The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 162: Seems a bit off topic

The young nobleman looked at the gang of bandits who were far away, and suddenly doubted his life.

He is an aristocrat of the Eastern Empire, and he is also an alternative among the aristocracy. Because he admires adventurers and likes to take risks, he is very unpopular at home.

He also hated this hypocritical home, so he ran away from home alone and became an adventurer and a lone ranger.

It’s just that dreams are beautiful and reality is cruel.

He was a lone walker, almost died in a monster forest.

And his opponent is just a small insect-shaped monster.

After being deeply hit, he ran for his life and came to a small village on the border of the empire.

The residents of the mountain village are very enthusiastic about him, a lone adventurer, and entertain him with a variety of good wines and food.

In the end, it was exactly the same as those described in the written stories.

The village chief appeared and entrusted him with one thing.

It is to ask him to annihilate the bandits around Longhu Mountain.

In the area around Longhushan, it seems that because of the fighting between some terrifying existences, the terrain has undergone drastic changes, and most of the monsters have been almost completely wiped out. Even now, there are few monsters.

As a result, the number of bandits here increased sharply, and even many bandits took the mountain as the king, madly snatching the caravans passing by.

In the past, most of the supplies in their small villages were supplied by caravans.

However, the recent bandits are so crazy that they have to pay seven or eight tolls for the caravan to come to their village to supply supplies.

Over time, most of the caravans refused to come to their mountain village to supply supplies.

So the village chief wanted to spend a lot of money to apply for a mission to the Adventurer's Guild, which was to destroy the bandits.

But here comes the problem. It's a big problem whether to take this huge sum of money out or not.

In their mountain village, there are not many capable people.

Almost none can afford this important task.

Just as the village chief was hesitating, suddenly an adventurer suddenly arrived.

That's right, he!

A great adventurer who hates evil, a lonely ranger!

Seeing him, the village chief knew at a glance that he was the hero they had been waiting for!

They greeted him with good wine and delicacies with joy and laughter.

In the middle, the village chief and residents said many words of praise to him, but he was humble and did not accept it.

Even, directly promised them to help exterminate or expel the bandits.

Thinking of this, his mind suddenly became a little confused. What did the village chief say at that time?

He seemed to be a little bit overwhelmed.

He didn't even have a detailed understanding of the situation in the Dragon Tiger Mountain Range.

Even the village chief's instructions were forgotten, and he ran over excitedly, wanting to punish the bandits.

However, the bandit Liu Daodao seems to be a little different, so they didn't steal him?

Do you already know how powerful he is?

The young man stood still, rubbing his chin and thinking in a daze.

"Sure enough, maybe they didn't dare to do it easily when they saw me who was so brave and fearless."

Just thinking about it, suddenly a continuous roar came from the distance of the mountain road.

Pulling his thoughts back to reality, he looked at the mountain road ahead, and at the end was a bend, and the roar came from the side of the bend.

"Are? That seems to be the place where the band of bandits just passed."

Thinking of this, a glimmer of lightning flashed in his brain, and his heart shook.

"Worse, they have robbed the caravan again!"

Immediately he didn't hesitate and started sprinting forward.

"Wind magic! Speed ​​up!"

next moment.

The magic elements in his body flowed, and a magical array of wind magic was built under his feet. An invisible wind began to wrap his legs. He immediately felt that his steps became easier and his running speed increased. More than doubled.

Time went back to the moment when Liu Daodao had just passed by the noble boy. He led the team around the mountain road and patrolled as usual. He didn't find any business and was ready to return.

Halfway back, he looked at the openings of the bifurcated road, and then at the rock piles beside the road, and he felt that something was wrong.


There was a crisp sound.

Liu Daodao's pupils shrank slightly and shouted.

"There is an ambush!"

As soon as the shout fell, there were continuous bangs.

The dense array of cold arrows hit, Liu Daodao and the group struggled to resist the arrow rain, but it was true that there were too many hidden weapons, and almost none of them were unfavorable.

Perhaps the force of the hidden weapon was too small and did not cause any deaths.

After the arrow rain, many bandits walked out and surrounded Liu Dadao.

Four of them walked out to the front of the team, looking at this temperament and dressing, it must be the bandit's head.

Everyone in this circle knew each other, and Liu Daodao recognized the identities of these people a long time ago.

Liu Daodao clenched the big knife in his hand and shouted.

"Drake! Ryder! Belis! Catalon! How could the four of you unite?"

The four began to laugh.

Ryder is a brawny man with scarred eyes and a little handsome face. With a faint smile on his face, he thrust the huge knife he was carrying on the ground, patted his palm and said unhurriedly. .

"Oh~ I can't help it. The Liu gang has sabotaged our financial path many times, and we have no choice but to."

Bellis is a dark-skinned, graceful woman, and her appearance is quite good.

With a charming smile in her eyes, she used her bright red nails to cross her black and purple lips, and her exit was also with a charming tone, but it only gave people a sense of danger like a poisonous snake.

"Oh~ Gangmaster Liu, we are bandits. It would be too much for someone like you to be a bandit. So please die."

Drake's face was full of scars. Standing in place made people feel a fierce aura. He said savagely:

"It doesn't matter when the bandits eat black, but if you specialize in black eating, we can be disgusted, don't you know? If you don't get rid of you for a day, I will be disgusted and unable to eat!"

Compared with the other three, Catalon looked like a rascal, with a sword hanging from his waist, wearing light armor, and a strange smile on his face. He stepped on a rock, and said:

"Hey, you said you are a bandit, and you still come to protect the caravan? Protect the caravan as an adventurer? Come here to be a bandit? Isn't this TM playing?"

Each of the four bandits vented their dissatisfaction.

However, Liu Daodao looked calm and did not speak much.

Seeing this, Ryder spat and drew a big knife.

"Well, since you don't say anything, stop the chattering here and send them on the road!"

Liu Daodao's eyes were calm. He knew that he and others would be hard to escape this time, but he was not afraid.

"Brothers, I'm afraid this time, I'm afraid it's bad luck, so I don't regret following me later."

His voice was calm but powerful.

"What are you talking about? Helper! How can I regret it!"

"No regrets! Naturally, no regrets!"

"It was the helper who took us to be a bandit that can be praised."

"I always remember the relief of the helper when the grass fell! I can't regret it!"

The more they survived, their fighting spirit became more and more high!

Liu Daodao understood immediately, he drew the knife from his waist and raised it to the sky.

"If this is the case, then follow me and have a good time!"


"rush out!"

"Kill them all!"

The high-spirited Dragon and Tiger bandits uttered a roar that shook the world!

The bandit troops who encircled and suppressed them seemed to be shocked, and they all shrank.

Upon seeing this, the bandit's head group of four people felt a little bit inside.

Oops, this strange subordinate Liu Daodao still has such a high fighting spirit, aren't the bandits all rotten soldiers?

At least their subordinates are.

After all, who would want to be a thief if it weren't for living.

According to their expectations, most of Liu Daodao's men would defect and surrender.

Now, it has discovered a strong cohesion that is not like a bandit.

In response, the four of them glanced at each other, and the heart squadron's idea of ​​eradicating Liu Daodao became firmer!

If this person is allowed to develop, they will inevitably be swallowed by it!

In response, the four shouted in unison!

"Fuck me! Kill them all!!"

The four heads gave orders, and the bandits didn't hesitate to roar and ran over!

After all, they have an absolute advantage in numbers, even if Liu Daodao and the others are amazing, it is impossible to scare them at all.

Liu Daodao's eyes became sharp, and the horse was clamped in his eyes and roared: "Charge!"

He is one person first, leading the team, like a sharp arrow, straight in one direction, infinitely forward!

Some bandits used skills, and some bandits used magic to launch attacks on Liudaodao team from a distance.

For a time, all kinds of fireballs and energy bombs came!

Boom boom boom! !

The roar continued, the smoke was everywhere, and the charging team suddenly turned on their backs.

Liu Daodao received the most concentrated firepower at the forefront, and the horse under the seat could not bear the scarred fall first.

In this regard, Liu Daodao also abandoned the horse directly and jumped up.

Although the men behind him seemed embarrassed, not many people actually fell!

They were still like sharp knives, with a fierce aura, safely through this wave of long-range attacks, and directly collided with the team of the four great bandits!

The two armies took over at a time.

Start **** close hand-to-hand combat!

In a one-to-one connection, basically every person in Tiger Wolf Mountain has several enemies around him.

But Liu Daodao's team maintained their formation, the front row resisted the knife and the back row made a fatal blow, the back row became the front row to block the knife, and the back row continued to make up!

Even in the panic, Liu Daodao's team is still neat and orderly, looking like an army.

But even with such a formation facing dozens of times the enemy, it is difficult to parry.

There were casualties in a short while, and Liu Daodao had always been at the forefront as the leader of the gang. At this moment, he was also stained with blood. I am afraid that I don't know how many knives have been cut.

However, even if the blood on the body passed and the enemy's flesh and blood splashed, Liu Daodao didn't seem to feel any pain at all and was tireless. He kept waving the knife, only one blow was weaker than one blow.

He felt that his eyelids were heavy and wanted to sleep, but he also knew that if he fell asleep, he would not wake up.

Although, he has always regarded all this as a dream.

At this moment, the four big bandits who had not yet taken the shot also discovered the weakness of Liu Daodao, and directly and mercilessly shot together!

Ryder and Catalon used it to touch Liu Dadao's side, and slapped them all together!


The weak and defenseless Liu Daodao forcibly resisted these two knives with his body!

Suddenly, blood splashed from his body and flew out.

When his subordinates saw it, they were utterly distraught, but they didn't have much chance of grief, because the enemy's attack was merciless, and they couldn't handle it without worrying about their leader's time.

Liu Daodao lying on the ground felt as if his body was about to be cut off. The two cross-shaped cuts that spread from his chest to his waist were very conspicuous, and he was sure that it was cut deep in the body, and the internal organs were all. It's not intact anymore.

However, the attack is not over yet!

Drake and Bellis have used fire and earth magic together!

All of a sudden, a huge burning meteor fire rock hit him from mid-air!

Liu Daodao looked at the flaming meteor rock with a faint smile.

"Oh~ just die again..."


He is still a little unwilling. This is his second life, but it's over...

However, at this moment, he suddenly prompted a sentence.

"Get the skill [Atoner]."

【The Redeemer】

"Body pain is my salvation,

With absolute fighting will, no matter how severe the injury you are, you will not fall. The body still maintains full combat effectiveness.

For this, pray to the world for salvation and fight forever! "

When he saw this skill, Liu Daodao's eyes heated up, as if a fire was lit.

He also felt the blood in his body begin to boil like magma!

"Power! It's coming up!"

He stood up abruptly, holding a saber in his hand like a rainbow!

"I want to be with you forever!"

boom! !

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Daodao was hit by a huge meteor flame directly on the ground. It exploded with a bang, the flames scattered, and the shock wave sent the surrounding bandits away.

For a while, the Four Great Mountain Thief Kings were also a little dazed, feeling very surprised at Liu Daodao who had just stood up aggressively.

But the next second he rushed to the street, and it felt funny.

However, at this moment.

The flames and smoke in the center of the explosion suddenly dispersed.

I saw Liu Dadao standing in the center of the lava pit, ragged, but fierce, with an indescribable aura in his calm eyes, the knife in his hand turned red, and the hot air twisted the border around him. !

He who appears now is exuding a terrifying aura like an evil spirit!

Seeing this, the four big mountain thief kings couldn't help but shrink back.

"This guy, why isn't he dead!"

"This shouldn't be! This guy should be dead!"

"Can you survive this kind of injury? Is this guy still a human?"

In response to this, Liu Daodao pointed the knife at them, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and a faint smile appeared: "What's the matter? Are you afraid? If you are afraid, come over here obediently and cut them off one by one."

For Liu Daodao's arrogance, the four great bandit kings suddenly became a little angry.

"Don't think you can scare us! Any one of us will be difficult for you to deal with. If the four of us go together, you have no chance of winning!"

Liu Daodao smiled disdainfully at the words of the four great mountain thief kings, and slowly walked towards them with the knife in his hand.

He kept a disdainful smile at the corner of his mouth, and walked very slowly, as if dragging a remnant that was almost immobile.

In this regard, the Four Great Mountain Thieves did not care, and directly ordered his men to kill Liu Daodao.

"He is just the end of the power! Kill him for me, whoever gets the head will be rewarded a lot!"

The mobilization of the four great mountain bandits immediately caused many desperate bandits to rush towards Liu Daodao.

Liu Daodao shook his head and chuckled, "Hehe, I can't deceive you when I see it."

next moment!

The bandits roared around, Liu Daodao's eyes became fierce in an instant, he lifted the knife and slashed!

Clang! !

A Bai Lian passed in front of him!

In an instant, the bandits flew out in blood.

On Liu Daodao's blood-stained face, the expression became crazy: "Let me have a good time!!"

next moment!

He started to speed up and rushed towards the bandits like crazy!

The hand machete falls, the knife enters the meat!

The babbling sound continues, and the blood is constantly swaying, with one's own and enemies.

Before he knew it, a large swath of enemies had fallen behind him.

And the four big mountain thief kings were scared by his fierceness and didn't dare to shoot at will.

Just at this time.

A young noble adventurer dressed in gorgeous costumes appeared on the scene.

At a glance, he saw the fierce battlefield with flesh and blood staining the ground. At this moment, there were not many Dragon Tiger Mountain thief who were still fighting except Liu Dadao.

It is estimated that they will fall soon.

In this regard, although the aristocratic teenager was a little afraid and hesitated, with a righteous heart, he went straight over!

One hand of magic leaps into the palm, and it is launched against a large number of bandits!

"Stop it! Bandits!"

magic! Water rapids!

A huge magic circle appeared in front of him, the next moment!

A huge drop of water spurted out, and swept away a large wave of bandits!

Alleviated the pressure on the Dragon Tiger Mountain bandits who were being besieged. UU reading

At the same time, he also noticed Liu Dadao who was fighting frantically.

At this moment Liu Daodao is like a **** of war. Even though he is covered in blood, he is fighting endlessly. It seems that no one can stop him!

When the noble boy was about to start the magic again, suddenly a small hand was placed on his arm.

This made him stunned.

"Well, can I ask, where is this place?"

The young girl's tender voice resounded clearly in his ears.

He turned his head unconsciously and looked at him.

But found that three young girls appeared unconsciously around him.


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