The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 150: On the second day when the title mother was away, I missed her

Qilang team, a legendary survivor team that is quite famous in the human race!

Since the Great War of Ten Thousand Races, the whole world has been upset! The Central Continent was also split. The Human Race has always been a weak race, from the bottom of the ten thousand races, struggling to survive in the race for hegemony!

However, the fire of human civilization has not dimmed at this point. Instead, because of all kinds of hardships and wars, many great men who lead humanity have emerged!

And the strange wave survivor team is one of them!

As a special operations squad, they are often on the front line in and out of the battlefield. They have made countless contributions in the major human counterattack campaigns!

For example, the Qilang team broke into the Red Dragon Base Camp and detonated the Red Dragon Volcano, dragging the giants on the mountaintop next door into the battlefield, stabilizing the battle, and letting the Red Dragon take care of his hometown and repatriating a large wave of combat power. Winning this crusade played the most critical role!

Such as fighting against the undead, the Qilang team broke into the undead's base camp, and stole the town's Horcrux that they had honed for tens of thousands of years-Duling Lianliu!

Then, this soul-suppressing artifact won the crusade for the human race and expelled the soul race from the eastern continent!

It can be said that every mission of their team is from birth to death, nine deaths for a lifetime, it is as ordinary as the gate of their own home to enter and exit the palace of the king.

However, with such a thrilling task, the team cannot be reduced.

Originally, the survivor team, although there was a small print, there were also eighteen people.

Until now, the Qilang team ups and downs, only five of them are left.

Even so, Ying and the five of them are still active in this shabby city!

That's right, this is also a battlefield, and it is a battlefield where the chaotic war zone of the five races is located!

It just so happened that among the five races in the melee, four races had connections with their Qilang team!

Flame red dragon!

The Red Dragon Volcano was activated and it became a forbidden area. The volcano is still erupting and has become an active volcano that never goes out.

For the Red Dragon, it is neither good nor bad.

Of course, what they hate the most is when the volcano exploded, causing many red dragon cubs to die in this disaster!

You know, they have fewer offspring!

That disaster directly caused a fault in their descendants.

It almost became an endangered species!

This beam is so big.


One of the undead tribes, the spirit tribe, and the spiritual training gilt are their treasures, so the hatred value should be full.


They were stolen by the Qilang squad with some information and some weapons to restrain the divine creatures.

Ever since, the Qilang team used these materials and weapons to provoke discord and split the Titans from other divine races, leading to internal divisions and civil wars!

The fight was very tragic, it can be said that the gods twilight!

The last demons.

A demon lord delusional to deceive the Qilang team, launching a sacrifice to let their demon race into the world, invading the world!

Unexpectedly, they did join the WTO, but the location is wrong!

They were used as guns and forced to resist the attacks of the Angels, White Dragons, Night Elves and other races in the Eastern Continent!

Even once they were counterattacked by these races and hit the bottom of the abyss of hell, killing a prince!

This is a shame for the demons!

Of course, the origins of these four clans, Hongmao and the others naturally know, and they are not afraid. They went deep into this place because of this special mission, but they didn't expect it.

Before heading to the destination, he encountered invincible enemies such as Saki Yaxin and Gemini.

However, they will also use their tricks to bring out the big guys of these races through performances!

Let them face up with Gemini and this unidentified girl!

They know the weight of Gemini better than anyone!

The power of this girl is probably stronger than that of Gemini!

Maybe, this time, they can borrow their hands to get rid of these serious human sufferings!

Regarding this, they have no regrets at death!

The dragon!




Four terrifying figures floated in the air, surrounding Ying and other five people, exuding a touch of coercion.

The dragon opened its mouth and shook the air: "What's the matter, I'm speechless! Or, ready to escape?"

The huge ghost opened its hands, and a circle of light blue light curtain immediately enveloped the whole world, and it calmly said: "This time, don't you want to run away!"

Titan's huge body fell heavily to the ground!


The floor was shocked!

Suddenly, four mountains were dug up from all sides, and the mysterious lines flickered in the mountains.

The Titan opened his mouth, seeming to tremble with the heavens and the earth: "The earth is my domain! Don't think of any formations!"

The black smoke that filled the devil's body suddenly dissipated, and it sneered: "This is what you humans call the net of heaven and earth! You have no way to escape this time!"

However, at this moment, Ying, Hongmao, Brother Wen, Brother Xianyu, and General Youtou all smiled.

They laughed very happily, with a trace of disdain in their smiles.

With one hand on her waist, Ying pointed at the dragon, and said with a smile: "Aren't your dragons very proud? Why? Join them to deal with our little Qilang team?"

The red hair clasped his chest with his arms around his chest, with an extremely mocking expression on his face, "Hehe, I really didn't expect that we could have such a great ability to let the four major races in the war zone put down their hatred and join hands to deal with it." ."

Brother Wen didn't show a mocking expression, but faintly repeated: " are really bad enough."

Brother Xianyu also said lightly: "Ah~ we are indeed honored."

The oil-headed sergeant showed a big smile and showed two rows of white teeth in his mouth: "It means that they think that any of them can't be sure to deal with us with a single shot."

In response, Ying and the others nodded as if: "Yeah, that's right."

However, the dragon suddenly exploded in anger: "Asshole! If it weren't for you guys, like the rats in the ground, the earthworms in the soil, so slippery, they would only hide and escape!

Otherwise, I would have killed you all! "


Ying showed disdain: "I can only say it!"

In this regard, the spirit race demigod could not bear it anymore, and directly caught his hand!

"Don't talk nonsense with them, kill them all! Don't hesitate! Don't give them a chance!"

Hearing this, the giant Titan also shot, and a circle of ocher light flashed on his hand. This round of light light gave people a heavy feeling. He probed his hand against the five people such as Ying and pressed the void!

Boom! !

The ground suddenly sank, and the entire ground was suddenly crushed for half a meter!

At the same time, Ying and the others immediately felt an indescribable pressure, and the five of them were almost crushed on the ground.

At this moment, the translucent hand of the ghost grabbed it.

They know that this hand is unusual, and if they are touched, the soul may be directly drawn out!

Any one of them will be killed in seconds!

However, under this heavy pressure, they can hardly move, watching the last moment when this transparent arm is about to touch Ying's body!

Suddenly, the whole world stood still.

That's right, everything is still, the whole space is frozen, flames, light and shadow, dust, everything is like still photos, motionless.

The dragons, ghosts, demons, and titans that claim to be demigods have also been discovered.

I completely lost the ability to move, and I couldn't even move my eyes up and down, so I could only look at a fixed area and think.

They are a little scared in their hearts, have we been caught again?

Could it be that the Qilang team has any secret weapon against them?

At this time, the girl's proud voice came over with a hint of milky voice.

"You four stinky fish, rotten shrimps! You dare to spoil my interest, mess up this drama for me, and ignore me!"

The four demigods are a little confused, do they ignore anyone?

Suddenly, the girl snorted again: "Look straight at me, cub!"

next moment!

The four demigods can feel their heads being twisted to the other side by a huge force.

Suddenly, they saw the creature who was talking.

It was an ordinary human girl.

At this moment, they were a little stunned, and they couldn't believe it.

Such an ordinary girl can actually have such a terrifying power?

Is this really human?

They don't believe it, they believe in other races that are transformed?

Protoss? This is the most likely because they are basically similar in appearance!

However, they did not feel the divinity.

Muhua Saki looked up, a little unhappy: "I hate to raise my head and talk to you!"

next moment!

The four-headed demigod creature suddenly felt his body sink!

Boom boom boom boom! !

All of them fell to the ground, and their bodies were deeply pressed into the ground, only the eyes on their heads were exposed to the ground.

In response, Muhua Saki nodded with satisfaction: "Well, this is much more comfortable."

However, facing this scene, the four of them felt very aggrieved, but at the moment they were just livestock to be slaughtered, and they had no ability to resist at all.

Muhua Saki Yexin walked on top of the dragon's head, her little feet stepped directly on it, and said viciously: "A little flying dragon, crickets, dare to ignore the eye of death and the **** of creation! You can be true! So daring!

Now, I give you the punishment of becoming a flying pig!

Do you agree? "

"One, two, three! Okay, if you don't answer, you will default!"

In this regard, Hong Long suddenly felt a little weeping without tears.

However, in the next second, its entire body shrank greatly, becoming a half-human pig with flesh-colored wings.

At this moment, it regained its ability to move, but its strength was directly vanished, and its body became...a pig?

As arrogant as it was, he couldn't stand it and fainted and fell to the ground.

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't seem to want to let it go. She ran over to pick up the pig's head, faced herself, forced her to wake up, and then yelled at the pig nose: "Say! You are a pig!"

At this moment, Fei Zhu's eyes left two lines of clear tears, a melancholy and dead expression.

And Muhua Saki Yexin also felt a little boring, and threw the flying pig aside.

Then walked to the next lucky demigod.

In response to this, Ying and the five others, watching this scene exclaimed with joy!

The next demigod is a ten-meter-high humanoid ghost.

Seeing Muhua Saki Yexin coming over, he said badly in his heart, and snarled frantically: Don't come over! !

However, Muhuasaki Yaxin couldn't hear the inner roar, she walked directly to its ghost head, raised her hand and nodded her lips, and thought for a moment: "Well... ghost?"

"Then give you the punishment of becoming an earthworm."

Next second!

The ghost directly transformed into a physical earthworm.

Since then, the world's first earthworm with a brain and wisdom was born.

Muhua Saki Yexin didn't have any interest in earthworms, and went straight to the next goal.

The Titan watched Muhua Saki Yaxin walking towards him, and his heart was completely ashes.

Sure enough, it fell into the squad of survivors of the human strange wave.

This time, Kihana Saki didn't think anymore, and pointed directly at Titan's head and said, "I will give you the punishment for turning into a sweet potato."

next moment.

A sweet potato with mouth and eyes fell on the ground. It found that it had no hands or feet, and seemed to be able to only roll its body, but it didn’t matter...

No matter what, it has no courage to live like this...

When it was the devil's turn, Muhua Saki Yaxin directly kicked the sand and splashed it on its red and evil eyes, bullying it that he couldn't close his eyes, and sprinkling the sand frantically.

The devil is also a little bit eager to cry without tears. Why is this terrifying human girl so stingy?

"Hmph, I hate demons the most, after all, my first identity is the sealer of the Great Demon God!"

As he said, Muhua Saki Yaxin pointed at the devil's nose with his hand on his hips: "So, I will give you the punishment of becoming a mouse!"

next moment!

Without warning, it turned into a black mouse out of thin air, an ordinary mouse without even a trace of extraordinary power.

But who is it!

It's the devil-Manriman!

It doesn't believe it, there is no way to recover!

As long as it lives, then there is a means to resurrect it!

In fact, it has already prepared its way to resurrection!

Therefore, this time it is not afraid of death at all!

In this regard, Muhua Saki Yaxin directly saw through his thoughts, and said with a smile: "Huh~ stupid little mouse, it's useless? I'm the **** of creation, no matter what means, as long as you can't surpass this world, You can only be a mouse forever.


At this moment, the devil mouse suddenly became a little frightened.

Is it possible that what this weird human girl said is true?

Creation God? Is this a joke?

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't say anything about the little mouse's suspicion.

Instead, the static space was lifted, and everything in the world immediately resumed movement.

Ying and the five others have also regained their ability to move. At this moment, they look at Muhuasaki Yaxin with some trepidation.

This time, they became more aware of the terrifying power of this lord!

I'm afraid, it really exists like a **** of creation, invincible in the world.

In response, the five directly bowed to Muhua Sakiya, and said sincerely: "I'm sorry, under the crown of the God of Creation, we used you."

At this moment, they also knew that what they did was actually very difficult to deceive this girl.

Rather than tell a lie, it's better to speak honestly.

In this regard, Muhua Saki Yaxin also understands this team's approach.

She does not really care about this, but there must be corresponding punishments.

But before that, she still has some questions to ask them.

For example, the hatred between Gemini and them.

For this, Ying directly gave a detailed information on Gemini!

Muhuasaki Yaxin took a closer look, UU reading found that the hatred between humans and Gemini is really not that easy to dissolve.

In fact, humans are also to blame at this time, otherwise the Gemini's salted fish posture would be impossible to fight against them.

To this, Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't say anything.

Direct backhand turned the five of them into things such as frogs and mice.

For a month.

Then, Muhua Saki Yaxin continued to take the twins around the world.

She didn't remember the original intention of entering the world, that was the reason why the accident of exploring this world formed a plane world.

After all, she couldn't even think of it, and she became a **** of creation inexplicably.

You must investigate carefully, and then open up more dungeon planes!

After all, this is the real mastermind...

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