The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 131: Murder Volleyball

After playing in the water, the girls began to play their own games.

Nanako started her own crab digging journey.

Wei Helu started chasing Zi Miao, not knowing what they wanted to do.

Ino didn't know where to find a pair of sunglasses, lying on a chair comfortably basking in the sun.

And Muhua Saki Yaxin started to do it too!

She said, to leave the mark of the eye of death in this place!

This is no joke!

Muhua Saki Yaxin squatted down in a clearing and began to pile up sand seriously.

This scene has aroused the interest of Jing.

She squatted beside Muhuasaki Yaxin, and asked curiously: "Yazin sauce, are you building a sand castle?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin kept moving her hands and shook her head.

"No, I left the mark of the eye of death in this place I recognized!"

"Is that so?"

Jing nodded without understanding.

At the next moment, she also raised her interest, ready to do it eagerly.

"Then, let me build a nice castle too!"

Muhuasaki Yexin nodded, and did not pay any attention, but seriously invested in the pile of "Death Eye Imprints"!


On the other side, Wei Helu had already caught Zi Miao, under the reluctant expression of Zi Miao's face.

The two directly dug up the sand and buried Zi Miao in, so that Zi Miao's head was exposed.

The two of them, Wei He Lu, clapped their hands and looked at Zi Miao, who had only one head exposed outside, with a smile on his face.

"How about it, Zi Meow (A Zi)."

Azimiao nodded slightly: "The sand is wet and soft. It is unexpectedly comfortable to be buried in the body."

"Yes, right~"

Wei suddenly smiled a little arrogantly: "I mean, it's very comfortable."

Li also smiled happily and said, "I just want you to feel it, see, we won't hurt you."

Zi is unable to complain: "If Senior's actions are not so suspicious, I will definitely be very cooperative."

"It's all to blame, Yui."

"Eh~ do I have anything?"


the other side.

After searching for a long time, Nanako finally found the crab!

This elder sister once said that the young child of the beast!

She has always been curious, what kind of creature it is!

On the shore by the sea, small crabs have been walking arrogantly.

Nanako did not act lightly, but first observed the behavior of this creature.

When the crab crawled to the other side, Nanako suddenly found a familiar figure.

Long white hair, short white horns, a delicate face, big cute eyes, and that hairy tail.

Isn't this Connor?

However, an even more shocking scene happened to Nanako.

I saw that Connor quickly grabbed the crab with one hand and threw it directly into his mouth.

Ah press, and suddenly the crab disappeared.

Nanako was stunned, she stared at the raw crab-eating loli in front of her in a daze.


Connor covered his mouth, and turned his head to look at Nanako in surprise. She didn't expect to be discovered.

Nanako's eyes widened, and slowly said:

"You... you ate the young beast?"

Kang opened his jewel-like pure eyes and tilted his head in doubt.

? ? ?

Mythical beast?

"Connor~ what are you doing?"

On the one hand, Thor came over and asked Connor curiously.

Connor suddenly blushed and shook his head:

"Master Thor...nothing."

Nanako looked at Thor, that horn, and the tail behind her, and her eyes sparkled.

"Oh~ Connor, is this your clan? Is it also Dragon?"

Connor glanced at Thor, hesitated, and nodded at Nanako.

Thor also seems to be interested in Nanako: "Are you Connor's friend? Do you want to play together?"

Nanako nodded suddenly, a little excited: "My sisters are all over there, let's play together."

Thor was stunned: "Is there anyone else?"


Kobayashi, Thor, and Connor followed Nanako to Saki Yashin.

However, as soon as they approached, the Xiaolin family was stunned.

Because the scene in front of you is amazing!

On the one hand, Wei, Li and Zi Miao, who had just arrived, were also shocked by the scene in front of them.

In front of me, the sandy beach with a radius of at least ten meters was surrounded by a strange magic circle.

In the magic circle, there are many peculiar runes and unknown textures.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most amazing thing is that there are three castles standing on all sides of the magic circle, a high tower, and a giant sand sculpture with eyes in the center of the magic circle.

Among them, both the castle and the high tower are extremely huge, with almost the same height, about one meter high.

The height of the strangely textured eye statue in the center is a little bit higher.

Of course, the most amazing thing is that, in fact, the detailed textures of these castles and statues, each brick and wall are extremely delicate and delicate.

Saki Yashin, who portrayed all of this, already laughed proudly with her arms akimbo: "Heh heh heh~ this is my [seal], this is my supreme masterpiece! Mortal people! Shock! Shock! Scream!

This is a scene of Wei Li that you will never see in your life!

No matter how you praise it, I will accept it. "

As soon as these words came out, the audience was silent...

Xiaolin stared blankly at the second-time full girl in front of him: "Who is this...who?"

Nanako’s excited face was filled with shining little stars: "She is my sister! The eye of death! Super powerful owner of the magic eye!"

Xiaolin suddenly smiled reluctantly: "Ah~haha, isn't it?"

She felt that she couldn't cope with it, these middle-two girls.

But Thor and Connor on the side believed Nanako's remarks.

"Is that so? Is the owner of the magic eye? Is it strong? My hands suddenly itchy?"

Thor's eyes flashed red.

Their dragons have always been militant creatures, and if they meet an opponent, they are still happy to learn from each other.

However, how dare Xiao Lin let Torhu come and stopped him quickly.

"Don't don't don't, Thor, don't mess around."

Torton curled his lips: "Okay."

Thor changed the subject, and they asked Li to the side:

"By the way, didn't you ask us to come and play?"

"There are so many of us, what should we play?"

"playing what?"

Lu was stunned, lost in thought.

At this time, the little finger touched his little lips, and he thought of it immediately, and said with excitement: "Yes! Let's play beach volleyball together!"

"Beach Volleyball?"

Thor and Connorzie are puzzled...


The rules of beach volleyball are not difficult. After Liji talked about the rules and demonstrated them at random, Thor and Connor would understand.

Because of the number of people, they decided to draw lots to divide the team.

First team: Muhua Saki Yaxin, Nanako, Ino, Yui, Jing, Azusa.

The second team: Kobayashi, Thor, Connor, Li, Miao.

Ino is in charge of the referee.

The serve is the second team's first and the server is-Thor!

Soon, the two teams were in position, and everyone's expression became very serious.

Ino directly gave an order: "Start!"

Kobayashi worriedly exhorted, "Tor, do it lightly."

Thor nodded when she heard the words, and the next moment she showed a grinning smile and her eyes flushed red.

Throwing the volleyball high, and waiting for the ball to fall in the right place, she slapped the ball with a fierce palm!

Bang! ! !

The air screamed, and the air waves churned!

Volleyball shot out like a cannonball!

Xiaolin stood aside, his eyes blankly: "It's over..."


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