"Ahhhhh! Ino! You cheated! You opened the field!"

"I just opened an explicit domain. Didn't you say that the same move doesn't need to be used twice for you? The dark hand with the domain added is not the same domain."

"Damn it! I open it too! Guangming Yantian Realm!!"

"Humph~ Yexin~ I can find you in Liang."

"How can it be repaired! Come again! The realm expands! The Diablo Dimension!"

"Hey, hey, light and dark, are you in COS Nanako?"

"I want you to be widowed!"

Suddenly, the roaring noises of Yashin Kihana and Ino spread throughout the village.

At this moment, while staying next to Nanako, Mel, who was watching with gusto, suddenly heard the voice, and looked towards the voice.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"It's my sister and Ino, they are making trouble again."

Nanako put the game console back away and said with a serious expression.

Mel was stunned: "Miss Nanako, you...don't play anymore?"

Nanako glanced at Mel, then turned to look into the distance, and stood up calmly.

"Yu has succeeded in the strategy!"


Mel was a little stunned.

"Let's go find sisters and them, and leave tonight."


Mel was still a little stunned.

Then, Nanako ignored him and walked straight ahead.

Mel watched Nanako leave blankly.

Why are these girls so indifferent to him, isn't he handsome?

Seeing Nanako walk away, Melton shook his head in return, and shouted at Nanako's back: "Eh~ wait for me."

Mel followed in such a dingy manner.

Seeing Nanako stopped in a clearing.

Mel hurriedly ran over, and when he got closer, he felt something was wrong in front of him.

There was a black sphere in front of it. The sphere was pitch black like ink, floating quietly in the air, very strange.

Mel's eyes narrowed slightly: "What is this?"

Nanako didn't turn her head, staring at the pitch black ball and calmly said, "This is where my sister and Ino are messing around. It's the expression of their domain in this space."


Mel was confused again.

Nanako did not explain, raising her hand to gather the traits of Chakra, and suddenly a faint blue flame covered her little hand.

"Take you to feel it."

Nanako stretched out his palm and pressed it in the void!

"The realm is unfolding! Light and Darkness, Yuanyuan Realm!"

next moment!

Mel only felt that the surrounding space was distorted, crazily distorted, and he seemed to be involved in this distorted space.

The world in his eyes turned into a colorful swirl.

Turn, turn, turn!

Until the rotation returns to normal.

However, after returning to normal, the world has changed.

He seems to have entered a peculiar space barrier.

There are only two colors in the whole world, black and white!

It's not so much black and white, it's light and dark.

Half is pure light, half is ultimate darkness!

He is standing in the middle, so he feels very subtle now.

He seems to have become a yin-yang person, a black and white yin-yang person.

"Did you see it? Sister and the others are over there."

At this time, Nanako's voice came from the right. He tilted his head to look and suddenly noticed.

Nanako still has other colors in this space.

Is it true that he is the owner of this space?

Mel looked forward again, and he immediately saw where Ms. Saki Yashin and Ms. Ino were.

However, their location seems to be independent of this space, but also parallel to this space.

In short, he stood in this place and looked at it as if he was watching a movie through a glass window. Some of it felt a little strange.

"What a magical space magic?"

He could see that Miss Kihana Saki Yashin seemed to be fighting against Miss Ino, but the way of fighting was a bit advanced, and he couldn't understand it.

In a gray grid world, Ino is behind and Muhua Saki is in front.

The two chased and fled.

Ino suddenly took off and landed heavily on the ground!

"Don't even want to run!"


The entire space began to twist, and the ground rolled forward like a wave, with a huge amplitude.

Muhuasaki Yaxin felt that the ground under her feet began to undulate like snakeskin, the pupils of the different colors in her eyes flashed slightly, and there was a confident smile on her mouth.

"Huh, but that's it! Look at my folding space maze!"

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin also jumped high, and then fell heavily.

boom! !

Muhua Saki Yaxin seemed to weigh tens of thousands of tons, and the entire space that the overweight girl directly smashed into the space began to shake.

next moment!

The space under Muhua Saki Yaxin's feet began to flip and fold down.

It is as if a hole is broken in the middle of a plane space, and the entire plane begins to collapse and roll toward this hole, the plane becomes curved, the direction is reversed, and time and space are dislocated.

Muhuasaki Yaxin suddenly ran to the bottom of this space "hole", and she ran on the ground of ninety degrees like a flat ground.

Ino narrowed her eyes as she watched this scene, and she raised her hand again: "I will too!" He pressed **** the ground!

next moment!

The space under Ino's feet began to roll up, like a roll.

As if riding on a wave of space, Ino headed straight for the collapse hole ahead as if the world was overwhelming!

When the two collided, the entire space began to change drastically again, becoming curled and concave!

It's like rolling a dough into a hollow drum, and then the drum starts to turn outward again with the hollow position as the center.

Then keep this shape, roll again, and then concave again.

This process is repeated indefinitely.

Then, the whole space became extremely weird.

It seems to be evolving towards chaos and disorder.

Standing in it, Ino also felt that the current situation seemed very wrong.

At this moment, from outsiders, her body seemed to be divided into countless pieces, and then spread over various locations, but she was still a whole.

Because this space was folded, she would look so strange.

At the same time, she felt that if this continued, it seemed that something bad would happen.

However, before she wanted to stop!

The space has changed again, as if it has reached a critical point.

The space collapsed.

Ino suddenly panicked.

However, at this moment, a small hand grabbed her hand.

Ino felt the familiar warmth, and she immediately felt relieved.

She turned her head and looked at Ye Xin who was smiling at her, showing a smile.

"I will take you out!"

Ino nodded.

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly pulled hard, and the terrible black hole that burst out of the space all over her couldn't help her.

There seemed to be an invisible force that wrapped the two of them, and directly shuttled out of this collapsed world.

After the two walked out, the entire space collapsed into nothingness.

Mel who was watching the game was stunned. It was the first time he saw the space collapse, and he didn't expect such terrifying consequences.

Nanako quickly lifted the domain to avoid being affected.

Back to real time.

When Nanako and Melton saw it.

Kihana Saki Yashin was holding Ino's hand, and she also saw the black ball still left on the ground.

However, the black ball that represents the domain space is full of cracks at this moment!

At the same time, a breath of danger pervaded.

Mel felt a little frightened.

"This thing won't affect the mountain village."

"Don't worry, UU can't read www.uukanshu.com."

Muhua Saki said with a confident smile, and then she waved her small hand.

The black ball in front of him disappeared out of thin air.

"That's it."

Muhua Saki Yashin looked at Ino proudly: "How about it, my eyes of death are strong."

Ino held out a paw blankly.

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly collapsed, but he did not let go of the little hand holding Ino.

"I...I know it's okay if I am wrong?"

Ino silently retracted his claws: "It's fine if you know your mistakes and you can correct them. I hope there won't be another time."

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't promise, she just stuck out her tongue with a mischievous smile.

"It must be next time."


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