The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 171: King of Glory

Everyone passed through the prosperous neighborhood and came to a huge square. There were people coming and going in the square, and there were many people wearing armors and swords.

At the top of the tall building in the square is a magic crystal screen, which is really playing the six characters "King of Glory Contest".

"Well, it looks like a kind of magical punk. No, it's not at best a bit like it's not mechanical after all."

Muhua Saki Yaxin's eyes were shining along the way. This style of painting really made her look bright, bringing an alternative magical feeling.

However, only Kleiman, the Dwarf Devil, did these things.

I heard that in the later development of the alien version of the mobile phone, the Devil of Scraps accounted for a large proportion.

"What is magic punk?"

Teresa asked curiously.

"Um...some nouns from my hometown."

Ino was suddenly curious: "Why haven't I heard of it?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin was stunned for a while, turned her head, and said with an erratic look in her eyes: "That...that's Ino, you haven't heard of it..."


Ino was dubious.


"I seem to have heard of the term steampunk?"

Nanako spoke suddenly and she shook her head: "However, it is on a game website or a conceptual term, which seems to refer to a possible future development."

Ino suddenly squinted. She knew that Nanako had been addicted to games recently: "A magical future in another world?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly lost her face, turned her head and haha ​​said: "Yes, yeah..."

For Muhuasaki Yashin's appearance, Ino suddenly took an interrogating look: "Yazhin? Why are you panicking?"


Muhua Sakuya turned her head in a panic, and reluctantly said calmly, "I didn't panic!"

Then, don't turn your head and look at the arena in front: "Don't say so much, let's go and take a look."

As he said, Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately ran to the forefront.

Ino narrowed his eyes and did not choose to ask further.

When the group of people came to the entrance, Teresa seemed to think of something, and said to Muhua Saki, "By the way, we don't need to go here."


Muhua Sakuya was stunned.

"follow me."

Then Teresa led everyone to a special entrance.

"Hehe, it's here" Teresa smiled mischievously at Christina: "I have a privilege."

Then he took out a card with the special Mitsubishi logo and aligned it with the sign on the wall at the entrance.


In an instant, there were four cloths of magic patterns on the wall, and the entire wall began to move according to the path of the magic patterns, and the entrance door was suddenly opened.

"Oh, it's so cool."

Muhua Saki Yaxin's eyes were bright and she was a little curious: "It feels a bit strange, is this not what I imagined?"

Teresa was stunned: "That Master Yexin, what do you think it looks like?"

Muhua Saki Yexin shook his head: "Don't worry about this, let's go in."


Everyone entered the arena and found that there were some magic pattern instruments everywhere inside, emitting a deep blue light.

"Don't worry, these are some lights in the background, consoles such as elevators, they are useless."

"Oh, but it looks so cool."

Nanako was very curious, and Ino looked sideways.

"But, just take us into the backstage, is that okay?"

Ino asked.

And Teresa smiled bitterly: "Anyway, I have betrayed Lord Kleiman, and it's not too late."

In response, Ino gave him a soothing look: "Don't worry, we will talk to some Kleiman."

Teresa's eyes lit up, but soon dimmed again.

"It's useless, the Demon Lord Kleiman is a pretty terrible person."

In response, Muhua Saki Yaxin directly patted her on the shoulder, and said proudly: "Don't worry, I will convince him not to trouble you. You don't have to worry about it."


Teresa led everyone through the infield control room to the auditorium.

It was found that there were already crowds in the auditorium.

Fortunately, there are more seats here, Teresa chose a place with fewer people and took Muhua Saki Yashin to sit down.

However, this location seems to be far away, which is of course no problem for people like them.


Teresa looked at the long-eared girl who was silent and weakly following the crowd. She sighed and took out an eyepiece from her arms.

"Now, this is an observation eyepiece, you can see far away."

With that said, Teresa glanced at the Long-eared girl.

Shamanville also knew that it was for himself that his cheeks were a little red, and he took it over: "Thank you."

Muhua Saki Yaxin and the others showed a smile when they saw this scene, and didn't say anything.

At this moment, the broadcast of the game began, and a beautiful female voice could be heard:

"Next, I will invite players 9527 and 521 to come on stage."

Upon hearing this broadcast, Teresa said to Saki Yashin Muhua: "By the way, what we are going to do now is the knockout round of the top 32."

"Moreover, it’s the best look and feel for games that only use the central duel arena."


Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly looked forward to what exciting scenes he could see later.

Live-action movies must have a very good impression on the scene.

Soon, player 9527 entered the field.

He is a young man in a cloak and a hood.

Moreover, his whole body is tightly wrapped, and only half of his face can be seen when he lowers his head. It feels very mysterious and looks like an assassin.

The second player, No. 521, appeared to be well equipped, wearing light silver armor, a delicate saber around his waist, and a buckler in his left hand, looking like a knight.

The broadcast began to introduce: "Player 9527 is a dark horse. He has been disapproved by people many times, but every time he is shocked. His record so far is 98 wins and 15 losses. He is also a civilian player."

There was cheers on the scene.




The sound of the competition scene shakes the world, and inexplicably brings people a touch of enthusiasm!

Ino and others also felt a little excited by the atmosphere of the scene, and their hearts vibrated following the shouts.

There is an inexplicable impulse to follow.

However, before they yelled, Muhua Saki Yaxin yelled directly, yelling while waving his hands.

"9527! 9527! 95...huh? 27?" Kihana Saki's hand waved and stopped in the air.

This number feels very familiar.

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly narrowed his eyes and stared at player 9527 in the field.

"Is it a coincidence?"

When Ino saw Saki Kihana, Yashin suddenly stopped and asked, "What's the matter?"

Muhua Saki Yexin shook his head: "I think I think too much, no problem."

The broadcast continued: "The next player No. 521 will be great. He is known as the undefeated God of War. His record so far is 88 wins and 0 losses!"

More violent cheers erupted at the scene, like a wave, the momentum was more than two or three times greater than that.

"Undefeated God of War!"


"Undefeated God of War!"


Then Muhua Saki Yaxin also yelled.

This makes Ino feel a black line.

Wrong, which side do you support?

She still asked, "Which side do you prefer?"

Muhua Sakuya thought for a while: "Well, I'm still optimistic about 9527. Comparing the number 9527 makes me feel very kind." Of course, the mathematics of 521 made her feel a little weak.

In this regard, Teresa agreed to look at the hooded boy on the court with great interest and said: "Well, if you want to say, I am also optimistic about 9527. After all, I have seen his games many times. Basically, people have a feeling of dancing with the tip of a knife, as if every moment is jumping and reversing between life and death. This feeling is really indescribable."

"is it?"

Ino didn't have any interest in this, or said that she was not interested in these fights.

And when Muhua Saki Yashin heard Teresa's introduction, he became curious about the hooded boy in the court: "Oh, is that number 521?"

"No. 521 is not very clear to me. I didn't look at it very much. It seems that his battles are over quickly, and he looks very strong."

At this time the two players are already in place.

The broadcast continued: "Will player 9527 continue to break through or player 521 maintain his undefeated record? Let's wait and see!"

"The countdown to the duel begins! 3...2...1 begins!"

The voice fell, and the hooded boy of No. 9527 quickly rushed to the heavily armed player of No. 521.

Contestant No. 521 didn't move at all, drew out his saber and put his shield in front of him.

In just an instant, the Hooded Boy rushed to Player 521, but at this moment!

As soon as the Hooded Boy approached Contender No. 521, his speed suddenly increased, as if he passed Contender No. 521 directly!

clang! !

With a burst of gold and iron symphony sounded.

The Hooded Boy appeared behind Contestant #521.

A burst of cheers broke out at the scene.

"Oh oh oh oh!"

Saki Yashin saw clearly the movement just now. It was not the boy with the hood that went straight through, but as soon as he approached, he took out a short sword from his waist and stabs it with super-intensity acceleration at the same time. Ordinary people can't see the acceleration at that moment at all, they will think that he has directly penetrated the body.

But that player No. 521 is not easy, his reaction can keep up with him and he even hit back.

In response to this, Kihana Sakiya proudly asked Ino on the side: "Ino, did you see it?"

Ino turned his head and gave Muhuasaki Yaxin a glance: "I'm not that weak yet."

Muhua Saki night smiled.

This made Teresa a little dazed: "What happened?"

Muhuasaki Yaxin pointed to the hooded boy in the stadium and said, "No. 9527 is injured."

Teresa was suddenly surprised: "What? No, didn't 9527 attacked 521 at that moment?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't explain much, smiled and gave Teresa a look and then continued to watch the game.

When Teresa saw this, she stopped talking, and finally continued to watch the game honestly.

In the arena, because of the opening competition, neither of the two moved, and few in the audience could see it. No. 9527's right hand was hit by a knife.

However, the wound is not deep and does not affect the movement very much.

And player No. 521 seems to realize that his speed may be far inferior to that of No. 9527, so he simply responds to changes and stands in place to defend.

Because the game has time and the relative points mechanism, the player No. 521 just scored.

If no one moves in the arena, time starts to count down.

So player 9527 has no choice but to continue to attack...

In the huge duel arena, the audience's enthusiasm was like fire, the cheers were endless, and the momentum seemed to shake the clouds in the sky.

However, Gerrard in his body and on the field didn't seem to feel the enthusiasm of the audience, and there was no expression on the young face under the hood.

The cut on his right hand and the slight tingling sensation made him sober.

After all, the current situation is very bad for him, and the opponent is stronger than he thought.

He could only hold the dagger tightly around his waist for a sense of security.

The pressure on him by this opponent is stronger than that of previous opponents, just standing in place and watching the posture.

At a glance, it is completely natural, there does not seem to be a trace of flaws, the whole person is like a mountain!

No, I’ll be under more pressure if I wait any longer, I’m here now, let’s do my best!

Gerrard's eyes became sharp.

Magic Cohesion

One speed

Magic perception is on!

Wind flow

Second speed

I have to maintain a second-speed state to have a chance to beat him!

For him, the second speed can be maintained for an instant, after all, he hasn't fully grasped the flow of wind.

Capture the trajectory of the wind, and then use magical power to accelerate in an instant, the fast naked eyes can only see the afterimage of the movement, and this movement is silent and silent.

On the other side, in Queria's eyes, the opponent rushed to his side after two flashes, and he also understood that the opponent's speed was extremely fast.

Soon he can only counter passively!

Therefore, he was prepared long ago and directly activated his skills to counterattack with a shield.

Absolutely Shield Anti!

The shield in Quelia's hand lit up with a faint light, facing Gerrard on top!

However, he didn't expect that this blow was just a faint one by Gerrard.

Gerrard was surprised and succeeded!

Second speed!

In an instant, Gerrard drew an arc and went straight behind Quella!

However, what Gerald didn't expect was that Quelia's shield was also a temptation. While shaking the shield with one hand, he turned and swung a slash behind him in advance.

Gerrard was shocked: "He guessed it."

Gerrard resolutely gave up the attack, turned slightly to one side, and let the slashing go by a tiny bit.

In the eyes of others, this scene is super handsome.

"Here again, Blade Dancer 9527!"

"Familiar operation."

"Uuuuuuuu 9527!"

There was another wave of cheers in the auditorium.

Next, Gerrard began to jump and reverse in the field, frequently attacking Quelia, and for a while, there was a dazzling staggered figure in the field.

Quillia is like a mountain, defending Gerrard's fierce offense without leaking.

It was silent and moved, very obvious.

Right now, everyone with a discerning eye knows that Quella has the upper hand in the game, because Quella not only defended Gerrard's attack, but also gave an effective counterattack.

Instead, Gerrard danced on the tip of the knife, and it looked like he was about to fall down with a sword in the next second, and his physical strength and magic power were very high.

After another three minutes, Gerrard was finally exhausted, the wind trajectory induction failed, and Quella caught the flaw.

Shield anti!

Gerald raised his short sword to block the grid, but the strength of the shield was beyond imagination, the weapon was directly shocked, and his arm was shocked.

Silver Secret Skill-Flash!

Quella finally took the initiative to attack, turning into a silver light stab, penetrating Gerrard.

Following Gerrard fell to the ground.

The cheers on the field directly broke through the sky.

The referee also began to announce loudly: "Now! I declare! Contestant No. 521 wins!"


With a burst of adrenaline-enhancing BGM broadcast, the audience cheered Contestant 521.

When Muhua Saki saw this, she suddenly felt a little regretful: "After all, I still paid the wrong way, contestant No. 9527."

"I feel that this competition system is a bit unfair." Ino looked at the player No. 521 who left the field silently, and calmly analyzed.

"This player No. 521, UU Reading's equipment is obviously a bit foul. The sword, shield, and armor don't seem to be simple equipment, right?"

In response, Teresa nodded and sighed: "There is indeed no preparation limit for the game. In theory, it is completely allowed for someone to use an artifact to compete."

"That's really a pity."

"I just don't know if I can still compete?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin asked Teresa with a smirk.

Teresa was suddenly taken aback.

"Do you want to participate?"

"Yes, I want to be the first, and then send warmth to that Devil King."

Teresa looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin's conspiracy and smirk, and her expression suddenly changed.



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