The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 149: Title mother asked for leave

Looking at the vigilant human survivor team, and the hostile super sisters, Saki Yaxin Muhua knew how, and understood that the girl and the human survivor were indeed hostile!

However, this is different from what she expected.

Obviously she is such a cute girl, why should you humans be hostile to them?

In response, Muhua Saki Yashin stood up, stood between the two girls and the human survivor, and opened his hands to stop both sides' eager behavior.


Muhuasaki Yaxin said quickly: "Although I don't know why you are hostile, can't we sit down and talk at this moment? Maybe, everything between you is a misunderstanding?"

Listening to Muhua Saki Yexin's words, the sisters suddenly became hostile to Matsushita, and the five members of the survivor team were also stunned, staring at each other.

Ying lightly held the heavy double hammers, looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin somewhat unexpectedly and asked, "Do you know nothing?"


Muhua Saki Yaxin looked confused: "What do you know? I just came to inspect this world, and I haven't had time to investigate."

"Huh? Just here? What kind of race are you?"

Hong Mao's hands were burning with purple flames, and he asked with some confusion.

As far as they know, dragons and some monster beast races can indeed transform into human appearances.

But they all have some characteristics, and only the dragons are the most perfect people to transform.

However, the dragon race is a very proud race, and generally doesn't bother to transform the human form.

"I am not a race! I am your creation god, the supreme being called the Eye of Death! This plane was created by me!" Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly waved her fists in front of her with excitement. , Some indignation said.

"Creation God?"

Brother Wen showed a suspicious look.

However, it wasn't just Brother Wen who was skeptical. Everyone present had the same expression.

In response to this, Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly became angry, like an angry cat, her claws furiously scratched in front of her, and she closed her eyes and shouted: "How can it be repaired! You mortals, you don't believe it." Believe it or not, we will turn you into paramecium!"

In response to this, Ying's people all scratched their heads in embarrassment: "No, it's not that we don't believe it, but your appearance. There is no convincing power?"

Who can believe that the God of Creation is such a... uh, lovely girl?

Hongmao and the others nodded in approval.

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly calmed down: "I really don't look like a creation god?"


The group of people present nodded together.

Even the twin sisters behind Muhua Saki Yashin are no exception.

Muhua Saki Yexin looked like I understood: "That's how it is."

As he said, Muhua Saki Yexin raised his head, looked at the red-haired me, and said casually: "If this is the case, then you will become a frog."


Everyone was stunned.

Next second.

The red hair disappeared suddenly.

Everyone looked over and found that a small frog appeared on the spot where Hongmao had stood.

"Crack quack~"

The frog was quite anthropomorphic, showing a dazed expression, as if he didn't know what had happened to him.

this moment!

Everyone suddenly looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin with a panic expression.

Muhua Saki Yexin also showed a mysterious smile: "Hehehe, you will become a guinea pig."

Ying watched Jingmu Hanasaki Yaxin looked at herself, and her pupils suddenly shrank.

In the next second, she suddenly found that her perspective was extremely changed, and Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly became a giant.

No, she is getting smaller!

She raised her paws blankly, a pair of small fleshy paws, which are indeed mouse paws.

She suddenly felt like crying.

Muhua Saki Yaxin continued to roll the call.

"You, snail!"-Brother Xianyu

"Hey! Wait..."


"You, Mango!"-Brother Wen

Brother Wen's all-time expression control broke down directly, and he couldn't believe it: "What the hell! How am I a mango!"

However, in the next second he turned into a mango. He raised a pair of rough and casual hands like a stickman in disbelief, crumbled holding his mango head and shouted: "Ahhhhh!! "

"You, erect ape!"-Youtou Sergeant

Of course the oil-headed sergeant refused, and rushed over with the knife: "What? Upright ape! I want to chop..."

The next second he became a half-meter-high baboon. Looking at his furry arms, he suddenly collapsed and squatted down and started crying.

"You, uh... it's almost becoming air, let's become air."-Player A

Teammate A: "..."

"As for you... uh... just become light."

The two twin girls were a little stunned, the next second.

The two girls suddenly turned into light...a ball of light!

It was like two spirits of light, twined and suspended in pairs, seeming to be very curious about his current situation.

For a time.

Muhua Saki Yexin was surrounded by a group of strange creatures.

A squeaky white mouse, a croaking frog, a barking ape with a hanging chest orangutan, a mango with cute eyes, a mouth and hands and feet, a half-meter giant snail, a cloud of air, and two flying freely The light spirit...

Muhua Saki Yexin stood in the center, with his hands on his hips and his head raised up with a frantic smile: "Ahahahahaha~ this is my mighty power! Have you felt it? This is my power as a creation god! The supreme power to subvert everything !

And you, as my people, dare to despise me! "

Having said this, Muhua Saki Yaxin stopped laughing wildly, and looked at the surrounding creatures calmly: "This is punishment!"

"However, I cherish my people very much, so I didn't feel sorry for you to wipe out your souls.

It just turns you into another creature forever. "

The rat, baboon, mango, etc. were all excited when they heard the permanent change!

They don't want to become this ghost for a lifetime!

However, at this moment there is still the ability to communicate, and only Brother Wen who has become a mango is left.

Brother Wen remained relatively calm, and said solemnly: "Under the crown of the creation god, we know that we are wrong, can we give us a chance to correct our mistakes."

"A chance to correct the mistake?"

Muhua Sakuya stroked her hair, thinking with interest.

"Alright, I will give you a chance. I will restore your human form. If you can hold a gorgeous performance that can satisfy me, I will forgive you."

Suddenly, Brother Mango Wen hesitated a bit, he turned to look at other people.

The mice, baboons, and frogs nodded at the mango.

As for the snail, I haven't seen it move so far. It seems to be a sculpture, so I can just ignore it.

that's all.

Brother Wen nodded to Muhua Saki Yaxin.

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin was a little upset.

"Given your request, do you still want to choose?"

As soon as these words came out, Ge Wen suddenly showed a bitter smile: "Sorry, under the crown of the creation god, I am waiting for mortals to be dull, and inadvertently offended you again."

"Forget it, but this is the last time."

Muhua Saki hadn't cared about it magnanimously, and with a wave of his hand, everyone immediately recovered.

The team of five survivors who had turned back to humans immediately began to check their own state, and after finding that everything was correct, they breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, there was some fear in their eyes for Muhua Saki Yexin.

This unpredictable method, even if it is not a creation god, can kill all of them in a second!

So, they really have to make some countermeasures!

Thinking, Ying said respectfully to Muhua Saki: "Under the God of Creation, let's discuss and prepare first. Can you wait for a while?"

Muhuasaki Yaxin smiled and showed her little tiger teeth, shook her hand casually, and said generously: "Naturally it's okay."

As for the twin sisters, they don't seem to care about becoming light, they only care about their relatives, whether the older sister (sister) is by their side.

Muhua Saki Yexin was also a little speechless, and immediately ignored them.

However, the survivor team began to exchange ideas and discuss plans.

The first plan is the most secure, which is to use their own strengths to organize a gorgeous performance with all their strength, get the approval of Saki Yaxin, and get the escape.

However, there is no guarantee that Mika Saki Yashin's moody and unbelievable, and I don't know Ms. Saki Yashin's aesthetic standards and evaluation standards. In short, the result of this performance is very uncertain. It depends on Ms. Saki Yakin's mood.

The second option is to resist or escape with all strength, but the estimated result is that the probability of the entire army being destroyed is 99.9%...

The third plan is also a performance, but you must leave room for energy, set up a good formation, and prepare for all the prerequisites for escape! If you can't escape all, then at least you must try your best to send Ying away alone!

Don't ask why, because she is a girl!

Although Ying was a little unhappy, the team voted four to one and she had no chance to refute...

In this way, they discussed for seven minutes, and finally they were about to start acting.

"We are ready! Under the Crown of Creation God!"

The five survivors stood in a row and said solemnly and humblely.

Muhuasaki Yaxin nodded with satisfaction: "Very well, we can start."

"Yes!" x5

After that, in the five-person team, except for the oil-headed sergeant in the middle of the station, the rest immediately ran away!

While the oil-headed army division stood on the spot, his hands began to form various handprints.

"Gossip Divination Array! Expand!!"

next moment!

A gossip array was unfolded under the feet of the Youtou army division, covering an area of ​​about two hundred meters in a moment!

On the gossip array, various runes and peculiar patterns continue to extend, appearing mysterious and mysterious.

Muhua Saki Yexin suddenly became interested: "Oh, oh, gossip array?"

Hong Mao's hands ignited a faint blue flame, his eyes were sharp, and his hands slapped on the ground fiercely!

"Netherfire! Circle the torch!"

Bang! !

It was surging, and the blue fire like a wave suddenly burned along the edge of the gossip array with special patterns!

"It's not over yet!"

Hong Mao raised his hands to the sky and yelled: "Heaven's fire is bright!"

Suddenly, the raging flames gathered into a huge pillar of fire and rushed straight into the sky. In mid-air, the pillar of fire bloomed and unfolded like a flower, as if a blue light firework was unfolded, and the dark blue fire was still scattered all around. , For a while, it was like a faint blue meteor fire rained down the sky.

At this moment, this situation, this scene, the beauty is indescribable.

Muhua Saki Yexin was also a little surprised. She felt wonderful enough just by the faint blue sparkling sky cloud and the meteor fire rain.

I have to say that this group is still very powerful.

Originally, she just wanted to give a reason to play with these people, and then let them go.

Unexpectedly, they seem to be able to perform a gorgeous drama.

At this time, the oil-headed sergeant gestured and shouted, "Go!"

next moment!

The gossip array began to rotate, the image gleamed, and the salted fish brother appeared in the dry position. At this moment, he changed his previous salted fish posture, his eyes became fierce, and billowing black smoke appeared all over his body!

"Lazy Devil! Awaken!"


The air is shocked!

The sand and rocks around Brother Xianyu floated out of thin air, and at the same time his appearance changed drastically, with wings on his back, his whole body turned dark, and his whole person was completely demonic!

At the same time, he spread his hands, stretched his black wings, billowing black smoke rising from his body, his feet stepped on the gossip Netherfire Array, behind him was the faint blue flame smallpox, and the beautiful indivisible faint blue meteor fire rain!

This scene immediately made Muhua Saki Ye's heart excited again.

"Wow, it's cool!"

However, the twin sisters, who stood behind Muhua Sakiya, tilted their heads blankly.

They said that they couldn't appreciate it.

"Golden Libra!!"

At this time, Brother Wen appeared from the left side of the gossip array, and behind him appeared an extremely real huge golden scale projection!

"The power of heaven and earth!!"

Ying appeared on the right side of the gossip array, and the twin meteor hammers lifted the sky, and for a while, a bright trend burst out of her small body, as if the sky and the earth were under pressure!

"Ohhhhh~ what is this? It seems to be very symmetrical?" Saki Yashin looked at this seemingly grand scene in front of her, and pointed with interest.

"I just don't know, what's the meaning, is it just simply good-looking?"

At this moment, Ying and the others in the performance would definitely say if they heard Muhua Saki Yaxin.

But it’s not just good-looking, do you still want to have any meaning?

At this time, Ying raised the hammers, and Brother Wen also raised his hand, ready to start a big collision!

But at this moment!

A terrifying fire wave with a diameter of several hundred meters swept across the sky! Accompanied by a sound of screaming air: "Ahahahahaha! You rats! Let me finally find you!"

Suddenly, the perfect picture of the entire formation was destroyed.

Muhua Saki Yexin was a little unhappy: "Who?"

"Human strange wave survivor team! Let me find you!" There was another cold female voice.

"Hahaha, it's easy for us to find! The Qilang squad who keeps stalking the dog!" The male voice seemed very powerful.

"I have been looking for you for three years! I have finally found you! Human Qilang Team!!" A monster with a very crazy voice.

The long fire wave was swallowed by the dark fire of the red hair.

At the same time, a team of five of them began to watch the four monsters suddenly appearing in the sky with vigilance!

A spreading wings is like a giant dragon overwhelming the sky!

It is a demigod-class flame dragon-Bomb Ras Trachilt

A transparent body, a light blue body, a height of ten meters, a ghost floating in the air!

Spirit Demigod—Mikelpa

A giant with a height of more than 20 meters, a black bald head and various unknown patterns on his skin.

Demigod of the Titans—Finchiertai

A flame was burning all over, and the body was dark, but with fiery red lines all over it, with a sharp face, double horns on its head, and a white gas from its mouth slightly open.

Demon demigod-Manrimaner

The four monsters exuded an extremely terrifying aura, suppressing everything around them.

The atmosphere seemed to become very solemn.

And Muhua Saki Yaxin did not expect that this small team of human survivors would have so many enemies?

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