The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 141: Hell Campus

The boss guarding the sixth floor is a small four-meter-high biochemical monster with arms thicker than a human body!

It resembles a biochemical tyrant, and most importantly, it does carry a Gatling machine gun.

Muhua Saki Yaxin said that this design is suspected of plagiarism, and if she wants to score, she will directly fail!

Of course, the premise is that she can withstand this terrifying firepower!

"Run away!!"

Huang Mao took the lead to escape, he jumped directly from the top of the stairs to the steps down the stairs!

The rest of Narita Masako and other players also began to rush away.

"Outrageous! Outrageous! This degree of difficulty is already more than four stars!!"

Masako Narita screamed and fled among the players!

At this moment, the six-barreled Gatling in the hands of the biochemical tyrant tyrant had already turned.

Muhua Saki Yexin stood in the front, flipping her pockets calmly: "Wait, wait for me to find some props."

Obviously, it doesn't know the concept of waiting, and Gatling fired immediately! There was a long fireworks directly from the muzzle, dozens of bullets per second, instantly forming a metal storm tearing everything!

However, Muhua Saki Yexin was still flipping through her pocket, and directly passed the dense bullets, exploding **** words, and the whole person was flying out of the bullet with the momentum of the bullet!

Suddenly, the players saw that the girl was like a rag doll, with a blood-stained body tracing a beautiful arc from the air, and then fell between the stairs.

Seeing the horror of the girl, the players became even crazier and flee for their lives crazily.

There was only Huang Mao, and he was still standing on the bottom step of the stairs and watching. He didn't expect the girl to lose so quickly.

Until, he suddenly saw that the girl lying dead had a strange fruit falling from her pocket.

next moment.

The girl stood up again, the blood on her body disappeared, but the fruit that rolled from her pocket became riddled with holes.

Huang Mao was a little surprised.

"Standalone fruit?"

"Wrong! It's ginseng fruit!"

Muhua Saki said solemnly, and at the same time she took out a strange gun from her pocket. The top of the gun was a funnel.

Immediately afterwards, the girl took out a pack of melon seeds from her pocket and poured the melon seeds into the funnel.

At this time, the biochemical tyrant was already holding Gatlin and taking aim.

Upon seeing this, Huang Mao quickly fled down a flight of stairs.

And Muhua Saki Yaxin just finished reloading, and turned his gun to aim at the tyrant.

"Look at my melon seed machine gun!!!"

The tyrant also pulled the trigger!

Da Da Da Da Da! ! !

The muzzle of the two guns spewed bullets, and the hot snakes erupted in a line! In the middle of the tongue of fire, the bullet and the seeds collided, sparks flew all over the place!

But more bullets (melon seeds) still shot into the bodies of Muhua Saki Yaxin and the tyrant.

But what is strange is that the bullet shot into Muhua Saki Yaxin's body, like a ball of air, an intangible phantom, almost without resistance, directly shot into the ground stone brick or the wall behind him.

The tyrant honestly ate these melon bullets, his body was riddled with holes and his head was also smashed.

It took three seconds, and the shot ended, and the tyrant fell to the street...

Huang Mao and the others, heard nothing, for a while, they didn't know who won, and no one dared to go up and check.

Huang Mao didn't plan to go up and check, because if the girl won, she would definitely call them, if she lost, then the girl would definitely not come back.

"We wait one more minute. If she hasn't come yet, then we have to run away."

Huang Mao said to everyone.

Narita Masako and others nodded in agreement.

Of course there are also people who are ready to move and want to run away directly.

At this time, the girl's voice sounded in the corridor:

"Come on, I have driven this monster out, let's go to the next level."

Huang Mao immediately expressed his joy: "It's a master of exorcism!"

Huang Mao cautiously led people back to the stairs up to the sixth floor. At first glance, he saw the gravel and sand on the ground, as well as the dilapidated stairs.

When I reached the sixth floor, I saw the tyrant's broken body and his smashed head.

As for the girl, she stood at the entrance of the upper corridor, posing with her back to them, a posture that should be said that she thinks she is very handsome.

Huang Mao does not comment on this, but can only say that this girl is very awkward.

"The exorcist master?"

The girl suddenly turned around, raised her head proudly, and said proudly: "Don't call me the master of exorcism, please call me the light of the exorcist world! A mysterious and powerful exorcist girl like me! How can a master be able to Described!"


Huang Mao suddenly didn't know what to say, and the girl suddenly stopped him.

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't care, turned around and went on to the next floor.

Watching the girl walk up, Huang Mao pointed at the girl...


He didn't say anything, Huang Mao shrank his hands, and finally withdrew it. His eyes were complicated. In fact, he wanted to say that it would be more dangerous in the future, and wanted to persuade the girl whether or not to move on.

However, thinking that the girl was just an NPC, he decided to sacrifice the girl to explore the way...

Anyway, the worst result is...

Huang Mao shook his head:

"I don't know what boss will be on the seventh floor, the eighth floor? The sixth floor is already the case, the seventh and eighth floors, that must be terrifying..."

"It's just that we don't seem to have any choice..."

Huang Mao didn't keep up, and the players didn't know any actions, because the next level was no longer a battle they could touch.

Soon, Muhua Saki Yexin came to the seventh floor, and she also found that Huang Mao hadn't followed up. After a little thought, she knew what Huang Mao thought was.

He didn't care, and went straight to the fight.

The guardian BOSS of this layer-Void Ghost.

A ghost with no entity itself has extremely powerful power and is theoretically immune to all physical attacks.

It's just a pity that Muhua Saki Yaxin simply threw an apple and smashed it to death.

She is a professional exorcist, this kind of thing is easier to deal with than her.

The eighth floor.

Guard the BOSS-the evil ghost of the black evil.

A void ghost with black and unknown smoke entangled in it is much stronger than ordinary void ghosts, and it also has many abilities related to evil spirits, such as shock, fear field and so on.

It's a pity that it was managed by Muhua Saki Yaxin with a banana.

A banana headshot and went directly to the west.

At this point, the task is complete.


Muhua Saki Yaxin looked at the empty stairwell behind him, and curled his lips.

He raised his breath later, and shouted a little loudly: "It's done, come up, mortals."

At this moment, the Huangmao group who was in a daze on the sixth floor suddenly became sober after hearing Muhua Saki Yexin's voice, and looked at the upper stairs in surprise.

It's just that Huang Mao is a little confused: "So fast? It's a bit strange? Why is there no movement at all?"

Narita Masako on the side frowned, "I think it's weird. Is it possible that the ghost won, and then occupy the girl's body to talk to attract them up?"

As soon as Narita Masako said this, everyone suddenly felt cold.

Judging from this silent battle, it is indeed very possible.

"Then what to do?"

Yoshimura said something meaningless in a panic.

Huang Mao was also aware of this problem. He frowned, thought for a moment, and suddenly raised his head to look at the stairs.

"You step back, I told her to come down."

The players suddenly retreated back to the lower corridor and looked at Huang Mao nervously.

Huang Mao looked at the dark corridors, slightly pressed against his inner tension, took a deep breath, and yelled, "Master Exorcist! Come down and pick us up!"




The voice was loud and powerful, echoing in this silent corridor...

However, the girl didn't seem to respond immediately.

The players waited nervously for a response.

One second...

Two seconds...

Five seconds...

Time seems to be very slow...

Their mental pressure is getting higher and higher.

Until the corridor entrance suddenly poked out a small head.

"You are too timid, the BOSS has been suppressed and purified by me, so I dare not come up yet."

Listening to the girl's milky voice, looking at the cute little vigorous face that came out.

Huang Mao and the others suddenly felt the joy of being left behind, you really are fine!

Huang Mao directly gestured to the girl with a thumbs up: "As expected of you, the light of the exorcist!"

As he said, Huang Mao greeted him with a smile.

When everyone saw this, they were happy to follow directly.

However, when Huang Mao approached, Muhua Saki Yaxin stood up from behind the wall of the building, revealing the whole picture of her body.

this moment!

Huang Mao stopped his pace, his smile stiffened.

The players behind him also stopped.

Because, the girl...has no body! ! !

She has only one head floating in the air, no wonder the probe, although this head looks very cute, she just wants a little cute!

However, if the body is gone, it will not be cute at all! ! !

Muhua Saki Yaxin's little head smiled, revealing a mysterious smile, as if a conspiracy had succeeded.

Seeing this smile, Huang Mao immediately took three steps back and forth, shouting with sweat on his head: "Escape! Escape! Escape!!!"

The player behind suddenly turned around and ran downstairs!

Huang Mao, too, he heard the girl's eager voice just as he wanted to turn around.

"Don't don't, I'm kidding! Don't run! Don't run!"

Huang Mao immediately looked again. At this moment, the girl's body had already appeared, and her whole body seemed to be normal.

Huang Mao also realized that this seemed to be a girl's prank, and suddenly shouted: "Don't run! Stop!"

Some people have actually heard the girl joking and stopped a long time ago, but there are still some people whose fear has already taken over their minds and simply cannot accept other information.

Only Huang Mao yelled them back.

Five minutes later.

Muhua Saki Yaxin was surrounded by the players. She lowered her head and apologized weakly like a child who was sitting in the wrong place and was being trained:

"Sorry, I was wrong."

Huang Mao was a little helpless: "Okay, I hope there will be no next time, we can't be frightened."


Regarding it, Narita Masako and others did not say anything. After all, the girl apologized. What do you want her to do?

Well, actually she wants to rub the head of this skin girl!

Who would have thought that a girl who has always been cute and cute would suddenly have a prank...

Sure enough, the cute loli in the world, if you don't cut it, you don't know if it's black in the interior.


The BOSS was annihilated, and Huang Mao and others went upstairs seemingly casual. They came to the seventh floor and looked at the ground without any traces of fighting.

Huang Mao asked: "Why is the BOSS resolved so quickly this time? And is there any movement?"

Muhua Saki said proudly: "That's naturally because of my powerful strength.

I am a very professional exorcist. Those ghosts are indeed powerful, but that's just relative to your ordinary humans.

For me, it's just a little girl who purifies easily. "

Yellow hair

However, when they came to the eighth floor, Huang Mao and others discovered that it is not safe. Passing in some rooms or offices, you can feel a cold breath. Some are strange chattering from inside, and some are Blood oozing from the door...

In short, it was not easy to provoke, Huang Mao and others dared not breathe, and walked carefully along the aisle.

Of course, Muhua Saki Yaxin is the most relaxed, as if he is walking in the garden of his own home.

The things in those rooms, if you don't mess with them, they don't seem to care about you. Huang Mao came to the end control room without any risk.

Fortunately, there is no such horrible atmosphere in the main control room.

Huang Mao cautiously pushed the door in and observed for a week, and found that there seemed to be no one or anything inside.

Immediately walked in with confidence.

In the main control room, there are only eight screens in the room responsible for the main monitoring of the campus.

Each screen is responsible for all monitoring of a school district, so they can see that the monitoring lens on the screen changes every few seconds.

Moreover, the scenes of the eight-sided screens that are converted each time are very intimately marked.

The sharp-eyed yellow hair saw the location of the sixth monitoring screen, where is the aisle on the first floor of the third teaching building!

It just seems that no one or anything is there.

After a few seconds, the camera jumped, and it seemed to be a surveillance camera facing the square, but unfortunately, no one or anything was observed in the atmosphere.

"There is a situation! Boss! It seems that there are survivors!"

what! ?

Huang Mao quickly turned his head and looked at it. On the eighth screen, the address marked on the camera was the aisle on the second floor of the fifth teaching building!

The three students hurriedly ran on the aisle, behind them there was a dark shadow chasing them.

It's just a pity that they couldn't run faster than this shadow. They were caught up in just a few seconds. The shadow swelled directly into a large cloth, covering the three of them directly.

In an instant, the shadow returned to its original state, and the student disappeared completely...

Huang Mao shook his head, and he knew that this school of cannibalism had long since turned into a world of ghosts!

"Boss! Look! What is this?"

"No need to look, the more I look at it, the more I feel that this copy is not something we can pass at all..."

Nobuhiro Majo seemed very depressed.

"Do we really still have a chance?"

Narita Masako also seemed to be in despair, and his whole body became devoid of fighting spirit.


Huang Mao frowned and looked at the other screens in a blink of an eye!

However, what he saw this time made him frightened, and his heart felt cold!

They saw the tip of the iceberg of this **** school! ! !


In the fifth teaching building, every classroom is brightly lit. However, there are classrooms but the windows are stained with blood, and the lights are bloody.

Some classrooms are empty, only weird shadows are swaying in the lights...

Some classrooms, when viewed from the inside, are full of students, but the bodies of students and teachers have become pitch black and distorted, just like demons.

Some classrooms have become canteens, but the students inside are not eating food, but some **** meat, internal organs and some limbs...

In addition, there seems to be a lot of survivors, many of them are students, and they don't know where they came from.

It's just that once they appear in the surveillance range, it means they won't live long.

Or be swallowed by ghosts in the black mist.

Or be bitten and killed by the wandering ghost teacher.

Or be drawn into the black mist by the dark tentacles.

I saw no survivors wandering around the campus, and none of them survived five minutes...

It can be seen that there is no safe place on this campus.

Countless ghosts wandering in the open spaces of the campus!

Various ghost teachers and unknown evil spirits in the classroom!

A strange black monument in the west side...

The corpse house in the canteen...

It is hard to imagine that they actually came to Lide Building safely all the way...

Yellow hair feels weak:

"Is there really no way?"

"I'm the second copy? Why is it so outrageous!"

With that said, Huang Mao vented heavily on the desktop!

At this moment the room became quiet.

Everyone bowed their heads and didn't know what they were thinking, their morale was extremely low...

"Um... why don't you find the final boss? If I destroy it, maybe this ghost domain can be eliminated."

Muhuasaki Yexin raised her hands, weakly said.

"Looking for a boss?"

Huang Mao suddenly surged with confidence and continued to look at the surveillance!

"Yes! Find the boss! Find the boss! Then!"

Huang Mao glanced at Muhua Saki Yexin, and said excitedly: "Then you go to destroy it, we are here waiting for your good news!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly widened her eyes: "Huh?"


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