The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 159: daily

The first wave of money was more than 700 million, still from the first two months.

For this number, Muhua Saki Yaxin was a little surprised and understood.

After all, this world is not like a previous life.

The piracy environment in this world can be said to be worse than ever.

Piracy dealers are despised by everyone, and the risk of being caught is still high, and they are in violation of the criminal law.

Moreover, the audience doesn't pay much for it.

Therefore, the income of 700 million yuan seems to be a lot, but for Saki Yashin's Senbonzakura enthusiasm, it is actually just beginning.

This month will be even more explosive!

It can be said that in the first month of accumulating popularity, there is basically no income, and the outbreak is still in the middle of the second month.

In just a dozen days, after their heat exploded, there was the first 700 million.

Calculating the heat during the outbreak period, Muhua Saki Yaxin can predict that the third month's income will exceed one billion.

It can be said to be astonishing.

The accumulation of wealth in this world is much simpler than she had imagined.

Sure enough, her money law is ex-explosive.

And this income, of course, has to be evenly distributed. After calculation, each person will get more than one billion.

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't talk nonsense, but directly passed the money to the girls with a proud look.

Soon, they all received a shocking text message about the amount of bank remittance.

It is more than one billion.

This is a number they would never dare to imagine.

Unexpectedly, they recorded a song and easily obtained this amount of money...

After learning this news, the girls suddenly lost their thoughts of learning, and their hearts were full of fantasies.

Wei's eyes have turned into the $ sign, with a smirk, staring blankly forward, imagining the scene of himself rolling in the money pile in his mind.

In the future, I don’t have to worry about not having enough desserts, I don’t have to worry about gifts and I don’t have money to buy, I can eat whatever I want, and enjoy the free life.

Zi Miao, Min, and Li are no exception. They are all ordinary girls. They all imagine that after their wealth is free, they can do what they like at will, buy their favorite clothes, and live the perfect life in their imagination. .

As for 紬, she is the daughter of the world's top consortium after all.

This little money is actually nothing to her.

However, what is really rare is that this is the money she personally made.

Moreover, this is where her interest and dream lie!

At this moment, although her eyes are shining brightly, this is not for money, but for the beautiful future she has longed for, and her expectations and imaginations.

At the same time, she is also looking forward to telling her family that she will earn a hundred million yuan, which will make them smile...

The girls seem to be immersed in the imagination of a better future...

There is only one person, who seems to be located in a dark corner, squatting on the ground, his glasses reflect light, and the whole person has a low air pressure and a small bit of resentment, silently exuding sour gas.

Seven hundred million, just two months of income, more than six million yuan in exchange for dragon coins.

It would take 30 years for an ordinary person with an annual income of 200,000 dragon coins to earn more than 6 million!

How many thirty years can life be?

Besides, how many ordinary people can have an annual income of 200,000 yuan.

As I thought about it, Xiao Zuo and the teacher cried immediately. As a classroom in a higher education institution, her salary is not low. The annual salary is more than 5 million yuan.

In the future, a promotion and salary increase may exceed six million...

But, even so, she earned less than 700 million in 100 years...

However, the girls just posted a song and then waited for two months to earn money that she could not earn in her life.

You say, she can't be envious.

Why can't she make so much money from the songs she posted before?

In response, Xiao Zuo and the teacher took a bite with the book in their hands, and muttered a "meditation curse" in their hearts.

Money is not money, money is not my money...

These are all clouds...

After reading it over and over again, it seemed to be really effective, and Xiao Zuohe felt much calmer.

At this time, the girl who was addicted to the desire for money also woke up.

One or two of them were full of red light, and the joyful mood leaped across their faces.

Muhua Saki Yashin also understood the excitement of the girls, and at the same time saw the gesture of Xiao Zuo and the book biting, and the envy full of eyes.

Suddenly, Muhua Saki Yaxin carried a proud smile, slapped her hands on the table with one hand on her hips, and clapped: "You know that you mortals will be confused by things like money, but only this little money. Are you satisfied?

It's just started now, and there will only be more money in the future! At that time, I hope you can keep your heart and not be missed by money!

The throne of the top of music, if there is only me, then I will feel very lonely! "

As for Muhua Saki Yaxin's second speech, the girls suddenly laughed.

However, after a 100 million impact, they also understood that they were no longer in the category of ordinary people at this moment.

They are already idols, or super popular idols, talented young musicians.

Ye Xin Jiang was right. In the future, there may be more money!

However, no amount of it can affect their goals and dreams!

The first is the Budokai!

Then, as Ye Xin Jiang said, ascended to the throne on the top of world music!

In this regard, their hearts are full of passion!

Li's eyes seemed to be looking towards the road with the name of dreams, and the tone was calm but powerful: "Don't worry! Ye Xin-chan! No matter what, we are the Qingyin Department, we will move forward together anyway! Follow your steps!"

In response, Wei et al nodded slightly and responded with a firm look.

"We will move forward together and set foot on the top of music together!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin nodded in relief, her proud little face full of unstoppable joy.

"Very good, so now, let's celebrate and have a big meal together."

The girls immediately responded cheerfully: "Okay!"

Of course, Muhua Saki Yaxin did not ignore Xiao Zuo and teacher, but directly led the girls to walk in front of her, smiling proudly on her little face, and handed her a hand to her: "As my teacher, you can't help but go with!"

Xiao Zuowa immediately covered her mouth. She looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin and the five young girls behind her, and she burst into tears.

"You haven't forgotten that I am so good..."

After being moved, Xiao Zuo and the teacher cried out: "If the 700 million can be divided into me, it would be even better..."

As soon as these words came out, the girls suddenly stopped smiling and looked at this teacher who had always been a funny mentality with a speechless expression.

Give us back the touch we gave you!

Although Xiao Zuo and the teacher were a bit dumb, Muhua Saki Yaxin still took her with her.

The group went to a great gourmet restaurant introduced by Wei.

The wealthy Saki Yakina directly announced that he had booked a large box, saying that it was for a banquet!

However, having only seven of them seems to be not lively enough.

Ever since, let only them call their relatives and friends.

Ruwei's sister You still has friends and friends.

Ritsu’s younger brothers, Ino and Nanako, etc.

With the addition of so many people, the dinner party suddenly became lively.

Moreover, the taste of this gourmet restaurant is really great.

Muhua Saki Yashin loves the desserts, especially the pudding.

Ever since, Muhua Saki Yashin’s table was filled with various small puddings and dessert cake plates.

Muhua Saki Yashin raised his knife and fork, and dignifiedly shouted at the amber vanilla chocolate pudding in front of him: "Enlighten! Pudding! I will solve you in three seconds!"

next moment!

Muhua Saki Yaxin's eyes became sharp, and the knife in her hand fell fiercely, and the straight knife light slashed the pudding's smooth head!

Suddenly, a piece of pudding jelly leapt into the air, Muhua Saki Yaxin could see the three layers of colors revealed by the cut edges of the pudding, pudding pulp, chocolate, and vanilla!

That's right, this is the ingenuity of Muhua Saki Yashin's knife!

With this knife, it can be said that a piece of pudding that takes into account all the flavors was cut just right!

She would never allow it, she mistakenly cut a piece of pudding that had only one flavor or only two flavors!

Because that is blasphemy of pudding, disrespect for food!

Seeing the pudding pieces flying in the air, showing a perfect three-layer ratio, Muhua Saki had a fierce look!

That's right, it's now!

Saki Yashin waved his fork, passing a white train through the air, and Pudding was hit by this force, and flew into Saki Yaxin's "small mouth of blood" at a speed that was difficult to observe with the naked eye.

As the silky tofu popped in the mouth like milk, the sweet taste of chocolate, vanilla and a hint of strawberry brushed over the taste buds.

Muhuasaki Yaxin's eyes sparkled, so delicious! Such a taste! This is really the world's No. 1 gourmet!

My eye of death is willing to enshrine pudding as the world's best food!

Muhua Saki Yashin closed her eyes, her face flushed, feeling the wonderful delicacy, but her hands did not stop.

The knife shines like a shadow, blinking two perfect diagonal lines on the incomplete pudding on the plate.

After allocating the perfect ratio, Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately dropped the second fork, with an interval of 0.5 seconds, dropped the third fork, the fourth fork...

Always let the deliciousness in your mouth last, so that you can enjoy the food for a longer time...

Unfortunately, three seconds passed quickly.

This plate of pudding, as Muhuasaki Yaxin said, was solved by her in three seconds.

In this regard, Muhua Saki Yaxin still has some regrets, probably not enough.

"Hey~ Pudding, you are a hero, but unfortunately the size is too small. If you are bigger, you can hold on for a while! Maybe you can completely conquer me."

In the next moment, Muhua Saki Yaxin cast his gaze on a plate of delicate pastries decorated with strawberries, and his small face became serious: "The decision is yours!"

"Strawberry Cake No. 18! Although your predecessors have sacrificed! However, their sacrifices are not meaningless, they have obtained my information! And you! It is as a collection of inheriting their 17th generation will! See you can Can you let me approve it!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately raised the knife, and then dropped the knife three times, cutting a small piece of cake instantly.

Muhua Saki Yaxin carefully raised the knife and fork, pierced into the sliced ​​cake, and then slowly sent it into his mouth.

One second...two seconds...

Muhua Saki Yexin suddenly brightened his eyes and said excitedly: "You succeeded! Strawberry Cake No. 18!! Sure enough, you have gained enough power as you inherited the will of the 17th generation of ancestors!"

"Yes, I agree with you!"

With that said, Muhua Saki Yaxin's movements were not slow at all, and a small piece of cake was immediately brought into the mouth with one knife and one fork.

Close your eyes and enjoy this wonderful delicacy with intoxication.

In less than ten seconds, a plate of strawberry cake was solved...

Muhuasaki Yaxin immediately looked for the many snacks again.

Wei et al., who were sitting at the same table, had already set their sights completely on Muhua Saki Yexin.

After all, it was the first time they met with this unique way of eating snacks.

Moreover, it feels inexplicably pleasing to the eye.

In this regard, Ino was also a little helplessly covering his forehead.

Usually, Ye Xin would occasionally trigger this mode when eating, but Ye Xin in front of her seemed to be turned on a strange switch by Dim Sum.

Let her keep running in this mode.

In response, Ino greeted Wei and the others and said, "Don't pay attention to her, Ye Xin, this guy, always engages in weird behaviors. This is normal."

In response, Yui withdrew his gaze and asked Ino curiously: "Pinch~ Has Yexinchan always eat like this?"

Ino shook his head: "No, only occasionally.

She is so fascinated now, probably because of desserts. "

Nanako on the side was also carrying a piece of pudding into the entrance.

"A good time~"

Nanako's face blushed and hugged her face.

"Sure enough, this taste and taste are really foul, no wonder my sister is fascinated. This kind of sweetness is my sister's favorite."

Wei suddenly understood, looking at Muhua Saki Yaxin who was still speaking to the food, he nodded.

"Sure enough, Ye Xin-chan really loves desserts."

Looking at this scene, Li suddenly thought of a joke, and joked: "You said, did Ye Xin Jiang join because we had delicious refreshments in the Qingyin Department?"

However, Li said this.

The girls present suddenly fell into contemplation.

However, looking at the appearance of the girls, Li's expression suddenly changed, and he was terrified when he thought about it!

He also understood what he said.

Although it seems to be a joke, the possibility is very high!

Isn't this second-year girl all that wayward?

Jing suddenly said carefully: "Don't worry! In the future, there will be no less tea and snacks!"

Miao raised a small fist and cheered, "I buy pudding!"


Wei sighed and booed: "Then I will buy strawberry cake!"

Li also raised his hand excitedly: "I'm buying tiramisu!"

Zi Miao was stunned, and suddenly said weakly: "Then I will buy...that...Black Forest Cake."

Hearing Zi Miao talk about the Black Forest cake, Jing was stunned, and said in surprise: "Is the Black Forest cake? I seem to have eaten it once. It is indeed very delicious."

Speaking of Jing, looking at Muhana Saki Yashin who is swinging a knife in the volley, UU reads www.uukanshu. com smiled and said: "The Black Forest Cake will definitely fascinate Ye Xin-chan."

Regarding the discussion of the girls, Ino was somewhat powerless to complain: "I feel you are thinking too much. Ye Xin's choice of the light tone will definitely not be so refreshing, it's just that she likes it."

"If you want to say it, Ye Xin probably likes to eat meatballs more."


At this moment, Muhua Saki Yashin was suddenly attracted by this term, and she looked at Ino and Yui and others.

"Where are the balls?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin flushed with excitement, as if looking forward to it.

Only when the five young girls fell into peace immediately.

Looking at Muhua Saki Yaxin's appearance, it is enough to show that Maruko is indeed her favorite...


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