The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 142: Handsome 1

Huang Mao looked at the girl's cute look, and repeated his words again: "Is there a problem? We will find the boss, and then leave it to you to fix it.

After all, you are a master of exorcism, so come in this ghost domain for the boss. "

Muhua Saki was stunned, this yellow hair, this shameless fellow, dare to say bluntly to let her be a tool person?

Do you think I am here to enter the dungeon?

Am I here to play the game?

Speaking of this, Muhua Saki Yaxin was suddenly upset, and at the same time, he quickly came up with a strategy in his heart.

I am a game gm, how can I be a tool man for you!

Thinking about it, Muhua Saki Yaxin nodded blankly on the surface and agreed to Huang Mao.

"Well, who made me a professional and selfless exorcist."

Huang Mao and the others immediately showed gratitude to the girl, and hurriedly went to the monitoring screen to find the existence of the suspected BOSS.

However, at this time.

Muhua Saki Yaxin secretly activated her authority.

The hour hand of the world's time scale suddenly began to slide quickly!


this moment!

Time has come to night!


The black mist covering the school suddenly dispersed!

In the sky, a blood moon appeared, and the scarlet moonlight shed the ground, adding a **** of color to this campus.

At the same time, a huge, indescribable breath of blood and evil spirits enveloped the entire campus in an instant!

At this moment, the ghosts and sprites in the audience are starting to go crazy!

They roar!

They roar!

They run away in anger!

They want to destroy!

They wander around this campus, killing as they please!

Nothing can restrain them anymore!

Tonight is their carnival night!


Huang Mao and others in the monitoring room, everyone's face is pale and pale, the fear in his eyes has not yet dissipated!

Just now, a sudden burst of invisible fear pressure made them a little breathless.

They didn't adapt until three minutes passed.

However, after adapting, they knew that they once again felt the **** called despair!

Inside the monitor!

The fog has disappeared, but in exchange is the **** moonlight radiated by the weird scarlet full moon!

At the same time, all the ghosts began to emerge from everywhere, and the entire campus almost instantly became an amusement park for ghosts and evil spirits!

Moreover, leaving aside the school for the time being, a terrifying spiritual riot occurred in the building where they are located!

All of them in the monitoring room could clearly hear the roar of unknown ghosts from the outside world!

It seems that the ghosts in the whole building are screaming, all kinds of indescribable sounds are intertwined, and the people who listen to it are creepy!

Huang Mao swallowed, and asked in a low voice, "Fa...what happened?"

Narita Masako looked at the time in the monitor.


Looking at it this way, she probably guessed what happened.

She hesitated, and whispered to Huang Mao, "I guess, it should be time."

"Time? What time?"

Huang Mao was a little stunned. Suddenly he woke up and the girl seemed to have said that at night, the ghost domain would become crazier and stronger.

"Is it night already?"

Huang Mao turned his head and saw that the time on the monitor screen in the monitor was marked 22:04.

"What to do, what to do with the boss?"

Yoshimura was obviously panicked, he was not afraid of death, he was afraid of death, and he was afraid of ghosts.

So these ghosts are often his nemesis!

He would rather commit suicide than face these ghosts!

At this moment, I don't know if it was affected by the evil spirits, and the players became very panicked.

Upon seeing this, Huang Mao soothed:

"Don't panic, we are fairly safe here."

However, at this time!

The door of the monitoring room was knocked.



"Moximosi~ Is there anyone? Hehehehe~ Is there any cute person? Hehehehehe~"

Outside the door was the voice of a girl, but that voice was sullen and it sounded hairy!

Not to mention this neurotic question.

At this moment, the players immediately calmed down. Their eyes were full of fear and their bodies were trembling. At this moment, they had lost their reason and ability to act.

Huang Mao and Gao Muxiang are more resilient and not much better. The feeling of being dominated by fear and the stiffness of the whole body is very uncomfortable!

"It's over! It's over! We're over!"

A player whispered with trembling.

Moriichihiro and Takeo Kimura had already pulled out their guns. Their purpose was not to kill ghosts. They knew that this thing was useless for ghosts.

They want to liberate themselves.

After all, in the surveillance, they have seen how terrible the survivors killed by ghosts will die.

There was a voice outside the door.

The sound of a high heel treading in the corridor.

A crazy laugh!

A sharp cry!

The sound of a palm hitting the wall!

The nervous girl's voice came again: "Hahaha~hehehe~ If you don't open the door, I will come in. Is there really no one inside?"

Huang Mao felt cold in his hands and feet, now he can be sure.

There must be more than that girl ghost outside, it has become a ghost cave outside, and a group of ghosts are waiting for them to deliver food!

This seems to have determined their mortal situation.

At this moment, it seems that the last moment of despair is really coming.

No chance...

Huang Mao sighed, although he was very unwilling, but there was no chance.

"What kind of expression do you guys have."

Muhua Saki Yaxin stood up and came to the forefront.

The unscrupulous Huang Mao and others looked at the girl in front of her, she was still the same, always indifferent, innocent girl mentality. Nothing seems to be able to impress her, even at the end of death...

Maybe this is the NPC.

The main **** game NPC...


It's really agile like a real and vivid life...

Huang Mao seemed to see everything very openly, with the ease and ease of a dying person: "Girl, can you take us out?"

This is a mortal situation. Even if you are strong, it will be difficult for you to protect us under the siege of so many ghosts. "

Muhua Saki Yaxin raised her head to look at Huang Mao, with a slight smile on her lips, and said confidently: "Hmph~ I have emphasized many times, I am a professional exorcist."

With that, Muhua Saki Yexin took out a banana gun from her pocket, took out a pineapple, and walked forward to the door.

"You... what do you want to do? Exorcist girl?"

Huang Mao looked at the girl's back, and he seemed to have guessed what the girl wanted to do.

But can it really work?


Muhua Saki Yaxin faced the door and turned her back to the yellow hair, showing her iconic arrogant smile: "Humph~ As an exorcist, I am fully awakened, it's just you!"

The girl glanced back and smiled confidently: "Are you ready?"

Huang Mao looked at the girl's smile, without a lot of attention.

At this moment, an unknown flame surged in his heart again, he clenched his fist and smiled unknowingly at the corner of his mouth:

"Ah, how could I be beaten by you? Really inferior."

Huang Mao turned around and looked at the players, only to realize that the players also seemed to have a spirit of raising them.

Is this a sure-fire victory?

The corners of Huang Mao's mouth were raised higher. Anyway, they were desperate. They must have this kind of spirit. He said softly:

"Are you all ready?"

The players all speak!


Huang Mao looked at Muhuasaki Yaxin and chuckled lightly: "Did you hear it?"

Muhua Saki Yexin held the banana in her right hand and raised it as if she had responded to Huang Mao!

The next moment, she raised the pineapple in her left hand, and opened the door without hesitation!

this moment!

Huang Mao and others were extremely concentrated and looked out the door nervously!

Until the door is fully opened!

Standing at the center of the doorway was a ghost girl. Her skin was dry and black, her face was gray and black, and her whole person was like a corpse.

On the left is a woman wearing red high-heeled shoes, her complexion is still dark brown, rotten, and her face is covered by hay-like hair.

On the right is a scary weirdo with no skin and various muscle tissues exposed.

These three people occupy all the field of vision, but they can still see that there are a few scary unknown things behind them.

In this way, it seems that both sides feel very surprised.

After opening the door, no one did it first.

Muhua Saki Yaxin looked at the three ghosts for three seconds.

Suddenly, the girl looked at Muhua Saki Yexin in front of the door with a sweet smile. Of course, you can feel the sweetness by ignoring the bony face of the mummy on her face.

Muhua Saki Yaxin also showed a smile, and then handed the pineapple in his hand directly.

The ghost girl was stunned, and took the pineapple inadvertently with both hands.

The next moment, Muhua Saki Yaxin's smile disappeared, and the door swiftly closed.


The sound of the door snapping was strangely loud.

At this time, the ghost girl, the hair-covering ghost, and the three skinless ghosts were stunned again, and they all glanced at the pineapple in his hand.


Huang Mao and the others watched Muhua Saki Yexin's operation, and a big grass lay in their hearts.

Can it be like this?

Muhua Saki Yexin leaned her back against the wall next to the door, facing Huang Mao and the others, her eyes solemnly shouted: "Ready! I will stop them!"

Huang Mao nodded blankly.

At this time, only a deafening explosion was heard outside the door!

Rumble! ! !

The violent impact and fire wave shattered the door, and sawdust and smoke rushed into the room!

Huang Mao and the others stood in front of them with their hands in shock.

However, this moment!

Muhua Saki Yaxin rushed out with the banana in both hands.

From this perspective where time seems to be slowing down, Huang Mao can see clearly, as the sawdust and the smoke and dust are flying away, the girl moves forward, her back, her posture, she wants to be a brave and fearless hero!

Huang Mao gritted his teeth, he naturally wouldn't look at it, "Everyone! Keep up! Hurry! Leave it alone! Let's go downstairs!"

Behind him, Takagi Shoichi, Yoshimura Isshin, Narita Masako, etc., are already ready!

Everyone squeezed like wind and thunder!

When everyone came outside, they saw the girl surrounded by ghosts at first sight!

However, they did not waver, they looked forward firmly!

At the moment, they have only one goal!




Although hope is slim!

Although it may be just a waste of effort!

But they want to fight!

Fight for one in ten thousand, one in ten thousand chance!

Only if you live, you have a chance!

Even if this chance is smaller than buying a lottery ticket!

They want to fight too!


Someone was caught by a ghost midway!

One behind!

No one is shaken!


Another one was swallowed by a ghost in person!

No one is shaken!



escape! ! !

Boom! ! !

A huge ghost blocked the walkway, completely blocking the way.

Huang Mao and the others stopped immediately. At this moment, everyone's hearts were frozen again.

Could it be!

Is it really bad?

Bang! ! !

A banana slid past everyone, and directly hit the head of the huge evil spirit!

boom! ! !

The whole ghost suddenly exploded, and the broken ghost body turned into black smoke and floated in the air...

Huang Mao glanced behind him subconsciously.

I saw Muhua Saki Yexin was stuck in front of a crowd of ghosts and turned his back to them.

Huang Mao was silent, his eyes were firm, and he turned to move on!

"Go! Don't stop!!!"

In fact, no need to remind, everyone is very sensible.

In this way, a mighty group of people ran directly out of the eighth floor!

Follow the stairs on the eighth floor and go downstairs quickly!

When he went downstairs, Huang Mao was thinking about the next step!

Thinking about the chance to pass the customs!

What are they going to do next!

If they run blindly on campus, their death is only a matter of time!

In this way, the girl's sacrifice is meaningless, and their persistence is meaningless!

"Let's go to the third teaching building!"

At this time, Takagi Xiangyi, who had been silent for a long time, spoke, his eyes were firm and his words were sonorous and powerful.


"Because even if it is a five-star and six-star copy, there will be no absolute dead end!

This four-star copy shouldn't be that difficult!

Moreover, [the teacher in charge] reminded it many times! Class is the most important thing! This clue is very important! "

Takagi's tone of speech was a statement, as if what he said was absolutely right.

Huang Mao thought for a while, and directly agreed: "I agree!"

"I agree too!"

"I can't disagree!"

"Agree or disagree, it doesn't matter!"


Almost no one disagrees!

Immediately, they decided!

Back to the third teaching building!

They used to be the starting classroom!

It's easy to go downstairs, and they quickly return to the first floor!

The first floor seemed very peaceful, except for the ghost in red whose head was pinched by the elevator door, there was no other ghost.

Huang Mao and the others did not stop and ran out of the Lide Building!

At this time, Narita Masako ran to the nearby library and left a faint sentence: "My skills can provide me with the ability to fight ghosts. I will find some books first, and I will follow you in a while! "

Huang Mao didn't stop Narita Masako, and the players in the team didn't feel anything.

They keep going!

At this moment, the field of vision is no longer restricted, but the dangers in various places have increased!

They need to plan their route and avoid some powerful ghosts that might destroy them, so that they can reach the third teaching building safely!

Of course, the so-called planning is actually just Huang Mao who chooses to avoid some group destruction engines in his mind based on memory!

However, meeting ghosts is inevitable In the square, their human flesh and blood suddenly attracted a group of ghosts!

In order to avoid the ghosts, three of them were caught.



Rottenly complain.

Weird shadow.

It seems that every time you run less than one kilometer, someone is killed!

When their team was downsized to nine people, they finally returned to the third teaching building!

Back to the starting classroom!

Where, there seems to be no one!



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