The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 141: From your eyes, I saw myself.

At the request of Wanyouyi, Huang Mao pulled up his hand and said solemnly: "Student Youyi! Let's save De Tarot together!"

At this moment, the teacher also noticed that Huang Mao, who ran out of her seat unscrupulously between classes, was a little angry: "Okamoto-san! What are you doing? Get back to your seat!"

Yuichi's head shrank with some fear, but Huang Mao didn't care at all, pulling Yuichi's hand forcibly to pull him out of the seat.

Then walked to the girl, classmate Lan Lan.

Lan Lan also noticed the approach of Yuto Okamoto at this moment, she was a little surprised and terrified.

However, Huang Mao aimed at Lan Lan's eyes with sincere and firm eyes: "Do you believe me? I can help you! Help you solve this nightmare!"

Lan Lan still didn't dare to look at Huang Mao's eyes, but she was taken aback when she heard the word "nightmare".

At the same time, Yuichi was also taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, the whole world seemed to have a bad signal, and the real picture suddenly flickered...

Gao Muxiang waited for the player and began to observe the surroundings left and right, fearing what would happen again.

Huang Mao also realized that the changes in this world are related to these two people!

I'm afraid, the world has a deep connection with these two classmates!

Huang Mao immediately held Lan Lan's face and let her look at herself: "Classmate Lan Lan! I will definitely help you! My companions will help you too! The world always has so much rubbish! Don't pay attention to it. This rubbish! If you are looking for it! If you are asking for help! I! I am the one you have been looking for, those who can help you!"

Lan Lan and You Yi were a little surprised, but their eyes were still full of doubts.

Until Lan Lan met Huang Mao's eyes, from those eyes, she saw those who would only laugh at them, would only avoid them, and those hypocritical people were different!


This person's eyes are very pure!

Pure firmness, pure sincerity, really purely want to help them!

He seems to know their world very well.

Lan Lan was shaken, is there really anyone who can help her in this world?

Will the first ray of light appear in the world covered by dark clouds?

Huang Mao looked at Lan Lan's divine eyes, he showed a trace of sadness, because he also remembered...

Memories of my own past!

The one who was a student...

At that time, his name was not Yutor Okamoto, but Ariino Okamoto.

He was originally a very ordinary high school student, and his studies in class were ordinary, no different.

Until one day, his life took a major turn.

He was blocked by bad gangs in the school when he went home that day.

Faced with a large number of bad people, he was very conscious and took the initiative to take out his wallet. They took all the money and did nothing to him.

On this day, he went home safely.

However, the following days changed...

Every once in a while, those people would block him on his way home and rob him of money.

Sometimes it’s a week, sometimes it’s only three days...

Until it became a habit, they became more and more excessive. When they had no money, they would beat him and even let him steal money from the house.

Otherwise, he will be beaten every day.

He was desperate, and with a glimmer of hope, he reported to the teacher.

The teacher also warned the bad people in the school.

He thought it was safe, but who thought those bad things would be even more excessive!

They tied him up angrily, beat him with a belt, burned his face with cigarette butts, all kinds of revenge!

Revenge him for reporting to the teacher and letting them be disciplined!

After being beaten so cruelly, there was no accident. The next day, he was hospitalized.

The family members were very angry about this incident, but it is strange that they did not comfort him. Instead, they scolded him, saying why he didn't resist?

Why not call the police, why, why, why...

Various reasons turned back in his mind.

He only knew that he didn't get the comfort of the noodle family, only countless scoldings and why, he felt a despair in his heart.

I feel that my whole world has dimmed...

When he was discharged from the hospital, sure enough, those people came again.

This time, he resisted, and the gritted teeth fought with the bad guys.

He injured two people, and he was seriously injured.

This incident was also caught by the teacher.

As a result, all of them were given a punishment and warning.

He was a little puzzled, but more puzzled.

"Am I a victim? They are the ones who beat me, they blackmail me! They are bad!"

He struggled to explain, telling the incident of his being bullied.

However, the school and the teacher did not seem to want to make a big mess, and this matter was suppressed.

His punishment was also implemented...

With more confusion, he continued to question the teacher.

But the teacher replied: "Think about it, why do they bully you and not bully others? Do you have to think about yourself? Don't always blame others!"

At this moment, he was even more desperate. The teacher seemed to not understand him and could not help him.

His world seemed to be dimmed again, becoming greyish.

Back in the class, he wanted to seek comfort and help.

However, the classmates who knew he was being bullied did not comfort him, but mocked him coldly.

He seemed to disdain him as a cowardly person, as if he deserved to be bullied.

It seems that if they are themselves, they will do well and will never be bullied...

Parents don’t care, teachers are irresponsible, classmates laugh at...

At this moment, he seemed to be cut off from the whole world and completely turned into a person...

Only one person, own world.

Moreover, his world is completely closed, almost without a trace of light.

From this moment on...

He became accustomed to, accustomed to being alone, accustomed to being bullied, accustomed to being laughed at, accustomed to being ignored, accustomed to pain...

He felt that people in this world are so hypocritical, and he has no need to exist in this world.

On this day, he was indeed blocked again. He did not resist, because he knew that resisting was useless.

And this group of bad people seems to be used to bullying him, and if they are in a bad mood, they will vent their anger on him.

However, this time, unlike usual, one person stood up.

He is not very strong, but very fierce and cruel!

When the fight started, it was almost completely fatal. There were eight bad students in the gang, and they seemed to be frightened by the brutal force, and they were directly beaten away.

After a bad run, he stretched out a hand to me and showed a confident smile.

"Juvenile! My name is Menghuchuan!"

At this moment, he seemed to feel a different breath, and this person seemed to glow all over his body.

But what about...

In despair, he would not accept any help from Tiger River.

He raised his head, his eyes were filled with despair, and he spoke the bottom words without feelings: "You beat them away, tomorrow they will beat me harder, and keep all this on me. This is simply Meaningless."

As he said, he didn't pay attention to the hand extended by Tiger River, and turned around to leave.

But Tiger Chuan, with a sunny smile on his face, was puzzled, and he also saw the look in the boy's eyes.

It's like being filled with despair for everything in the world, hating everything in the world, but not caring about everything...

It was the first time that Menghuchuan saw such a person, and he didn't understand why he became like that.

In this regard, he decided to help this young man come out. He confidently yelled at the leaving Kaohsiung Okamoto: "Then I will come back tomorrow to help you drive them away!"

He left with his back facing Menghuchuan, but his footsteps paused.

Will this person... really come to help him?

He shook his head and continued to stroll. He felt that this man was still doing meaningless behavior.

Even if you come tomorrow and help him once or twice, what can be changed.

The result is not the same. Sooner or later, those people will be exchanged for him.

The next day, those bad things came again.

On this day, he suddenly had some anticipation. He looked around, but he didn't find that person.

His eyes darkened a bit, and he shook his head, not caring.

Sure enough, that person was just talking about it.

Bad leaned over, they seemed to care about what happened yesterday, and they really wanted to vent back on him.

However, just when the bad guy wanted to do it, the man appeared!

It's just that, a little bit different is that the man's condition is a bit bad.

His body clothes seemed to be cut by a sharp blade, his head also had blood, and he walked a little bit, but the smile on his face was still so confident, as if it was shining.

He dragged his stump forward while shouting:

"Hey! Let go of that boy!"

The bad guys didn't speak, but showed a bad smile.

Seeing this tragic situation of this man, they were not afraid at all and rushed directly.

However, the man is really skilled, even in the case of such a serious injury, he still screams at the bad guys.

The man's dismissal is still desperate, and the more he is beaten, the stronger his shot.

No accident, the bad guys were beaten away again, and three others were taken away.

At this moment, as Okamoto Yuno, he finally revealed the first change in expression since the closed world.


He was very surprised, why did this man want to come, why even if he dragged his bruised body, he still wanted to help him a stranger.

He asked.

However, the man smiled boldly, dragged his scarred body, slowly sat on the ground, and said faintly:

"There is no reason, it's probably because you are pleasing to your eyes."



"And it's not a reason?"

Okamoto Yuino shook his head and said dullly.

Menghuchuan smiled:

"There are so many whys in this world, and there are not so many reasons. I wanted to do it, so I did it."

this moment.

Okamoto Yuya was stunned, and his words were just like the bullying he had experienced.

There is no reason for this. Why did this bad guy catch him and bully him alone, because he is so bully?

However, he also resisted...

Okamoto Yurino didn't think deeply. He didn't want to think too much about these things. These memories had no meaning except to give him pain and entanglement.

He shook his head again: "Maybe, there are indeed many things in this world for no reason. If it finds you, you should be unlucky."

"Heh~ it's really a **** world."

Hearing the boy’s swearing, the man was a little surprised. He smiled: “It’s indeed a terrible world, but it’s useless to just complain. You have to find a way to conquer and step this world under your feet. You will also know that although the world is terrible, there are still many beautiful things."

However, Okamoto Yuno was excited. His body trembled with excitement. He stood up and shouted at the man: "Do you think I have no idea? You have never experienced despair at all! You don't know people in this world at all. What a hypocrisy!"

After speaking, he became discouraged and sat down on the ground, lowered his head, buried his head between his legs, and did not look at the man again.

He knew that this person would be yelled at by him too.

Maybe, he would say that he is just a snarling, but dare not to resist, cowardly, incorrigible person, so leave, thus abandon him...

However, he felt a big warm hand covering his head.

Okamoto Yuino raised his head and saw the confident smiling face of the man still.

"I have never experienced despair, and I don't know how desperate you are, but don't worry.

I will take you out of that desperate world!

Boy, I will break your despair! "

Okamoto Yuya was stunned. For the first time he saw such a confident person, such a big talker, but a person who makes people unpleasant.

He didn't even know it, and there was an imperceptible smile on the corner of his mouth.

He shook his head discouragedly again: "What are you talking about? Even if you beat them this time, you still can't change anything."

Menghuchuan smiled and looked at the young man in front of him. From under his eyes, he could still see the deep sense of alienation, the kind of doubt about anyone...

He kept smiling, but he sighed inwardly.

He didn't know what the young man had gone through. At this young age, he would have such a look in his eyes.

He knew that he couldn't heal the deep scar in this young man's heart in a short while.

However, he also decided that he would be the leader of this young man in his only time!

Save the young man from the boundless world of darkness!

Thinking about it, Menghuchuan rubbed the boy's head, smiled and said, "Then I will help you run away those guys every day."

"But today, it's up to now, and I have to deal with it."

With that, he got up, ready to leave.

Okamoto Yuino, looking at the back of Tiger River who left, opened his mouth, but said nothing.

He wanted to say goodbye, but he hesitated.

Until the man left a distance, he suddenly turned around and smiled at him.

"Almost forgot."

He raised his hand and beckoned to him: "See you tomorrow, boy!"

After speaking, he turned around again, dragged his body, and walked away.

At this moment, Okamoto Yuino seemed to feel that his own world was shining in with a light...

However, it is still very dim.

It's tomorrow again.

Bad came to block the way, and the man fulfilled his promise and beat Bad again.

After the bad run, he and Okamoto Yuno sat on the dirty ground and chatted.

Day after day.

Every time, he can run badly.

Even if the bad guys ambush halfway, increase manpower, and hold weapons, they are still no match for him.

And Tiger Chuan chats with him every time he runs badly.

Gradually, many cracks appeared in his closed world, and the light shone from it, and the world seemed to become a lot brighter...

Okamoto Yuno has changed again. He starts to face himself and make changes in his life. Don't pay attention to those classmates who slander him, those irresponsible teachers, and those family members who don't understand and care!

As the man said, he must be himself.

However, some people don't seem to like to see him change!

Those bad things didn't block the road anymore, but began to ambush in the school and directly abducted him!

They tied him to an unknown abandoned building and began torturing him grinningly.

As always, these days, the man's abuse of them, they plan to still be on him.

At this point, he fell into despair again.

This time, he knew that no one could save him.

Maybe he will die here.

It's just that he is really unwilling, he obviously wants to make a change!

These people, these scumbags!

Why these scumbags in the world can't get along with him!

No answer...

Maybe they just saw him not pleasing to the eye...

Just like that, one day and one night.

He spent all his life in abuse, without eating or drinking, and his body was bruised.

However, he is used to this kind of pain, but Er, for him, more is the despair in his heart, this is his most painful.

The next day, they continued to beat him.

He also felt that he might not be able to survive this day.

However, an accident happened.

The man came in, as if he was driving Wushuang, holding a baseball bat, one bad at a time, and he knocked them all down.

He was also rescued.

However, at this moment, Okamoto Ariino saved by that man has lost his soul.

The soul was once again closed into that dark and boundless world!

Because even if he wants to change, these people will always stop it.

He may die, so why live meaninglessly?

However, the man didn't seem to give up, still smiling confidently, but this time there was anger in his eyes: "Yuye, I know this world is terrible, this reality is cruel, but if you give in, you will be fooled!

The more it wants you to give in, the stronger you should live!

The more you sink, and the less you resist, the more you will fall into the trap of the world!

do not give up!


Live strong!

What gesture do you give to the world! What kind of life will the world return to you!

Regardless of whether your life has improved or not, you have to become better yourself! "

After finishing speaking, the man looked at the bad escaping and struggling on the ground with a fierce look.

"However, you do lack a certain ability now! So, these rubbish, these offal! I'll help you dry it!"

Okamoto Yuno was already very weak at the moment. He listened to the man's words and fell into a coma.

Until I woke up, it had been a day.

Lying on the hospital bed, his eyes were hollow.

In fact, he felt that he was alive, and it didn't make much sense.

It's better to die, so those bad things should also be punished.

Soon, the news that he woke up was known to the doctor, and his family came.

This time, the family was finally relieved and worried, but he did not feel a little cordial.

Maybe they have been in self-isolation for a long time, maybe they have broken his heart.

It's okay, nothing makes sense anymore...

After another day, he replied a lot, and he was ready to go to school.

This time, he hid a knife in his body.

He was ready to go crazy once before leaving.

At the very least, those who are bad, they shouldn't stay in this world.

However, an accident happened.

Those ills seem to have disappeared, neither at school nor at home.

As for the people in the class, the look in his eyes also changed, as if they were a little scared and curious.

Okamoto Yuino has some doubts about this phenomenon.

Until five days later, he saw a piece of news.

That man...he killed twenty-three!

Sentenced to death, executed immediately!

Finally, during the interview, the man still had a confident smile. He ignored the reporter's question, but said an unclear sentence: "Hey! Boy! Did I break your despair?"

Okamoto Yuino's eyes were moisturized immediately, UU reading www.uukanshu. At the same time, I felt blocked in my heart, an inexplicable emotion gushing out like a flood, completely unstoppable...

At this moment, he knew why the bad guys disappeared.

He also knew the meaning of the last words that the man said.

He began to wipe his tears non-stop, but the tears fell uncontrollably, and they couldn't wipe them at all, and the moving emotions in his heart surged.

That dark and boundless world was completely broken at this moment.

That man did it, he broke the darkness in his heart.

He saved his life, but at the cost of his own life.

He didn't know why this man wanted to help him in this way, but he knew that he would never be able to repay this man anymore, and he didn't have anything to repay such a favor...

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