The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 157: Hum~ What is the law of money? One small goal of mankind...

The farce of the fanatical fans was completely over after the school officials and the police mediation.

However, in order to avoid the subsequent fanatical farce that will appear.

The school applied to the government for a security team to temporarily serve as the school’s security personnel.

This time, the incident was calmed down.

And the light sound department where Muhua Saki Yaxin is located is also completely famous in the school, and almost everyone in the school knows it.


The activity room of the light tone department.

Inside Muhua Saki Yashin, six young girls lay on their seats.

Every young girl is a sluggish escape from the disaster, sitting on a chair or lying on the table, it seems that the whole activity room is a decadent atmosphere...

After all, having experienced the farce of fanatical fans, they really have no intention of doing anything else, they just want to lie down and rest.


At this time, the door of the meeting room was suddenly opened, Xiao Zuo and the teacher walked in, she pushed her glasses, looked at the depressed girls in the room, with a weird smile on their faces, and said jokingly: Terrified?

You are all talented girl bands!

Can't stand still because of this setback. "

However, no one took care of her.

Xiao Zuo and the teacher didn't feel the surprise either, they kept a clearly lively smile, and came to their place and sat down proficiently.

After sitting down, she looked at the empty desktop in front of her, and she was a little uncomfortable. She looked around the state of the girls for a week and found that all of them closed their eyes and were frustrated.

Even the most energetic second girl Muhuasaki Yaxin was lying motionless on the table.

Xiao Zuo and the teacher shook their heads: "Yeah yeah~ It seems that this incident has really affected you a lot. I didn't even prepare for tea."

At this moment, there is still a little bit of vitality left, and my eyes rolled, which is a sign of contempt for my teacher.

Xiao Zuo and looked at Muhua Saki Yashin, who was lying on the table and seemed to be shattered, and said with a smile: "Ya Xin-chan, didn't you say you are going to the top of music? Why are you lying here?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly raised her head, and looked around blankly.

"Who calls me?"

At this time, Xiao Zuowa was a little surprised when he saw the earphones Muhua Saki Yexin was wearing.

"Ye Xin Jiang? You were just listening to a song just now?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately looked at Xiao Zuo and teacher, and blinked his only exposed right eye: "Otherwise?"

The smile on Xiao Zuohe's face suddenly froze.

Good guy, she really underestimated this second-degree girl, and this incident had no effect on her at all.

Xiao Zuohe shook her head. She also knew that this second-degree girl shouldn't be seen by common sense. She turned around and asked: "Student Ye Xin, whose song are you listening to?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly raised her head proudly: "Naturally it is my song!"

As soon as these words came out, the listless girls immediately became energetic!

Everyone raised their heads and turned their heads in surprise to look at Xiang Muhua Saki Yaxin.

Mio: "What? Did Ye Xin Jiang write a song again?"

Zi Miao's eyes gleamed: "Has the new song been written yet?"

Li: "Wow, it feels so sudden."

Wei: "Oh~"

紬: "Wow~"

Xiao Zuohe was also a little surprised, and opened his mouth slightly: "It looks like it's still finished."

Muhua Saki Yaxin raised her face and nodded proudly.

"That's natural, I think you are not in the state, so I plan to tell you later.

But even if I tell you in advance, it doesn't matter. "

Mio's eyes were shining, and she looked expectantly at Muhua Saki Yashin: "Although I don't feel ready, I am still looking forward to it."

Wei: "Yes, yes, although I haven't been relieved from that incident, I still want to see the new song."

Zi Miao: "I have regained my vitality after hearing the new song!"

Li: "Oh!! Send me a new song!"

Jing raised her small fist and fisted and said, "Well, new song! I want to watch it too!"

Muhua Saki looked at the girls who were rejuvenated in an instant, and smiled with relief: "Very well, it seems that choosing you as my teammates to help me climb the top of music in this world is not wrong!"

"Then, let's start a new phase of practice!

Before that, you have to familiarize yourself with the songs, scores and lyrics that I will send to your mobile phones. "

The girls all got up and cheered in full vigor:


"Practicing new songs~Practicing new songs~"

"The Budokai, it's not far from us!"

Sitting on the side, Xiao Zuo and the teacher looked at this scene, and suddenly smiled: "You guys, in terms of fame, you have already reached the qualifications for performing in the martial arts club.

However, just being famous is not enough. "

In this regard, Wei et al. also understand that although enthusiastic fans are terrible, it is actually not bad to go out and become an idol.

Even, they all enjoy this feeling.

Especially knowing that they were praised by the big cows in the music industry on the Internet, they were ecstatic.

If it weren't for the recent enthusiastic fans, I am afraid that their floating mentality would be a bit unable to come back.

However, fortunately, although it feels wonderful to be an idol, they haven't lost themselves, and they are still girls with pure hearts.

Especially Wei, her mind is the simplest, what's the most important thing is happiness.

And the Budokai was a slogan that they were half-joking at first.

However, when this goal seems to be within reach, they have already recognized this goal and regarded it as a small dream of light tone.

This is also everyone's wish, no one wants to hold back!

Because they are a team!

It's the light tone part!


This time, the name of the song written by Muhua Saki Yaxin is-[Vanxiang Shuangtian].

As far as the lyrics are concerned, they are almost completely incomprehensible, and the lyrics are available in two languages.

Long Wen:

Too easy in the beginning, invisible and invisible

Don’t know the turbidity is heavy, which one is clear

Be in chaos, divide it into faintness

The sky is healthy, the earth is peaceful

If it's inexhaustible, it doesn't work diligently

Li and music are made, benevolence and righteousness are prosperous

I have this, the door of all wonders


There is also island language:




Fortunately, Muhua Saki Yaxin has a comment beside the lyrics.

[Tianchu: It represents the intangible quality, only the innate qi, the state of the universe more primitive than the chaos.

Too Yi: Wuji transitions to the first stage of the birth of heaven and earth, and there is only an infinite state of nothingness in the universe.

"Liezi·Tianrui": "Those who are at the beginning, the beginning of qi; those who are at the beginning, the beginning of form."]


However, even so, they are still a little confused.

Min shook his head: "It feels so esoteric. Many vocabularies are related to the history of the country's Dragon Kingdom."

In response, Zi Miao and others nodded together.

After all, the island province has always been a special administrative region of the Long Kingdom, and it has been jokingly called an island country outside.

In fact, although the island country where they are located is the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, it is also quite special.

The first one is the language, which is unique, and the mainlanders are still relatively closed.

The various resources and facilities in the island province are still self-sufficient, and even the economy is among the best in the world. It can be said that it is no different from a real country.

Otherwise, Longguo would not establish an island province as a special administrative province.

In this regard, there is a history of Long Country's boss, only a few of them know and generally know Long Wen.

However, when it comes to these mysterious and mysterious vocabulary, as well as some unknown allusions, they are still a little dizzy.

Muhua Saki Yaxin also understood this, and she smiled and said: "So, now you can first understand the consciousness of the lyrics, and you can also understand the allusions behind some words. For example, Lao Tzu..."

Although the world has changed a lot, the shadows of some great figures still exist.

Some allusions to the lyrics have been made by Yashin Muhuasaki. Naturally, they have also made relative changes in the lyrics.

Looking at the lyrics in their hands, the girls suddenly fell into silence.

They found that the lyrics really need to be studied, after all, they are not players who use songs and scores without thinking.

They also need to know the emotion and consciousness represented by the lyrics, and then make adjustments to some melody.

In this regard, the girls also began to work together to become stronger!

Started to browse through various documents, and began to analyze the meaning of the lyrics with the notes given by Saki Yashin in the song.

If you don’t know the turbidity, and who can distinguish the lighter, the lyrics quoted a passage from "The Supreme Master Says Changqing Jingjing·The Preface to Emperor Wenchang":

"The sky is light and the sky rises, and its quality is yang. The heavy muddyness is the earth, and its quality is yin."

If I have said this, the Gate of All Wonders quoted the first chapter of the Tao Te Ching: "Mysterious and mysterious, the Gate of All Wonders."

All kinds of salty listening

Ten Thousand Kinds: The meaning of describing everything.

Xian: All, all.

Wan Lei Xian Tinghua uses "Zhen Wu Miao Jing": "I have this to make ghosts listen."


Wait, the more they looked up, the more shocked they were at these lyrics, and the surprise and admiration of Muhua Saki Yaxin, the second-second girl.

They couldn't think of why this secondary girl, who doesn't seem to be at all tuned, could write such lyrics!

However, they were shocked, they were not slow at all.

After all, if you can't find it, you can directly ask Muhuasaki Yaxin.

Although Muhua Saki Yaxin also has the general mood expressed in the song as a whole.

In this way, the Qingyin Department seemed to become a library, and the girls were quietly flipping through books or discussing in low voices.

Everyone is extremely serious.

Only Muhua Saki Yaxin, she was brushing station B with her earphones and mobile phone.

After brushing it up, she discovered that station B in this world was really amazing in size.

It can be said that it is the world's most user-friendly small break station.

However, although the user base is surprisingly large, the content seems very retro.

Well, compared to Muhua Saki Yashin, the second-degree girl, the style of both the drama and the video is relatively old-fashioned.

In this regard, she decided to upload some videos herself to cause a wave of station B, and let station B develop into the style she is familiar with.

So the first step is to draw a comic!

And those comics in the previous life can be reproduced perfectly as long as she has read it.

Mind is created out of thin air to understand.

It can be said that all the comics will be neatly placed in front of him when he thinks.

Even a more perverted version is to restore every frame of the animation!

Thinking about it, Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately felt feasible and a little happy.

After all, she is very much looking forward to what kind of sparks the masterpieces that have won many honors in the past life will arouse in this world.

For the first comic, she plans to draw a FATE first.

Get the whole fatezero out directly!

Then, she can also start a whole issue of dynamic comics, add dubbing to make a video and put it on station B!

Well, let's take a look at the response first.

Thinking about it this way, Muhua Saki Yaxin's consciousness space in his mind instantly generated an entire animation manuscript.

And, within one second, the video production and dubbing can be completed directly.

Then, Muhua Saki Yashin manually created an account called Eye of Death at station B, which is worth mentioning.

When she entered the station exam, she actually failed, and then she used her ability to forcibly modify her grades and forcibly register successfully.

Then, the upload was completed in one second, and the review period entered.

During this review period, Muhua Saki Yaxin did not use any small means to get it through quickly.

After all, she still wants to see the shocked expression of the reviewer when she saw this video!

Thinking about it, Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately hung up his video in the front row of the review.

Waiting to review the shocked face.

However, at this time.

Suddenly a message came from her cell phone, which seemed to be from a bank.

Muhua Saki Yaxin opened it easily.



Cosmos Bank:

Transaction reminder:


70055354 island dollar

Types of:

Pan-entertainment revenue

account number:


Current balance:

70059856 island dollar



Muhuasaki Yaxin looked at this text message, her eyes widened suddenly.

The income of the last two months has been remitted!

This amount is still after tax!

This money is more than she thought!

Looking at the huge amount of data, Muhua Saki Yaxin's eyes flashed, and she looked up at the girls who were studying hard.

She hesitated, suddenly stood up abruptly, and patted the table hard at the same time.

Bang! ! !

Suddenly, the girl who indulged in learning and fell into the ocean of knowledge was instantly awakened!

The five girls stared blankly at Muhua Saki Yaxin, the initiator.

With a proud smile on her face, Muhua Saki Yashin said loudly, "Everyone! It's time to prove my law of money!"

"Now, let me announce the money I got this time!!"

Said Muhua Saki Yaxin raised her phone to face the girls, proudly said.

"A full 70055354 yuan!"

At this time, Xiao Zuo and the teacher were still drinking tea leisurely while flipping through an ancient book.

The expressions of the girls were still dumbfounded, and it seemed that they could not come out of the ocean of knowledge at once.

In this way, the screen seems to pause for five seconds...

It just so happened that this pause was broken by Xiao Zuohe, who turned a page leisurely.

After flipping, she was taken aback for a moment, and the slightest electric current circulated in her brain.


What did Ye Xin Jiang say?

It seems to be a great news...

Thinking about it, Xiao Zuo and the teacher raised their heads and looked at the mobile phone that Muhuasaki Yaxin held up in the air facing them.

Above, a text message says bank news...

The most conspicuous one says:

Income: 70055354 yuan...

70055354 yuan...



700 million yuan?

Xiao Zuo and the teacher smiled suddenly, she felt as if she was dreaming, she shook her head quickly and looked again.


This long string of numbers...

Deeply reflected in her eyes.

Xiao Zuohe was in a trance.

700 million? Really 700 million?

At this time the girls in a daze finally reacted!

The first thing that got excited was Li. Her eyes flashed golden light, and the corners of her mouth even wanted to leave saliva.

"Seven... Seven... Seven... Seven hundred million!?"

"Is there really that many? Really? Really? Ye Xin-chan didn't fool us, right?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin proudly shook his head and said with disdain: "I am a righteous man, so naturally I will not deceive! You are slandering my eye of death!"

Obtained the affirmation of Muhua Saki Yaxin with the Eye of Death as a guarantee.

The girls present suddenly believed!

At this moment, the eyes of the girls in the Qingyin Department were all shining with golden flashes.

"We are rich!!!"




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