The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 170: 1 pass random show

The crystal box exudes colorful light, the light seems to be flowing, it is very beautiful.

Teresa stared straight at the crystal box, the streamer of the box reflected in her eyes: "This is the result of my five-year research, and it is also the one I am most proud of."

"Unexpectedly, I will use it now."

Teresa's eyes become serious? "Girl!! Next, you must get close to me, stay by my side! Don't move!"

Muhua Saki looked at the crystal box floating in Teresa's hand and smiled: "Although I don't believe this thing can hurt me, I will listen to you."

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin directly hugged Teresa, and buried her head on the great evil.

Teresa blushed suddenly: "What are you doing?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin raised her head to look at Teresa, with a mischievous smile: "Didn't you want me to get closer?"

Teresa suddenly became anxious: "Don't hold me when you come close!"

Ho Ho Ho! !

The group of beasts roared!

Suddenly, Teresa turned her attention back to the monsters, she calmed down a little bit, after all, this is not the time to take care of this kind of thing!

Teresa cast the spell immediately, floating the crystal box over her head, and then said with a proud smile:

"This is my highest masterpiece. You will be honored to see this beautiful scene."

"However, I don't know what will happen next, how much power can feel."

"Be mentally prepared!"


When Muhua Saki Yaxin heard Teresa say this, she curiously pulled out her head buried in the evil southern and northern hemispheres, and looked at the crystal box above her head.

next moment!

The crystal box began to shine, and at the same time the magic element in the air began to boil!

The group of beasts also began to be manic, even with the horrible deterrence of the demon bear that had just smashed the ground, they began to start moving around.

But Teresa held her hands in the sky, her body's magic elements began to be consumed, and a huge magic circle under her feet gradually formed.

The group beasts also know that now may be the best time to attack.

The head of the storm horned wolf lit up and slammed into it quickly.

When Muhua Saki saw this, she raised her hand to knock it back.

"Don't move! Don't worry!" Teresa closed her eyes and worked hard to construct the technique.

Muhuasaki Yaxin chose to believe in Teresa, and stopped moving, watching the stormhorn wolf hit it.

Anyway, she will be fine.


The storm horned wolf hit a round light shield and was bounced off.

This mask appeared to be emitted from the crystal box above the head, and the naked eye could see the light flowing down from the box like water, wrapping the two of Saki Yashin and Teresa.

Next, the twenty-meter-high tree demon attacked with its feet, and the giant Titan Murine with thorns on its back rotated into a ball and hit, etc., various monsters' attacks should be received, but they were all blocked.

Neither the rattan tiger's claw attack, the ground burrowing beast's sneak attack, or the Thunder Beast's lightning strike could not shake the mask in the slightest.

Suddenly, the group of beasts that were attacking suddenly stopped attacking.

Muhua Saki Yexin was puzzled, the sky suddenly darkened, and when he looked up, it turned out that it was a big monster more than thirty meters tall and resisting a thick giant wood approaching!

It is raising the weapon in its hand high.

Muhua Saki Yexin is very sure, this mask will definitely resist this product.

Ok? There is someone over there!

Suddenly Muhua Saki Yexin saw a giant tree in the group of beasts, and a horn appeared.

I saw that a man with a hood quickly hid his figure, leaning on a strong old tree.

He didn't expect to be noticed by the strange girl.

"Exposure, trouble."

Muhua Saki Yashin is a little curious about who this is, is it Kleiman, the Devil King?

She just wanted to release her mental perception to see who it was.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Teresa's magic circle was completed.

Without hesitation, Teresa turned on the magic directly, shouting: "Nuclear magic! Supernova! Unfold!"

Then, the magic circle released a colorful light, and the entire forest and the group of beasts were stained with rainbow-like colors in an instant, like a dream.

Teresa felt like she was in a dream theater, a rainbow crystal palace. This scene was so beautiful, she didn't know what language to use to describe all of this.

At this time, the huge monster picked up the huge wood and smashed it over!

But it's too late!

The color of the crystal box is even brighter, and the space seems to pause for a while!

The next moment, the air made waves invisibly, and the ring-shaped colored light spread out. The bright light was beautiful and deadly. Everything that was touched immediately dissipated like smoke and dust.

With a blink of an eye, the halo passed everything in Teresa's line of sight and disappeared at the end of her vision.

Looking around, this place has become barren.

The two of them stared at the barrenness without seeing their heads for two seconds.

Muhua Saki Yaxin’s eyes were shining, "Wow~ This trick is too cool!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly hugged Teresa tightly and kept rubbing Teresa's face with her face: "It's so cool, my eye of death recognizes you, give me this trick!"

Teresa opened Muhuasaki Yaxin's face disgustingly: "Don't get so close, and we seem to know each other?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin's face was deformed by Teresa's hand, and she said vaguely: "What if I only know it, I am the eye of death."

Teresa was a little helpless: "What answer is this? Is the eye of death the universal answer to all the questions in the world?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin’s eyes flashed again: "You are right, the eye of death is everything, the end of all things! It is also the answer to everything!"

"What is it? You fellow? We were still enemies just now!"

Teresa thought, suddenly woke up: "Yes, we are still enemies!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin let go of Teresa when she heard the words, and looked at Teresa with shining eyes, with a proud smile on her mouth: "Believe me, it is definitely not wise to be an enemy of the eye of death. Choice, it will kill you."

"Huh? Who saved you just now?" Teresa was really a little angry at the girl in front of her. This guy seemed to be unable to understand human words at all.

"Hehe~ My eye of death is invincible, including the end and death of everything in the world! Do you say I will let you save?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin smiled disdainfully: "Huh~ this is definitely a joke."


Teresa immediately raised her hand and pinched a fireball in her hand.

She really wants to try, is this eye of death so strong?

She had a cold face: "Listen, I don't care about the eye of death or the eye of death, hand over that scroll, or you will be injured!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly raised the corner of her mouth. She also knew that the woman in front of her had played with her until now.

However, it seems that this human being has to recognize reality.

Thinking about it, Muhua Saki Yaxin directly opened the "eye of death".

next moment!

Muhua Saki Yaxin's right eye flashed with red light, as if a golden flame was burning, a golden-red streamer lit up.

The blindfold of the left eye turned into a light spot and disappeared, the blue light flashed, and the light blue pupils that contained endless galaxies appeared.

At the moment when these red and blue pupils appeared!

Teresa instantly felt that the flow of magic elements in her body seemed to be still, and her whole body seemed to be under the pressure of a mountain, and she seemed a little out of breath.

Moreover, she felt as if she could not move.

Muhua Saki Yaxin snapped his fingers, the next moment!

The space is still, and everything around it becomes gray.

And Teresa felt that only her eyes were free, and she could see everything around in the air as if she was frozen.

Falling leaves, dust, wind, and even magic elements seem to lose vitality to all particles in the world!

Has time stopped?

Or is the space frozen?

Teresa's eyes widened and her heart trembled.

Unexpectedly, the girl in front of her had such power!

Can the Demon King Kleiman do that?


She crossed her heart...

"So, do you understand how powerful my eye of death is?"

There was a girl's voice, and Teresa felt a bitterness in her heart.

She knew that the task this time was absolutely impossible to complete.

And she can also imagine that Kleiman will inevitably face the girl, and in the confrontation between the girl and Kleiman, she must be a **** to be abandoned.

Why, I ran into this kind of thing as soon as I came out...

She felt desperate...

At this time.

The air resumed its flow, and the colors of the world returned.

Teresa felt her body loose, and she collapsed to the ground. She looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin with a sad look: "What is your purpose?"


Muhua Saki Yaxin nodded her pink lips with a little finger, and smiled at Teresa.

"Of course it's traveling?"


Teresa was stunned.


The puppet country is a country dominated by the demon king Kleiman.

This is a country with a large population. There are about 100 million people of various monster races and the Black Demon Long-eared tribe, but most of them belong to the slave class.

Moreover, most slaves were engaged in agriculture, so the country’s food reserves were extremely sufficient.

Moreover, the country has also established trade relations with the Eastern Empire, and all major caravans will come here to do business.

Therefore, the streets of ordinary puppets are very lively.

Muhua Saki and his party added Teresa, and Shamanville, a girl from the Long-eared tribe, walked on the busy street.

Here, you can see all kinds of monster races wandering on the streets, surrounded by various food vendors, which can be said to be very lively.

"Wow~ this is the feeling of another world!"

Nanako's eyes sparkled with small stars.

In the street scene where people of all kinds of monster races gather, Ino also feels novel: "This is the feeling of traveling. In other words, isn't this the country of monsters?"

"Hum~ The kingdom built by monsters is called the kingdom of monsters, and this kingdom is the kingdom of the demon king."

Kihana Saki Yashin is also a tourist tourist, looking around this novel scene with a smile.

And the three at the back of the team.

Mel, Teresa, and Shamanville seemed a little afraid to meet people.

Speaking of it, it might be a little funny.

Because they are scared.

After all, they are in the country of the infamous Demon King Kleiman!

Moreover, just now Muhana Saki Yaxin snatched a scroll that seemed to have some important secrets.

After grabbing things and not running, they still come to the owner's territory to travel. Can you say that they are not afraid?


In the dim underground research room, an electric spark suddenly lit up in the empty air. The electric sparks increased. The excessively high temperature even melted the stone and brick floor. Suddenly the space was distorted and a man with a hood walked away. Came out.

He throws the cracked crystal ball aside at any time, familiarly walking to a chair and sitting down.

He was the man in the hood who used the precious space crystal at the moment when Teresa's magic "supernova" was released.

"It's really dangerous. I also lost a space crystal, but it's not a loss. I got some important information."

He lightly stepped on the ground, conveying a trace of magical power.

The magic pattern on the floor of the research room lit up like a snake, and after a while, the whole research room became brighter.

All kinds of luminous magic lines are everywhere, suspended crystal balls, light **** appearing out of thin air, and various large-scale instruments in blue light, instantly the whole research room is full of magical feeling.

"Unexpectedly, Teresa actually succeeded in the research, and the power is comparable to large-scale destruction magic, and the results of this research must be obtained."

"But these two girls are not easy."

The man called up a light curtain and entered.

"Teresa's information is updated."

"The source of the miraculous land, super magic has been confirmed..."

"Mysterious girl profile update."

"The fighting skills are super strong, and it is suspected of possessing advanced magic power operation..."

"Unexpectedly, after so many years of research, I actually let a girl surpass it."

The man leaned back in his chair and said with emotion: "Super magic."

"It's hard to imagine how she did it."

"It seems that I have to pay attention to her laboratory. After all, the resources have been given to you so much, and I have to pay back."

"Well, report some information to Lord Kleiman first."


Puppet ghost, the prosperous east district of Tiabes City, Muhua Saki Yexin and his party, under the identity of Teresa, went unimpeded all the way.

Moreover, Muhua Saki Yaxin and the others bought something like ice cream each.

"Um~ icy cold~ sweet~"

Muhua Saki Yaxin took a big bite and held it in his mouth, waiting for the ice cream to melt and feel the sweet and cool taste.

Nanako was slowly licking while holding an oversized cup, and the food was delicious.

Ino kept the elegance of a lady, eating in small bites.

"Eh~ Teresa, is there anything delicious or fun here?"

Muhua Saki Yashin tilted her head to look at Teresa, who was walking with her head down.

Teresa was now thinking about her explanation with Kleiman. When she heard Muhua Saki Yexin's question, she was immediately interrupted. She looked up and said helplessly: "Are you really here to travel?"


Muhua Saki Yaxin licked the ice cream and said casually.

Teresa settled for a and asked in a low voice: "Then, since you are only here to travel, can you return that scroll to me?"

When the long-eared girl heard this, she suddenly looked nervously at Muhua Saki Yexin.

"No way."

Muhua Saki Yaxin said frankly, and at the same time, he took a big bite of ice cream.

Teresa paused, she gave up: "Okay."

With that said, Teresa pointed to a tall circular building in front of her.

"We can go there and have a look. There is a gladiatorial arena. It is said that the Glory of the Kings Tournament is being held. Recently, many adventurers have come here especially for this, and some even participated in the competition."

"King of Glory Contest?"

When Muhua Saki Yaxin heard the name, she suddenly felt a little subtle.

"Such a name, it has a strong sense of sight."



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