The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 136: Roll call

Looking at the ghost-like world outside the classroom, Huang Mao and others dared not move.

However, it is obvious that this classroom is not like their safe house. The cold wind is still blowing in from the window, but the outside is even more terrifying, as if a scourge will die as soon as it goes out.

"What to do, boss."

Yoshimura leaned on his back with yellow hair, trembling all over, he had never seen this kind of formation.

Huang Mao's face was solemn: "I don't know, but I think it's better to stay in this classroom first."

At this time, Huang Mao suddenly heard a reminder sound.

[Skills acquired: Sports Master]

[Skill effect: Constitution +10

Active effect: You can use one high jump every twenty minutes! Jump far! Rush fast! Wait for one of the three sub-skills. 】

Huang Mao was stunned.

Is the game starting to send skills again?

If he guessed correctly, other members of the class leader will acquire the corresponding skills.

Thinking about it, Huang Mao looked up at his teammates.

Sure enough, they all lowered their heads and thought, only Narita Masako, who looked at herself with a smile on her face.

Huang Mao was speechless for a while.

"What's your expression?"

Narita Masako kept a mysterious smile and shook her head and asked, "What skills have you acquired. My skills are [knowledge is power]. As long as I take a book that is thick enough, my power and attack power will be great. Increase the rate, and certain books will get some special attacks."

Listening to Huang Mao, he immediately felt the evil taste of the game designer. A good piece of knowledge is power.

"Mine is more conventional, [Sports Master] plus physique can also get related skills such as sprinting and jumping."

Huang Mao said casually.

Then, Narita Masako looked at the others.

Gao Muxiang said without waiting to ask, smiling and saying: "Yes, I have gained two more skills. [Squad leader's majesty] [Inner maggot]"

"I believe you can know the effect of these two skills from the name."

Huang Mao and Narita Masako suddenly nodded with subtle expressions.

It is indeed a very straightforward skill, just how effective it is, I don't know at all.

Then, when Yoshimura hurriedly wanted to talk about the skills he had acquired,

The class bell rang!

Jingling bell bell~~

It's just that the tone of this class bell is very underworld, and it has a colder tone than usual bells, and it seems that the atmosphere has become terrifying.

The crowd swallowed and began to look around in a panic.

There were only a few of them, Huang Mao, staring at the door tightly.

This is the school. They are students. Now they ring the bell...

If they guess right, will a teacher come?

I just don't know what this teacher is!

Da Da-

Da Da-

The sound of high heels came from outside the door.

The sound fell very crisp to the ears of every player.

The atmosphere in the classroom became extremely tense.

Narita Masako whispered, "If something is wrong, please run away."

Huang Mao nodded.

His rushing skills are ready.

Yoshimura Yixin will definitely follow in the footsteps of Huangmao boss, needless to say.

Needless to say, the two old dough sticks, Takagi Shoichi and Majo Nobuhiro, they knew better what to do.

Both Kimura Wio and Mori Kazuhiro gripped the pistols in their arms.

Soon, the voice was getting closer and closer, and it seemed to have been close to the door, but what was strange was that they couldn't see anyone at all, and some were just a shadow on the ground!

Nobuhiro Majo hurriedly cast a wink at Takagi.

Takagi Xiangyi shook his head solemnly and continued to stare at the door.

The same goes for Huang Mao and Narita Masako. This scene shows that the teacher who came may not be human, and they are ready to run immediately when the situation is not good!

However, the problem is scary, the first to die is also the fastest!

So, they are waiting, who will move first!

Soon, a shadow crossed the door, and suddenly a woman's body appeared out of thin air, and strangely, the shadow under her feet disappeared.

The woman wears glasses and has a cool and elegant temperament. She turns her head to look at the players in the class: "It's in class, don't you return to your seats? What do you want to do?"

Hearing that, no one of the players dared to fail and hurriedly returned to their original seats.

Huang Mao is no exception.

In just a second, everyone returned to their seats, sitting upright and no one would dare not obey.

The woman looked at the student who had returned to her seat without saying anything, and walked straight to the podium. She looked at the players sitting underneath blankly, and said coldly:

"Class, then we will start roll call."

With that said, the woman opened the drawer of the podium and took out a machine gun from it, and set the machine gun on the podium to face the students underneath.

this moment!

The players suddenly felt suffocated.

Huang Mao and the others had such an expression as expected.

They knew that the show operation of this game would definitely not let them down.

Next, we have to see who this machine gun is mounted on, how it is used, and whether they have a chance to run away.

Soon, the woman began to pronounce her name: "Nijo Qijing."

Suddenly a player raised his hand and shouted in a panic: "!"

The woman nodded, and then pointed the machine gun at the shouting player.

The player's eyes widened suddenly, and he hurriedly said: "Teacher? Teacher! I..."

Da da da--

Puff puff--

The player's body suddenly exploded with a burst of blood, and the bullet penetrated the player's body, spreading to the chairs and desks, and the floor under the feet, and for a while, rubble and sawdust splashed.

The most tragic thing is the player behind this player. His leg was injured and he was screaming miserably.

The player who was swept by the machine gun had his eyes rounded, and he fell straight without saying anything.

At this moment, the players were shocked, and the roll call turned out to be such a roll call!

Call and shoot! ! !

Smelling the smell of gunpowder, the players panicked!

If this goes on, you will definitely die!

"Tomita Kenta."

The woman said another name.

But who would dare to respond this time?

The player who said the name was right next to the player who had just been shot. He lowered his head and did not dare to look or answer.

However, the woman did look at the player directly: "Tomita Kenta? Didn't he come? Actually dare to absent from work, really is a bad student."

Kenta Tomita immediately beamed with joy. If he doesn't reach it, he can...

Da Da Da Da Da Da! ! ! !

The woman frantically pulled the trigger at Kenta Tomita's position.

Da Da Da Da Da! ! ! !

Tomita Kenta was beaten into a hornet's nest and beaten to pieces. Even the players in the seat behind him were shot several times and killed directly.

this moment!

The players were suddenly crazy, and they ran away!

Escape this classroom!

Huang Mao and the others were calmer, and ran in the middle of the group of players.

And that woman turned her gun to shoot at the player!

Da Da Da Da! ! !

The woman yelled frantically:

"Hahahaha! Bastard students! Where are you running! Come back to class! Class!!"

Some players were swept away, and suddenly wailed.

Huang Mao ran without turning his while cursing:

"Crazy woman! What kind of ghost game is this? Not logical?"


At this moment.

A girl with a blindfold wore a white loose robe, strolling along the campus road with gusts of wind.

She stopped and looked at the gray mist in the sky, tilting her head: "What is my clone? How come it is the atmosphere of a horror game? Can you be creative?"

"Sure enough, these dumb clones can only inherit one trillionth of my wisdom. Fortunately, with my participation, my arrival will inevitably bring about earth-shaking changes to this game!

With that, the girl raised her fist.

"Yes, that's it!"


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