The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 134: A new copy is here, and I want to play this time.

Main **** game

-Player space

In a pure white boundless space.

Seven players including Huang Mao sat in a circle.

Seven people, you look at me and I look at you, the atmosphere was once embarrassing.

Huang Mao suddenly couldn't stand it anymore, and said with a look of disgust: "One by one, even each self-introduction has to be dull, are you annoying?"

A man who looked a little dull suddenly felt a little embarrassed: "I'm sorry, I was a bit uncomfortable when I was the captain for the first time."

"I'm thinking, should I transfer the captain to you or to this lady."

That's right, this dull looking man is one of the only two players left in this player squad.

Huang Mao looked at this man, he should be about 30 years old, but at this age he looked like he had no social experience.

He was suddenly a little curious about what identity this man actually had?

Sitting beside the man, a young man who looked very energetic suddenly said with some disdain: "The Lord God will give you the captain. I don't understand at all. I am obviously stronger and more suitable for the position of captain."

This young man seemed to have looked like his nostrils from the first time he saw him.

Yes, he is also one of the two old players who survived in this space.

"Don't make any noise."

Huang Mao shouted and looked at the man: "As the captain, introduce yourself first, and then tell me what is the use of the captain's authority."

There is no doubt that Huang Mao has gained the dominant position of players in this player space at this moment.

After all, Huang Mao's body full of muscles and steel, and the aura of a soldier with iron and blood, no one dared to confront him openly.

When the man heard Huang Mao's words, he scratched his head in embarrassment: "Okay."

Then, the man showed a smile, a very gentle smile:

"I... My name is Takagi Shoichi. I am the captain of the main game east team. I don't have any good things or hobbies.

If you want to say something you like to do, it should be...Look at this world more and see this colorful world. "

Huang Mao looked at the man's smile, his eyes slightly changed.

See this colorful world?

Even if it is the game of the main **** that will die?

This man is not simple.

"Didn't you exchange anything in the space?" At this moment, Narita Masako suddenly asked.

The man immediately scratched his head in embarrassment: "I don't have many redemption coins. I still want to save for a stronger ability.

However, at the beginning, I exchanged the skills of a parkour expert. "


Parkour expert! ?

Huang Mao's eyes widened suddenly.

Okay, you guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, unexpectedly hid a miraculous escape skill in silence!

Huang Mao can think of how long this guy has been training in that space and how many injuries he has suffered.

After all, parkour is also a master!

This is not a simple skill, the training of flying over the walls, but if you don't pay attention, it will be a good one.

And another old player young man seemed to be a little excited: "Okay, no wonder you, this guy, could actually survive. I didn't expect you to bump into the skill pit silently! You also learned an escape skill. "

The man shook his head: "Why do you all think that skills are a pit? Although learning skills is not a direct acquisition, the main **** game gives us additional time and a way to learn skills, compared with direct skills. The skills that we have worked **** ourselves are not more familiar, not more worry-free..."

As he said, the man slowly raised his palm: "...lost it?"

The young man suddenly became dumb, he was actually very interested in certain skills, but after a desperate training, he was a little scared. Moreover, other players have been bragging that this is a pit, a big pit, don't touch anything...

He never dared to contaminate this thing again...

"Indeed, although the skill acquisition process is quite boring, I am also very satisfied."

Huang Mao also stretched out his right hand, clenched his fist hard, and suddenly a circle of muscles burst into his entire arm.

"It's almost like I got a new life!"

"Skills or something, let's not talk about it, what about the captain's authority? Keep talking."

Narita Masako is still very interested in this.

Gao Muxiang nodded a little: "The captain has not much authority. In fact, the most important thing is to act as the decision maker of a team.

Currently, the only useful permission is that when the next game dungeon is opened, the redemption coin can be used to obtain the difficulty and specific information. "

The eyes of the players present suddenly lit up.

"This is a **** skill!"

Masako Narita was a little excited.

But when she got excited, she was immediately puzzled.

"No, the team I was in previously didn't seem to have used the captain's authority?

And I am sure that my captain will never hide this important information!

Could it be that the cost of this predictive task is high? "

Gao Muxiang nodded suddenly: "Yes, it's very expensive.

The starting point is one hundred redemption coins and ten points. If the task is difficult and you want to know more specific information, then the redemption coins and points that need to be paid will be doubled. "

Narita Masako immediately calmed down: "The price is so high that no team can afford it now."

"Is that the captain's authority?"

The man nodded: "For the time being, I found this useful."

Narita Masako immediately shook his head: "It seems that the captain is just a tool man..."

"Okay, let you be the captain."

Huang Mao suddenly looked bored: "Well, it's up to you next, introduce yourself and talk about what skills you have changed."

Huang Mao motioned to another old player youth.

The young man folded his arms and said faintly: "My name is Nobuhiro Majo. I have experienced more than a dozen game dungeons and an old player who has a nightmare level dungeon.

I redeemed a Loroc 17 pistol, and the pistol mastered the basic skills, um, that's it. "


Although this Majo Nobuhiro should have hid some information, Huang Mao was not very interested in this guy with upturned nostrils.

Next, it was the turn of the "robbers" duo.

The guy who is also a gangster seems to be unable to get arrogant now. He cowered and said, "My name is Moriichihiro, a newcomer. I just exchanged a pistol. I..."

"Okay, next one."

Huang Mao obviously didn't want to listen to nonsense.

The remaining young man is also very young, and seems to be also a student.

He is also a bit solemn: "My name is Wio Kimura, and the newcomer has just exchanged a pistol."

After speaking, he lowered his head.

Huang Mao suddenly narrowed his eyes: "Okay, I'll be the next one."

"My name is Yutoro Okamoto, and then her."

Huang Mao pointed to Narita Masako: "She's called Narita Masako, and my younger brother Isshin Yoshimura. In this case, everyone has finished introducing them.

In the future, our Tokyo team must unite and cooperate, work together, and get along with each other in a friendly manner. "

Everyone looked at such a domineering Huang Mao, suddenly a little speechless.

Until now, the so-called self-introductions, apart from them, almost none of the Huang Maoists revealed any information.

Narita Masako is obviously also a little unhappy.

"Hey, hey, don't make decisions for me.

Besides, it is necessary for a team to be united. If you make a team disagreement in one word, you will know that you are wrong when it comes to some team-based game copies. "

Huang Mao was suddenly said to be a little embarrassed, but he naturally knew the role of the team, and it was good to be able to unite, but he couldn't trust these people.

Therefore, his plan is to use his own strength to oppress everyone, so as to gain a dominant position, turn this team into one of his own words, so as to achieve a momentary unity.

This woman is really not smart enough.

Huang Mao shook his head: "Well, don't talk about this."

"You mentioned team games, right, can you tell me about the team you were with before?"

Narita Masako nodded: "I wanted to say it."

"The team I was with was the Mikoto Squad. Most of the members were girls. When I experienced a nightmare elimination mission, I was the only one who survived the Mikotos team."

"I escaped a catastrophe because of an item destiny coin that I redeemed at the time. When I was only one person left, the system decided that the Witch Squad had disbanded and disappeared.

In other words, I was judged to be dead as a witch squad. Therefore, I will be allowed to join a new copy at this time as a new person. "

"Is that right?"

Takagi Shoichi and Majo Nobuhiro were a little surprised. They thought that if there was only one team left in the team, it would be cool, and the rest would be directly assigned to another team.

Huang Mao didn't have any doubts about this remark, but even if he doubted it, there was no evidence. He immediately patted his thigh and said with a grin:

"Okay, I know another rule of the game. So now that everyone knows each other, this is the end of today's meeting.

Tomorrow will start a new task, everyone rest early tonight. "

After speaking, Huang Mao stood up and continued to say:

"Let’s take a break or study and understand."

After speaking, he glanced at Narita Masako and Yoshimura, then turned and left.

Seeing Huang Mao who decisively ended the meeting and left, Shinhiro Majo and the others were suddenly speechless.

All right, there is really no friendship between them anyway.

And Yoshimura Yishin and Narita Masako also stood up, turned around and followed Huang Mao without saying a word.

The remaining Majo Shinhiro and others looked at each other and bullied, and suddenly became embarrassed...

that's all……

The first friendly exchange meeting is over...


the next day.

At nine o'clock on time, seven beams of light landed in the space.

Huang Mao and others had been preparing for a long time, and they chose a beam of light and walked in.

Just before entering the beam of light, Huang Mao had a whim.

What will happen if you don't enter the beam of light? Will the whole team be eliminated?

Or is he the only one eliminated?

However, he just thought about it, and walked into the beam of light after a few seconds of pause.

After entering the beam of light, his eyes were suddenly covered with light, and he had only one thought.

"It's so bright..."

In the next second, he lost consciousness.


The game is loading. . .

The darkness in the confusion suddenly felt a ray of light.

Eyes open

I saw an unfamiliar... podium in the dimness.



Huang Mao suddenly became sober, stood up abruptly, and looked around.

Obviously, this is a classroom, and he is sitting at a higher position.

Obviously, he was the first to wake up.

However, it seems that no guide has come to remind him.

He is not surprised, the guide should only remind those newcomers who don't understand anything.

He suddenly raised his spirits and observed one in the classroom.

He probably counted. There are twenty-seven seats in the classroom, with twenty-four people sitting, and three empty seats.

He also confirmed the face of his own East team. The positions of the six of them are very scattered.

In addition, he doesn't know how many newcomers and NPCs there are.

Thinking about it, Huang Mao began to try to get out of the classroom.

Sure enough, the doorway was closed by a transparent air wall.

It should be protection for newcomers.

Then, it seems that I can't get any other information.

Moreover, maybe he woke up too fast, and now the task reminder is still out.

This seems a bit boring.

At this time, someone woke up again.

It was a girl with wheat-colored skin in the uniform of a high school student. She had long blond hair and long hanging ponytails, and her face looked a little flustered.

"Where is this place? Why did I appear in this classroom?"

She looked around, seeing people all around them sleeping on the table, suddenly a little flustered.

Until she locked the only person standing-Huang Mao.

However, Huang Mao's muscles and fortitude frightened her a bit.

However, with some hesitation, she still asked in a weak voice, "Um...Excuse me, this is the classroom? Are they all sleeping?"

However, at this moment, Huang Mao is concentrating on looking up the task prompts that appear in his mind.


Game copy: [School]

Introduction: Is there any other introduction to the school's copy? Isn't it all the old way?

Difficulty: Four stars

Tip: The vacant seats mean that the three of them have not come to class. What is going on here? A few days ago, I seemed to see them all crying?


Huang Mao took a deep breath.

He didn't know how dangerous a copy of four-star difficulty would be.

In addition, he also gained an identity.


【Sports Committee】

Introduction: Your strong physique gives you a certain degree of persuasiveness in this class. I heard someone called you Brother Tiger?


Huang Mao frowned.

This time the difficulty of the mission was as high as four stars, and he had no idea about the difficulty.

However, the two-star mission is so terrifying, let alone four-star.

At least double the difficulty.

Moreover, there are not many clues as to the conditions for the completion of the task.


Huang Mao frowned in thought.

Thinking about it, suddenly he saw a girl appearing in front of him.

"This gentleman? Sir? First?"

The girl probed her hand in front of Huang Mao and found that there was no movement. She shook Huang Mao's eyes, and it seemed that there was still no movement.

The girl was suddenly puzzled: "Are you asleep while standing?"

Huang Mao suddenly had a black line on his face, young girl, your brain circuit really works.

He suddenly a little bit dumbfounded: "I don't know how to stand and sleep."


The girl immediately covered her mouth and took a step back, somewhat shocked.

"You didn't sleep?"

"How could it be possible to fall asleep while standing? What kind of brain circuit are you?"

Huang Mao suddenly shouted a little I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

The girl bowed slightly to apologize.

"Forget it..."

Huang Mao sighed. He felt that none of the young girls he met recently were normal.

"You should be a newcomer, think about the information in your mind, and ask me after reading it."


The girl was a little stunned, but when she thought about it, the introduction of the main **** game suddenly appeared in her mind...



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