The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 151: Title mother finally went to work, but she submitted a resignation letter...

The first stop of the trip.

Human Survivor Headquarters.

The five cities in the middle of the Central Continent to the north, the last guarded by the ancient civilization of mankind!

Among them, Yandu Jincheng is the headquarters guarded by the human survivors organization.

However, the purpose of Muhuasaki Yashin's trip is not just to simply go for a few laps.

There is also an important purpose, or to explore the reasons for the promotion of this dungeon world.

Of course, the most important purpose is actually

-play! !

After all, if she really wants to find out the cause, she only needs a thought to do it.

But she doesn't.

Eh~ I can tell when I open my eyes, but I don’t open it, I just play.

In this way, Muhua Saki Yexin took the little hands of the two young girls, and the space teleportation directly came to the Yandu Golden City.

Yandu Jincheng.

The towering steel city wall was built around the city, there are huge cannons, guard towers, barracks, and underground passages can be seen almost everywhere!

Half of the entire city is used to build military facilities, and the remaining half of the site is for civilian use.

Although it is a civilian area, there are no civilians in this era.

The trend of the times has created all the people as soldiers! Even if they are young and sick, they have certain combat capabilities!

Yes, there is no old age. In this era, there is no old and useless, but the older the stronger, after all, now is the super power era of the war of ten thousand races.

By the time of spiritual power awakening, human beings still knew nothing about spiritual power, and it has only been more than a hundred years.

They were able to stabilize their feet in this doomsday war. Compared with those dragon undead who have practiced for thousands of years, their strength promotion speed can be said to be flying by plane and rocket.

However, it is not enough, far from it, and the foundation is still too weak.

They still need more time to practice and temper!

After their human beings have access to the energy of aura, their life span has already broken through the limit, so the older they are, the stronger their strength is generally!

Free trading street.

This is a trading area frequented by survivor bases from various factions or other free survivor teams.

Most of the survivors on the street came and went in a hurry, and rarely wandered around.

Therefore, Muhua Saki Yaxin, the three wandering girls, can be said to be very conspicuous.

Whether it was the guards on patrol or some passing survivors, they looked at them more or less curiously.

Muhua Saki Yexin and the others didn't care at all, just like shopping, she held her sister Mo Xiaoyan's little hand, and her sister held her sister Lu Muyuan's little hand, and the three of them wandered around this street curiously.

They are like little rural babies who have just entered the city and are very interested in everything here.

Soon, Muhua Saki Yaxin found a goal!

A rare clothing store!

Muhua Saki Yexin's eyes lit up, and he pulled Lu Muyuan's little hand and walked over: "This way!"

Lu Muyuan and Mo Xiaoyan did not resist at all, with their cute and big eyes open, and maintaining a curious expression, they were pulled into the store by Muhua Saki Yaxin.

The owner is a big sister in a cheongsam, with a very gentle and elegant temperament.

She saw the three young girls of Muhua Saki Yaxin, squinted her eyes and smiled and greeted: "Welcome, guest."

Muhua Saki Yaxin nodded at the big sister or Yujie, and ignored it.

The twin sisters also nodded shyly to this big human sister.

Then, Muhua Saki Yaxin came to the rows of hangers to watch the women's clothing.

After all, the clothes on these two girls are already terribly torn.

Although they have invincible and strange spiritual power, they don't seem to want to change their clothes out of thin air.

Therefore, Muhua Saki Yaxin decided to change them into beautiful skirts.

It's just that Muhua Saki Yexin is picking, picking, and it's a bit distressed.

The women's clothing here is generally neutral, and most of them are combat clothing. The fabrics are super tough and have many effects such as corrosion resistance, which are very suitable for this era.

But this is not what she needs.

"What style do the guests want to buy?"

At this moment, the lady boss leaned over and asked with a gentle smile on her face.

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't hesitate to say, "Skirt! What a gorgeous skirt!"

The proprietress was stunned for a moment, and once again bloomed with a gentle smile: "Haha, skirts? No one has asked me to buy skirts for a long time, and skirts are really not suitable for fighting.

Little guest, are you sure you want to buy a skirt? "

Muhuasaki Yaxin nodded: "Of course, and it's for them."

Muhua Saki Yaxin pointed to the twin sisters.

The two of them were holding a tights curiously, and seemed very curious about the material of the tights.

At this time, the lady boss and Muhua Saki Yaxin looked over, and the elder sister lowered her head a little shyly, and the younger sister buried her head in her arms.

The proprietress was so cute and excited when she saw it, it's been a long time since she saw such a cute little cutie.

She smiled slightly: "Well, it's really good. If they wear skirts, they should become cute little princesses with two dogs."

"However, I don't have much stock for skirts, but I am just right. I have two skirts that are more suitable for these two little princesses. I just don't know if you will like them."

That said, it must be fine, Muhua Saki Yexin's eyes were shining, and she immediately shouted: "Get it, get it quickly!"

The lady boss smiled slightly, turned and walked toward the depths of the shop.

In less than five minutes, the lady boss came back, holding three very beautiful gift boxes in her arms.

If nothing else, this is the dress they want.

The twin sisters seemed a little impatient, staring at the three small gift boxes with small eyes.

The proprietress also noticed the expectation of the two girls, and did not say anything. She opened one of the gift boxes and directly picked up the skirt.

This is a creamy white mid-length skirt, which gives people the first impression-holy, pure white, and flawless, just like angel costumes.

"Wow~" x3

Muhua Saki Yaxin's three girls opened their mouths and sighed, eyes sparkling with countless little stars.

The lady boss smiled happily: "It seems that you all like it."

With that, the lady boss, gently folded the skirt, put it in the box, and put it aside.

Picking up another box and opening it again, skillfully pulled up the skirt, spreading the entire skirt.

This is a pure black dress with Lolita style and a little classic style. At first glance, it gives people a naughty, cute, and solemn feeling.

"Wow~" x3

The three girls sighed again, and there were more stars in their eyes.

The lady boss also smiled with Sheng: "It seems that my skirt did not disappoint you."

The girls nodded together, and Muhua Saki bluntly said excitedly: "I like these two things very much, are there others?"

The lady boss suddenly smiled and opened the third box, but it was not a skirt but a cheongsam inside.

"There are no more skirts, but there are many cheongsams. I have spent a lot of thoughts on this cheongsam."

With that said, the lady boss spread out the cheongsam. This is a cheongsam show full of white with peculiar patterns. The overall look is very gorgeous.

Moreover, it seems to be a cheongsam designed for eleven or twelve-year-old girls.

At this moment, Muhua Saki Yaxin felt a little strange.

These three clothes seem to be orphans, and shouldn't they be sold?

Could it be...

Muhua Sakuya glanced at the lady boss with some hesitation in her eyes, and she saw the trace of sadness hidden in her eyes.

Muhua Saki Yaxin shook his head. Sure enough, in this doomsday copy, the tragedies of the human camp are everywhere, and the survivors may have a sad past.

The proprietress did not notice Muhua Saki Yaxin's movements, but looked at the twin sisters with a gentle smile and said, "Want to try it?"

The twin sisters suddenly nodded with bright eyes.

"Then my sister wears black and my sister wears white."

The twin sisters were delighted, and their eyes were full of anticipation.

After all, this can be said to be the first time they changed into new clothes, still such beautiful clothes.

I saw that the twin sisters' thoughts moved, and the skirt on the hand of the proprietress disappeared. The next second, the white skirt was worn on her younger sister, and the black skirt was worn on her sister.

The lady boss was a little surprised, but not very surprised. After all, in today's era, human beings possess all kinds of abilities and all kinds of weird inheritances.

This ability to wear skirts out of thin air is nothing.

The two sisters were dressed in a black dress and a white dress. Both of them held the corners of the skirts in both hands with joy. They turned a few times and seemed very satisfied.

However, the lady boss saw that something was wrong, the sadness in her eyes became more obvious, but the smile on her lips still didn't stop: "The skirt seems to be small."

Yes, these two skirts are really beautiful and unique in style. Needless to say, the materials are the best, but the size seems a little small for the twin sisters.

The skirt that was supposed to cover the knees did not cover the knees, which seemed a bit weird. For this situation, the sisters thought of a solution in a second.

Mental power changes reality!

I saw that the skirts on the two of them changed perfectly in line with the size of their bodies.

At this moment, the perfect skirt showed amazing charm on their two lovely girls.

Regarding this, the lady boss was a little surprised, the sadness in her eyes disappeared a bit, and her eyes became softer when she looked at the twin sisters.

"Really good, really good...Really a good child, my skirt is very suitable."

Muhua Saki Yaxin tilted her head and looked at the eyes of the proprietress, she knew that she seemed to think of the twin sisters as someone, maybe she was staring and thinking about people.

She suddenly wanted to give the twins to the lady boss. After all, the lady boss still lacks a kanban lady, and it is impossible for her to stay with the twin sisters all the time.

Well, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that this method was feasible.

"This little guest? Would you like to try this cheongsam?"

Just as Muhuasaki was thinking about it, the lady boss threw it over.

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly stopped thinking, looked at the cheongsam in the box, hesitated for a while and suddenly said: "Well, I'll give it a try."

Fifteen minutes ago, a small red light in the general inspection room of the military came on and a special alarm sounded at the same time.

Immediately, the supreme leader announced the launch of the highest council of mankind!

The highest chamber.

Inside there is a large round table and twenty-four seats.

Five minutes later, in the meeting room, all the members of the meeting were present.

There are one of the six commanders of the Human Counterattack Army, the highest leader, the general staff, the captain of the important survivor team, etc., important personnel in the city's defensive armaments, which can also be said to be the hope of mankind!

No nonsense, the highest leader directly turned on the holographic projection to bring out the monitoring in the city!

Suddenly, a screen in the void reflected Muhua Saki Yaxin and the twin sisters shopping.

The supreme leader pointed to the image, probed his head everywhere, and looked at the twin sisters who were curious about the various novel objects on the street, and solemnly said: "Everyone, we are in trouble!

These two girls are SSS calamities-ghost twins! Although a few years have passed, I believe that everyone who is sitting will never forget what kind of Gemini exists, right? "

As soon as this word came out, the whole audience was shocked!

"Gemini! They actually appeared in the city!?"


On the fortitude of the supreme leader's face, there is no extra emotional change, and he calmly stated:

"Also, don't forget, they were already rated as god-level disasters a few years ago, and now we have made so much progress! I don't believe they have not made progress!"

As the commander of the counterattack army who stayed at the headquarters, he was even more sad. He experienced that crusade and knew the horror of Gemini.

It is almost impossible to deal with a character that can be dealt with by the number.

He shook his head and sighed: "Oh~ you know that even with the previous Geminis, it’s hard for us to meet. Now, it’s even harder to say. If they are not malicious, don’t do anything."

Regarding the words of the commander of the counterattack army, the top leader nodded in agreement: "Yes, we can't do it. Even if we win, it will be a big loss! For us, do it, no matter what. , We are all losers!

However, it cannot be ignored, because it is impossible to confirm whether they are an element of the chess pieces pushed by some enemy because of some conspiracy.

You know, if we hadn't had the surveillance of the whole city with almost no blind spots, we wouldn't be able to find out that these three young girls entered the Yandu Golden City.

If we really start, we must minimize the loss, and even consider the worst case. "

These heavy words from the Supreme Chief suddenly silenced the meeting.

Everyone sitting was lost in thought...

In this regard, the Supreme Chief continued: "The action is going to be fast. If they are really unstable bombs placed by some malicious enemy forces, then it is difficult for us to grasp the timing of the detonation."

"I see, let's discuss it first. In the worst case, deploy this part in advance, at least save the human fire first."

The commander of the counterattack army said solemnly.

In this regard, everyone voted in agreement.

Inside the clothing store.

Muhua Saki wears a pure white cheongsam. This cheongsam is slashed to the waist, so you must wear a pair of white bottoming shorts.

But even if you are wearing leggings and stepping up, you still show a large section of your calf, especially when you take a big step, the skin of the thigh on the knee will be exposed, and it always feels a little bit colored.

However, when worn as a whole, with the cute left eye mask, the waist-length hair and the woven long double ponytail, it really has a special charm.

Putting on the cheongsam, Muhua Saki Yexin seemed to lose a lot of the naughty style of the past. UU Reading www.uukānshu. Com has a touch of steadiness, maturity and classicism.

However, it is more of a contrasting cuteness like a child pretending to be an adult.

In this regard, Muhua Saki Yaxin is also somewhat satisfied.

"Yes, yes, sure enough, with my appearance, no matter what clothes it is, I can control it perfectly!"

Muhua Saki Yexin was wearing a cheongsam, holding her head proudly, and walking on the road, the tiger was in the air. At first glance, the mature and stable charm disappeared without a trace.

In this regard, the lady boss was a little bit dumbfounded.

The twin sisters have shiny eyes, and they seem to be very interested in the cheongsam worn by Muhua Saki Yaxin.

However, when my sister Mo Xiaoyan thought that all the clothes Muhua Saki Yaxin had said could be perfectly controlled, her little head inadvertently turned to the strange black tights on the hanger aside.

Is this okay?


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