The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 143: Inside world

As they sprinted all the way, Huang Mao and the others were almost exhausted and paralyzed.

Under the extreme pressure of life and death, several players have broken through the limit, as if a small universe broke out, suddenly running fast!

A newcomer girl ran even faster than Huang Mao at one time!

However, when they came to the third teaching building, they also reached their limit.

The various evil spirits behind him are still chasing after him!

What is even more desperate is that the teaching building in front of you is also a magic cave. The whole building is roaring and roaring!

Wrecked in the corridors, rushed towards them from the stairs!

They seem to be surrounded!

Huang Mao looked at the empty classroom, he vaguely remembered that this was their initial location in the game!

Huang Mao looked at the chasing soldiers before and after, gritted his teeth and rushed into the classroom:

"No way! Let's go to the classroom first!"

The players blindly follow, they have reached their limit at the moment, and some people will faint at any time.

However, after entering the classroom, a dark shadow appeared on the empty podium, and a woman gradually emerged from the shadow.

That's right, this is the teacher who once called them.

As the same at the beginning, the teacher took out a machine gun at them, smiled and said: "The class roll call will begin."


Huang Mao panted heavily. After he stopped, he felt sore legs and feet, and his lungs were hot.

Even his physique is like this, let alone other people.

They can insist on coming here, it is already the limit of the limit.

Moreover, there is no energy to escape...

Huang Mao shook his head: "It seems that it's over."

There are nine people left in the current team

Huang Mao, Narita Masako, Takagi Shoichi, Yoshimura Isshin, Sakura Hiro, Majo Nobuhiro, Shinjin No. 1, Shinjin No. 2, Shinjin No. 3...

That's right, the two old players who had experienced a game were left behind in the middle.

However, the result does not seem to be much worse...

Huang Mao smiled slightly: "At least, being killed by a machine gun is a relatively normal way to die..."

Narita Masako was dizzy at the moment, she was sitting slumped in the seat, she has no strength to move...

Shacang rang, too, the newcomer girl, her hair was soaked, sweat dripped from her eyebrows like rain, her lips were white, and her eyes were tired. She slumped on the desk and closed her eyes and passed out.

The teacher began to roll the call.

"Narita Masako? Oh? You are here."

Da Da Da Da! ! !

The bullets penetrated Narita Masako's body intensively, and the **** flowers exploded again and again, and she lost consciousness without making a sound.

"Majo Nobuhiro."

Da Da Da~

"The sand bin rang."

"You students are obviously there, why don't you get the answer?"

Da Da Da Da!

Huang Mao looked at the shot Narita Masako and Sakura, smiled and shook his head:

"Why are you first?"

"Okamoto Yutora!"

The teacher finally clicked on his name.

Huang Mao lazily smiled and raised his hand: "Here!"

Da Da Da Da!

Puff puff! ! !

He just felt that his body was hit a lot by something in a row, so hot, he didn't feel how painful.

He smiled.

Hey, it doesn't hurt.

The next moment, a wave of tiredness surged into his mind, and he "slept" without resistance...

"Yoshimura Yixin..."

Da Da Da Da...

He still vaguely heard that his little brother was called by name...

Ha ha……

Sorry, Yixin, I couldn't keep my promise...

I can't take you... out...

The consciousness dimmed suddenly...


"Hey~? Big~Brother~"

A voice, as if transmitted from the deep sea to his mind, the voice was dull and quiet...

It seems that he shook his body?

Huang Mao's consciousness became slightly clearer, and he was suddenly confused?

Where is this place?

The world after death?

next moment!

He opened his eyes, and the world in front of him suddenly became vivid!

Sound, light, color...

And the person next to him?

He stood up fiercely and looked around at his surroundings.

Classroom... a familiar classroom!

However, this classroom is very dilapidated, and the walls have become tattered. It seems that it has existed for many years. The desks and chairs have rusted or become tattered...

"What the **** is this?"

Huang Mao looked at the person next to him, who seemed familiar.

"who are you?"

That person was the one who awakened him. He seemed a little excited. He pointed to his face and shouted loudly, "Big Brother! I am a player! I am a player who just entered the Lord God game!

I came to this place after being named and shot to death with a machine gun by that strange teacher! "


"After being shot, appeared here?"

Huang Mao's pupils shrank and his face was shocked, he seemed to have thought of something.

The player was still excited and said: "Yes, I thought I was dead, but I didn't expect to come back to this place? It turns out that the call is actually the mechanics of the game!

Here, this world!

According to the horror games I have played, this is the inside world!

Do not! Maybe it's the watch world, because it seems safer here.

The inside world should be very dangerous. Besides, I have explored outside and there is nothing weird...but I dare not go too far away..."

Huang Mao listened and thought.

The so-called inner world should be the real unfolding part of the game and the key to breaking the game!

No wonder that NPC class teacher keeps prompting!

Class is the most important thing!

Was it because of this?

They are going to die once, under the teacher's roll call!



What about the rest?

Huang Mao stood up, and when he stood up did he realize that he seemed to have recovered his strength?

He squeezed his fist, his eyes sharpened.

In this world, have we recovered or changed a form?

Without thinking about it, he began to look for other people in the classroom.

However, the classroom is so big that you can tell where there are people almost at a glance when you stand up.

There are only two of them here.

Is it possible?

Huang Mao thought of the conditions for entering here, it seemed that he was the only one who had spoken to this player.

if so!

That means that others will be eliminated forever!

Huang Mao clenched his fists.

He could not accept this result!

He looked at the player who was still chattering aside and asked:

"How did I appear? Is there any pattern?"

The player was stunned for a moment, and scratched his head a little embarrassedly: "There seems to be no pattern, I just found you lying there suddenly."

That would be terrible!

Huang Mao felt very uncomfortable, and his heart was depressed!

Didn’t expect in the end, he is the only one to survive! ?

"Someone is here again!"

At this time, the player shouted in surprise, waking Huang Mao up.

Huang Mao was suddenly excited, and turned his head to look for the figure of the incoming person, until he saw the plain and featureless face, he was suddenly a little unhappy.

This is Takagi Shoichi.

Why is he?

However, just as Huang Mao thought about it, the bodies gradually appeared next to Takagi.

Girl Sakura, Majo Nobuhiro, Yoshimura One Heart, Player One, Player Two...

Since then!

All arrived! ! !


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