The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 172: magic

Saki Yashin is determined to participate, so Teresa has no choice but to bite the bullet and submit a list of entries to Saki Yashin.

After all, she had already boarded the thief ship, and it was impossible to get off the ship.

Moreover, she didn't catch a cold with Demon King Kleiman.

Mo Sen Hotel.

In a large room, Teresa distributed each identity crystal to Muhua Saki Yaxin and others.

"This identity crystal represents the identity of the contestant, don't lose it."

Teresa solemnly said.

In response, Muhua Saki Yaxin and others nodded.

That's right, Ino and Nanako also want to participate, it seems they can continue the battle between them.

Teresa began to introduce the competition system: "The event we are going to participate in is called the Glory Kings Tournament. After points are earned, they will be ranked on the Glory List according to the results.

The Glory Kings Tournament is not limited to age, as long as you have the strength, you can participate, but you have to pay.

And the competition of player No. 9527 that I saw before is the previous event to advance to the Kings of Glory. In addition, there is the Peak of Kings. The Peak of Kings is the truly influential event. Of course, it does not mean that the King of Glory is not. Influence, only in relative terms, the Peak Kings Tournament is one level higher. "

With that said, Teresa took out a medal and said with a grin:

"I once won the sixth place on the honor list! And..."

Teresa drew another medal, which read the first place in the girl group of the glory of the king.

Teresa stood up the big weapon and said with a proud face: "Look, the girl group is the first."

Muhua Saki Yaxin said: "The first place in the junior group? How come you are sixth in the glory list?"

Teresa's face suddenly froze: "Because there are only five players in the girls group... and there are many strong players in the glory list..."

In response to this, Muhua Saki Yaxin covered her mouth and snickered: "Haha~ As expected~"

Ino was not interested in Teresa's scandal, and continued to ask: "Then why can't we directly participate in the Peak Championship?"

Teresa immediately explained: "Because, the most I can arrange is only the level of the Glory Kings Tournament, and the Glory Kings Tournament is successfully promoted, you can participate in the Peak Kings Tournament! That is the competition that can determine the strongest king."

"Like now, there are the top ten top kings in office. By the time of the next Glory of the Kings Championship, the champions can choose to challenge their position."

"However, the position has not changed in the past five years."

Muhua Saki Yexin heard the words, and the corners of her mouth curled slightly, her expression proudly: "Well, let's let my eye of death make a fight in the Glory King Race!"

Ino squeezed the identity crystal in his hand and said nothing.

Nanako excitedly raised her small fist: "I want to show them the power of the end of light and darkness!"

Teresa looked at these girls and suddenly looked forward to it in her heart. If there were no surprises in this competition, these girls would have swept the championship with an invincible attitude.

She really wanted to see the despair of those contestants.

And they didn't notice at all, Mel in the corner.

He held the identity crystal in a daze.

Do I want to participate?



the next day.

At the beginning of the day, the voices of the people in the big square were already full of voices, and everyone was watching the big screen.

In the next second, fireworks burst into flames, and beautiful fireworks bloomed in the sky, dyeing the whole world with colorful colors.

The audience cheered and screamed heartily.

"The long-awaited Glory Kings Tournament... it's starting!"

The audience enthusiastically cooperated with the broadcast, and there were waves of cheers one after another.

Muhua Saki Yashin and his party also came to the square early. They stood in the crowd and glanced at the screen of the square from time to time, looking a little bored.

Muhua Saki inadvertently saw Teresa as if looking for something in the crowd.

"Teresa? Are you looking for someone?"

Teresa suddenly nodded with embarrassment: "A friend of mine, she also participated in the competition."

With that said, Teresa saw a girl in a blue dress walking around the crowd with a cute face.

She immediately raised her hands with joy and shouted loudly: "Christina! Christina!"

The girl suddenly looked over, locked Teresa at the first glance, and then squeezed from the crowd.

Coming to the front, Teresa shouted again: "Christina!!!"

Christina immediately covered her ears and looked at Teresa bitterly: "What are you doing so loudly..."

Teresa directly gave Christina a brainstorm: "How many times have I called you."

"I'm not to's too noisy here." Christina clutched her head and broke her mouth.

"Then you blame me for howling loudly."

"I..." Teresa was about to give another brain collapse.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Christina hurriedly shook Teresa's right hand that was about to move, and turned away from the subject: "What's the matter?"

"I'm sending you familiar with the entry process?"

"Are, do you have this thing?"

Teresa covered her face, "I knew..."

"Don't worry, anyway, I can play when my name is called. Isn't it all right?" Christina looked sternly.

"You really can't help it." What else could Teresa say to the idiot Christina.

Saki Yashin and Ino, who were watching the good show on the side, narrowed a smile when they saw this.

Christina looked at Muhua Saki Yashin, somewhat curious: "Are you Teresa's friends?"

"No, she is just my stupid servant."

Muhua Saki said with a proud smile.


Christina and Teresa were both dumbfounded.

At this time, Ino gave a hand knife in time.



Muhua Sakuya wailed, clutching her head.

Ino stood in front of Muhana Sakiya's mind and smiled apologetically at Christina: "She likes to make jokes. My name is Ino. This idiot is Muhana Sakiya."

With that said, Ino quickly introduced her and Kawasaki Yashin directly.

However, at this time Muhua Saki Yexin jumped out again and shouted: "Ino! You actually handed over my real name at will! I...oh ooh~"

Ino gave a hand knife again, so that Saki Kihana felt a little more at ease. She pointed to Nanako next to her and said:

"And this cutest is called her Nanako, we are indeed Teresa's good friends."

Nanako smiled at Christina: "Hehe, I am the messenger of the light and dark end."

"Oh~ is it?" Christina nodded her face as usual: "The name of the messenger of the end of light is pretty good."

"This is not just a simple name, anyway, you will see after the game, what is the terminator of light and darkness."

"Really? It seems that you are also a strong opponent! However, I will not lose!"

Christina said seriously.

Nanako seriously squeezed a small fist in response to this, and said, "Well! I will fight hard to the end!"

At this time, the broadcast sound started again:

"Next, please enter the contestants!"

"Going in!"

The crowd in the square began to agitate.

The players rushed into the arena.

Christina heard the radio and smiled at Teresa: "Theresa, I'm going, watch my performance."

Teresa smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will see, Christina's strength, I believe you will stand out."

"That needs to be said." Christina grinned, showing her little tiger teeth.

"We went in too."

Ino greeted Teresa.

Teresa smiled and nodded: "Well, go get it."

"Walk around! How about we teleport in?"

Muhua Saki Yexin was at the forefront and suggested.

In this regard, Ino and Nanako agreed.


Christina was a little confused.

"Well, it seems that everyone has no objections! That's the decision!"

Christina was still a little dumb: "Huh?"

"Let's go!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin raised his hand and snapped his fingers!

Suddenly, Muhua Saki Yaxin and the group disappeared out of thin air.

Teresa smiled and shook her head in the open space in front of her eyes.

"Ah~ there is nothing to worry about, after all, there are them, but Christina's dream of the king is probably broken."




Muhua Saki Yexin passed the authentication.

The beautiful waitress handed over a crystal medal.

"Hello, your crystal code is 44944. Please keep your crystal medal."

Muhuasaki Yexin nodded, and yelled to Ino and others behind him: "I'll be waiting for you in front."

Speaking of which, she entered the player's venue in her own area.

A lot of players have gathered in the venue, some are arranging weapons, some are doing warm-up exercises, and of course there are also idling in a daze.

Muhua Saki looked around for a week, but did not see any acquaintances in the original book. Speaking of this seemingly grand game, it seems that it just looks grand.

People who are truly capable do not come back to participate in this competition.

Sakiki Yashin continued to look at the venue carefully. Here you can see magic screen projections, with commentary rules, and live matches on the field.

"The first round of the competition is the elimination of points. Players need to defend the arena. The number of defeats and time spent on the court will be accumulated by a certain amount of points. After three days, the points will be settled and the ranking below 200 will be eliminated. Elimination. The game is divided into 128 venues at the same time. Players are also requested to pay attention to the screen and the reminder of the medal..."

Ino, Nanako and Christina approached.

"Wow, there are so many people here."

Nanako sighed, "Does it take us so long to compete?"

"What's the matter? Do you want to give up?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin smiled casually.

Nanako shook her head:

"I just want the game to end soon."

Muhua Saki Yaxin stayed in place and chatted.

After a while, the game finally started.

However, it seems that the newcomers of Muhua Saki Yaxin have not yet come to the stage.

For the first batch of contestants, the contest officials specially selected some very high-point winning streak holders to serve as a wave of tool men and wipe out a wave of poor players.

However, it just so happens that Christina's points are very high, and her record is unbeaten in the first batch. .

In this regard, Muhua Saki Yaxin and several people cheered Christina.

Christina also set off in a good mood.

Going to the preparation room again, there is a weapon storehouse. This is a place where weapons are specially provided for the players, but they are for money.

It is worth mentioning that the game does not restrict the use of weapons, such as magic wands, magic crystals or crossbows, as long as you have them. The good name is that money is also a kind of strength, but most of the people who participate in this competition are yearning for fame and profit. No one will hold a weapon that bullies people too much. After all, it's too bad.

Basically no one patronizes this weapon arsenal. After all, the weapons that I have been using are definitely better than this, at least in terms of feel, they are better than these unused weapons.

Christina threw in three basic gold coins and drew a stainless steel long sword.

"Much more expensive than the outside." Christina complained.

"Huh~ I didn't expect someone to take care of me here." A black-haired, pocky-faced teenager, looked quite short.

"Can't it?" Christina asked, tilting her head.

Seeing such a cute action, the pocky-faced boy trembled in his heart.

Ahem, my girl's heart.

The teenager didn't overly cover his expression, "Cough cough, it's not bad, it's just not good. After all, his weapon is easy to use."

"I want you to be widowed." Christina rolled her eyes and ignored the boy.

The pocky boy watched Christina walk away blankly.

"What a cold girl..."

After waiting for an hour, it was finally his turn to play.

"Contestant No. 44947, please go to the 66th ring to take your place."

Christina spent a gold coin to get a scabbard, put her long sword on her back, and walked out the door with a smiling face.

As soon as I went out, I felt deafening cheers coming from the arena.

"The No. 414 player in the 66th ring, Silver Medal Hunter Parks, has won three consecutive victories. Can he maintain his winning streak?"

"Please attacker... Christina from Ximu Town!"

Eat melons: "Ximu Town? I haven't heard of it."

Eat melon B: "I feel that Parkes is worth seeing."

Eat Gua Bing: "Why are there so many guys taking advantage of the excitement."

Eat Gua Ding: "That's it, I feel that I have a bit of strength to dare to come, after all, it is the first round, not much to watch..."

Parks had a one-handed sword hanging from his waist, his hands clasped his chest, and he looked cool.

"Where is the Murano girl, this competition is also true, anyone dares to participate in the competition."

This defiant guy!

Christina hated her teeth.

She swears this is the first time she has encountered such annoying guy in another world.

She thought that people from other worlds were very friendly.

Christina looked at Parkes coldly. "You are the first person to make me feel annoying."

Parks raised his head and looked at Christina from the back of his eyes: "It's up to you, anyway, we won't have a chance to meet again, cherish this battle."

Christina felt almost vomiting.

Why the game hasn't started yet.

Seems to feel Christina's dissatisfaction.

The ring lit up the countdown.






Spark only saw the moment when a dark shadow flashed by, and Christina in front of him disappeared.


He turned hurriedly and saw that Christina was already holding the sword behind her back.

Spark resigned and closed his eyes and waited for the next blow.

Ok? Why doesn't it hurt?

When I opened my eyes, I realized that the girl in front of me couldn't draw the sword. Probably the sword is too long.

Christina drew her sword hard with her toes on her toes.

Hey there!

Hey there!

It was discovered that the long sword was too long, and she could only draw half of her height.

In an instant, the scene fell into silence.

The next second, the audience burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha, what is this, it's so funny."

"This is the game to be serious...puff...hahahahahaha I can't help it anymore."

"Seeing the fast-moving pace, I thought she was going to take Spark's second. I didn't expect...the sword can't be drawn out! Hahahahaha, it won't work. Am I not watching the game? How do I feel like watching a funny drama. "

"Well, it's an authentic cute and stupid girl. I can't learn this operation."

And the crowd watching the live broadcast in the player lounge suddenly felt a little inexplicable sense of immediate sight.

Ino glanced at Kihana Saki Yashin.

Muhua Sakuya had a guilty conscience and stopped his head: "I didn't move anything."

Ino suddenly had a smile on his face: "I didn't say you again."

Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly became anxious: "I..."


The camera returns to the playing field.

At this moment, the atmosphere of Christina's ring was extremely embarrassing, and the two stopped moving and just watched.

Because of Spark, he found that he didn't know what to do now, and counterattacked with a sword, directly hacking to death the girl who couldn't draw the sword? Still admit defeat? It was so embarrassing that he couldn't help laughing.

Unable to hold his smile, Spark threw his sword straight He burst into laughter with one hand covering his stomach, and raising one hand: "Hahahahaha, I'm sorry, I gave up. You won, you Won! No more, my stomach hurts."

Christina squirmed slightly with her fingers holding the sword, with a dying expression on her face.

It's really embarrassing, why does this happen. No face to see people.

"Spark surrendered and Christina won. Now Christina is the defender."

There was Teresa sitting in the audience with a faceless face: "Christina deserves to be you."

Yes, the name of Christina's cute and stupid girl is completely famous. During the game, the image of the scene where the sword could not be drawn was preserved, and it instantly spread throughout Tiabes and became a post-dinner joke.

And in the daily happy project video rankings for a long time to maintain the first place. The title is [Swipe every day to remove all unhappiness. ] And even if the popularity drops, the ranking will not fall within the 20th place.



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