The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 173: Guardian

Because Christina's cute and stupid girl image is completely famous, her defense has become extremely lonely.

It seems that everyone regards her as a mascot, and every time they match up to the 66th ring, they immediately surrender, expressing that they don't want to fight such a cute and stupid girl.

Christina simply ignored her image as a girl, and sat down on the ring, sulking her small head with one hand.

Contestant No. 110 was on stage at this time, and when he saw the legendary cute and stupid girl, he wanted to make a joke.

Christina turned her back to him, did not move at all, and shook him "Don't bother me."

Contestant No. 110 reluctantly surrendered.

The people who eat melon are getting more and more happy.

"It's a cute and stupid girl, with a personality."

"I don't know why, I just want to laugh when I see her."

"It's too cute, look at her sulking expression."

Watching Christina's wonderful performance.

Muhana Saki Yashin and Ino were just the ones who watched and laughed.

Gradually, the game process began to speed up.

Kihana Saki Yashin also began to play.

Moreover, she didn't bring any weapons, and didn't do any special effects, so she walked into the ring like this.

She is going to fight against the master of the 99th ring, the giant bear who has won thirty-five consecutive victories-Taft!

Mrs. Taqi is like her title. She is as strong as a giant bear. She is three meters tall by herself. She has muscles like steel and carries a giant mace on her shoulders!

Looking at Muhua Saki Yaxin again, the little girl is less than one meter six and has no weapons. In contrast, she seems to have come to dance on stage.

This is not comparable at all.

In response, the audience also booed for a while.

After all, Taqif is the favorite to win this competition, a terrifying force.

In contrast, Muhua Saki Yaxin, a delicate-skinned and tender-looking girl, didn't know that he could stand him.

Perhaps, as soon as the stick went down, the girl turned into a tuft.

It's a pity.

Therefore, the audience who followed the 99th ring were booed.

Taqif thought so too. He opened his mouth and said in a dull voice: "You give up, or if I can't hold back my strength, I might kill you."

In response, Muhua Saki Yashin raised his head and showed a bright smile: "This is the first time I heard such words. This time I want to test the martial arts, so I don’t plan to use the eye of death to bully people, but I didn't expect to be looked down upon by little humans."

After speaking, Muhua Saki Yashin put on a posture, took a lunge, made knives with both hands one after the other, smiling at the "giant bear" in front of him.

"Don't worry, I will be merciful."

Taqifu's eyes became fierce, and he sternly said: "Since you want to fight, don't blame me!"

In response, Muhua Saki Yaxin just smiled and replied: "Are you ready?"

Taqifu was slightly stunned.

next moment!

boom! !

The stone slab at Muhua Saki Yaxin's feet suddenly burst open, and the whole person turned into a cannonball and flew in front of Taqifu in a blink of an eye.

Taqifu's eyes are shrinking, but his hand moves very fast with a stick!

The little fist wants to collide with the mace!

clang! !

There was a symphony of gold and iron!

Taqifu only felt his hand numb, and his pupils trembled at the girl in front of him.

This guy! It's a monster!

Muhua Saki Yaxin grinned, her fists stretched out, her five fingers aimed at the fist marks on the mace that were hammered out by her, and she violently contracted and gathered her fists, then punched another inch punch!

Clang! !

boom! !

The mace was instantly torn apart!

Taqifu was also shattered by this huge force, and his body retreated again and again.

At this time, the audience of the audience stood up in shock, and launched a burst of exclamation! !

"Wow oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!"

"what is this!"

"what is this!"

"what is this!"

"This weak girl actually smashed Taqifu's weapon with two punches!"

"This girl is a monster!"

"Is there a **** in her body?"

"She is like a humanoid dragon!"

Taqifu looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin with solemn eyes, he did feel that the girl in front of him was like a human-shaped dragon!

Even if the skills are not used, there is such a terrifying power!

He thought he was inferior, and suddenly he raised his hand to surrender.

"I surrender."

"Taqifu admits defeat! Saki Saki Yashin wins! The champion of the 99th ring is changed to Saki Yashin!"

Hearing this, Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly backflips and stands in the center of the stage in a long jump. Then a huge magic circle lights up at her feet. She proudly laughs with her hands on her hips and raises her head: "Ahahahahaha! Stupid humans! I am the invincible eye of death! Come and challenge me! I will graciously grant you defeat!"

Seeing such arrogant Muhua Saki Yaxin, the audience suddenly shouted in excitement.

"The Eye of Death!"

"Death Girl!"

"Daughter of the Dead!"

"The Eye of the Dead Girl!"

"The Eye of the Dead Girl!"


"Bah, baah!"

"What are you shouting?"

"Who is wrong?"

"So what was it called?"

"It's called the Daughter of Death."

"Daughter of Death!"

The audience shouted together: "Daughter of Death!"

"Daughter of Death!"

Muhua Saki Yexin listened to the shout, and gradually opened her hands to embrace the sky as if she was accepting a pilgrimage.

However, after hearing the dead girl, she suddenly looked blank.

"Are? The daughter of death?"

She thought for a while: " seems to be pretty, so it doesn't matter!"

Muhuasaki Yaxin shouted: "Annihilation in space! Withering in time! Withering in the world! Ending in all things! This is the power of my eye of death! This is my-the daughter of death!"

"Daughter of Death!"

"Daughter of Death!!"

The enthusiasm of the audience was aroused by Kihana Saki Yakina!

The audience cheered at Muhua Saki Yaxin.

And Muhua Saki Yaxin also enjoyed this highly anticipated feeling, with her eyes closed, her cheeks reddish, and her face intoxicated.

Nanako, who was watching the game in the player waiting room, was a little envious when she saw the majestic Kawasaki Yashin.

However, Ino felt very strange, and Ye Xin seemed to be having fun too.

"Di, di di~ please invite player 44945 and player 44946 to enter the arena!"

At this time, the broadcaster announced a piece of news.

Nanako and Ino looked at each other, and each could see the excitement in each other's eyes.

"Let's go!"

Soon, Ino came to the 56th ring-the master is a white-haired hedgehog boy with fifty-three consecutive victories.

Nanako came to the 67th ring. The master of the ring was a strong man with a forty-one consecutive victories.

Soon after the start of the game!

Both Ino and Nanako broke out into extreme speed!


Under the action that the audience couldn't see clearly, the opponent flew directly out of the ring with one punch!

Nanako's opponent was the worst, was flew into the sky with a punch, and fell into the audience after crossing several hundred meters.

The referee was stunned by the win or loss in the blink of an eye.

After a while, the referee came back to his senses and announced that Ino and Nanako had won and became the champion!

And the audience, once again, gave out shocking cheers for the powerful dark horse girls!

that's all.

In the first round of the challenge, Saki Kihana Yashin, Ino, and Nanako became unprovoked targets.

Christina turned into a mascot and was scolded after winning.

The four of them stayed on the stage for almost a day.

Muhua Saki Yexin is okay, her magic circle and standing posture can play countless tricks.

Ino and Nanako were just in a daze.

Ever since, the first day of the game passed so lonely.

After the game.

Teresa was waiting outside for Muhua Saki Yashin. When she saw Christina, she smiled.

An angry Christina directly chased Teresa and spanked.

Muhuasaki Yaxin also laughed.

Oh, right.

Mel, this man, unexpectedly failed to defend, and he was eliminated.

Teresa laughed at Christina as she ran: "Christina, you deserve it. The next game is probably going to be very casual."

Christina's teeth tickled in anger: "You stop me!"

Back to the resting place, passers-by started talking to Christina.

When Muhua Saki heard this, she couldn't help laughing.

Christina snorted, and rushed to lock her throat with her teeth and claws.

"You laugh again!"

"Ahem, okay, I won't laugh anymore."

"Do you know how desperate I am? Still laughing at me?" Christina let go, feeling wronged like a baby.

In response, Muhua Sakiya raised her head proudly and comforted:

"Christina! You always have a chance to play next, so let's show your heroic posture at that time! Use that invincible momentum and overwhelming strength to push their ridicule into the abyss."

Christina nodded seriously: "Hmm, blow their heads!"

However, the next day.

Since the random match has been cancelled, the remaining players are all those with winning streak points, and they will choose the challenger based on the situation!

If you win and become the champion, you will get points. If you lose, your points will be reduced, and you will be eliminated to a certain extent.

However, as expected, there was no candidate for Christina's 66th ring, and she sat alone in the ring.

It is worth mentioning that she is still carrying the sword.

And Saki Yashin's No. 99 ring was chosen, but it was blown up by a big fireball that was simply and neatly shot by Saki Yashin.

Ino and Nanako are still standing alone.

In the afternoon, Christina became arrogant, and she went to sleep on the floor directly on the ring.

At this moment, the officials couldn't stand it anymore. The broadcast reminded: "Ahem, please pay attention to the image."

However, Christina is not a bird.

But the audience is still very enthusiastic, which makes Christina confused. There are so many people watching me when I sleep?

What Christina didn't know was that these actions made the audience like her more, after all, a cute and stupid girl with such a personality.

Of course, Christina’s situation won’t happen on the third day. The final day of the knockouts is about their own glory. Everyone is ready to make the final sprint. Christina, a cute and stupid girl, won the game continuously. Although the score is not the highest, it is also ranked in the top 30.

Breaking Christina's winning streak can earn huge points.

On this day, no one will complain about why someone dares to fight a cute and cute girl.

The atmosphere on the court has obviously become more intense and exciting.

The first opponent Christina faced was the pocky-faced teenager she had ever met.

"Anyone please...Julifu Tower!"

Carrying a sledgehammer, Futa easily walked to the ring.

However, the audience in Christina's arena generally did not give face to other players, and the cheers were a little bit small.

"Oh~ Has anyone finally dealt with the cute and stupid girl?"

"After all, she may be the best to earn points, but no one wants to start this."

"Game start!"

Futa said to Christina with an apologetic look: "Sorry, I want to be promoted, but I can't help you anymore."

But what he faced was Christina's demonic face, glowing red pupils, and hideous expression.

"Ha ha ha... finally... has someone finally challenged me!" Christina gritted her teeth. "My big sword is already hungry and thirsty!"


The gravel splashed, and Christina's original location was stepped out of a big pit.

In an instant, Christina came to Futa and drew the long sword together with the scabbard, and the rope tied to her waist was broken.

A scabbard was drawn to Futa's face, and Juli knocked Futa directly into the protective magic enchantment on top (a temporary patch by the official), fell off, and lost consciousness.

The scene fell silent again.

The next second, the audience exclaimed!

"Wow! Christina! Christina!"

"I really underestimated this cute and stupid girl. Although she is cute and stupid, she is very strong."

"Indeed, cuteness has nothing to do with strength, right?"

"Hahaha, I watched some of them next."

At the same time, all the players know the strength of Christina. If they were upset when Futa had just challenged, why didn't they hurry up. Now they are fortunate. Fortunately, they didn't make it. They lost face and didn't have points.

After all, the strength of Futa, the player ranked among them, was not low, so that they were all shot in seconds. Christina's strength can already be compared with the overlord of several other arena.

Yes, if Christina is relying on her mascot attributes to maintain a winning streak. The overlord-level figures in the other arenas rely on their own strength to win consecutive victories to this day.

Teresa has been observing the situation of these 128 arenas, and after two days of observation, she has discovered many existences that may be threatening to Christina.

The ones that caught Teresa's attention most were the following:

Ring No. 11: Gold Medal Hunter-Lu Shirek

Ring No. 16: Jeffreys using unknown magic

Ring 49: Double Sword Fran

Ring No. 81: The Boy with a Stick-Aipa

Ring 96: Hera using magic crossbow arrows

Ring 120: Uncle Armor with Shield-Terraka

So far, Teresa hasn't seen the true strength of these people, and of course there may be strong ones that have been overlooked.

Just as Teresa was collecting information, Christina had already defeated three challengers in a row.

And it's all one blow, relying on the extremely fast approach, a powerful attack makes people lose consciousness.

Now everyone is sure that Christina is a domineering existence. If you want to challenge, you must first determine if your strength is enough.

To this day, the masters of the various arenas will basically not change, and they are all powerful existences.

"The attacker is the cheetah-Jerryson!"

"Oh~ Jerison, he is a strong man who defended 22 consecutive victories."

"It's worth seeing, how strong is the cute and stupid girl? Now you can see a little bit."

Jerison is known for his speed. He has basically never won since the previous day's shou challenge failed. Basically none of these current challengers is easy to provoke.

Until he saw Christina's ring and saw her and others in the competition, in terms of speed, it was basically 50-50, so you can give it a try.

Don't talk nonsense, drew out the dagger and rushed towards Christina, only to find that Christina did not move.


After a stabbing, Jerryson quickly rolled and jumped away. When he stood still, he felt a chill behind him.

Turning his head mechanically, he saw Christina's red eyes.


Jereson fell straight down, a big bag on his head.

This game once again refreshed the audience's understanding of Christina's strength.

As night falls, UU reading www.uukanshu. The com knockout is over.

Christina defeated a total of 9 challengers today.

The points ranking has come out, and Christina is ranked 39th.

What caught her most attention was the name of the first place in the standings.

"Muhua Saki Yexin!"

Christina was a little surprised at once.

"Is Ye Xin so strong?"

Then, when I looked down, I found Ino who was eighth and Nanako who was seventh.

Christina was surprised at once.

"Are they all such strong powerhouses? You can't tell at all!"


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