The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 175: Kleiman is out

The Devil's Palace.

Demon King Kleiman sits in an elegant white chair, holding a gold cup in one hand, with a faint smile on his face.

"What's the matter, Miu Lan. Is there anything to report?"

I saw a beautiful woman with light green short hair standing in front of him, with a respectful expression on her knees, bowing to Kramer, and then raising her head with a serious report:

"Yes, Lord Kleiman."

"In the City of Belabes, three unidentified people were found in the Glory of the Kings Tournament.

I can't find out their identities, and they are very strong. "

Speaking of this, Miao Lan paused, and then continued: "And their purpose seems to be Lord Kleiman."


Kleiman smiled with interest: "Interesting, interesting."

Actually, without Miu Lan, Kramer already knew about Muhua Saki Yaxin and others.

Moreover, he also knew that Teresa had betrayed herself, but he didn't feel how surprised.

However, he still wanted to observe what the purpose of this group was.

And what's the certainty that he dared to play in his territory so arrogantly after offending him.

Even participate.

Kleiman took a sip from his glass, then smiled and said, "It seems that they seem to be very confident in their own strength. If so, send soldiers to arrest them. To be on the safe side, you and Nine Mo Luo go with."

Miao Lan nodded immediately: "Yes! Lord Kleiman."

Suddenly, Miao Lan retreated.


At the same time, Muhua Saki Yaxin, who just passed the semi-finals with ease, and a group of people are still shopping leisurely.

"Nanako! Nanako! Look at this, it's soft and flexible!"

Muhua Saki was at a roadside stall, and curiously poked a light blue transparent candy doll with his finger.

This candy doll was worn by a wooden stick and stuck in a straw tie.

Nanako was also very curious to poke with her finger, and found that this candy is really queer.

Her eyes sparkled suddenly: "Really."

The boss is a demi, with sharp ears and green skin. He has a kind face with a smile: "Do you like it? If you like it, buy one and eat it."

Muhuasaki Yashin looked at Nanako, and then glanced at Ino, who was looking at the fruit stand on the other side. She nodded immediately and waved at the boss's little hand: "Give me three!"


The boss picked up three soft bullets and handed them to Muhua Saki Yaxin.

However, at this time.

An army emerged from the street, and one after another began to walk towards Muhua Saki Yaxin and the others.

Teresa, who was on guard on the side, noticed it immediately, and she ran over with a shocked expression: "Oops! They are here to find us! Go!"

At this moment, Muhua Saki Yaxin had just handed over the money to take over the candy. Seeing Teresa who was so flustered, she was a little stunned.

"Who is looking for me?"

"Is that the crumb demon king?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin turned around and looked around, and she found a large group of soldiers approaching.

Nanako had spotted the soldiers surrounding her a long time ago, but she didn't panic at all. She took out a soft candy doll from Muhua Saki Yaxin's hand and ate it with a calm look.

"Sister, let's not do it here."

"That's it."

"Moreover, these soldiers are also innocent."

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin waved her hand again!

A giant circle of magic circles shines at the feet of Muhua Saki Yaxin, the next moment!

The four of them turned into light spots and disappeared in place.

The soldiers who surrounded them suddenly looked blank.

Miao Lan watched in secret, frowning.

"Space magic? There is such a powerful space magic? Trouble."


at the same time.

Christina, who had received some news, had already invaded a branch military camp of the puppet country.

As a brave summoned, she is extremely powerful!

Her purpose, naturally, is not as simple as participating in a meaningless Glory of the King contest!

She came to find something!

For this reason, she also leaked out the information of Teresa and Saki Yashin, although they were all meaningless information!

However, she can believe that the Demon King Kleiman will definitely be attracted by them!

At this moment, it was the time for her to find that thing!


The scorching sun vented his mania, and the violent direct sunlight made the bare skin a little bit tingling. The tide breeze with heavy humidity blew by, bringing a trace of coolness, and evacuating a bit of heat.

The armors worn by the soldiers here are leather armor inlaid with iron plates. Under this scorching sun, their armor will not be so tightly wrapped.

In their bare skin, sweat can be seen constantly shed, and sweat drops in the hand holding the weapon.

The soldiers felt their mouths dry, and the saliva in their mouths was sticky.

"Eh, how long do we have to change shifts?"

A soldier complained.

"Don't think about it, it's all ours today, so bear with it."

The other soldier was helplessly comforted.

The vomiting soldier shook his head. He also knew that his speech was pure nonsense, but he couldn't help but complain.

After sending it, he continued to stare at the front position, thinking to himself.

"How could someone in our place run over in idle time?"

However, as soon as he finished complaining in his heart, he saw a white figure approaching in the far field of vision, and he carefully observed it suspiciously.

After the white figure pulled in a sufficient distance, he could clearly see a sword in the figure's hand!

He was suddenly shocked: "No! Someone is approaching!"

At this moment, the rest of the soldiers also found a white figure running at extreme speed!

Suddenly, the soldiers shouted: "Enemy attack!!! Enemy attack!!!"

When the white figure approached, the soldier saw clearly the appearance of the person who came. It was a young girl in a white dress holding a crystal sword shining with light in her hand.

The camp started to sound an alarm!

The guards began to prepare for battle!

And Christian is not afraid that the soldiers will find out, she leaped high, holding a crystal sword presented by Muhua Saki Yaxin in her hand, and the magic elements gathered in her body!

"Magic Charm Dance-Crystal Falling!"

I saw that the crystal sword in Christina's hand shined brightly, and she fell on the pile of soldiers like a meteor!

Boom! ! !

The ground was smashed and cracked, and the soldiers in the group were bombarded and flew in all directions.

A cloud of smoke filled the entire camp.

The rest of the soldiers swallowed unconsciously after seeing the smoke that had not dispersed in front of them. Judging from this blow, the enemy was very strong!

"Don't be afraid! We are crowded! Charge over!"

A very brave soldier yelled and ran directly towards the smoke.

However, at this moment, two light blades flew out of the smoke suddenly.

The speed of the light blade is extremely fast, this very immortal soldier can only see the light magnifying in front of his eyes.


Blood splatter.

The soldier stopped, his face was full of blood, and he tremblingly reached out and touched his face.

I... Am I still alive?

He was looking to the left, and the comrades around him had fallen in half.

"Don't be distracted, the smoke is gone!"

The soldier heard the words and looked forward.

It was a beautiful girl, she was wearing a pure white dress, holding a crystal-clear sword in her hand, and her red pupils revealed cold eyes. In the smoke and dust, there was no trace of stains on his body.

Are we fighting against the goddesses?

The soldier looked at the broken sword in his hand.

It turns out that my sword has been broken.

He felt some warm fluid coming out of his body, and he touched it.

It turned out to be my own blood.

His vision gradually blurred, and he finally closed his eyes.

To die under such a beautiful goddess sword is also a good home.


Then came the killing time. Christina moved too fast, and the soldiers on the field had no idea where their enemy was, except for the first time they saw a beautiful girl when the smoke cleared.

They can only listen to the screams of their partners to distinguish the path of the enemy.

The supreme command of this small base has been dispatched.

The commander of the small army who was resting in the camp has become the main commander now.

He also felt very unlucky. He had just been in such a position by the relationship, and he had to face this situation.

He can only be incompetent and furious here: "Asshole! You trash! Just a woman! You can't handle it!"

"you guys……"


He only felt a cold in his waist, and his eyes began to change.

He coughed up a mouthful of blood with a bitter expression on his face: "Cough cough cough...What kind of enemy we have met..."

He looked at his lower body, which hadn't fallen yet, and probably knew he was not saved.

What a shame.

With a sigh, he immediately closed his eyes.

And Christina doesn't know why, she doesn't have that nausea about killing people now.

Just hacking one to death, and cutting a soldier in half, there is an inexplicable joy of mowing.

And for the splashed blood, sprinkle the internal organs of the stump.

She also didn't have that nausea.

Am I... Adapted so quickly?

Christina is also a little scared of herself like this.

She touched her face and thought about it.

Yes, there was a time when I was a good person, a student in a peaceful era.

When did I begin to adapt to who I am now?

Or to say... From the very beginning, when I was summoned, it was already imperceptibly affected.

Christina's thoughts spread out unconsciously.

Then, Christina patted her face hard.

"Bah, baah, what am I doing. I feel a little nervous."

"Don't you torture yourself if you think about this kind of thing? I really think about it too much."

"Bah, baah~"

Christina spit, her figure flashed and disappeared instantly.

The three remaining soldiers on the field shivered and looked at the murderer

This murderer had finished killing his comrades in arms, and then stayed in a daze for a while.

They didn't dare to do it even if they saw her in a daze. To be precise, they couldn't do it.

Because they have been so scared that they will be useless as soon as they move.

After a while, I saw that the enemy slapped himself in the face nervously, and did a lot of strange behaviors inexplicably.

They were shocked anyway.

After surviving this time, they plan to farm in their hometown.

Being a soldier is terrible.

I want to go back to find my mother.


Christina silently walked along the camp and quickly found an underground military prison, and then she walked in without hesitation.

Less than two minutes.

Christina walked out of the dungeon and said with a cold face: "It's not here! But, thank you! I didn't kill the wrong person!"


Another military camp.

Facing the soldiers surrounding him, Christina didn't panic at all. Holding a crystal sword, a smart sword dance danced in the enemy's encirclement. Basically, no soldier could touch her. Instead, the encircled soldiers fell in rows like wheat.

However, there are too many soldiers, so she might be exhausted to cut the wheat like this.

Christina, who understood this truth, gradually became fierce.

At this time, there were more and more soldiers surrounding Christina. At the same time, at least five soldiers attacked together. They either stabbed, chopped, or chopped around Christina.

The attacks that fell almost at the same time, they also thought that the enemy had no way to escape this time.

However, before the soldier's attack fell, Christina raised her hand and waved at a very fast speed.


The crystal sword drew a ring of sword light and surged out. The speed of the sword light was extremely fast. The soldiers could only see the sword light flashing through their bodies.

In an instant, the soldiers' attack stopped abruptly, and they held their swords in the air and paused for two seconds.

The next moment, the weapon in their hand broke in two, and their body burst into a burst of blood and fell.

It wasn't just the five who fell near Christian.

As long as the soldiers stepped into the radius of 50 meters with Christina, they were affected by this sword.

In this regard, even in the face of the powerful Christina, the soldiers are not afraid.

Still attacking her round after round.

Christina didn't hesitate to face the soldiers, and the sword in her hand was about to be accurate. The sword is an enemy.

At the same time she walked very slowly, as if walking in her courtyard, no enemy could face her blow.

As the commander of the barracks, Canary saw a cold sweat from a distance. What a terrifying swordsmanship!

Clean and neat, without a trace of extra action, swordsmanship is only for murder!

At this time, someone sent an arcane energy ball to face Christina, Christina just tilted her head slightly, and the energy ball passed by a few millimeters.


The power of the energy ball was like a grenade, falling straight to the feet of the soldiers, destroying several soldiers.

This arcane energy ball was sent by a female knight who came to support.

At the same time, beside the female knight, there are five other knights, they are all looking at Christina coldly.

No female knight had the slightest guilt for killing several soldiers, and even the expression on her face remained unchanged.

It seems that they look down on these soldiers.

Christina raised her head to face the six of them: "The support is very fast, but your strength is too weak!"

"It seems that this intruder seems very confident in his own strength."

The female knight sneered and said:

"She is very strong! Don't do it rashly!" At this time, Commander Canary jumped up from nowhere, and said to the Six Knights with a solemn expression.

"Have you got some information about her?"

Canary nodded: "She has a step-by-step technique. The magic element has very strong control. And she has a very powerful swordsmanship, and the speed is extremely fast. Faster than you think! She is very tricky!"

Among the knights, the leading man looked at Christina who had been staring at him and said, "Then let's go Don't keep your hands, try to kill her with one blow.

Christina was waiting impatiently at this time, and said coldly.

"Huh! Are all of Despicable Devil's subordinates like this?"

After finishing speaking, the crystal sword in Christina's hand slammed, and a huge crescent-like sword aura swept over.

This scared the Six Knights to pee.

What is this!

With such a huge sword aura, how much magic element this person has released!

Don't let them think too much, the arrogant ones suddenly became busy fleeing for their lives, one by one, they showed their own escape skills and quickly left the place!


Sword Qi swept across, leaving a gully of Sword Qi, flying to the end of the field of vision and disappearing.



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