The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 167: Fast & Furious

After the farce between Muhuasaki Yashin and Ino, the village chief also ran over.

After learning that Muhua Saki Yashin and his party were leaving at night, he did not stop him, just smiled and sent a blessing.

In this way, Muhua Saki Yashin and others walked out of the village in the early morning and began to drive towards the monster kingdom in the Great Forest of Kura.

First of all, the location of the small mountain village is in the border zone of the Eastern Empire and the puppet country, surrounded by mountains, and behind the continuous mountains is the border of the puppet country.

According to the map provided by Mel, they planned a route along the mountain road, passing by the puppet kingdom and then heading to the monster kingdom.

Moreover, because this is a remote area on the border with sparsely populated people, it is inevitable that some powerful monsters will inevitably come across the mountain roads that come to the barren mountains.

After three hours of trekking, before sunrise in the early morning.

The group of people finally quickly climbed the Dragon Tiger Mountain Range and came to the top of an unknown mountain peak.

From the height of the mountain, you can see the line of heaven and earth, and the golden light illuminates the earth.

"Wow~ this place is really good. You can see the sky, the forest and the earth. You can also see the rising sun perfectly and feel the first ray of sunshine! Great! Great! "

Mel cheered excitedly.

Ino kept a smile, with the golden glow of the sun reflected in his eyes, quietly enjoying the beauty of the sunrise.

Nanako is no exception, her eyes are gleaming, her mouth is slightly open and she keeps "wow~".

As for Muhua Saki Yaxin, she put her arms around her chest and stood proudly: "Hmm~ This world is also shining for my arrival!"

Melton was shocked by the domineering words of Kuka Saki Yashin.

"Sure enough to be a **** from another world? He actually said such domineering words!"

On the other hand, Ino and Nanako selectively ignored Kika Saki Yashin's speech.

In this way, Muhua Saki Yashin and his party continued to advance toward the morning sun.

However, after walking along the mountain road, Muhua Saki Yexin felt a little bit crooked. Such a tour was not what she wanted. Although the scenery was very good, but looking at the mountains and rivers and stones, no matter how beautiful the scenery was, it was crooked.

Moreover, Ino and Nanako seem to be a little impatient with these mountain roads. They had a lot of words, but now they have become boring gourds.

She needs to find something fun.

But there is no Warcraft, how can I find this fun?

Hmm... Since you can't find fun, create fun yourself!

Thinking about it, Muhua Saki Yaxin looked towards the foot of the mountain, a thought appeared in his heart, and the corners of his mouth gradually rose.

She passed the team quickly in three or two steps, staying in front, proudly saying with her hands on her hips: "Let's have a game!"

Ino and the others stopped immediately, looking at Muhua Sakiya with doubts in their eyes: "Huh? The game?"

Nanako also stayed for a while, and suddenly reacted in the next second, with a look of excitement: "What game?"

Mel scratched his head. "Eh? Are we on our way?"

Muhua Saki Yexin raised her head and pointed her finger at the forest at the foot of the mountain: "Let’s compare the speed and see who runs to the forest at the foot of the mountain first?"

"Speed?" Ino looked at the woods at the foot of the mountain, and she shook her head decisively: "No, Ye Xin, you passed by as soon as you teleport. We will definitely lose, and the end of the forest is too big."

Nanako thought for a while, then nodded seriously, agreeing with Ino's words.

As for Mel, his opinion is not important.

Mel: "?"

For everyone's rebuttal, Muhua Saki Yaxin had already expected it, and she said proudly: "With my wisdom, how could I not think of some loopholes in the rules."

First of all, this game does not allow the use of space abilities, and I will also limit the power of the Eye of Death, and only use physical power and Chakra to compete with you. "

"As for the end."

Thinking about it, Muhua Saki Yaxin looked at the forest at the foot of the mountain, stretched out his finger again, and pointed in one direction of the forest!

call out!

A ray of light flew from the finger and fell into the forest at the foot of the mountain in the blink of an eye.

Everyone looked at the forest with some doubts.


boom! ! !

In the middle of the forest, a flame mushroom cloud rose up, fierce flames, and the shock wave of destruction instantly turned a large area of ​​trees to ashes.

Even if they were standing on the mountainside, they could feel the violent vibration and ear-splitting roar.

Mel watched this scene, his eyes blank.

What a terrible power is this, just a finger?

Muhuasaki Yaxin looked at Mushroom Yun and smiled proudly: "There is a mark for the end."

When Ino saw a forest of trees, his eyes jumped suddenly, and he was a little speechless: "Ye Xin, this is a bit too ostentatious."

Muhua Saki Yexin suddenly felt a little depressed: "Oh~"

However, Nanako added with shining eyes from behind: "But it's cool! The sister just now is so handsome!"

Muhuasaki Yaxin's eyes lit up suddenly: "Really?"

"Hmm! Very cool!"

"Humhhhh~ As expected of my sister."

Muhua Saki Yaxin raised her head on her hips and smiled arrogantly.

"From now on, I will teach you the profound meaning of [Cool]!"

Nanako's expression suddenly moved slightly, her eyes glistening, and she looked expectantly at Kihana Saki Yashin: "Really?"

"Naturally, you are my sister! I won't lie to you!"

"is it?"

Nanako was dubious.

Muhuasaki Yexin was a little excited when she watched her sister actually doubt her.

"Sister~ You don't trust me! What did I lie to you!"

Nanako pursed her mouth and said unhappily, "But, sister, didn't you say that my demon eyes will be awakened the year before? Why hasn't it been awakened yet?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly stunned her face, and a little sweat appeared on her face, and her expression became stiff.

"Ah... this... my... that..."

Saki Yashin, who couldn't think of a reason, turned back to Nanako and looked at the forest below, then quickly adjusted her expression, changed back to a reluctant smile, and turned back to face Nanako.

"Next, I announce! Run to the foot of the mountain and the race will begin immediately! Now the countdown begins!"


Nanako was immediately unhappy, her face flushed with suffocation, and she shouted at Muhua Saki Yaxin, "Damn it! Sister, don't run away from the problem."

Ino, who was watching the play, spread his hands and said that he could not help.

At the same time, start to adjust your body posture and get ready to start.

"three two……"

"and many more!"

Suddenly Ino raised his hand to stop, and said seriously, "What is the reward for the first place?"

Muhua Saki stayed in a daze, looked at Ino, then bowed her head in thought.

"Well... the reward for the first place, I don't want to..."

Muhuasaki Yaxin raised her head and looked at the crowd: "Or everyone promises to do something for her. However, this matter, I can't make myself embarrassed."

Hearing the reward, Nanako suddenly lost her anger, and her eyes flickered.

Ino's expression moved slightly, his eyes flashed: "Okay!"

Nanako also nodded: "This reward is great!"

Mel: "Me too..."

"The game starts now!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly shouted!

next moment!

Ino and Nanako are like cannonballs out of the chamber!

Peng! With a sound of a big hole burst in the same place, and the figure flew hundreds of meters away in an instant!

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't make any movement, but was surrounded by lightning arcs all over her body, and it turned into a thunder light and flew into the distance in an instant.

Only Meer stood there blankly, looking at the three girls who had no idea how far they had run, and still didn't even react.

He felt like he was going to be stupid.

"Is it possible... Am I an outsider?"



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