The two figures are like shooting stars, falling on the ground one after another from the sky!

Boom! !

The gravel splashed, the air wave churned, and the ground exploded two pits. Ino and Nanako looked cold, and Chakra exploded under their feet, and then the impulse shot forward unabated!

Bang bang! !

Obviously, Nanako seemed to be a bit slower, but she also followed Ino closely, just two positions away!

"I want to win!" Nanako gritted her teeth and began to make a seal with both hands, a seal!

"Thunder Dun·Thunder God Armor!"


Various jumping lightning arcs began to emerge from Nanako's body, the cells were stimulated, and the vitality surged!

Nanako felt that her body was full of strength, and her footsteps became a lot lighter, so she immediately increased her strength and ran!

Nanako saw sparks and lightning all the way, surpassing Ino in an instant, and kept pulling away!

Ino stared slightly at Nanako, who had surpassed him and was still accelerating.

This Nizi's speed is actually more than twice as fast as herself!

Moreover, she hasn't seen this Lei Dun very much.

Ino suddenly became serious too. In that case, I have to use my hole cards too!

She has learned spells. When spells and chakras are intertwined into a different kind of peculiar energy, she can combine the common characteristics of spells and chakras and use enhanced spells or ninjutsu!

such as!

No lower limit surgery!

Ino's eyes condensed, and the energy in his body began to run in a peculiar pattern, and the curse power was intertwined with Chakra!


Bang! !

A huge recoil exploded behind Ino, and in an instant, Ino gained a speed beyond imagination, as if it were moving instantaneously!

Blinked and passed Nanako!

However, this force was only instantaneous. After passing Nanako for a certain distance, Ino's speed could not be maintained, and he would only gradually return to his normal speed.

And Nanako was not reconciled, she also broke out the curse power Chakra, and opened the Thor's armor to the fifth stage!

The instant speed is several times faster!

Overtaken Ino again!

Ino used "Shun" again and surpassed Nanako again!

In this way, Ino and Nanako competed for speed. Every time Ino used "Shun" she was ahead of Nanako, and the stamina of "Shun" disappeared, and Nanako surpassed it again!

One is relying on instantaneous bursts, and the other is relying on steady speed!

Let no one!

However, just when Ino and Nanako were fighting!

A thunder light leaped between the two of them and reached the end of the front view in the blink of an eye.

Ino and Nanako's complexion suddenly stiffened.

Under the extremely slow vision, both Ino and Nanako saw the figure in the thunder light!

Muhua Saki Yaxin!

The most hateful thing is that Muhua Saki Yaxin showed a grimace at both of them.

At this moment, both Ino and Nanako were angry.

"Sister smelly!!"


The eyes of the two of them caught fire, and their pace picked up a bit faster!

After a few seconds, the end was reached instantly!

An explosion scene still braving a mushroom cloud of flames!

That's right, it took them less than ten seconds from the mountainside to the center of the forest at the foot of the mountain!

As expected, Muhua Saki Yexin was already waiting for them at the end.

Her little head was raised high, her proud expression leaped over her face, and her head akimbo raised her head and smiled: "Ha quack quack ~ even if I don't use the eye of death, it is the strongest!"

However, he didn't hear a reply, but felt a gloomy breath spreading before him.


Muhua Saki Yaxin stopped laughing wildly, looked forward, and suddenly noticed.

Ino and Nanako in front of them lowered their heads, and a dark aura spread from them.

Muhua Saki Yexin's forehead was sweaty, and her arrogant smile was no longer the same: "That... Ino? Nanako? You are..."

open eyes! !

The two of them raised their heads and opened their eyes instantly, and a blood-red light appeared from their eyes!

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly felt locked in by the **** of death, her body trembled, and her two little hands panicked in front of her: "Um... what do you want to do?"

The corners of Ino and Nanako's mouths were slightly raised, showing devilish smiles. When they opened their mouths, there was a burst of heat: "What do you think, Yashin (sister)~"

Muhua Saki backed three steps back and forth, holding his hands in front, her small face showed a panic expression: "Da Ba~ Da Ba~"

However, Ino and Nanako (the devil) smiled and moved forward slowly.

Muhua Saki backed back again and again, and a frightened deer waved his hands in panic and shouted:

"Da Ba yo~!!!"

The birds and beasts scattered in the forest, and Mel was sweating in his head, walking weakly in the forest, looking like he was dying.

After all, he ran along the mountain trail to the foot of the mountain at high speed, and then ran into the forest non-stop.

He couldn't bear such high-intensity continuous speeding.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a familiar scream.

Mel was a little curious, what happened to the three girls?

However, even if it encounters something, it is impossible to be a girl.

He didn't pay much attention, and continued to rest while rushing. After more than twenty minutes, Mel finally arrived at his destination. He looked exhausted, panting with big mouths, and sweating from his brows. Drop by drop fell like a faucet.

"Finally here, huh~hu~"

"I haven't been so tired for a long time."

He looked up at the girls in front of him, only to see Miss Ino and Miss Nanako with peaceful smiles, standing on the edge of the pit that had just been blown out.

However, strangely, Miss Ye Xin, who was holding Miss Ino's arms, seemed to be in a coma.

Moreover, her clothes are messy, her face is abnormally ruddy, her eyes are slightly pale, and her mouth is still drooling...

How does it feel like being played with a toy that has collapsed...


Mel looked at Ino, who was holding Yashin Kihana, and at Nanako who was looking aside, he seemed to know something, and his face turned weird.

However, Ino also noticed Mel's strange look. She smiled peacefully and said, "Mr. Mel, don't think about any weird things. If you think too much, your brain may explode if you are not careful~ "

Melton trembled for a while, and there was a panic in his eyes.

This is intimidation!

This is definitely a threat!

Nanako also made an expression with Ino, and said, "Yes, sister, she just fainted because of excitement. Don't think about any weird things, or the soul will explode."

What even the soul! ?

Mel heard that his forehead sweats frequently, UU Reading hurriedly waved his hand and laughed: "Haha~haha~ I didn't think about anything, I didn't see anything, isn't everything normal?"

Ino and Nanako gave him an instructable look, and immediately ignored him.

Ino is holding Yaxin, but Nanako provocatively pokes Kihanasaki Yaxin's waist softly.

With a poke on it, Muhua Saki Yaxin felt like an electric shock, and her body trembled, but her consciousness had not yet awakened.

Upon seeing this, Mel quickly turned his head, saying that he hadn't seen anything.

Inwardly, she secretly complained: "A sister, a friend, Xiao Ye Xin is really careless about making friends, her sister is careless."

Afterwards, Ino put the unconscious Kihana Sakiya on his back, took Nanako's little hand, and moved on towards the puppet country!

Mel followed behind her dingyly, alive like a servant, a little attendant...


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