The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 161: Picnic party

In the recent autumn, the sun has become much gentler, and the sunlight that is thrown is like a thin sheet, which brings a touch of warmth to people but does not make people feel hot.

Muhua Saki Yashin was sitting on the lawn, her legs stretched out, revealing two tender feet that overwhelmed the greenery, her body leaned back slightly, her hands propped up on the ground, her pure eyes silently looked forward.

From time to time, the wind rolled up a little weed scraps and threw it into the sky, and the blowing girl's temples moved slightly, bringing a hint of coolness.

Of course, this coolness under the warm sun feels more comfortable.

Unlike Kihana Saki Yashin's leisure, Ino and Nanako are busy laying the dining table beside them.

Li, Wei, and You Wei’s sister You all set up a tent together.

Min, Zi, and Jing are setting up a bonfire.

Kobayashi and Thor are preparing ingredients.

Connor is catching insects.

In order to enjoy the food in this beautiful scenery, the girls are working hard to make various preparations.

It seems that there is only a certain girl who is lazy in the open.


Suddenly the phone rang.

Muhua Saki Ye's body moved slightly, with a trace of doubt in her eyes, she turned her head to look at the grass beside her, and reached out to pick up her mobile phone from the grass.

Turning on the screen, it turned out that it was some fan information.

The difference is that this fan seems to know her TT number.

Muhua Saki opened the friend message curiously.

I saw the application information says:

"Teacher Death Eye, I am your fan, fatezero is really great! I don't know if you are interested in further cooperation with Station B. If so, please pass it."

Muhua Saki Yaxin raised her head and thought for a while, it didn't seem necessary, and it felt weird to cooperate deeply.

What cooperation can not be explained in one email.

Muhua Saki Yaxin shook his head, planning to ignore this verification message and turned off the phone.

Ding Dong~

Suddenly another friend sent verification information.

"Add my friend, teach you to lie down and make money easily, earn at least 10,000 a day!"

Muhuasaki Yaxin looked at this message, and smiled directly, without thinking about it, and knowing that this guy must be a liar.

Moreover, this liar's copywriting is a bit bad, can it be said that this guy believes in the Dao Zhi Jian.

However, this person did attract her attention.

Muhuasaki Yaxin smiled, and directly pressed the application.

Ding dong.

After passing through the friends, the liar named Turtle Dove immediately responded with a message.

Turtle Dove: "Hello, are you looking for a part-time job?"

Muhuasaki Yaxin directly replied: "Yes, is it really okay to make money lying down? Can't you sit? If you lie down, drinking Coke is okay, but eating potato chips is still more troublesome."


Turtle Dove: "Our part-time job here is to review praise online. It is indeed easier to work. You only need a mobile phone. It is not a problem to easily earn tens of thousands or 20,000 a day. If you have more, you can even earn more than 100,000."

When Muhua Saki Yaxin saw this message, she felt a little funny and immediately replied:

"Only more than one hundred thousand? I am the eye of death, the highest eye of death in the infinite dimension! This little money is not enough, at least it should be increased to 10 billion, right?"


Turtle Dove: "I'm not a liar. You can try it. You can make money by simply operating your phone."

Muhua Saki Yashin: "Heh~ stupid mortal, do you really think that a mere 100,000 yuan can move me? (Lori is angry and beats the table·JPG



Turtle Dove: "I ***"

Turtle Dove: "You ***"

Muhuasaki Yaxin looked at the screen full of shielded words, feeling a little boring.

This human liar is not professional at all, he has no patience, just a few words?

I thought I could talk for a while.

Since the mentality collapsed so quickly, just throw it into the main **** game for transformation.

Muhua Saki Yashin: "Huh! How dare you disrespect me! The eye of death will give you the end!"

After typing this string of words, Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately wanted to follow the network cable to send the liar to reform.

However, the turtledove replied again.

Turtle Dove: "What kind of rubbish? Believe it or not, I stole your number?"


Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly stopped moving, she wanted to see how this guy stole her number.

Muhua Saki Yaxin: "Huh? Do you want to be terminated quickly?"

Turtle Dove: "You wait for me!"

Muhua Saki Yashin: "Come on. My eyes of death are looking forward to your stupid behavior."

Turtle Dove: "Don't regret it!"

Muhua Saki Yashin: "Huh~ arrogant humans!"

After sending this sentence, Muhuasaki Yexin did not see the reply from the turtledove for a long time.

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly became interested, and she really wanted to see how this guy stole her account.

Two minutes passed.

The turtle dove replied.

Turtle Dove: "Send the verification code."

At this time, Muhua Saki Yaxin really received a verification code.

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly looked dazed.

Check... Send the verification code?

Was the hacking done like this?

Muhua Saki shook his head, and suddenly looked at the information on the screen with a bit of speechlessness.

This liar is too stupid...

Muhua Saki Yexin shook his head, and sent the "turtle-dove" for remodeling with a thought.

She felt that even if she didn't send him to reform, she would still be deceived by his "clients".

"Sure enough, stupid human beings."

Muhua Saki sighed, and then turned off the phone, threw it in the grass beside her, lay down directly, and slept on the fluffy lawn, staring at the blue sky, she was fascinated.


"Sure enough... I'm a little boring lately."

However, at this moment, Ino and the others had set up everything, and they were setting up a grilling net with various ingredients for barbecue.

The smell of cooking smoke permeated, Muhua Saki Yaxin, who was sleeping on the grass, moved her nose slightly.

The next second, she sat up abruptly.

"It smells so good~"

Without hesitation, Muhua Saki Yaxin stood up, turned around, and ran over.

It just so happened that Ino just picked up two chicken wings and wanted to put them on the grill.

Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately ran with a malicious smile on her face!

Taking advantage of Ino's carelessness, he directly snatched the two chicken wings.

Muhua Saki's chicken wings held high by Yexin, shouting: "This is my chicken wings!"

Ino still kept the gesture of holding chicken wings, but her face gradually became gloomy.

She turned her head abruptly to look at Muhua Saki Yaxin, her eyes flashing red:


Muhua Saki Yexin suddenly felt excited, and put the two chicken wings on her hand into the grilling net in front of her, and said angrily: "Isn't it just two chicken wings? Don't be so stingy, the Dark Emperor."

Ino clenched his fist, his forehead popped out a tic-tac-toe: "It's so, why do you grab my hand? Isn't there a lot of it?"

Muhua Saki stayed in a daze, and saw the big bag full of chicken wings that Ino pointed to.


Muhua Saki groaned, turning the chicken wings over, sprinkling some cumin powder, and adding some peanut oil.

Ino suddenly became even more angry: "You said it!"

Muhuasaki Yaxin raised her head and blinked at Ino: "I just don't want to take it myself."

Ino suddenly stood up angrily, his small hand clenched his small fist: "How can it be repaired!!"

At this time, Zi Miu, who was sitting next to Ino, was trembling, she didn't understand.

Why are the two sisters arguing about the two chicken wings?

However, it is not good to make them quarrel.

Therefore, Azusa weakly handed her chicken wings to Ino.

"Um... Mine, I will give it to you."

Ino was stunned for a moment, and she felt a little depressed when she watched Zi Miao's weak kitten hand over chicken wings.

She knew that Zi Miao didn't want them to quarrel, but she also knew that Ye Xin could never be used to this fellow.

Ino gently pushed the chicken wings that Azuma gave him, and said with a helpless smile: "Don't don't don't, I'm just playing with Ye Xin."

Zi Miao's complexion paused, and she blushed and lowered her head.

"That, I'm sorry."

Ino shook his head: "No, what I have to say..."

Ino looked at Muhuasaki Yaxin, his eyes flashed red:...Blame Yaxin! "

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly shrank her head, and then quickly handed one of the chicken wings to Ino.

"Um, Dark Emperor, I'm ready to cook, don't be angry."

Ino looked at the chicken wings handed over by Yashin Kihana. The whole body was roasted golden and exuding a strong roasted aroma.

Ino Qi immediately took it back, took it, and said in an unpleasant tone: "This time even if you pass."

Muhua Saki Yashin put out her tongue mischievously at Ino: "Hehe, I won't forget the friendship with the Dark Emperor, so I took the chicken wings, just to help you bake it."

With that, Muhua Saki Yashin picked up another roasted chicken wing and took a bite. His eyes suddenly showed love, and he entered the posture of enjoying the food.

"Um~ delicious..."

Ino suddenly felt a little weak to complain: "Please, before you explain, please do something that can convince me."

However, Muhua Saki Yashin, who entered the state of enjoying the food, couldn't listen to it at all.

Ino shook her head, took the chicken wings in her hand and took a bite, and a burst of oil exploded on her tongue. The skin was crispy and the meat was tender.

Ino exclaimed slightly: "Oh~It's really delicious."

"Unexpectedly, Ye Xin would actually grill chicken wings?"

On the side, Zi Miao silently grilled all kinds of skewers such as squid whiskers. These are only seniors, Senior Li asked her to grill them.

A few of them set up a pot over there and seemed to be making some soup.

At this time, Thor and Kobayashi leaned over and sat beside Muhua Sakiya.

Xiaolin smiled and said, "Sure enough, I'm still interested in barbecue."

Thor suddenly gave a mysterious smile, as if thinking about a conspiracy.

Xiaolin saw through it in a second, and said bluntly: "Tor~ Don't want to bake anything weird."

Tolton was agitated, the tail behind him flicked, and said excitedly: "Ah~ My tail shouldn't be a strange thing, right?"

Xiao Lin helped his forehead: "No, I'm talking about your tail."

Tolton froze, looking depressed.

At this time, Zi Miao was suddenly confused.

Is this an encrypted call?


Xiaolin also realized that there was Azusa Meow by her side, instead of talking, but smiled and said hello: "Ah~Xiao Zi, we are here to help too."

Zi Miao nodded quickly: "Oh, senior Xiao Lin, trouble you."

Without being too polite, Xiao Lin smiled and began to take out various ingredients from the package on the side and put them on the grilling net.

After that game of beach volleyball, Kobayashi and Saki Yashin both became friends.

After all, everyone is a comrade-in-arms who survived each other in that terrifying battlefield of death.

In this way, after Muhua Saki Yexin contacted them, Kobayashi happened to have a small vacation, and he agreed to come over for a picnic.

In this way, the barbecue booth Muhuasaki Yashin and the five of them directly occupied it.

The soup on the other side is also made very smoothly.

Connor is still studying various insects in the grass, and occasionally invites insects such as butterflies into his stomach as guests.

After a while, the soup was made, and Li took the lead and handed everyone a bowl.

Then, everyone began to gather around the barbecue net, and they began to drink soup, eat barbecue, and talk about various anecdotes with laughter.

This day just passed...

The next day, Saki Kihana Yashin began to prepare to travel to another world Lu Yu, but this time pulled Ino and Nanako.


Wolf and Tiger Villa

Originally, this place was an unknown place. Since the great changes in the world, hundreds of miles of ground have been raised hundreds of meters out of thin air, and many mountains have emerged out of thin air.

The two highest peaks, like a wolf and a tiger, face each other here.

This is why Tiger Wolf Mountain is named, and Tiger Wolf Mountain Villa is the residence of a group of bandits that have recently emerged.

Standing on the edge of a cliff on the top of the mountain, Liu Daodao looked at the distant scenery, his cloak floating in the wind, his eyes lightly with a little melancholy, and he looked quite moody.

Liu Daodao has already shaved his beard clean at this moment, and his face looks very determined. Compared with before, this face is far from before he did not shave his beard. It can be said that shaving his beard is like changing his face. End Become a handsome uncle completely.

Tata~Take it~

There is a rush of horseshoes~

Riding fast horses, the two rushed to behind Liu Daodao, got off the horse and knelt down on one knee and arched hands.

"Helper! Brothers are all ready."

Liu Daodao said lightly without turning his head back.

"Okay, let me go patrolling the mountain."

There is a steep wall between the tiger and wolf mountain peak, and there is only one way to go to the villa except climbing.

More than a dozen people are riding horses and galloping along the way. This is Liu Daodao's daily task-patrolling the mountains.

As the name suggests, it is to walk a circle along the mountain road. It is worth mentioning that there are many merchants passing by this mountain range, and there are many more bandits corresponding to it.

The bandits will also fight each other for territory, in order to occupy enough crossings and intercept the caravans to collect tolls.

But Liu Daodao this wave of bandits is the most peculiar bandit. Instead of robbing the caravan, they are the bandits who rob the caravan.

Therefore, Liu Daodao is the thorn in the eyes of many bandits, and relatively they have become the guardians praised by the passers-by.

Liu Daodao patrols daily to see what business he can do today.

Suddenly I saw an aristocratic young man who was alone at a corner. He looked thin and weak. His clothes were glamorous. He was carrying a small luggage wrapped in cloth, which made people look like a moving money bag.

The noble master seemed to be frightened when he saw Liu Daodao, his face was flustered and he was at a loss.


Liu Daodao ignored this person and led the team directly over without taking a second glance.

The young master stared blankly at the team that Juechen was leaving, with a confused look on his face.

"What...what? Don't you grab me? Isn't this a bandit?"

At the moment Liu Daodao didn't think much about it, and he thought that person was weird a long time ago. Now it is not easy to be able to walk outside alone.

What's more, he looks like a mediocre, thin young man, brother, noble, why dare he...

Of course, he would never have the idea of ​​robbing him.

Liu Daodao was patrolling with the team, and suddenly saw a man walking by the side of the road again, who looked like a weak bard.

As they approached, the money bag from the bard's waist fell off, and gold coins scattered all over the floor.

But this didn't stop Liu Daodao's footsteps. After a burst of smoke and dust, the scholar could only see the dusty team in the distance.

The gold coins on the ground are all stained with ashes...

Half an hour later, Liu Daodao came to an intersection in the mountain range. At the intersection, Liu Daodao saw a person walking towards him with a sword on his waist, like an adventurer and a ranger.

Of course, he also ignored it directly.

When the team passed the ranger halfway, the man suddenly sprinted and rushed to Liu Daodao.

This directly stopped them.

The crowd behind them quickly pulled out their weapons and stood on guard.

Liu Daodao frowned and looked at the knight in front of him.

"What's the matter with you?"

At this question, the man trembled all over, and the face that he raised his head revealed was the noble son he met before.

He said excitedly.

"What's the matter? Are you not bandits?"

Liu Daodao nodded slightly in a circle.

The man raised his embroidered clothes and waved in front of his eyes, "Look! Is this fine fabric?"

Liu Daodao also knew the goods, but this scene made him even more confused.

"It's the first class..."

"Look at whether this sword is a superior there is still a ring..."

"Then what do you want to do?" Liu Dao looked at this gibberish weird dumbly.

The man looked directly at Liu Daodao.

"I have money!"

"I know."

"You know? Then why don't you grab me?"

Liu Daodao looked at him like a fool, "Why should I grab you?"

"Aren't you a bandit?"

"Is the bandit going to grab you?"

The man's mouth was open, and his eyes were dull for a while not knowing how to refute.

Liu Daodao didn't care about it and left directly.



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