The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 138: Red dress

A group of 17 players marched mightily along the only clear path in the black mist. Huang Mao walked at the front of the team, and Takagi was at the back.

The strong people in their east team are allocated to the team reasonably. If there is an emergency, they can cooperate and bring newcomers so that they will not directly destroy the team.

After walking along the path for ten minutes, they finally saw the end of the path, the outline of the building that was supposed to be the Lide Building, and a building of the same height next to it.

If you didn't guess wrong, it should be the library the girl said.

The way they hurry is to walk fast, not dare to run, after all, they need to reserve some strength to deal with emergencies.

Along the way, I walked very nervously. After all, this misty path is really small and subtle. The width of the road is the largest to accommodate three people side by side, but they are all marching in two rows. After all, no one wants to get the black ones. Mist.

Moreover, everyone wanted to stay far away from those fogs, for fear that a hand suddenly appeared in the fog on both sides to drag them in.

"Don't panic, it's not far, we're almost there..."

Huang Mao shouted, his eyes continued to be alert to the surroundings, he did not dare to relax.

However, at this time.

A thing flew out of the fog and landed in the middle of the team.


Huang Mao felt hairy in his heart, no matter what it was, he shouted: "Run! Let's run faster!"

However, a player accidentally stepped on that thing and fell directly to the ground and rolled twice.

The player was a teenager. When he got up, he was horrified to find that the team had already galloped away. He shouted in despair: "Don't! Don't abandon me!"

Gao Mu Xiangyi was at the end of the team, he hesitantly looked back at the boy who fell, his expression struggling.

In the end, he still didn't have the courage to turn his head back, and cast a pitying look at the lagging teenager. He turned his head resolutely, not looking at the lagging players any more, and accelerated to keep up with the team...

And the boy really fell into despair.

But at this moment!

A figure loomed out of the black fog, holding something like a pistol and aimed at the team.

At the same time, a clear girl voice came: "Don't move! Stop it all!"

Huang Mao also hesitated to stop when he saw it.

However, just when he hesitated, several unidentified objects were thrown out of the black fog and fell on the ground in the middle of the team.

For a while, the players who ran away in a hurry couldn't care about their feet. They accidentally stepped on them, and all of a sudden the middle team fell.

The fallen man blocked the man behind, and the man behind ran away hurriedly, unable to stop the car at all, and ran into it again, again falling apart.

At this meeting, only Huang Mao, Narita Masako, and Yoshimura Isshin were still standing on the court, and all behind them fell...

Now there is a ghost...

The Huang Mao trio stopped helplessly. After all, if the guy with the gun in the mist shoots, the first time it will be the running trio.

The risk is even greater.

When Huang Mao stopped, the figure holding the gun gradually approached from the mist.

Gradually, Huang Mao and others saw the incoming person clearly.

Is that a girl, a kind girl?

? ? ?

Wait, what is she holding?

Banana...scorched! ?

They discovered that the girl was not holding a gun, but a banana! ?

Huang Mao and the others were a little bit dumb, what's the situation?

Facing the sluggish Huang Mao and others, Muhua Saki Yaxin held a banana gun at Huang Mao, and said with a serious expression: "Who are you guys, why are you hanging around here? You know, this is a ghost domain! I'm almost I thought you were the evil ghosts here!"

"Ghost Domain?"

Huang Mao and Narita Masako looked at each other, and both of them could see the joy in their eyes!

This is an amazing word!

And, if you guessed it correctly!

They should be the most critical NPC that has encountered some of these dungeons!

Huang Mao quickly asked: "What is a ghost domain!?"

"A ghost domain is a ghost domain? As the name suggests, powerful ghosts and evil spirits use their own resentment and other power to cover a domain and turn it into its own territory."

Muhua Saki Yexin seriously played his role, explaining seriously, and at the same time put away his banana gun.

"So this is a ghost domain?"

The Huang Maos suddenly understood why this place became so gloomy.

But, what exactly does this powerful ghost mean?

Those three lawless guys?

Huang Mao suddenly felt a little bit of understanding, maybe the purpose of this game is to let them deal with the three "missing" classmates.

But, can they really handle it?

Huang Mao couldn't think of the answer for the time being. He shook his head and explained to Muhua Saki Yaxin:

"We are students in this school. We came to class today and suddenly found that the school has changed. What about you, why are you here?"

"I am an exorcist girl passing by."

Muhua Saki Yashin explained solemnly: "As a professional exorcist, with the professional ethics of exorcising and defending the way, saving the world and the water and fire, I see how evil and gloomy this place is, how can I not come to find out."


Huang Mao looked at the girl carefully, wearing a white robe, with a small bag tied around her waist, and wearing a cute eye patch with a girlish look in her left eye, except for a little familiarity.

Doesn't he see anything related to the exorcist at all?

And, what about the exorcists passing by?

It's a bit outrageous, it feels like a sudden change in style.

He scratched his head in confusion: "Then do you see what's in this ghost domain? Or, can you take us away?"

Huang Mao thrown out the two questions, Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly fell into thinking.

According to the personality of the exorcist, it seems that the ability is not enough, and if you take them out, isn't it just a stand-alone player?

This is not good.

Therefore, Muhua Saki Yexin shook his head: "No, my strength is limited, I can't get out when I come in. The source of the ghost domain must be solved before I can leave this ghost domain."

Hearing this, Huang Mao was stunned, and said silently: "You can't get out and you plunge into it? Are you not strong enough? How dare you come if you are not strong enough? Are you sure you can solve the source of this ghost domain?"

Muhua Saki night scratched her face: "Uh~ this? I'm not really sure if I can make a decision, so I just come in to see if I can get it done? I can't just forget it."


The players all stood up at the moment, shrank behind Huang Mao, listening to the conversation between the girl and Huang Mao.

However, they were also thundered by the girl's speech at this moment.

Because I'm not sure if I can handle the boss, come in and check it out?

However, my strength is not enough, so I can't get out when I come in?

Isn't this for fun?

What are you doing?

Players began to complain in their hearts.

Huang Mao was also completely overwhelmed by the words of the exorcist girl in front of him. He was taken aback for a while, not knowing what to say.

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't take it seriously, holding a banana gun in one hand, and patted her chest with the other. An air of peace spread out, and she proudly raised her head: "Don't worry, I am a professional exorcist. People, even if you can't get out, I will protect you."

Huang Mao heard the words, looked at the banana in the girl's hand, and suddenly questioned again.

"Then your exorcism prop? Isn't it the one in your hand?"

"Oh! You guessed it!"

Muhua Saki Yexin looked surprised.

However, Huang Mao looked at the girl’s surprised expression, and suddenly began to fall into despair. Bananas are so spicy, take bananas to exorcise the devil?

I was so naive...

Huang Mao doesn't know how to describe his feelings at the moment, is he laughing or crying? Is it crying and laughing, or laughing and crying...

he does not know……

He was stupid.

He also recognized the reality, this girl is actually a funny character, to ease the atmosphere for them.

Now, he feels that the atmosphere is getting better, thank the Lord God, thank the system, thank you for your nonsensical work!

Huang Mao took a deep breath, and said seriously to Muhua Saki Yaxin: "Okay, master exorcist, we will leave it to you when we are in danger! Please take care of our safety!"

"It must be, after all, it is my duty to maintain world peace!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin held her head proudly and said confidently.

Good to maintain world peace! ?

Huang Mao suffocated for a while. Sure enough, this girl was talking nonsensical and cold jokes, and the members of the atmosphere group were undoubtedly.

He didn't pay attention to the girl anymore, but looked at the players of his own team.

"Are you all okay?"

The players shook their heads together.

At the same time, some players picked up the culprit who made them fall--

Banana peel!

Watching this scene, Huang Mao suddenly clenched his fists, well, he became more convinced.

This girl is a funny character.

However, although the banana peel made them fall very badly, it was unexpected that they had no injuries except for the pain.

"Then, let's move on. Our goal is the computer room of the Lide Building. If I'm not mistaken, where will there be a monitoring room? If you don't have it, you can connect to the monitoring room."

After speaking, Huang Mao looked at Masako Narita and Isshin Yoshimura next to him, as well as the old players who fell with the newcomers behind.

All of them nodded in agreement.

Huang Mao immediately turned around and moved on.

And Muhua Saki Yaxin naturally followed in the forefront.

Well, holding a banana gun, aiming forward vigilantly, while opening the road, if you ignore the banana, it is actually the same as a tactical soldier holding a pistol, but if you are holding a banana, it looks a bit funny and spoof Up.

Especially the players watching behind them, they looked at the girl in such a posture, feeling very happy inexplicably, after all, this was obviously a spoof.

I don't know if the girl is serious, holding a banana and being vigilant around her, no matter how she looks at it, she feels very happy, okay.

But also because of this sense of joy, the eerie and horrible atmosphere around him dispersed a lot.

The tension in the hearts of the players has also dissipated a lot.

Huang Mao also felt this way, he confirmed it even more.

The girl really belongs to the atmosphere group...

Soon, they came to Lide downstairs.

It is the end of the road opened by the "class teacher".

As long as she didn't deceive, this is the Lide Building. After all, they can't verify it. Everything upstairs is covered by fog, and the logo on the building is completely invisible.

A group of people approached the door.

Muhua Saki Yexin walked in the front, leaning back against the door, and very vigilantly pushed open a gap slightly, and she began to look at it.

After seeing no people or something weird through the cracks of the door, Muhua Saki violently pushed open the door, and at the same time rushed in quickly, squatting down and holding the banana gun with both hands to preview the possibility of an enemy. In all directions.

However, there is still no one.

Suddenly, Muhua Saki turned his head calmly and nodded to Huang Mao and the others: "You can come in, there is no danger."

However, Huang Mao and others were silent for a while.

After all, the tactical movements of the girl just now were too familiar.

Isn't this the usual technique of those special forces breaking into the door?

It’s almost time to throw a shock bomb...

But is your banana really useful?

Huang Mao and the others silently complained inwardly, without delay, and walked in with the girl's footsteps.

The first floor is very large and empty. There are many art painting exhibition tables and billboards for campus culture in the lobby.

On the wall close to the elevator, there is a road map with the location and location of each floor of the Lide Building marked on the door.

Huang Mao wanted to find the main control room for campus monitoring.

"The eighth floor is on the left end!"

Huang Mao locked his position at a glance.

"Let's go by elevator!"

Narita Masako and others have no opinion.

However, just as Huang Mao wanted to press the elevator, a voice stopped him.

"I don't agree."

Huang Mao was stunned, then turned to look at the girl in the atmosphere group: "Is there any problem?"

Muhua Saki held a banana, smashed the banana peel, and said casually: "Is there anything else you haven't seen a horror movie? You know, under this horror scene, you can take the elevator. It’s always the next best thing! In that closed environment, if something goes wrong, you have to finish it all."

After speaking, the banana peel was finished, she opened her mouth and took a bite of the delicate banana pulp, and ate it with delight.

However, after listening to Muhuasaki Yaxin's words, Huang Mao and others suddenly became jealous of the elevator.

"In this case, you can only take the stairs."

Huang Mao immediately walked up the stairs.

However, the girl's voice stopped him again.

"Stairs are not good either."

Huang Mao and others stopped again.

Huang Mao turned around angrily: "The stairs are not good? Why not?"

"Have you never heard of ghosts hitting walls? Stairs are the easiest place for ghosts to hit walls. What if you fall into an endless loop of stairs?"

While talking, the girl threw the banana peel to the elevator door, and then took out a banana gun from her pocket.

However, Huang Mao was a little impatient at this moment.

"Neither the elevator nor the stairs? Is it possible to have us fly?"

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin did not respond to Huang Mao, but instead pointed the banana at the elevator door with one hand, and took a pineapple from his pocket with the other.

At this time, Huang Mao also noticed the abnormality, and he looked at the elevator.

At first glance, his eyes widened, a look of horror flashed, and the spirit became tense.


The elevator moved!

Someone doesn't! should say! Something is coming downstairs!

The players also noticed this scene, and they suddenly became nervous.

Tenth floor...

Eighth floor...

Fifth floor...

Fourth floor...

As the elevator floor continues to go down.

The atmosphere at the scene became more and more tense, and the current atmosphere was already too dignified, to the point that it was hard to breathe!

Second floor...

Narita Masako grabbed Huang Mao's hand and motioned for him to run away immediately.

On the first floor...


The elevator doors opened.

A woman in a **** red dress walked out of it.

The moment the woman in red appeared!

A burst of evil spirit spreads away!

All players felt their hearts sink, and then a boundless fear rose from their hearts!

They suddenly found that they couldn't move.

They all know that this is because of fear!

If they can't overcome it, they can't move.

At the scene, the only people with the ability to act were Huang Mao, Masako Narita, and Shoichi Takagi.

However, they are not feeling well, and their bodies are better in the quagmire. Although they are active, they are difficult.

The female ghost in red was pale and bloodless, expressionless, majestic and fierce. She walked out of the elevator door slowly in the posture of a peerless ghost, then stepped on the banana peel gracefully, her feet slipped, her whole body turned Pour back.

At this moment, she was already panicked on her cold face. She had never thought that she would fall like this.


Without suspense, she fell to the ground.

At this moment, her ghost head was blank.

who am I? Why did I fall? what happened?

However, before she could return to her senses, her head was immediately caught by the elevator door.

That's right, her head happened to be stuck in the middle of the elevator door, and she was a ghost, so naturally she couldn't sense the existence of her head, so she didn't pinch anyone...

But this one was enough to make her suspect that ghosts were born.

She was wondering, has she ever had such an aggrieved scene?


The elevator door couldn't close, it started to open closed again, pinched her head again...

. . . . . .

Huang Mao and the others watched this weird scene, suddenly didn't know how to describe it, they could only say that they were in a delicate mood.

I still want to laugh.

Have you ever seen a ghost in red with his head pinched by an elevator door?

I saw it.

She was also caught twice.

However, Muhuasaki Yaxin seemed to feel that this ghost wasn't embarrassing enough, and immediately pulled the trigger.

next moment!

A banana crossed an arc and hit the female ghost's forehead. The first half turned into a tuft, allowing the second half to stick to it completely...

At this moment, the scene became even more funny...


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