The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 139: Go straight up to 3 floors


The elevator door rang and closed automatically.

However, the female ghost with a dull face, her head was still stuck in the middle, so the elevator door clamped her head tightly.




The elevator doors close and open...

The female ghost has been pinched to her head.

And, even more funny, there is still a half of banana stuck to her forehead.

The red ghost felt very humiliated at the moment, but it was strange.

She can't stand up, the banana just now is not just a humiliating decoration.

She felt like her head was pressed by a mountain, and her body was completely weak.

It can be said that she was sealed by a banana, and she was still sealed in the middle of the elevator door, with her head pinched all the time.

This kind of humiliation, this great shame, she was going crazy, she was actually defeated by a banana!

From the banana peel to the banana pulp, everything plays its role perfectly.

What a shameful defeat for her ghost in red.

She can't accept it!

However, no matter how she couldn't accept it, she still couldn't move, she could only show a hideous expression, and her body trembled slightly.


At this moment, Huang Mao and others also noticed the anomaly, and logically, the female ghost should stand up at this point.

Moreover, they could also think that this female ghost would be furious, but the rage was furious, her savage face looked very angry, but her head was still caught by the elevator door.

Is it possible to be caught stupid?

Huang Mao thought blankly.

After all, they couldn't imagine that a banana could crush a female ghost to death, or a scary ghost in red that looked super fierce.

At this time, Muhua Saki Yaxin started to show off. She took the banana peel that had just shot the bullet and threw it on the face of the lady in red, proudly puffing her head up and saying: "Huh, just a little ghost, in our profession The exorcist's subordinates, it's not worth mentioning. Isn't that, I just suppressed it casually?"

After speaking, Muhua Saki Yashin raised her head on her hips and raised her head to the sky and laughed. However, the girl's unique voice with a baby voice and a hint of milk made her laugh very strange.

At the same time, the red-clothed ghost, who was covered with a bunch of bananas and banana peel on her face, and was ridiculed madly, also screamed madly.

Who can bear this!

Who can bear it!

What's more, she is a scary ghost in red. Usually in this ghost realm, who doesn't call her head when she meets her?

Such a shame!

Even if she is dead!


She can't seem to die, she can't even kill herself by exploding herself, she can't use all her ghost skills...

Just thinking about it, the elevator door caught her head again.

At this moment, her crazy scream came to an abrupt end.

She is desperate, her body that cannot move, her ability that cannot be used, she has become a puppet...

At this moment, she cried.

Her silent eyes shed crystal tears...

Huang Mao and the others on the side looked at them, and suddenly a trace of sympathy surged in their hearts. This ghost was indeed too miserable.

This girl is indeed too much...

Suddenly, Huang Mao sympathized with the female ghost for a second, and immediately faced the girl who was proudly bragging about herself, showing a smiling face of worship: "Master! Next, please **** us to the intensive care unit!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin heard this and immediately replied with an arrogant smile: "Of course there is no problem."

"Very good! Then don't worry about this idiot whose head is pinched by the door, let's go up the stairs and go to the monitoring room!"

Huang Mao yelled to Narita Masako and the group behind him, and immediately ran to the front first, and the others immediately followed.

This exorcist girl, who claims to be an exorcist, is weird and outrageous in her exorcism equipment, although she still can't believe that she has the ability to exorcise ghosts.

However, it must be right to call her.

Huang Maochong was the fastest, and went straight to the second floor in one breath, but the people behind hadn't fully followed.

When he wanted to continue walking up, he suddenly saw a "person" walked out of the stairs on the second floor.

This "person" had half of his head ripped, his head was crooked, his body was wearing ragged and dirty clothes, and his walking movements looked like a strange shape.

"Crack, click, click~"

He came over to Huang Mao with a strange noise in his mouth, his feet crooked and twisted, and his hands were as weak as noodles, and seemed to have no bones.

The most important thing is that he moves very slowly?

Huang Mao stopped and stood on the fourth step of the stairs, looking at the simply moving "people".

"This guy? Isn't it a zombie?"

Based on this image, besides the zombies, did he think of anything else?

And this zombie still looks very weak.

At this time, Narita Masako and others also came up, and at first saw the zombies moving out of the stairs on the second floor, they were shocked and stepped back.

"what is this?"

Narita Masako sent a question.

However, Huang Mao did not answer Narita Masako, but directly pointed at Yoshimura, "Yoshimura! Take out the pistol and shoot this guy in the head!"


Yoshimura was a little stunned, and immediately looked at it with some hesitation: "But boss, I can't use a gun? I may not be able to shoot."

When he said that, Muhua Saki Yaxin jumped out of the crowd, holding a banana in one hand and pointed at the zombie.

"Look at the banana!"

boom! !

A gunshot sounded very loud in this silent stairwell.

The zombie's head suddenly burst into a hole and fell directly to the ground...

At this point, the zombies rushed to the street...

At this time, everyone looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin and the plain banana.

They were shocked. They didn't expect this banana to be...

"Don't look, it was me who fired."

Shinhiro Majo held up a desert eagle, somewhat helpless.

Is his presence so low?

It's obvious that the gunfire originated from him.

Huang Mao and the others were relieved immediately.

"Fortunately, it's normal."

Huang Mao and others thought so.

However, Shinhiro Majo felt very upset, what kind of expression was this.

What's the relief?

Muhua Saki was also a little unhappy, looking at Shinhiro Majo, her mouth narrowed and said, "The stranger who robbed me, obviously I was first."

Nobuhiro Majo held the handsome Shaying and apologized somewhat helplessly: "Sorry, my fault."

"Huh~ don't have another time."

Suddenly, Muhua Saki Yashin ignored Shinhiro Majo, turned around and walked to the front of the team.

The others followed silently.

In response, Shinhiro Majo took Sha Ying silently and took it back into the gun bag around his waist.

"My gun is very handsome and said..."

Come to the third floor.

Another zombie ran out of the stairs, but this zombie was different again. Although the movement was still slow and walking slowly, it actually had an iron bucket on its head!

Iron barrel zombies!

At this moment, UU read www.uukanshu. com Huangmao everyone thinks of which game.

Zombies vs. Plants!

Isn't this the barrel zombie?

Oh, no, this is a zombie...

But this is so strong!

Huang Mao murmured silently in his heart.

Huang Mao shook his head, no longer thinking of those weird things, and said to the person behind him.

"With this guy's moving speed, I feel like I can leave it alone."

However, Muhua Saki Yexin jumped out of the crowd again, with a banana in his hand, aiming at the iron bucket zombies.

"How can I leave it alone! I am a professional exorcist, and I can't keep this evil!"

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