The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 163: nagging


How did they approach me silently?

The aristocratic boy looked puzzled, and according to his strength, he wouldn't let the enemy get so close to discover it.

Moreover, even in the face of the Asura battlefield flying in front of him, these three strangely dressed young girls didn't seem to feel scared, and even looked calm.

That feeling is more calm than him.

You know, at first glance, he was still a little embarrassed.

Regarding this scene, he immediately understood that these three girls are probably not weak, and they may not even be human.

He once met a girl of the dragon breed, she was the marshal of the empire.

Although she looks like a girl, she is actually a monster!

The combat power is extremely terrifying, even if he thinks that guy wants to destroy the world, almost no one can stop her.

And the three girls in front of them may be a bit different from the marshal in strength, but they are also the kind of guys who cannot look like.

He solemnly faced Muhua Saki Ye and said, "If your Excellency is just asking for directions, please ask me to deal with the matter first."

As he said, the boy motioned to the fierce battlefield below.

Muhua Saki Yashin naturally saw the tragic fighting that took place underground, and the **** man below looked like a **** of war, and his valiant aura made people couldn't help but look sideways.

However, Muhua Saki Yashin also knew that the man was just holding on, relying on a sigh of breath, maintaining the last ray of life in the incomparably broken body, it seemed that he would fall in the next second.

But this man seems to have killed himself in the next second, and his state will always remain at the peak of this second. No matter what kind of damage the enemy gives him, he will not fall down!

Fight forever!

Although the blessing of this state contains some peculiar energy and the protection of the world's rules, it can make him so brave.

However, even with this kind of fighting spirit, Muhua Saki Yashin also admired and admired very much.

So, without waiting for the noble young adventurer to make a move, she made a move on her own, and she slapped her little hand!

A magic circle unfolded in an instant, extending to hundreds of meters, enveloping everyone around it.

The noble boy suddenly became vigilant.

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin blinked at the boy, showing a mischievous smile: "These guys will let me judge."

After Muhua Saki Yaxin finished speaking, she smiled at the bandit below: "My eyes of death will give you the end and end your identity as human beings!"

next moment.

The magic circle began to circle and flash, and the mysterious runes in the magic could be clearly seen jumping and shining. It seemed that the regular patterns were hovering, and the magic of horror was gathered here!

The aristocratic teenager can feel the horror of this energy, although he is curious why it is not magic element, but according to this energy scale.

The power of this magic is so terrifying that it is unimaginable!

He suddenly yelled in panic: "Stop! No, those are not all bad guys! Don't kill them!"

To this Muhua Saki Yaxin just snapped his fingers softly.

next moment!

A horrible white beam of light appeared from the magic circle and enveloped everyone!

The aristocratic teenager only felt that his eyes had almost become a vast expanse of whiteness, and it seemed that endless light had enveloped everything.

His perception has also lost its former sensitivity.

I don't know how long it has passed, it seems a moment, it seems a long time has passed.

The white light disappeared.

He opened his eyes, but saw there was no imaginary explosion, only a sea of ​​beautiful green flowers.

He was suddenly in a trance, this beautiful sea of ​​flowers can be said to be the most beautiful he has ever seen.

Beautiful and moving.

However, he even knew that this place was originally a blood-red land full of corpses.

"Am I hit by an illusion?"

In the next second, in the sea of ​​flowers, he found the man who had fought **** battles, as well as several companions and survivors of that man.

They seem to be fascinated by this beautiful sea of ​​flowers.

The man who was still covered in blood kept a serious face, but there was a touch of gentleness in his eyes.

He slowly looked at a white flower in front of him. He stretched out his hand to touch it, but he shrank when he saw the blood on his hand.

He didn't want to contaminate this flower either. After all, the flower was so white as jade, so pure and flawless, he didn't see a trace of flaws, it seemed to be the purest flower in the world. .

"This world is really amazing..."

"But I'm over here..."

Liu Daodao sighed, the effect of the skill [Redeemer] has disappeared.

He also had only the last trace of strength left.

At this moment, he didn't want to do anything, didn't want to say anything.

He knows that someone has helped him, but unfortunately he has no hope of surviving.

However, he was still very grateful, grateful to them for allowing him to see such a beautiful sea of ​​flowers before he died.

It seems not bad to die in this place.

"You can't die."

The sudden young girl's voice came into his ears, he didn't feel the surprise, with a smile on his face, he turned around with difficulty.

Suddenly, he saw clearly the appearance of his benefactor.

Three girls, and...

The pupils of his eyes shrank.

And this costume! Isn't this modern clothing! ?

Muhua Saki Yaxin also noticed the man's eyes, and she smiled: "Uh-huh~ I saw an interesting expression."

At this moment, Ino and Nanako, who were the background board, finally spoke.

Ino said with a shocked look: "You can still live and stand up? It's amazing, this kind of vitality."

Nanako covered her mouth with a look of surprise: "If no one prompts me, I'm afraid I will put you on the spot as a zombie."

They could all see how terrifying the physical injury of the person in front of them was.

Not to mention the blood was drained, even the internal organs almost turned into a mass of paste, and almost no part of his body was intact. Various large and small knife wounds and piercing wounds were densely arranged on his body. .

His body at the moment is like a lump of rotten meat, rotten meat riddled with holes, said to be a zombie, others will doubt whether such a zombie still has the ability to move.

In this regard, the noble boy who came to Liu Daodao also saw clearly the man's physical injury.

He also felt the life breath of this man like a candle in the wind.

He sighed: "You are a hero, but it's a pity."

Following everyone's words, Liu Daodao came back to his senses, showing a gentle smile.

"Hehe, I don't think I am a hero, there is nothing to be a pity, what I have to say..."

He looked at the three young girls and smiled slightly: "I would have met you sooner, right, fellow."

The last fellow spoke in Long Mandarin.

And even though Ino and Nanako were given a buff with a transparent language by Yashin Kihana, they could also clearly know that the words the man said were the dragon language of [Daily World].

They were a little surprised at once, is this person also a traverser?

Although Ino and the others also know, and Muhua Saki Yaxin also said that the [everyday] world seems to be in a special place, and some dead souls are often sent to the world by the cracks in time and space.

Unexpectedly, they met such a transcendant.

Muhuasaki Yaxin smiled and replied in Long Mandarin: "Hehe, didn't I say it. You can't die."

Speaking, Muhua Saki Yexin raised his hand and stretched out his index finger to face Liu Daodao a little bit empty.

next moment.

Liu Daodao suddenly felt that his body seemed to be freshened by a touch of clear spring, he felt a cool and comfortable feeling, and at the same time the vitality of his body began to fill up at an astonishing speed.

The injury also recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Three seconds later.

The clean Liu Daodao, dressed in tattered clothes, still had a sense of disbelief in his eyes.

"Am I alive?"

"Am I alive?!"

He looked at Muhua Saki Yexin and the group, and he couldn't believe it: "My fellow! You still have such a powerful power. Have you become gods in this world?"

This series of Long Guoyu made the noble boy a little confused.

Is the encrypted call started?

In response, Muhua Saki Yexin shook his head and said with a smile: "No, I'm not your fellow, I just came to this world, and this time I came to this world just to travel. "

In response, Ino and Nanako nodded at him: "Yes, yes, traveling in another world, this is a great experience. How do you feel in this world?"

Liu Daodao smiled bitterly: "I feel terrible. The world may be beautiful, but unfortunately I didn't have the opportunity to experience it. I was reincarnated into a bandit family, and I have lived very well now..."

"Oh~ That's really a bit unlucky."

Nanako shook her head and said.

Liu Daodao nodded deliberately: "That's right."

Then, he fell silent.

One second, two seconds...

He suddenly looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin: "What did you just say? You said you are here to travel? Could it be that you can..."

Muhua Saki nodded immediately: "Yes, we can go back at will, if you want to go back, I can take you a ride. However, you have to be prepared. After all, you are no longer what you used to be. is you."

In response, Liu Daodao took a deep breath and solemnly said, "I understand."

Traveling in another world, these three girls are already gods.

Still the kind of **** who transcends the world.

"It always feels like you have misunderstood something."

Muhua Sakuya narrowed her heart and said, "I am indeed the supreme being of infinite dimensions. You can call me the eye of death."

"Eye of Death?"

Liu Daodao was a little stunned. If this girl didn't possess powerful power, this title would appear to be a very second-degree.

But is different in this magical world.

This is a real world after all.

"By the way, tell me what kind of world this world is."

Muhuasaki Yaxin asked.

She didn't use her own roots to see through this time, but condensed her perception ability.

After all, she doesn't have any consciousness when she is playing. She needs a little game experience.

This time the questioning was in the language of spiritual negotiation, and everyone present could understand it.

At this time, the noble boy was confused, he understood the words, but he also realized that what the girl said was obviously not their common language.

It was another language he had never heard before!

Is this girl really a visitor from another world?



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