The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 137: Twelve D movie experience

As the creator of the game, Muhua Saki Yashin has long wanted to play in the game.

It just so happened that the Huangmao group she was following had entered a new plot, and she didn’t want to watch 2D TV series anymore. What she wanted to watch was an 8D movie...

Do not!

It should be said that 12D movies, personally enter the movie to experience, every step of your own action may change the plot trend of the movie.

Thinking of this, Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately decided on a role to enter the school.

Now, her character is a passing witcher girl.

The sun is shining and the scenery is good now.

Passing by the school, I found this place, but there is no boundary, and the wind is bleak, like a ghost.

As a demon hunter, in line with professional ethics, you should investigate.

Therefore, it is very reasonable for her to enter the Ghost Domain School alone.

And now that you are ready for role-playing, you naturally have to conform to the persona you are playing, and will not use any abilities that exceed the standard.

She is just an ordinary demon hunter now!

Muhua Saki Yaxin is now wearing a small pocket and wearing a loose white robe, walking casually on the main campus road.

No one was watching at the door, she just walked in.

Thinking of it, Muhua Saki Yaxin secretly complained about the copy of the game made by the clones, but he didn't even give one to the guard at the door, which was not in compliance with the rules at all.

Just thinking about it, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly became vigilant, and her little hand quickly took out a banana from her pocket, holding the banana in one hand as if holding a gun, with the "gun" pointed at the figure in front.

She loudly said: "Where is the evildoer, I am a professional exorcist, and those who are conscious will commit suicide soon!"

Soon, the figure appeared in the confusion, a cloak of magic robe, a blindfold for the left eye, a small one, and a long-haired double ponytail.


Isn't this me?

Muhua Saki Yaxin was suddenly a little stunned.

And the other Muhua Saki Yashin looked helpless on his hips: "I am the No. 56 clone of No. 91 of Muhua Saki Yashin 1.

Ontology, the clone number one boss told me, don’t go too much when you come in and play the game. "

The dull hair on Muhua Sakiya's heart stood up immediately, his eyes widened and rounded: "Huh? I play my own game, but I have to be warned not to be excessive?

Do you know who you are talking to again? "

One (91) "56" tree Hanasaki Yashin spread out his hands: "After all, we all know that the body is inconspicuous."

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly curled her mouth and looked unhappy, holding the banana and directly squeezed the trigger.

next moment.


The banana peel burst open, and a banana flew out quickly.


After hitting the head of the avatar No. 1 (91) "56" Mu Huasaki Yaxin, the half of the banana impact suddenly turned into a lump, and the second half stuck to her forehead.

However, the clone one (91) "56" No. 56 Hanasaki Yashin still has no expression on his face: "The body, are you hurting yourself like this? It's meaningless."


Muhua Saki Yaxin pouted and looked unhappy, and took out a banana from her pocket: "Now, I am not the main body, but the exorcist girl passing by. You are the evil in this school, right?

Now I want to destroy you. "

Clone one (91) "56" Huasaki Yaxin silently erased the banana on his forehead, and then calmly said: "I am a friendly NPC, the principal of this school, mainly to provide some help to the players. This one. The exorcist girl passing by, please don't attack me."

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin seemed to have not heard it, and pulled the trigger again.

The skin of the banana gun exploded, and a banana shot out suddenly.


This banana sticks to the forehead of the avatar No. 1 (91) "56" tree Hanasaki Yaxin.

She calmed down for a second, and the next moment a tic-tac-toe appeared on her forehead, her hand clenched her fist and gradually clenched, but her calm face made a gritted voice: "Main body! Don't go too far, or I will kick you out !"

At this time, Muhua Saki Yashin, who had already taken out the third banana gun, stopped immediately, and put the banana gun down a little sadly.

Muhua Saki Yaxin laughed and put the banana gun behind her back:

"Hehe, just kidding? As my clone, can't you just make a joke?"

Clone One (91) "56" Hanasaki Yaxin said with a cold face: "Huh~ Do you think I don't know what you are thinking? You..."


Another bunch of bananas stuck to his forehead abruptly...

Can this be tolerated?

She can't bear it anymore!

Clone One (91) "56" Hanasaki Yaxin's eyes trembled, her mouth opened slightly, her palms trembling and her fists clenched, she slammed her fist hard and shouted:

"How can it be repaired!!!"

Ding Dong——


Your link is broken...

Muhua Saki stared blankly at the blue sky in front of her. This is an unknown street in the everyday world.

Muhua Saki's eyes widened in disbelief.

She was kicked out of the game!

She was kicked out of the game!

A game creator, a game GM was kicked out of the game by the game NPC!

This is equivalent to the group owner being kicked by the administrator, very ridiculous, very incredible...

Also very desperate...

Muhua Saki Yexin's mouth opened slightly, she didn't know how to describe her mood at the moment...

Although a large part of it is that I don’t resist and do nothing, but...

Have you been kicked out of the game by yourself?

This is magical.

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly clenched her small fist and said angrily: "Damn it! These clones dare to rebel!"

Suddenly, the Eye of Root Cause was activated, Muhua Saki Ye's eyes flashed red, and his thoughts moved, and his figure disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In the next moment, he returned to the front of the avatar No. 1 (91) "56" Tree Hanasaki Yashin.

Clone One (91) "56" Hanasaki Yashin didn't feel surprised. After all, she was only an administrator at best, and she couldn't stop her if she wanted to come in seriously.

However, she didn't stop at all, straightened her head, and looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin in a tugging manner.

"Hmph~ Ontology, let me tell you, I've long wanted to quit, and if I have the ability to fire me."

Muhua Saki Yaxin clenched her fists to her chest, and said angrily: "Don't even think about it, but also want to go to rest. You can be the principal here for a few years. Humph!"

Clone one (91) "56" No. 56 Hanasaki Yaxin turned around and walked back nonchalantly: "Huh~ whatever you want, I can't control you anyway."

"How can it be repaired!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin took out a banana gun from her pocket and aimed it at the back of the doppelganger's head with a sulky expression.

However, thinking of just now, thinking that this is her own clone... Muhua Saki Yaxin moved her fingers, her face was unhappy, but she still put down the banana gun.

After all, this is me, isn't it a joke to hit me?

Sure enough, it was all myself, and I was too self-willed.

"Huh~ As expected, it's my clone, I really have a personality."

Muhua Saki sighed, and immediately regained her mood.

"Forget it, I am a player now, a passing exorcist girl who needs to save the world from fire and water! Naturally I don't have the same knowledge as her."

Talking to herself, Muhua Saki Yaxin also walked in along the main campus road.

The third teaching building.

Huang Mao and other players rushed out and came to the open square in front of the teaching building.

The air here is scattered with a faint black mist, and the line of sight is limited. In many cases, they can only see the specific shape of the object in front of them, but cannot see the detailed texture details.

This open space square is very large, and they can faintly see the shadows of the five tall buildings surrounding this square in the dark fog.

At this moment, they have been running wildly for nearly three minutes, and many of them are already exhausted.

Even Huang Mao and Takagi Xiangyi are still physically strong.

Huang Mao who discovered this phenomenon suddenly shouted:


His voice was sonorous and powerful, and it seemed to be very convincing, and the team stopped at once.

Almost everyone was breathing, and some groaned with a trace of pain.

Huang Mao looked behind him, and he was still covered by a mist, with a visible range of about ten meters.

Moreover, at this moment, the gunshots and howls from behind are no longer heard, which means that the teacher with the machine gun does not seem to catch up.

Huang Mao also remembered that the teacher hadn't moved, but directly shot the escaped students from the classroom platform with a machine gun, but did not run out of the classroom.

Although, there is also the possibility that she will catch up.

However, they must also rectify and rest at this moment.

Several female players such as Narita Masako and Kuraya Kyou are already exhausted.

"Let's take a break first. Although no one can guarantee safety in this place now, you will definitely be tired and paralyzed if you run down. I will go to a place where you can see to be on guard, rest for three minutes, and then continue walking."

With that said, Huang Mao walked back.

However, at this moment, the group of players has shrunk to seventeen. Except for the six players from the East team, the rest of the players are all at a loss. They don’t know where to go...

I don't know what will happen next...

Keep going?

Where else can I go?

In addition, two players were shot in the body. One of them was okay, but the arm was bruised by a bullet. Although there was a blood gap left, the situation was still curious.

However, the other person's situation was a bit bad. He was hit by a bullet around his waist.

Logically, the bullet of that machine gun is enough to make a big hole in him, and he can't have much mobility, but the facts are very magical.

The gunshot wound in his waist was like a small-caliber pistol. Although it was shot in, it was not particularly serious.

But it is also scary enough. If he pulls out the bullet in time to stop the bleeding, then his life is still in danger.

At this moment, Gao Muxiang stood up, he walked to the player who was shot in the waist, took out the medicine, and began to treat the player.

He is very sophisticated, quickly pulling out the bullet, stopping the bleeding, and bandaging in one go.

Of course, lack of anesthesia, the player wailed loudly.

Huang Mao glanced at Takagi's treatment process, and then continued to watch behind and around him.

His skills are not bad, and his escape is absolutely top-notch, so he dares to do that.

Skills: [rush fast, fast]

Effect: [Obtain the human extreme running speed (9.2 seconds per 100 meters), maintain it for ten seconds, and consume 5% of physical strength. 】

The limit of human running speed is not a joke. If this can't run away, then there is no way. It can only be said that he is destined to run, and he can't run away, and other people can't run away. The result is the same.

At this moment, Huang Mao suddenly saw Narita Masako and Yoshimura walking towards him. He looked back at the dark mist behind him, and said vigilantly: "Why are you leaning over here?"

"Naturally ask you to go back and discuss countermeasures."

Narita Masako still took a short breath and said calmly.

Yoshimura Yixin also nodded: "Yes, boss, now you are the backbone, you have to decide what to do next."

"And, in this place, I don't think I can stay for too long. The more I stay, the more hairy my heart becomes."

Huang Mao sighed. In fact, he was thinking, where should he go next?

However, the fog was covered, and he and others did not have a specific map, and those buildings were not necessarily safe.

If I meet a few more ghost teachers, wouldn't it be the end.

"I have a way."

Several people Huang Mao turned their heads to look around.

It was Takagi Shoichi who was talking, followed by Shinhiro Majo, Kazuhiro Mori and others leaning over.

Takagi Sangichi calmly stood at the front and slowly said: "My skill [Take a small report], after using it, it will summon a higher-level leader or teacher on the spot, but I have to report some small problems. I can borrow this Skills to get relevant information."

Huang Mao and Narita Masako were stunned for a while, this skill, the effect is too strong!

It can be said to be a magical skill. If the information given by the small report is bad for a certain player, will the NPC deal with it?

However, there are also risks. If the teachers and leaders that are summoned are that kind of ghosts, the whole army might be wiped out for fear of death.

Takagi Shoichi also seemed to know the danger of this skill, he continued: "Don't be afraid, the teachers and leaders summoned are friendly NPCs and neutral NPCs. This is the prompt effect of the skill."

Hearing this, Huang Mao was relieved immediately, he calmly looked at Takagi's face and solemnly said: "Since there is no problem, then let's start! We rely on you!"

Gao Muxiang nodded slightly, walked to a clearing, and clicked to use the skill.

next moment!

On the open space in front of Gao Muxiang, the black mist rolled up into a whirlpool. From the whirlpool, a black shadow gradually condensed, and the black shadow turned into a human form!

The whirlpool turned into a gust of wind and disappeared, and a girl with a blindfold suddenly appeared in the clearing.

The girl was dressed in strange patterned clothes and head coverings, just like those of witches and magicians.

"Does the monitor have anything to report?"

The girl said lightly.

The ethereal voice of a young girl turned around in this clearing, and every player heard it very clearly.

Gao Muxiang hesitated for a moment, then suddenly said, "That...youyi, Lanlan, and De Tarot are absent again."

The girl didn't seem to react, her face was expressionless, she had a cold posture, and she seemed to have a chill in her words: "The three of them are not absent. My head teacher can clearly see that the three of them are doing majestic blessings in the school. ."

Stay in school and dominate?

Huang Mao and the others felt a little chill in their hearts, and goose bumps began to grow.

In this case, it seems that the head teacher knows the positions of these three people, and those three people seem to have a lot of background?

The word domineering can reflect that the teenage head teacher seems a little angry and can't do anything about the actions of these three people.

Takagi was also a little shocked by this information, and didn't know what to say for a while.

"Is there anything else to report? Are there any students who are unbehaved?"

The girl's cold voice continued.

Gao Muxiang thought quickly. He thought of the teacher who shot the students by name with a machine gun, and the students who died in her hands...

He tried to open his mouth and asked: "The teacher who was in our class just now has something wrong with her. I want to complain to her."

Upon hearing this, the girl finally changed her expression, and the corners of her mouth curled slightly: "Oh? What do you think is wrong with her?"

Gao Muxiang frowned when he looked at the girl with a weird smile in front of him. He didn't expect that this girl would react like this, but he didn't hesitate and continued: "She abused students, and the teaching policy was out. Big problem!"

However, the girl did shook her head: "I didn't think she was abusing the students, she was just calling her names normally, and she cherished her students very much.


Gao Muxiang's eyes stared slightly, and as expected, the girl knew what he was talking about and all related things from beginning to end.

Moreover, this small report does not seem to have to be a small report, she can communicate!

When he came to this conclusion, Gao Muxiang was immediately overjoyed. He immediately asked: "The head teacher, I want to know, where is the exit of the school?"


The girl looked at Takagi Shoichi with a smile. She was actually an NPC at the beginning, and can only be used for question and answer purposes. Just as the consciousness of the **** tree Hanasaki Yashin clone, she settled on this NPC, and she will appear as it is now. A little more spiritual.

It seems that his own settlement has been discovered.

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin No. 1 didn't intend to embarrass the player. She felt that she would give him a hint: "You don't want to find the exit of the school. You have to finish class before school can be over, right?

As soon as these words came out, Takagi Shoichi, Huang Mao and others felt bad.

This sentence means that they must wait until get out of class is over before they can leave!

If it is a more demanding condition, then you must finish the class before you can leave!

Gao Muxiang took a deep breath and continued to ask, "Then where should we go to class?"

Muhuasaki Yaxin No. 1 kept a smile, stretched out a small hand and waved in the air, the mist in the air disappeared and three passages were opened.

She smiled and pointed to the first road and said, "This road leads to the fifth teaching building. The second road in a clockwise direction leads to the third teaching building, which is the teaching building where you ran out. The third road leads to the Lide Building. Lide Building is the facade building of the school. Where is the functional building where the school’s laboratories, computer rooms and other high-end equipment are placed. Located in front of the school’s main entrance, the library is right there. Next to Lide Building."

After speaking, the girl smiled:

"Okay, your questions have been asked, you don't seem to have anything to report, and when the time is up, I should go back.

Squad leader, you have to urge the classmates to study well, attend class on time, and remember to attend class is the most important thing. "

After speaking, a cloud of mist immediately enveloped Muhua Saki Yashin, and when the smoke dissipated again, the girl's figure had disappeared.

As soon as Gao Muxiang watched the girl disappear, he didn't pay much attention. Instead, the words the girl said were very intriguing.

They all fell into thinking.

Obviously, some of the girl's words are worthy of scrutiny, which gives a lot of hints!

It's just that they don't know whether these should be believed.

And the saying that class is the most important thing, it's hard not to believe it is a trap.

Is it possible for them to go back to class with the teacher with the machine gun?

Gao Muxiang shook his head suddenly, and he didn't know where to go for a while.

"Let's go to Lide Building first!"

At this time, Huang Mao stood up and said, his eyes were firm, giving people a kind of leadership temperament: "Lide Building is the best choice. The classroom means that there will be many for the time being. I don’t know! Let’s go to the Lide Building to find more information and intelligence before making plans! What do you think of this plan?"

"I agree."

Narita Masako said first.

"Boss, you know it, and I listen to everything you say." Yoshimura hurriedly said.

Nobuhiro Majo folded his arms and said, "Agree."


"I'm OK."

"no problem."


Everyone looked at Huang Mao, who has become the team leader at this moment.

He nodded and turned to the third passage: "Let's go! Go to Lide Building!"


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