The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 165: Frolic

At night, the sky is cloudless, the galaxy is in all directions, the silver moon is horizontal, and the silvery white light pouring down, bringing a ray of light to this peaceful mountain village.

Sitting on a boulder, Ino slowly stroked Muhua Saki Yaxin's head with her knees resting on her thigh, and quietly stared at the stars.

"Miss Ino, you haven't slept yet?"

Mel looked ruddy at Ino, who was sitting on the boulder. He had just drunk a lot of alcohol, and now he was a little drunk.

Ino smiled slightly at Mel: "Can't sleep, and...

Ino looked up at the sky, his eyes reflected the scroll of the galaxy, and smiled: "This starry sky is beautiful, isn't it?"

Mel was stunned. He looked up at the sky and looked at the gorgeous picture of the Milky Way. He suddenly smiled:

"Oh, yes, it just happened to be less cloudy today. It is indeed rare to see the starry sky so clearly."

Ino smiled and did not speak any more, and continued to look up at the starry sky.

Seeing this, Mel looked a little embarrassed, and finally he let out a sigh of relief and walked away.

Along the way, the residents of the mountain village fell asleep on the ground, many of them still snoring.

Some food and wine glasses were thrown everywhere.

Mel looked at it and smiled slightly: "It seems that everyone is having a great time."

Looking at it, he suddenly saw a man walking over with a stack of quilts in the distance.

When he got closer, Mel could see the man clearly.

"village head?"

The village chief followed the road and covered the villagers on the ground with quilts, jokingly: "Oh, hero Mel, you haven't slept yet."

Melton's cheeks blushed a little when he said anxiously: "The village chief!"

The village chief chuckled and said, "You are really a hero, don't be shy."

Melton was even more embarrassed, and he said angrily:

"Village Chief, stop talking."

When the village chief saw this, he laughed suddenly: "Okay, let's stop teasing you, I have to give these stinky boys a blanket, or you will be in trouble if you catch a cold."

Upon seeing this, Mel sighed, replied, and stretched out his hand to the village chief, showing a nasty smile: "Give it to me, and I will help too."

The village head was a little surprised, and shook his head randomly: "No way, no way, how can I trouble the guests."

However, Mel looked at the stack of quilts already in his hands for a while speechless.

He really missed his eyes. He didn't expect the village chief to be this kind of person.

Mel hugged a stack of thick quilts, gave the village chief a contemptuous look, and turned around and left.

The village chief looked at the boy holding the quilt and left, and he smiled happily, "There are very few such guys in this world."

While lining up the quilt, Mel secretly slandered the village chief, thinking about it, and he suddenly remembered the great hero the village chief said.

He looked at the left and right, the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted, and he was delighted.

Adventurer and hero?

This is indeed my goal.

Just like those heroic epics, he also wants to pass down his heroic deeds.

Now he has stepped out of the first stop!

The first part of his story is that Dragon Tiger Mountain smashes the bandits!

Mel thought cheerfully while delivering the quilt when he suddenly saw someone leaning against a big tree with a strange luminous object in his hand.

Mel curiously leaned over and took a look, but was a little surprised when he got close.

That is one of the three girls!

It still looks the youngest one!

What is she playing?

The glowing little box?

Mel stood in front of Nanako, scratching the back of his head a little embarrassed.

"Um...Miss Nanako, haven't you...had you slept yet?"

However, Nanako didn't have time to talk to Mel, she was controlling a sword and shield knight to fight the boss with difficulty.

This is the most difficult and rarest level in this game.

Moreover, no one has cleared the customs so far.

Netizens say that this BOSS light card is not given to others.

Nanako challenged it for the first time this time, and she also felt that the difficulty of this level was extraordinary.

The protagonist under her control is hit by a random attack once and will die.

The BOSS's attacking rhythm is also extraordinary, and the full-screen big move is useless even in the details of the operation.

Only use skills with invincible time.

Therefore, Nanako needs to calculate every skill extremely accurately, and the error cannot exceed 0.05 seconds!

Nanako who didn't pay attention to him when he was attentively playing the game.

Mel's awkward toes were rolled up, and his face kept a stiff, fake smile.

Mel took another deep breath and muttered inwardly.

She didn't see me, didn't hear me, she didn't want to ignore me...


A burst of self-comfort immediately dispelled the embarrassment, Mel patted his face, and then looked at the girl in front of him.

He was still very curious about the luminous box, and immediately walked around Nanako's side and looked at the manipulating man on the luminous box that Nanako was playing with.

Looking at it, he immediately became interested, and he was intently watching.


Muhua Saki Yashin got up from Ino's soft thigh, with a big eye open blankly, the blindfold suddenly loosened, and the pale blue starry sky-colored pupil of the left eye was exposed.

"Wake up? I thought you were going to sleep for one night."

Muhua Saki Yaxin looked at Ino with a dull expression, and she seemed to be confused.

Ino tilted his head, squinted and smiled while looking at Muhua Saki Yaxin.

"what's wrong?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin shook his head, and suddenly held Ino's face with both hands.

Ino suddenly stunned, looking at Ye Xin, who was very close in front of him, looking at the jewel-like eyes, a blush appeared on his cheeks, and he trembled a little nervously and said, "Ye... Ye Xin? What do you want to do. ?"

However, Kihana Saki stayed still, staring at Ino closely, without blinking his eyes, a red light suddenly appeared in his right eye, and then it seemed to be lit, and his right eye turned into a ruby-like pupil. There was a golden light in the center of the pupil.

Looking at these beautiful heterochromatic pupils, Ino did not see any fluctuations, but she was inexplicably nervous.

Distance... The distance is too close.

Various entanglements in Ino's heart.

Looking from the outside, at this moment, Ino's neck was red, and his eyes gradually blurred.

"Ye... Ye Xin... Don't you..."


With this sound, Ino regained some consciousness, and said in a panic: "Wh...what?"

She looked nervously at Ye Xin with a serious expression in front of her.

At this distance, she could clearly see Muhua Saki Yexin's unusually beautiful pair of heterochromatic pupils.

It was the first time that she saw these pupils up close. She felt very beautiful, just like the most beautiful gem in the world, even more beautiful than the galaxy in the sky.

Muhuasaki Yaxin stared at Ino's eyes tightly, and said earnestly: "This is the body of my eye of death."

Ino looked at these beautiful and heterochromatic pupils, his inner thoughts gradually calmed down, it seemed that these eyes had a different kind of magical power.

"is it?"

Ino answered softly.

Muhua Saki nodded earnestly: "So, I always say that the eye of death is real."

Ino was taken aback again, and his inner thoughts were confused again, with a trembling sound: " Ye Xin told me these are..."

Muhuasaki Yashin's mouth curled up with a smile, and suddenly let go of Ino's face, stood up proudly and said, "Of course it is for you to see my eye of death. It's the first time Ino sees it so clearly. I saw it. Come on! How powerful and beautiful my eye of death is!"

Ino was dumbfounded, looking at the arrogant girl in front of him, a trace of shame flashed in his eyes, and his eyes returned to calm for a long time.

"Ye Xin, do you know what the Dark Hand is?"


Muhuasaki Yaxin's smile stopped abruptly, turning around mechanically to look at Ino.

I saw that UU reading Ino's calm eyes showed a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Muhua Saki swallowed heartily, two small paws aimed at Ino, and said with a vigilant look: "Tell you, Ino! The Dark Emperor! Your dark hand can't work twice in the eyes of my death! One move is of no use to me!"

However, Ino smiled without saying a word and slowly stretched out his hand to scratch Muhua Saki Yexin empty.

Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately felt as if she was scratching her body, and her whole body trembled.

Then, decisively turned and fled.

There was another sentence: "The same move is impossible for my Eye of Death!"

Ino looked at Ye Xin, who was running away, and suddenly laughed.

After laughing, she looked up to the sky.

"Ye Xin, it's the same Ye Xin..."


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