The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 146: Speechless

"Trust me! Student Lan Lan!"

Lan Lan stared at Huang Mao's eyes blankly. Perhaps Huang Mao's sincerity moved her, or perhaps they had no other choice.

In the end, Lan Lan nodded firmly in her eyes.

He probably had the same experience. Huang Mao understood the look in Lan Lan's eyes at this moment. He smiled and handed it over.

Lan Lan did not hesitate at this moment, holding Huang Mao's somewhat rough but very warm hand.

"Let's go! Go save De Tarot!"

Huang Mao showed a confident smile. At this moment, a shadow of a person appeared behind him, also showing such a natural and infectious smile.

It's like a sun!

Huang Mao inherited that man's will, always always!

Huang Mao took Lan Lan's hand and ran directly outside the classroom!

Ignore the teacher and the surprised eyes of other NPC students.

Takagi Xiangyi and they naturally didn't need to say much, they followed silently!

Suddenly, half of the classroom was empty. The teacher was on the podium, staring at the students leaving the door, not knowing what he was thinking.


A group of people ran on the huge square of the school, towards the fifth teaching building by the back of the mountain!

In the fifth teaching building, it is said that most of them are poor students.

In the most remote fifth teaching building, it is the most chaotic place in the school!

And because this teaching building is backed by the mountain, the back of the alley can be directly connected to the mountains and forests.

Many students in the fifth teaching building like to hang out in the secret grove and do unspeakable things.

Now, during class, De Tarot was caught in the grove by some unscrupulous gang who didn't go to class!

And Huang Mao and the others, who sprinted all the way, took fifteen minutes to reach their destination!

When I came to the scene, I saw a group of about a dozen people in a clearing in the middle of the grove, punching and kicking around the people lying on the ground in the middle.

The person lying on the ground was already muddy and seemed to have passed out in a coma.

However, these people seem to be going to kill them, and they have no intention of stopping at all!

Huang Mao suddenly shouted!

"Stop it!!!"

The bad guys stopped to move, and a green-haired teenager headed by, stepped on the unconscious De Taro under his feet, and looked at the yellow hair with his nostrils upside down.

"What's the matter? Where did you hang out?"

"Want to help him get ahead?"

Huang Mao and others immediately confronted the bad group.

But Youyi and Lan Lan didn't dare to face these people at all, and shrank behind the team.

However, the bad boss saw them.

The corners of his mouth suddenly turned up, revealing a sneer: "Oh~ It turns out to be the rescuer you two **** brought in?

Really waste is waste, and what it brings is nothing but waste. Want to learn from others to save people? "

"no way!"

His face turned sullen in seconds and roared: "Fuck me! Kill these wastes!"

His little brother rushed over!

And Huang Mao and others are naturally worthy, and his eyes are even more fierce!

However, he didn't rush up immediately, but let Gao Muxiang and others stop in front.

He turned to face Yuichi and Lanlan, his eyes firm, but with a different kind of gentleness.

"Youyi, Lan Lan! I know your world is pitch black at this moment!

but! do not give up!

Although the world is terrible and the reality is cruel, if you give in, you will be fooled!

You just got what it meant!

The more it wants you to give in, the stronger you should live!

The more you sink, and the less you resist, the more you will fall into the trap of the world!

do not give up!


Live strong!

What gesture do you give to the world! What kind of life will the world return to you!

Regardless of whether your life has improved or not, you have to become better yourself! "

After listening to them, Yuichi and Lanlan were a little stunned, their eyes trembled and they didn't know what they were thinking.

Huang Mao knew that he had touched them, using what the man had said to him.

Of course, the most important thing is them!

Huang Mao's eyes became fierce again, and he hid his anger, and said in a cold tone: "But, I also know that there is a huge mountain of **** on your way ahead!

It's okay, since I'm here!

I will help you get rid of them! "

After speaking, Huang Mao suddenly turned around, and slowly walked over to the bad guys!

At this moment, the grouping between players and bad guys seems to have the upper hand.

The main reason is that bad things have weapons, and they are really ruthless when they start.

Except for the players, Shinhiro Majo, Shoichi Takagi, Yoshimura Yishin, and Shacang Xiang, the rest of the players are in a state of being beaten!

In this regard, the bad boss with green punk hair is even more confident.

"Garbage is garbage! I haven't taken any action yet, are you okay?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Huang Mao entered the arena.

A bad guy stabbed him with a short knife in his hand, fast and brutal, obviously he had been prepared to attack Huang Mao, who seemed to be the boss, a long time ago!

If you say ordinary people, you may not be able to avoid it, but Huang Mao has the basic skills of special forces, has undergone rigorous training, and coupled with his training skills when he was a gangster, it can be said that he can now fight ten!

I saw that while he was swiftly sideways avoiding the blow, his hands grasped the badly holding the short knife wrist, and then smashed it forcefully!


Suddenly the bones are dislocated!

Badly wailed, his hand directly released the short knife!

When the short knife was about to fall to the ground, Huang Mao kicked and kicked the short knife back into the air, holding the handle of the knife accurately with his hand, and then swiping the bad neck fiercely!


The blood spurted out from the bad neck at once!

Badie immediately clutched the deep wound of his neck, looking at Huang Mao with bloodshot eyes, his face was incredulous.

However, his trachea had been cut, and he couldn't speak at all, and he fell straight down!

In this scene, except for the bad green-haired boss who was watching the battle, the others did not notice that Huang Mao counterattacked so decisively to kill someone!

In fact, in Lumao's view, it takes almost a moment for Huangmao to wipe his neck from hand to hand.

He was also a little frightened, realizing that he seemed to provoke a fierce god.

He looked around, and if he saw that the situation was not good, he would just run away.

Next, Huang Mao began his unparalleled journey of cutting melons and vegetables!

Wherever you go, where you kill, when you see the bad, you can pick it up directly, hold it, and wipe your throat!

A series of operations, fast and accurate!

Appears very skilled!

In less than two minutes, he killed eleven people!

The rest of the ills were discovered by Huang Mao, a killer who didn't blink, and cut his throat like cutting vegetables. He immediately lost his courage and abandoned his weapon and fled!

As for Lv Mao, he has already run away.

However, Huang Mao would naturally not let them run away, chasing them!

Finally, with the help of a pistol given by his younger brother Yoshimura, he successfully eliminated the bad group.

In the face of such a ferocious Huang Mao, let alone new players, even Yoshimura Yishin and Takagi Shoichi were a little bit afraid to approach him.

For fear that he would kill him well, even they would kill them together.

However, Huang Mao said disapprovingly: "Where is this place? Don't care about this kind of thing."

Lan Lan and You were shocked when they looked at the dead green-haired gang.

Thinking of what Huang Mao said to help them clean up the garbage, they immediately understood what this meant!

This bad gang has been dealt with, but the problem has not been solved yet.

There are three gangs who bully the three of them!

One of them is still a bad elder sister gang.

That's right, it's the gang who bullied Lan Lan!

In the next period of time, the players comforted the three of Yuichi, Lanlan, and De Tarot, relying on their respective intelligence, and identities, getting along with them is considered pleasant!

At the same time, Huang Mao also protected Yuichi, Lanlan, and De Tarot, and uncovered the unscrupulous gangs that appeared to persecute the three, and solved them one by one!

After three days, all the bad gangs were wiped out!

He also became a fierce **** in this school.

This place is actually only the size of a campus, and there is no place outside the campus.

Therefore, no matter how arrogant Huang Mao is, no one can care about him.

Until the fourth day.

The space of this school suddenly began to collapse, the sky broke and the ground cracked, and the surrounding space split like a mirror...


The system also displays: the task is complete.

They can go directly to the player space or stay in this instance for two hours.

Many players have returned directly.

Only the old players, Huang Mao and others chose to stay.

The strange thing is that after they stay in this world, the collapse of the world seems to be unable to affect them.

They didn't know what happened until the world collapsed completely!

They returned to the ghost domain! ! !

No, it should be said, the upper space of the ghost domain!

Here, they met the masters of the ghost realm, they were Yuichi, Lanlan, and De Tarot!

That's right, the ghost domain is the result of the three of them who have a deep resentment, implicating the entire school!

They are already dead.

In that beating, De Tarot did not survive and was beaten to death.

Naturally, it was not much better for Youyi and Lanlan to end up!

Therefore, they hate everything in this school.

As a result, with its extremely terrifying resentment, a ghost domain was constructed!

They took almost everyone in the school to burial, and imprisoned their souls. In this world, reincarnation staged their past...

Now, Huang Mao and others' intrusion has brutally cracked the reincarnation in the world and rewritten their tragic experience.

Therefore, the three ghosts of Yuichi, Lanlan, and De Tarot woke up and let go, and this ghost domain began to collapse and disperse.

At this point, Huang Mao and others have received additional rewards, a gift from the King of Ghosts and a reward of 100 points.

This copy is over...


Muhuasaki Yaxin sat at the highest end of the dimension, as if watching a movie, watching the live game of Huang Mao and others.

In this regard, she is getting more and more pleasing to the eyes of Huang Mao.

"Ontology body! Please come back when you hear it!"

Clone? Why are you looking for me?

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly connected to the words with an unhappy expression.

The clone over there seems to be a little anxious: "The ontology! The large copy we made seems to have evolved into the real world."


Muhua Saki Yexin was a little stunned, the real world? What does this mean?

She immediately transferred her thoughts!

In an instant, she came to the outer space of this large copy, watching a planet-sized plane in the space bubble.

That's right, this is the large-scale copy created by the clones, the end of the war between all races!

At present, due to the insufficient level of human players, this copy is still in its free development.

"what happened?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin looked at this planet and asked.

Suddenly, several Muhua Saki Yaxin clones popped up beside her, they all carried digital armbands to distinguish them from each other and said:

"We created this world according to the concept of planes. Originally, those NPCs were only obtained by the soul algorithm. I don't know if any rules were triggered. The entire world seems to be evolving at a rapid rate. Now it has become a real plane. ."

Speaking of the other avatars, they hurriedly operated, selected the location of the planet picture in the space bubble in front of them, and zoomed in.

Watching the melee of various races on the planet, the world's doomsday fighting broke out, and finally the picture was fixed on two human girls in a small wooden house.

The avatar commented: "These two girls are the most special. Their mental power can even affect the rules. They have also transformed into real life individuals with souls."

Muhua Saki looked at the two girls earnestly, their faces were expressionless, their eyes were dull, and they looked a little mechanized.

They seem to be two sisters, although their clothes are ragged, they don't care about each other.

They didn't have any extra actions, they just hugged each other and sat quietly in the small house in a daze.

Muhuasaki Yaxin touched her chin, pondered for a while, and suddenly smiled.

"This copy is very interesting, I want to go in and see, by the way, see what happened."

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly stepped into the dungeon.


As soon as she arrived at the dungeon, she appeared above a dilapidated city, and at the same time there was this giant dragon in the sky!

The dragon looked very proud, and when he saw Muhua Saki Yexin, he was not polite at all, and sent a gift of "Raging Dragon Breath" on the spot.

In response, Muhua Saki Yaxin also replied on the spot with a "gm permission."

Let the dragon become her little pet directly.

Suddenly, Muhua Saki Yaxin sat on the back of the giant dragon logically, her face flushed with excitement.

"Woo!! The dragon is for me to ride!"


The dragon roared in agreement!

Suddenly, in the dim sky of this dilapidated city, a wave of coercion from the dragon covered a large area in an instant, and the creatures hidden in the corner were suddenly suppressed and did not dare to show their heads.

Of course, except for those few zombie huskies that are full of joy.

Muhua Saki was sitting steadily on the dragon, and at this moment she also had to sigh, this riding on the dragon is awe-inspiring.

Go back, maybe you can ask Thor or Connor to give her a ride to see if it feels the same.

Just thinking about this, Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly sensed that a Erha was barking in the sky!

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly became stiff and unhappy.

This stupid dog, he should get down when he sees my dragon!

Otherwise, you will be sprayed to death!

However, Muhua Saki Yashin's warning was useless at all.

Muhua Saki Yexin didn't want to care about Erha, sensing the location of these two girls, and immediately let the dragon fly over!

"I saw you." Muhua Saki Yaxin smiled and tapped on the dragon's back.


There was a loud noise in the sky, and then, like a meteor, the dragon jetted its tail flames and flew away in the blink of an eye!

At the same time, the instantaneous speed movement caused a burst of air to explode, just like a big explosion! The shocking air waves churned!


The ground was also shaken by the air wave!

At this moment, in a small ruined building, the team of human survivors who were cooking insects and eating them were suddenly grayed out.

The soup in the pot was covered with a layer of ash, and the color turned black.

But the six people here didn't care, they were still eating meat and drinking soup calmly, as if adding a layer of ash was adding some seasoning.

"what's the situation."

"I don't know, what did that dragon fight with?"

"Oh that dragon, it seems to be quite strong."

"Yes, a demigod dragon."

. . . .

Suddenly a red hair reacted and shouted, "I see! Then don't you hurry up!"

Bang bang bang bang!

Like a screaming monkey, the six people in the building quickly jumped out one after another, sensing the dragon's power that soared into the sky behind them.

One by one will not run like death.

They are very familiar with running away, one by one quickly.

The red-haired man wore the same hairstyle as a non-mainstream Iori, and spit out at the same time: "I vote! You still eat the demigod dragon so calmly! Don't be afraid of death!"

At this moment, there was a faint "Oh~"

【Oh? My goose, you*] The red hair looked at the source of the sound and saw the white-haired man at a glance.

The white-haired man runs very honestly, but his expression is indifferent. Coupled with the dead fish eyes, it seems that he is not running for his life but just preparing for exercise.

The curse that poured into his mouth was immediately held back.

[Well, this stuff... is normal. 】

"What are you afraid of? Hongmao. If you are not satisfied with life and death, do it!"

The voice was crisp and naughty.

You can imagine a lively and lovely little girl at the first sound, but just look at it with the naked eye.

The ultimate little face, a small nose, big eyes, and double ponytails, it looks cute and cute. It is a pair of half-human meteor hammers and a thick scary mace on her back. , It depends on whether you have any ideas.

Coupled with the fact that she can keep up with them with such exaggerated things on her back, it is conceivable that this is far from her limit.

Hong Mao cut her and ignored her. Because he disdains to quarrel with a little girl.

Note that I am not afraid of her! I'm definitely not afraid of her! Who is afraid of a little girl? It's true.

"Once you are done, stop bickering and leave this place quickly."

The talking is Brother Wen in the team, why call him Brother Wen?

Because he is really stable, the mid-level battle strength of the team is very stable, the face value is very stable (normal), the height is very stable (really average), and even the road is stable in the middle of the team. The right to speak is also in the middle! The most important thing is the hair! It's steadily not even a single strand of hair has been blown by the wind!

His stability is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

And he is also the eldest brother of the team, and all disputes are settled by him as a good man.

"My friends, have you noticed, we can actually go slowly."

Ok? x5

The brains of the team have spoken!

He confidently wiped the oily back head covered with hairspray, "Did you not find out? The dragon's breath has been there all the time. Just after the big movement, the dragon's breath seems to have weakened a bit, so it's possible That dragon..." As he said, he found that the whole team looked at him with an expression of caring for the mentally retarded.

Hongmao: "Are you stupid?"

Player A: "So obviously who doesn't know?"

Brother Wen: "Do you think we have fully started the escape mode?"

Violent girl: "Aren't we on a walk?"

Silent brother:...

. . . .

The think tank strategist (professed) is autistic...


On the other side, Muhua Saki Yaxin rode a dragon to the cabin where the two girls were.

Muhuasaki fell to the ground, approaching the cabin and knocked gently on the door.

"Hello~ hello, is anyone in there?"

Click ——

The door opened automatically, and there were two little girls standing far away in the room, holding hands.

A girl who seems to be her younger sister, with her double ponytails and a tattered teddy bear in one hand, looks terrified, her head lowered and shyly afraid to look at people.

The other girl, who seemed to be her sister, had radiant eyes, and her body was slightly forward, faintly shielding the girl with two pony tails behind her.

Seeing the girls' guarded eyes, Muhua Saki Yaxin showed a sweet smile: "Am I a bad person, do you want to be friends with me? Take you out to play?"

As soon as the voice fell, the two girls suddenly burst into a huge mental force field, which only engulfed the entire city in an instant.

Then, the world seemed to be taken over by their spiritual power and began to let their will begin to change!

In an instant, the entire city became a magical world like a fairy tale.

The sky is no longer dark, but exudes colorful light, all over the colorful clouds.

The wooden houses around Muhua Saki Yaxin turned into girlish pink, and they were also covered with vines and flowers.

The original dilapidated city has also become like the buildings in a fairy tale town, full of rich colors and a little childishness.

Muhua Saki was very excited when she watched this scene: "Wow~ Someone can create their own domain like me!"

As a real gm, she really saw it. This is not a mental illusion, but a real mental power that has changed the form of matter!

Although it may only be used on this plane, it can also be called invincible on this plane.

The characteristics of this mental force field are simply complete idealism, no, it should be said to do whatever you want!

It can be said that in this spiritual realm, omnipotence, omnipotence and omnipotence will not be a dream. Now these two little girls already have that little meaning.

Muhua Sakiya thought to herself, and looked at the two girls with a sweet smile.

"Really interesting? Do you want to invite me to play?"

The two girls nodded together, then shook their heads again.

Immediately after this magical fairy tale field, many buildings were transformed.

Such as ferris wheel, carousel, roller coaster, pirate ship and the like.

However, these buildings are very unreasonable.

One is location. The Ferris wheel has only one wheel, which is directly hung in the sky, and it is very huge!

Estimated to be more than a hundred meters in diameter!

The same goes for the roller coaster, the track is directly placed in the sky, passing through the colorful white clouds...

The other merry-go-rounds are the same, very peculiar.

I have to say that Muhua Saki's heart moved a little.

"Such an amusement park should be quite fun."



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