The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 144: source

Under the dim sky is a lonely dilapidated school.

In a dilapidated classroom of this school, ten people formed a circle and sat cross-legged on the ground.

"Unexpectedly, we can still live?"

Nobuhiro Majo stretched out his hands and looked surprised: "But I really seem to experience the feeling of death once."

Takagi Xiangyi smiled gently: "Sure enough, this is a normal difficulty copy of the game."

"I hope I won't have another nightmare."

The girl sitting aside, Shacang rang a little depressed.

After she experienced the final sprint of the speed of life and death, and the final desperate death roll call, she was no longer a mere promise, she was probably used to it. .

With that, she looked outside the classroom window. Unlike the nightmare world, the environment outside the window seemed very gentle and lazy.

The sky was soft and dim yellow, and the square outside the campus was well-lit, and it was clear that it was a very large open space.

But it seems to have been abandoned for a long time. There are many cracks on the ground of the square, and grass grows in the cracks, but these weeds are not an eye-catcher, on the contrary, they add a touch of blending with nature to the square.

Coupled with this dim yellow light, the whole picture feels like an autumn dusk, lazy, very peaceful, and very quiet.

The girl had a long-lost smile:

"This world doesn't seem to be depressed at all."

"Or this game is too bad, who would have thought that you have to be called to death once before you can come to this true copy."

Yoshimura complained wholeheartedly.

"Besides, it may not be safe here, it is too early to say."

Huang Mao's complexion was indifferent, he glanced out the window, and said casually: "That's right, we don't know what is the danger in this world.

Maybe the true copy is four-star. "

"Four stars? Don't use it?"

Shinhiro Majo said with a distressed expression: "There are still four stars, so the evaluation of this picture has already exceeded six stars."

"Yes, I don't think it is possible." Takagi Xiangyi maintained a gentle smile and agreed: "However, even if this copy has one star, it will be a fatal threat to us!"


Nobuhiro Majo sighed, "I hope this copy will not be too underworld."

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult."

Huang Mao said jokingly, but it's not a joke, after all, this game has always been good.

"Okay, let's put aside the complaints and emotions, and then we will find the key to customs clearance here.

The prompts given at the beginning of the game shouldn't be of no use at all. "

"However, there are no clues right now, so we have to go out and explore and find information."

Everyone nodded together, they had no opinion.

"Then, let's go now."

After speaking, Huang Mao stood up, turned and walked towards the door.

Everyone followed.

When they came outside, they immediately felt a slight breeze.

Unlike the yin breeze of that world, this breeze feels cool and comfortable.

Everyone immediately felt relieved.

Along the square, all the way to the Lide Building at the front entrance of the campus, they finally saw the sign on the Lide Building.

Looking at this building, their eyes are a little complicated.

There is only the player who was named and sent from the very beginning, very happy, without any experience, looking confused and looking at everyone who seemed very touching.

Just at this time.

A class bell suddenly rang in the campus.


Everyone suddenly became vigilant.

"Why is there a ringtone suddenly?"

Huang Mao looked at the player who came here first: "Have you met again?"

The player shook his head: "No, I haven't encountered it.

It should be your arrival and what conditions have been triggered. "

At this time, a person walked out of the door of Lide Building.

Huang Mao and others watched the visitor vigilantly.

When the man came near, they found out!

This person is actually the head teacher! ! !

The head teacher seemed to have seen them too, looked over with a cold face, and shouted: "The class bell is ringing! Why are you not going to class? What are you doing here? Class leader, you too? Why are you the class leader?"

Huang Mao and the others actually wanted to run away, but when they heard this admonition, they were immediately taken aback.

And Takagi Xiangyi quickly reacted, and said with a smile on his face: "Um, teacher, I told them to go back to class, we will go back now, we will go back now."

As he said, Gao Muxiang winked at everyone.

Huang Mao and the others nodded and immediately turned around and walked back to the classroom.

After walking back, they found out!

Several teaching buildings have changed!

Every classroom is full of learning, and the teacher is also teaching on the podium.

The class they are in is no exception. Many students in the classroom are already sitting in their seats.

And the teacher is also on the podium, point the famous.

Moreover, the teacher was... the teacher in the ghost domain who shot the students by name with a machine gun! !

Everyone except the lucky player stopped and looked at each other.

Only Huang Mao took the first step firmly. He said lightly: "Don't worry, she is not that thing now."

Then I walked in.

Of course the teacher also found Huang Mao, with a serious expression on her face: "What are you doing? I came back so long? Can't you hear the ringtone in class?"

Huang Mao spread out his hands casually, "I hit a ghost, so I was a little late."

The teacher was stunned for a moment, and then said helplessly: "I've done it, I've been bullshit, come in quickly. After that, you don't need to call a report, just come in."

Huang Mao immediately walked in and chose a seat to sit down.

The teacher didn't say anything when he saw it.

Gao Muxiang and others also randomly chose a location.

The teacher looked at the seats in the class, and there were still three vacancies: "Are the three not back yet?"


At this time, two people appeared outside the door.

One man and one woman.

The man is thin and weak, and his clothes are dirty and messy, and his hair seems to be stained with soil, which is a bit sloppy.

After he shouted the report, he lowered his head, as if he didn't dare to look at the people in the class.

The woman also looked thin and weak, she seemed to be a very beautiful person from the looks of her, but it was too much that her face was stepped on, there was a noticeable black shoe print, and her hair was messy.

She also looked like an ostrich, and immediately lowered her head when she saw the sight of her classmates, she didn't dare to look at others at all.

The teacher also noticed the anomaly between the two of them, but she didn't say any comforting words. She just said as a rule: "Don't be late next time, hurry up and get seated."

At this time, the boys and girls were seated, but whispers came next to them.

"Did you see it? Did they get beaten again?"

"Huh~ It's so dirty, those two people are so dirty, what class do they have if they were beaten? Wouldn't you go back and take a shower first?"

"Have you seen that Lanlan? Are there shoe prints on her face? How ugly?"

"Really pitiful, hahaha. Why do you think they like to bully three of them?"

"Isn't it because they are cheap and dirty? Otherwise, why bully the three of them?"

"that's right."

Listening to these rumors, the girl and the boy shrank their heads. They lowered their heads, their bodies trembling, and they did not dare to look at anyone at all.

Huang Mao and the others watched this scene, and suddenly an anger surged into their hearts.

Such a beast, what is it! ?

Huang Mao really wanted to get up and explode the trash talking about others behind his back!

The teacher was also impatient at this moment, looked at the third person who had not yet appeared, and shook his head.

"It seems that De Tarot can't come, let's go to class directly."

When the teacher finished saying this sentence, the boy Yuichi and the girl Lan Lan both raised their heads in horror. The expressions in their eyes revealed fear and disbelief!

at this time.

The yellow hair who was looking at them could see clearly!

Something definitely happened!

The teacher at this meeting has already written on the blackboard, and she is ready to start lectures.

Huang Mao decisively came to the boy Yuichi's side and asked: "Yuichi! What happened? Why didn't De Tarot come?"

Youyi stared at Huang Mao blankly. He seemed surprised that Huang Mao would actually talk to him.

He looked at the teacher who was writing on the blackboard, and then at Huang Mao. He gritted his teeth and said to Huang Mao imploringly: "Brother Tiger! Brother Tiger! I know I'm a coward, everyone. Trash, but De Tarot, you have to save him! He rebelled against you don't save him, he might be killed."


Huang Mao was a little stunned.

"Where is he?"

"In the small forest behind the fifth teaching building!"

Huang Mao feels a sense of sight again!

The small mountain forest behind the fifth school building! ?

If he remembers correctly, in the world of watch, the tentacles that swallowed everything came from this place.

He thinks of the bullying incident, thinks of the next incident, and then thinks of the ghost domain of the school!

He seems to have understood what the background of this game is, and even the formation of the ghost domain, he also guessed a lot.



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