the beautiful scene of young girls playing in swimsuits in front of the beach and coast.

"The beach coast~ great!"

Ino was a little excited, but it was the first time she tried to dress so shyly that she came to this beach to play.

At this moment, seeing such a lively seaside, I can be regarded as letting go of my shyness and excitement.

Even if Muhua Saki Yaxin is wearing a little swimsuit, she doesn't forget to wear her blindfold.

With one hand on her hips, she looked up to the sky and smiled proudly: "Humph~ It's a good place! It's a blessing for me!"

Don't say anything about Nanako, she likes such a lively place the most!

"Where are the senior sisters in the Qingyin Department? Let's go find them soon?"

With that, Nanako pulled her sister and Ino directly towards the crowd, rushing over excitedly.

"Eh~ wait, don't worry, Nanako."

Three lovely girls, with attractive appearance and skin like white jade, running on the beach, all in poses and poses, just like fairies playing in the world, they have attracted everyone's attention as soon as they enter the venue.

As for the five girls who had already put on their swimsuits early on, such as Wei, Miao, Lu, Jing, and Zi Miao, naturally they found Muhua Saki Yexin three at first glance.

They immediately greeted them with a smile.

"Ino, Yashin, and Nanako~"

"I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Yui's eyes flashed into Muhua Saki Yaxin's arms, her small face rubbed against Muhua Saki Yaxin's smooth and tender face.

"Yahin-chan in a swimsuit is also so cute~"

Muhua Saki was disgusted and pushed Yui's intoxicated dull face away: "Hey~ don't get too close!"

Looking at this scene, Ino and others laughed.

"Senior is really, sometimes it's really clingy."

Zi Miao was treated like that just now, and she complained a little.

"Yes, my eyes of death don't like Wei who is too clingy."

Muhua Saki said solemnly.

Yui let go of Muhua Saki Yexin, her face a little depressed.

"But, it's really kawaii~"

Zi suddenly blushed: "Ka... Kawaii doesn't work either. It's a bit too enthusiastic outside. Moreover, if you are seen by others, you will be misunderstood."

Muhua Saki Yashin nodded seriously in agreement.

Wei suddenly lowered his head in loss: "Well..."

"Haha, only for cute things, there is really no resistance at all."

Li Da grinned.

Jing covered her mouth and laughed together.

Mio also showed a smile.

"Then everyone is here, let's go over there, parasols and deck chairs are already arranged over there."

Nanako's eyes sparkled suddenly.

"I'm going to the beach to dig for the cubs of mythical beasts ~ crabs!"

Nanako's strange words immediately made the girls stunned.

Only Muhua Saki Yaxin said proudly, "I want to be here, leaving the mark of the eye of death!"

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh? ? ?

The girls stayed together.

Are these two sisters really in the same family?

Only Ino patted his forehead.

"Leave them alone, let's go."

Mio nodded.

Jing is also a little excited:

"Let's go, let's go, but I have prepared a lot of shows."

"Oye! Gogogo! I can't wait!"

Li took the lead and rushed directly to the rear.

Suddenly, a group of lovely and lively girls, laughing and laughing, stepped barefoot on the sand, all on the beach, running towards the sun.

For a time, the scenery is picturesque~

When she came to the real beach, Nanako jumped directly into the shallow sea without even thinking about it.


Because the water level was too low, Nanako was like a stranded fish, shot in the shallow sea, splashing a big splash.

Suddenly, it caused a burst of laughter from the girls.

Muhua Saki's heart did not beat, but directly rushed into the shallow sea, until the water level passed her waist, she began to relax her body and let herself float slowly on the surface of the sea.

In this way, Muhua Saki Yaxin seemed to be sleeping on the water.

She also felt that sleeping on the surface of the sea, it was cool, her body would float with the waves, and she was very comfortable.

At this moment, Nanako got up from the water and looked at her sister who was sleeping peacefully on the sea, and suddenly a trace of bad heart surged.

However, before she could act, suddenly a burst of water splashed on her face, causing her to block her with her hands unconsciously.

"Who! Who attacked Yu!"

Nanako suddenly looked at the place where the splash was coming from.

Suddenly, it was discovered that there was a big battle ahead!

Splashing flower battle!

Naturally not to be outdone, Nanako plunged his hands into the sea water and raised his head towards the five people in front.

"Water element attack! Weight waves bloom!"






Nanako's attack was very effective, and all five people including Ino were recruited.

"How can it be repaired!"

Naturally, Ino didn't want to fall behind, so he launched a weight attack!

"A scoop of super sea water!"

Ino put up a condensed water ball with both hands and rushed directly at Nanako.

Nanako suddenly shrank his head and hid.

However, the water ball fell straight, not crooked or oblique, and just directly covered Muhua Saki Yaxin's face lying on the sea.

At this moment, I was relaxing my body, feeling a comfortable sea sleep, when I was about to fall asleep.

A scoop of cold water poured down.

She opened her eyes blankly, and her little head suddenly became sober.

"what happens?"

She stood up and stared blankly at Ino and the others. Ino and the others were still fighting, and they didn't feel a trace of guilt for the impact on Kawasaki Yashin.

This battle was initiated by Yui and Yui!

They had planned for a long time and launched a splash attack when Mio and Zi did not have much defense.

For a while, Miao and Zi Miao couldn't cope with it, and they started to fight back in a hurry.

However, the two counterattacks were too messy and spread to Ino.

Ino was slightly angry and immediately joined the battlefield!

During the battle, Ino seemed to be wicked, secretly splashing water on Nanako, and Nanako joined the battlefield!

Finally Muhua Saki Yaxin was not accidentally affected by the battle ricochet.

Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately knew what had happened, and she suddenly became excited.

"Fighting or something! My eye of death is my favorite! Look at my three thousand weak splashes!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin ran directly, and the spray brought waves along the way.

Since then, all the girls have joined the war!

Among them, the strangest one is 紬.

She seemed to be on the brink of war, no one splashed her, only she was silly, who splashed whom she saw...

In the sun, the girls’ faces were filled with happy smiles, water splashes, crystal clear water drops, falling along the girls’ jade-white skin, beneath the undulating deep blue shallow sea, the picture seemed to freeze at this moment. Everything is so beautiful...


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