The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 133: Maybe ghost

The beach volleyball between the eye of death and the dragon finally ended with the victory of Saki Yashin.

It took sixty-five minutes and fifty-three seconds.

For a while, for six ordinary girls such as Kobayashi and Wei, it was called a nightmare of sixty-five minutes...

This is the unforgettable memory of their lives, and also the memory that they don't want to recall all their lives, so...

Muhua Saki deleted it easily.

Of course, there are audiences on the scene, all the information about them has been erased by her.

Only the scene is left, one is like being bombed by bombers for twenty-four hours in a row, and it has become dilapidated, full of bomb pits on the beach.

Many viewers watched here, without knowing what happened here...


And Muhua Saki Yashin and the group have quickly moved to a clean open space, and they are preparing to hold a barbecue and picnic party.

The girls were sitting around a small fire ditch that had just been erected by Thor.

There are two white tablecloths not far away, and there are many boxes on the door, full of various ingredients.

At this moment, Wei Wei was dazed, holding his small head with both hands, with a dazed expression on his face.

"How do I feel that my head is empty for a while?"

Min nodded at this moment: "Do you feel that way too? Me too?"

"Huh? I thought it was an illusion?"

Li also said in surprise.

"Ah? Seniors have this strange feeling?"

Zi was also a little surprised.

At the moment, Jing covered her mouth with a look of surprise: "Really? We all feel this way?"

"I don't have any~"

Nanako raised her hand high.

Kobayashi looked at Nanako's innocent face, and he secretly complained.

"You don't... after all, it is not you who erase the memory."

However, Kobayashi was really relieved that the incident could be resolved so easily.

These two middle two girls, the sisters seem to be much better than the two dragons in their own family.

"Don't Nanako feel that way? Is it just our light sound department talents?"

Mio was a little puzzled.

"In other words, what did we play at the end, how come it feels like we suddenly came here?"

Li asked casually.

"Finally, I played a nice beach volleyball with you? Did you forget?"

"Beach Volleyball?"

But they all tilted their heads together.

"It seems a bit reflective."

At this moment, Thor came over with a big shelf.

"Let let let let let, let the shelf come."

"Oh~ Is it finally possible to start? BBQ party!"

Connor stared at the shelf with shining eyes.

Only they were suddenly distracted.

"Oh~ the barbecue is coming!"

Li he put his palms together, looking expectant.

Miao asked curiously: "Do you know how to barbecue?"

Wei stared blankly, sniffed the soot, and said confusedly: "I will eat it."

Jing suddenly covered her mouth and laughed: "Haha, I will eat too."

Zi suddenly said in surprise: "Isn't it? Seniors don't know how?"

Mio was a little helpless: "I should know a little bit."

Muhua Saki Yexin put her arms around her chest, with a proud look on her face: "Hmm~ I'm the eye of death, so it's impossible to do such a small thing!"

Nanako was immediately unhappy, so she pouted, "Sister, do I still want you to bake it for me?"


"Yeah! Since it was Nanako's request, I will reluctantly bake it!"

Ino calmly looked at the fire: "..."

Xiaolin’s glasses reflected a white light, and she pushed the frame without saying a word...

Thor easily placed the shelf in the middle:

"Okay, now you can put the ingredients on the barbecue."

"Ooo~ I want to test fish fillets!"

"Then I will get some beef."


The girls each took the ingredients and put them on the shelf to bake, while chatting happily.

"In other words, we wouldn't have the chance to come here if it hadn't been for the sudden suspension of school."

"Well, it's weird, the school didn't know what happened, so it was suspended for a week."

"It seems that colleges and universities are basically closed for school holidays. Has anything major happened in China?"

"I don't know, but if there is no announcement from the school, there should be nothing, maybe it's just the government's reform of the college..."

Muhuasaki Yaxin listened to Yui's words, her eyes flashed, she seemed to know the cause of this inexplicable vacation.

The main **** game!


The main **** game to pull people is very purposeful.

Some compulsory invitations are either unforgivable or in need of atonement.

Once these people are invited, it is difficult to refuse.

For others, invitations are mainly given to people who have thoughts of committing suicide.

Moreover, this invitation can generally be rejected.

Although you can refuse, most of the young people who are quietly disgusting with the world will choose yes without hesitation.

Moreover, let alone those who have fallen into despair, they will definitely click yes!

Because, for them, any hope they will cherish very much.

Even the pranks are just a little worse for their desperate lives...

In high schools in island countries, campus bullying is too common.

In this era, there are many underworlds, and the people in some poor students are basically mixed, and there are members of various underworld groups.

Students who are being bullied, in such an environment, can hardly get help at all, or they can’t help at all.

Therefore, many students who have been bullied will not be able to resist suicide under heavy pressure.

Most of these students will be invited to enter the main **** game.

According to Muhua Saki Yashin, high school students account for the largest proportion in the main **** game.

It's no wonder that colleges and universities have to take a holiday suddenly, if there are several missing cases, who can bear it.

Having said that, although the main **** game may change their fate, it only gives them a chance.

If they fail and die in the main **** space, they will be sent back intact, either to erase the memory, or to erase the memory after compensation.

Of course, she will not take back the tempered character, as well as the skills and body they have tempered in the main **** space.

Therefore, this is also an opportunity, an excellent opportunity to change your destiny!

And those who are inexcusable, invited in, if they die, they may be wiped out of their will and used to act as an NPC until Muhua Saki Yashin thinks that this person has completed the atonement.

Those who have sins but are so saved, those who need atonement, must see if they have found their salvation.

If not, then I am embarrassed and can't get out.

So, the direction guided by Muhua Saki Yaxin's main **** game is full of positive energy, after all, she is a decent and good person.



Zhongyuanye Private Middle School.

A student dormitory was surrounded by a cordon, and the open space in the square was filled with police cars.

One by one policemen and famous detectives were invited over.

Among them, there is Hiroshi Ishida, the director of the county police department.

He is also the supreme commander here.

Ishida Hiroshi has a cold face, the recent case, and the pressure given by the above is too much!

He has not slept well these few nights.

Today, he came here because it is a place where there are more cases of missing persons.

He walked at the forefront, and a woman in casual clothes with a sign next to him followed him.

"Brother Hao! There are eleven missing students in this dormitory!

One in 305 dormitory, one in 404 dormitory, two in 410 dormitory, one in 618 dormitory, one in 804 dormitory...


Hiroshi Ishida frowned as he listened: "Say the point! I don't want to listen to these nonsense anymore!"

The woman suddenly stuck her mouth, she paused, took a deep breath, and nodded heavily: "I see."

"After investigation, it was found that most of the students seem to have been bullied."


Hiroshi Ishida frowned: "Anything else?"

The woman shook her head.

Ishida Hiroshi suddenly sighed, "Did the detectives find any traces over there?"


"Those detectives have almost scratched their scalp now. Some people say that these people disappeared out of thin air. They said that only disappearing out of thin air can explain this phenomenon..."


Ishida Hiroshi suddenly shook his fist heavily, some of which suffered from toothache.

Disappear out of thin air?

Why don't you say it was kidnapped by aliens?


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