The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 135: Thriller Horror Movie-School Start

Game copy: school


Reminder: Your good sister did not come today. A man called and asked you to give your good sister a fake. You did, but you faintly feel that something is wrong, and that man’s voice is very fierce...

Player: Shacang Ring

Status: Entertainment Committee

[Your class cadre is incompetent at all. Have you ever held any class activities? 】

The girl shook her head, and the large amount of information that suddenly appeared in her mind made her a little uncomfortable.

However, she finally understood what kind of place she had come to.

"Is the main **** game?"

The girl muttered softly to herself.

"Unexpectedly, that option is not a joke."

As she said, she cried a little bit: "Why did I come to such a place? I don't want to play any games. I just want to exercise and lose weight. Why do you pull me into such a horrible game? "

Huang Mao watched the girl suddenly cry, and he panicked: "Don't don't, don't cry.


What he fears most is that women cry.

Who knows, Huang Mao shouted.

The girl was even more aggrieved, she simply squatted on the ground rubbing her eyes and started crying loudly.

Huang Mao suddenly felt so irritable, he stretched out his hands and didn't know what he was going to do.

"Brother Tiger, didn't you expect you to be so embarrassed?"

A sudden ridiculous female voice made Huang Mao's face suddenly happy, and he turned his head to look.

Sure enough, Narita Masako woke up.

At this moment, her eyes were teasing, and she looked at Huang Mao with a smile on her face.

Huang Mao hurriedly shouted: "Don't look, I feel like I'm helping this girl."

"deal with?"

When the girl heard this word, she cried more fiercely.

The cry of the girl spread throughout the classroom. At this point in time, many players have been awakened.

The two old players of Rudong team-Takagi Shoichi and Majo Nobuhiro.

When they woke up, they ignored the crying girl, and quickly checked the information in their minds, observing the layout of the classroom.

There are also two newcomers, they are looking blankly at this classroom, and the crying girl.

Narita Masako glanced at the yellow hair humorously, then walked slowly to the crying **** the ground, squatted down and gently stroked the girl's golden hair. .

"Good boy, don't cry anymore."

However, the girl was in a low mood at the moment, it was impossible to stabilize so easily, she was still crying.

Narita Masako did not care, but continued to say to herself: "Crying is of no use except to cause trouble.

Hey~ Have you seen those horror movies? Those girls who love to cry are often the first to die. "

Suddenly, the crying voice of the girl choked, her tearful eyes suddenly rounded, and the eyes were full of fear, and the crying had stopped.

Narita Masako smiled and continued to touch the girl's head.

"Hey, don't cry anymore. I have met those crying newcomers in previous missions. Not only girls, but also boys, but now those crying people have been eliminated.

So, stop crying. "

The girl suddenly raised her head trembling, her round eyes were full of fear, and she nodded tremblingly.

Narita Masako also nodded with a smile: "This is a good boy."

After speaking, Narita Masako stood up, smirked at Huang Mao with a smile.

Huang Mao turned his head silently.

This woman actually used intimidation to stop the girl from crying. If something goes wrong at a critical time, wouldn't it be more troublesome?

Narita Masako seemed to know what Huang Mao was thinking. She walked close and whispered to Huang Mao, "I'm telling the truth. This game is not a playhouse. Rather than appease the girl, it is better to let her recognize reality. ."

Huang Mao was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the girl who had stopped crying and was staring at the floor with her beautiful eyes, not knowing what she was thinking.

Huang Mao shook his head: "It's up to you."

He turned around and looked at it, and all twenty-four people in the class seemed to have woken up.

Except for the East team, everyone else looked confused.

Huang Mao immediately knew that all the students in the class were players!

He was a little slapped, the number of players in this game is quite large, and he didn't care much, he said casually:

"That Masako, can you explain the situation to those newcomers."

However, no response was received.

Huang Mao was stunned, turned his head and looked, he did find that Narita Masako had a panic on his face, his eyes were round, and he lowered his head and muttered to himself: "How could..."

"How come so many people..."

"Four-star difficulty, twenty-four players..."


Huang Mao suddenly frowned, looking at the appearance of Narita Masako, and turned to look at the two old players Shinhiro Majo and Shoichi Takagi.

It was discovered that the two of them were also dumb, with disbelief and frightened eyes...

Huang Mao suddenly felt irritable and roared loudly:

"Meow! What are you afraid of? The start is just like this. Can this game continue to be played? Or do you want to give up?"

Huang Mao yelled for a while, causing everyone in the classroom to calm down. The newcomers looked at Huang Mao with a frightened look.

The old players who were awakened by Huang Mao's roar suddenly burst into a bitter smile.

Narita Masako also woke up. She heard Huang Mao's roar very clearly, but she wanted to say that Huang Mao had never experienced a nightmare, and Huang Mao couldn't imagine the feeling of despair.

And four-star difficulty, twenty-four players.

Adding up the difficulty, this dungeon is already close to a nightmare-level dungeon.

She was able to survive the last nightmare by luck, but she never believed in luck.

No one can be lucky forever...

Thinking, she touched the coin in her pocket that burned this strange eye pupil.

Narita Masako sighed and approached Huang Mao.

"One thing I haven’t told you is that the difficulty of the game is positively correlated with the number of players. Generally speaking, the number of players reaching 20 represents the difficulty of the four-star full quota. I really can’t think of the difficulty of the 24 players. How is it?"

"And the five-star difficulty game copy can be called a nightmare-level copy, of course this is just what we claim to be.

Because, this total copy is simply not something us mortals can spend..."

Isn't it something mortal can get through?

Huang Mao scowled and looked at Narita Masako who had recovered her calm: "You know? What I hate the most is self-denial. How can you know if you don't do some things? And, do we have choices now?"

Huang Mao shouted excitedly:

"No la!!"

He clenched his fist:

"We can only fight for this life to play, have fun, have fun, and play our own life! Play a transparent world!"

At this point, Huang Mao loosened his fist, his face calmed down, and the last two cold words: "We should be damned white and useless, and here is our salvation, our second life.

Even if you die more than once, so what? After seeing the main **** game, I feel that this life is not a loss. Even if it is white and useless, it is considered to have seen the wonderful world of the world! "

After that, Huang Mao went to communicate with the newcomer on his own.

Masako Narita was left alone in a daze. Listening to this remark, she was touched a lot.

I think of my own uselessness in the real world. After living for thirty years, she really doesn't seem to know what she is living for?

That life like a corpse in the workplace? Think about my compromise after being harassed by my boss, and the grievance of being talked about behind my colleagues...

At that moment, she seemed to have such a soft thought... She wanted to resist, wanted to escape from this world, wanted to live a different life...

Then, she came to the main **** game.

From the fright at the beginning to the calmness now, she experienced four copies...

"Is this my second life?"

Narita Masako whispered in a low voice.

"Or the road to redemption to second life?"

Narita Masako looked up to the ceiling: "I don't want to live such a frightening life. This is definitely not the second life I want!"

She clenched her fists.

On the other side, Huang Mao and most of the newcomers talked about the situation.

Simply, the newcomers are quieter.

Most of these newcomers seem to be students, and a small part of them are also young people who have just entered and left the society.

Maybe these young people have relatively high receptivity. Huang Mao thought secretly.

"How about the quality of these newcomers."

The girl with a touch of coldness heard from her ear, and Huang Mao turned around in surprise.

He only saw that Narita Masako's indifferent face seemed to have changed his whole body.

"You? Have you done your own ideological work?"

Narita Masako brushed the hair on his shoulder casually, and said casually, "Forget it."

"That's good."

Having said that, Huang Mao beckoned to the people of his own East team.


The old player and Shinhiro Majo who were whispering immediately got up and walked over.

Yoshimura Yishin rushed over, too.

Of course, there are also two very weak older players, Takeo Kimura and Kazuhiro Mori.

If the player's quality can be explained from the order of waking up, these two players are still at the bottom of the rookie quality ranking.

Thinking of this, Huang Mao glanced at the wheat-skinned blond girl with two ponytails not far away. This girl can wake up before Narita Masako, so she must have something to do with her.

As he said, Huang Mao suddenly shouted: "The newcomers are coming together. We are going to have a meeting. If you don't understand, please watch it quietly. Questions are allowed, but we may not answer them."

After speaking, the newcomers looked at each other hesitantly for a while, and immediately leaned in.

The girl who was crying at first also seemed very quiet at the moment, but she also shrank like a frightened bird, she hesitated a little and leaned over.

Including Huang Mao, the seven members of the East team sat in a circle.

Huang Mao patrolled around and took the lead: "This game dungeon is still four minutes away. We currently have limited intelligence, but we can get some mission information based on our respective tips.

Let me start by saying that my identity is a sports committee member, and I am not sure about the role of this identity for the time being. The task prompts about the three positions of the empty space. "

Then Narita Masako said calmly: "My identity is a study committee member. The reminder I got showed that I was the best friend of one of the three classmates who were absent. I talked to her on the phone the day before and learned what she was caught. People threatened..."

Huang Mao nodded: "Very well, you say the next Yoshimura one mind."

Yoshimura nodded wholeheartedly: "I am a disciplinary committee member, and I was reminded that the three classmates were often absent from work, and their grades dropped from the top ten in the first class to the bottom ten..."

With that, Yoshimura looked to his side with all his heart, and Takagi Shoichi sat beside him.

Takagi still kept a gentle smile: "My identity is the monitor and the psychologist, and I have acquired two skills [Reporting] [Psychological Counseling]. The information prompted is very important and many. The family of the three Address, two of the three suffer from mild depression, and all three of them have thoughts of being light-hearted...

And the names of those three ~ Yuichi, Lanlan, De Tarot. "

"Two jobs? Not bad?"

Huang Mao smiled unexpectedly. This information is a good reminder, it can be said to be explicit.

When it was Maaki Nobuhiro’s turn, he looked upset: "My identity is a labor committee member, and the reminder shows that I and the three absent classmates had holidays, and I seemed to show some people the way to bring them to the three classmates. …"

Gao Muxiang's expression was a little ugly at once: "Your identity is a bit dangerous."

Nobuhiro Majo nodded helplessly, "Isn't it."

Huang Mao and Narita Masako were lost in thought.

With this identity, if the three main NPCs are unfriendly characters, then Shinhiro Majo will be very hateful.

Then it was the turn of the bully Mori Kazuhiro, he was a little embarrassed: "My identity seems to be an ordinary student, and the hint is that I saw classmate Yuichi with bruises on his feet, and it seemed that someone had beaten him."

Takeo Kimura also said with some embarrassment: "I am also an ordinary student, and the reminder shows that I used to be De Tarot's best friend, because one thing fell out, and I have ignored De Tarot for two months. He called suddenly the other day, but strangely no one answered it."


With that, Takeo Kimura seemed to have thought of something, and took out a phone call from his pocket.

Huang Mao and the others were a little surprised at once, that there are actually such props as telephones.

Huang Mao immediately coughed twice: "Ahem, the information collected is a bit similar. At present, it can be confirmed that the three students who did not come to school seem to be threatened by someone. The reason for the absence may be here. I think the three students The clues of the game are the key to the game, and maybe the game can be cleared by finding the clues."

However, at this time, someone really interrupted Huang Mao's conjecture.

Narita Masako said with a calm face: "Four-star difficulty, it is impossible to simply find clues such as guessing games, detective games.

The danger will be very high, you have to know that the main **** game will not play cards according to common sense! "

"Let's talk about it. UU reading"

Huang Mao waved his hand and turned to look at the digital clock on the wall of the classroom. Now the time has returned to zero.

Explain that the game has started!

next moment!

A cool wind blew from outside the classroom, and everyone in the classroom felt cold inside, and all the goose bumps on their skin suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, the sky outside the classroom was darkened instantly, and the howling wind passed through the window, and the sound of screaming was like a ghost!

Huang Mao looked at the dark yellow sky and the rapidly changing gloomy environment through the windows and the open door, and they couldn't help swallowing.

"My Luo Tianyi, if you say it changes this day, it will change. Do you want to be so exaggerated."

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