The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 132: Volleyball

Thor's horror shot out, and the wind and waves it brought directly swept the girls around him.

Volleyball, like a cannonball, slammed straight into the field of this team!

And Muhua Saki Yaxin naturally couldn't let this ball split so easily, his figure was like a shadow, and it swept instantly!

The blink of an eye flashed in front of the cannonball volleyball, with both hands clasped to make the mallet stand in front of you!

Bang! ! !

Suddenly, the cannonball volleyball hit Muhua Saki Yaxin's white arms, a shock wave broke out, and the sand under his feet splashed directly.

Muhua Saki gritted her teeth: "Nanako! I'll leave it to you!"


Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately hit the ball to the sky, and it was more than ten meters away as soon as it flew!

Nanako nodded and sprinted quickly.

next moment.

With a serious leap, he immediately surpassed the volleyball and flew more than ten meters high. Nanako aimed at the empty space behind Thor, gathered Chakra in his hand, and slapped the volleyball fiercely with one palm!

"Back to you!"

Bang! ! !

There was another roar in the sky!

Volleyball once again turned into a cannonball and flew down in a breaking wind!

Thor's eyes showed a hint of warfare: "Good for you! Connor!"

"I see, Lord Thor."

Connor responded softly and ran to the place where the cannonball volleyball dropped behind Thor and waited.

boom! ! !

Just like a meteor falling!

Connor sank when he received the ball.

boom! ! !

The sand beneath him exploded directly, and the shock wave rolled up a wave of sand!

The surrounding Ryu and Min, like wood, stood on the spot, and their eyes were slapped by the sand dullly.

"Master Thor! Take it!"

Bang! !

Electric sparks appeared from Connor's body, and the magical thunder light immediately wrapped the entire volleyball. The next moment she was thrown into the sky heavily!

"Good job! Connor!"

Tolton furiously jumped, jumped high, and suddenly came to the sky above the volleyball, with red lights in his eyes, he flew the volleyball racket back with a fierce palm!

"Look at my violent smash!"

Bang! ! !

A wave of air burst into the sky!

The volleyball with thunder arcs, with stronger strength than before, just like a beam of light flying in a straight line into the field behind Kihana Sakiya's heart!


Nanako! ! "

Muhua Saki Yaxin hurriedly shouted!

Nanako suddenly understood that she quickly found the spot and ran over.

However, this time the ball is very powerful and faster!

It seems a bit too late!

Nanako suddenly became serious. Chakra burst out all over his body. It was an instantaneous technique and a sliding shovel, which cut out sand and dust on the beach.

At the very moment, the ball was received!

However, the power of this ball seemed to exceed her expectations.

See you! She sank!

Boom! ! !

It was as if the sandy beach under her body exploded like a bomb, and for a while, dust swept the sky.

However, volleyball was still prevented by Nanako.

Volleyball flies high in the sky with the dust.

Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately squeezed a small fist: "Good job! Nanako! Next, I will see my nirvana!"

next moment!

boom! ! !

Muhua Saki Yaxin stepped on the ground with one foot, the sand exploded again, and at the same time she leaped quickly, surpassing the volleyball in the next second, and came to the sky over 20 meters!


next moment!

A magical array with a diameter of ten meters is constructed in an instant with volleyball as the center. The gorgeous brilliance shines on the earth in the sky.

This brilliant light immediately caused Thor and the others to narrow their eyes, blocking them with their hands.

Muhuasaki Yexin shouted:

"Super ~ must kill! The death meteor of the dream butterfly!!!"

The next moment, raised his small palm and slapped the volleyball down fiercely!

Bang! ! !

The magic circle suddenly shattered!

The volleyball spun out at high speed, seeming to have absorbed the fragments of the magic array, and suddenly turned into a colorful ball of light, like a colorful shooting star, dragging a long rainbow light band behind the tail, flying at extreme speed. Come!


Connor couldn't help but sigh, her jewel-like pupils reflected the colors of the rainbow.

At this moment, she was fascinated because the color was too dreamy.

This ball is too beautiful.

Thor couldn't help but sigh, but she wouldn't be confused about it!

Tolton became extremely serious when he rushed towards the flying rainbow meteor.

"This time, I'm going to be serious!"

After speaking, Thor's white and tender hands changed into dragon claws full of green scales, holding his fists against the flying rainbow meteor and preparing to block!

Seeing that the dreamy meteor volleyball is about to fall on her dragon's arm!

next moment!

Rainbow volleyball suddenly disappeared like a mirage!

The real rainbow meteor was passing by her.

Thor froze.


Even so, I haven't lost yet!

Tolton flicked his dragon's tail and swept away at the volleyball next to him!


As smart as I am, would you not think you still have a tail?

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly showed a smile that succeeded in conspiracy.

Sure enough, Thor's tail was also swept away, and the rainbow meteor is still a phantom!

The real ball is actually a little later, and the real ball is behind Thor!

The rainbow meteor drew a rainbow band of light in a straight line, passing over Thor's head, and instantly smashed onto the beach!

Boom! ! !

The sand suddenly exploded, and the wave of sand and dust rolled up tens of meters, and the entire site was suddenly filled with smoke and dust, and it became clouded...

Wait for the smoke to dissipate.

A big bunker appeared on the court, and the volleyball was gone.

The dusty Nanako stood up from the sandpit, looked at the venue on Thor's side, and jumped excitedly: "Oye!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin also made a fist and jumped in excitement.

"Yeah!!! I still won!"

On the other side of the field, Thor, covered in sand, stood up, with a face of dissatisfaction, and said stubbornly: "You only won a goal! It's not over yet!"

Muhua Saki Yashin is naturally not afraid of challenges: "Come on then! Keep fighting! My eyes of death never fear challenges! Because I am invincible!"

Nanako nodded earnestly, and sternly clenched a small fist: "So too! The power of the Light and Dark Terminator is enough to open up the world!"

"Okay! Then the second round! Let's start!"

Before Ino shouted, Thor immediately kicked off!

boom! ! !

Bang! !

boom! ! !

Bang! ! ! ! !

For a time!

The roar was continuous, and the dust and the impact of wind and waves gradually filled the whole venue...

As the referee, Ino stood aside, looking helplessly at the beach that was gradually turning into a battlefield.

She can only say that she did not surprise her.

This creature from Dragon and Saki Yashin stood together after the game.

She thought about whether this scene would appear.

Sure enough, what should have come is here, and the more you don't want to happen, he just happened.

"Murphy's Law..."

Ino sighed.

The current battle is no longer something ordinary people can participate in.

And on the grass...

Looking at the light-sounding girls standing stiff like a stone statue in the field, Ino suddenly had a headache.

Those girls must be frightened silly...


Yes, they are stupid, their worldview is broken...

Even the cute girl who doesn't always pay attention to it-Yui, is shocked by this supernatural power at this moment.

From Thor's first ball, they knew that this beach volleyball was no longer something ordinary people like them could participate in.

And from Muhua Saki Yashin, the second-second girl who easily received Thor's serve, it can be seen that this second-second girl doesn't seem to be the second second...

Even Nanako, who has always looked weak and cute, has exerted a terrifying power!

In short, from the beginning of this supernatural beach volleyball, ordinary girls suddenly became "petrified" because of the shattered worldview.

Of course, there is another reason that they dare not move at all.

After all, in volleyball with such terrifying ball speed and power, it will really kill you if you hit a person...

Of course, it is not just them who are in the game, but also other audiences on the beach.

You know, there are not many people here.

Nowadays, many people have started to take video and take pictures with their mobile To say, now only the second team Xiaolin still maintains his composure.

In the depths of the "battlefield", Xiao Lin wears glasses and looks at the raging roaring venue with sweat on her face. She is afraid to walk around.

To be honest, she didn't expect it to develop into the current situation.

The two girls over there seem to be unremarkable, but they are a little second, but they are also monsters that can fight Dragon.

Moreover, the battle seems to continue to intensify.

It's fine for them to play volleyball courts with exaggeration. The most worrying thing is the crowd watching the game.

If this supernatural beach volleyball is passed to the society, I am afraid she will not be peaceful in the future...

Xiaolin sighed secretly: "I don't know what the situation will turn into, I really hate these troublesome things."


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