The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 176: Just crumbs

The six knights lay on their stomachs one by one, breathing heavily.

Among them, Canary hurriedly said, "Too strong! Too strong! This enemy is incapable of the enemy! We have to retreat!"

The six knights nodded quickly in agreement: "Yes, such an enemy, no matter how we go to die!"

The only female knight said. "My future is bright. I can't die in this kind of place."

Without waiting for them to speak one by one, which of the tallest knights shouted: "Fowles! Behind!"

Fowles is the head of their six knights, the man headed by them.

He turned around with a panic on his face, not surprisingly. What he saw was the sword Christina was cutting.


With blood splashing, Fowles was chopped five meters away with a sword.


The knight who was in the black robe was angry, and a few chains that revealed darkness burst out of the black robe and went straight to Christina.

The chains were full of barbs, which looked terrifying.

Christina cut and flew these chains, and then rushed straight to the man in the black robe.

The man in the black robe didn't panic either, he stretched out his bandaged hand from the black robe, squatted down and pressed it to the ground.

In an instant, several dark chains rushed out of the ground and entangled towards Christina.


A sharp sword light flashed, and all the chains broke open.

The black-robed man seemed to have suffered a backlash, and his whole spirit became much weaker.

The black robe man's face hidden in the dark was panicked.

Unexpectedly, my soul lock was also cut off, what a monster.

The black robe man also knew that he couldn't hold it anymore, so he shouted.

"Run! I'll hold her!"

However, the thought in the black robe man's heart was to tell Christina about his queen, and then let her chase her teammates, so that she could escape by herself.

Unexpectedly, the black robe man didn't get a response from his teammates at all.

Only the face of Christina that looked like a smile before him.

The black robe man also thought of something, he looked back mechanically, there were no teammates here.

Here he is a fool who is still playing around with Christina in a daze.

There is a cold breath on the neck.

The black-robed man sighed, "This lady, can I surrender now?"

Christina patted his neck with a crystal sword: "Okay, take your hood off first!"

The hooded man paused, and slowly took off the hood, revealing a face covered with magic patterns, which looked abnormally hideous.

Looking at this face, Christina was a little surprised: "Are you? Disfigured by the fire?"

The black-robed man smiled bitterly: "Yes."

"Oh~ Two seconds of silence for you."

As he said, Christina looked at him quietly for two seconds, then put the sword on his neck, and asked with a playful look: "I want to know where the Musar laboratory is? You will tell Mine is right."

The black-robed man suddenly had a cold sweat on his face, and it seemed that the girl also knew that the magic pattern on his body was a peculiar technique, the technique of Master Mushal.

That being said, the girl came for Lord Mushal, and the black-robed man had a certain look in his eyes. He immediately became enlightened and immediately said to Christina: "His laboratory is in the Fifth Army!"

However, Christina still had a playful look in her eyes: "Take me there."

The black-robed man suddenly looked bitter, and just wanted to say no, he suddenly felt a cold in his neck, and his face suddenly turned pale, and he didn't dare to move.

Christina said with a faint smile: "Think clearly before speaking."

The black-robed man immediately looked straight, with an extremely correct attitude, and said decisively: "Yes! The evil place of the Mushal laboratory must be eliminated! Even if I go through fire and water, I will lead the lady!"

Christina smiled contentedly.

"Okay, lead the way."

On the other side, Muhua Saki Yaxin teleported directly into the castle of Demon King Kleiman.

At this moment, the Devil King Kleiman was still drinking wine leisurely.

Suddenly, a sudden magic circle appeared in his room.

Then, Muhua Saki Yaxin's four girls appeared directly in front of Kleiman.

Seeing this situation, even if Kleiman's head was thinking, he paused for a second, and his face was dumbfounded.

next moment.

After he reacted, his brows frowned: "Space Magic? How dare you send it directly to me!"

When Teresa saw Kleiman, her heart came to a sudden stop, her face turned pale, and her forehead was sweating cold.

What are these?

Isn't this teleportation magic used to escape?

Why do you charge it directly to the big boss! !

However, Ino and Nanako had a calm face.

Ino asked Yashin Kihana, "Yazin? Can we deal with this guy?"

Saki Kihana looked at Ino and Nanako, and he pondered for a while, and finally shook his head: "It's not good, the rules of this world are a bit strange. His ability is still quite dangerous to you. This great demon is still going Give me a seal."

Kleiman looked at the few girls who didn't seem to put him in his eyes, and suddenly became a little angry, with a wicked smile on his lips: "Hehe~hehehe~ This is the first time I have seen it, and there are still The guy who doesn't put me the devil in his eyes."

"It seems that I haven't taken a shot for a long time, so that you have less fear of me, the devil."

As he said, Kleiman's expression instantly became cold and severe, and a wave of terrifying aura of the devil came over!

However, this oppressive force is not only useful for Teresa.

Muhua Saki Yashin and the others didn't feel it.

Muhua Saki Yaxin even had an expression of wanting to sleep, raised her hand and yawned at her mouth.

"It's really a boring trick. Is this the Demon King? As expected, there is a big gap with the Demon God."

Kleiman narrowed his eyes, he wanted to see if these people really had the ability to fight him!

boom! !

Kleiman exploded with a terrifying magic element, and the high-powered energy stirred the air. He lifted the melon seeds and directly caught Muhua Saki's heart!


The air was cut open, and the terrifying claw-shaped air blade came with the power to cut everything!

In this regard, Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't make any extra moves, only her right eye flashed with a red light.

In an instant!

A space door opened in front of Muhuasaki Yaxin, and the air blade cut out by Kleiman and the sharp claws flew directly into the space door!


Another space door opened on Kleiman's side!

The cutting gas blade inside flew out suddenly, attacking Kleiman!

Kleiman frowned and avoided directly.

Then, this terrifying air blade cut directly into the room and flew towards the outside of the city!

Kleiman looked at the girl in front of him, he suspected that this girl had acquired the ultimate skills of the Space Element!

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain the fact that she can manipulate the space at will!

And if she really has the ultimate spatial ability, then he really might not be able to win this battle!

"Trouble? Where did these people come from? Why do you trouble him?"

He has been unable to figure out these things!

"What's the matter? After seeing the power of my death eye, are you afraid?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin directly taunted, and the claw hit just now was actually a normal temptation attack.

Kleiman is the Awakened Demon King, and he still has an Awakening form.

The clown Kleiman is the strongest Kleiman.

Kleiman smiled at Muhua Saki Yaxin's aggressive method: "If you really want to die, I can fulfill you!"

With that said, Kleiman directly opened the form of the awakened clown, and at the same time!

He did not hesitate to hit his strongest blow!

"Dragon Vessel Destroying Cannon!!"

In an instant, the most terrifying magic element concentrated on Kleiman's hands and erupted! A horrible beam of energy blasted towards Muhua Saki Yaxin!

To this extremely terrifying blow, Muhua Saki Yaxin remained unmoved, a red pupil in her right eye gradually appeared, and then she blinked.


I saw that the space in front of Muhua Sakiya's mind began to interweave and converge into a crystal clear lotus, and the transparent and invisible space lotus was in front of Muhua Sakiya's mind!

That terrifying dragon vein destroying cannon beam directly hits "Space Lotus!"!

Ding! Zi Zi Zi! !

The space lotus is standing still, and the energy of the energy beam being blocked is splashing!

Tiny light beams splashed onto the ground from the side of the space lotus, pierced the walls and flew beyond the border!

Rumble! !

A bunch of huge mushrooms, with the roar and explosion, the cotton rises!

And the rooms of Kleiman, Muhuasaki Yaxin and others were destroyed in an instant!

Pay attention to this phenomenon!

How terrifying is the power of this dragon vein destroyer!

However, when the flames and smoke dissipated, the clowning Kleiman, Muhua Saki Yaxin and the others stood unscathed!

In this regard, Kleiman didn't feel surprised, after seeing his own Xeon hit immediately after being blocked!

He knew that he couldn't help this girl!

However, this does not mean that this girl can defeat him!

At the very least, Kleiman thought so.

He looked grim: "Unexpectedly, you really got the ultimate spatial control ability!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin smiled disdainfully: "Hmph~ You can only think that way, the power of the eye of death! It's not something that you can understand!"

As he said, Muhua Saki Yaxin snapped his fingers casually.


Just in the blink of an eye!

The surrounding environment became a beach in an instant.

At this moment, Clayman's expression was dumbfounded: "The sea? It is actually the sea?"

Teresa was also stunned.

You know, how far is it from the coastal border of the puppet ghost?

In the blink of an eye, they were even teleported here without even noticing them!

However, unlike Kleiman and Teresa, at this moment Ino and Nanako were very excited when they saw the sea, and even Nanako plunged directly into the sea regardless of it.

"Ocean! You should come to this place on vacation!"

Nanako's little head floated out of the water, and her hair became wet with a contented expression on her face.

Speaking of this, Ino immediately ignored Kleiman and Muhuasaki Yashin, and ran over, stepping in the sea.

Let the cold sea water wet her shoes, Ino felt the coldness of the sea water, she raised her head and took a deep breath, smelling the familiar smell of the sea.

Ino was suddenly happy.

She turned to Muhuasaki Yaxin and said, "Hurry up, Yaxin. Let's play together afterwards."

Muhua Saki Yaxin immediately beckoned to Ino: "Okay, Ino! I will solve it as soon as possible!"

At this moment, Kleiman looked at a playful girl who ignored him like a humiliation, and lost his temper.

Judging from Muhua Saki Yaxin's just hand transmission, he has no doubt about the strength of the girl in front of him!

Kill him, the girl may not need to spend much effort!

However, he Kleiman is not afraid!

He has never been afraid of death, and he cannot die easily!

So he still had a sullen smile: "Hehehe~ I really want to know, why are you bothering me?"

"Without him, it's because I don't like you."

Kleiman's expression was stunned.

What is the reason for this?

He frowned: "Are you serious?"

To this, Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't want to answer at all, and didn't bother to answer, a red light flashed in his right eye!

A faint red light passed directly over Kleiman's body!

Boom! !

Kleiman suddenly exploded!

At this point, Kleiman, a generation of crumb demon, died...

However, Muhua Saki Yashin didn't really kill this guy.

Kleiman has the ability to resurrect, as long as the soul exists in death, he can use the body of other people to resurrect.

In this regard, Muhua Saki Yaxin did not obliterate Kleiman's soul. After all, if Kleiman is killed directly, who can stand up when King Meng wants to eat the Demon King raw in the future.

Only the Devil King can carry this great task.

After killing the Demon King lightly, Saki Yashin Kihana ran directly towards Ino and Nanako!

"Ocean! I'm here! Come and welcome me!"

However, at this moment Teresa still has some doubts about life.

"That's it? Demon King Kleiman died like this? Is this too unreal?"

However, the next thing is even more unreal!

She suddenly felt the whole coast shaking, and it still had the kind of shaking from side to side.

"And...what's the matter?"

Teresa looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin and found that they didn't seem to know this vibration, and they still had to play with it.

What happened?

Teresa looked at the remote coastline, and suddenly she seemed to know what was going on!

The entire coastline is flying! !

Her eyes were dull again.

"Are we... rising?"

At this moment, Ino also found out, looked at the smug-faced Muhua Saki Yaxin, and asked a little dazedly.

Muhua Saki Yaxin was closing her eyes with a look of intoxication: "Yes, this is my masterpiece, this is the power of my eye of death! There is no fun in the coast alone, so I raised it! I want to swim the sea at an altitude of 10,000 meters!"

Hearing this, Ino was also moved by his heart, and at the same time, he was also a little bit emotional about the power of Muhua Saki Yexin.

This is probably the most visually compelling scene she has ever seen.

The coastline of more than 30 kilometers, together with the sea, was lifted up by Sakiya Kikina's unparalleled force!

Moreover, the entire ascent process is extremely fast while maintaining absolute stability.

This smooth to the extreme riding experience made Ino sigh. She looked at the coastline in the distance. If she didn't take a closer look, she really didn't know that she was taking off.

In a short while, Ino will be able to touch the faint clouds in the sky.

Ino raised his hand and stroked the clouds, feeling the faint coolness, and a smile appeared on his face.

"It's here, 10,000 meters high in the sky."

Unlike Ino and Nanako's indifference, Teresa is in a state of doubting her life.

This is not true... I'm still dreaming...

Sure enough, the devil can't die so fast...

It's impossible for the island to fly...

Kihana Saki Yashin walked briskly, stepped on the sea water, and bounced beside Ino and Nanako and patted them on the shoulders.

"Don't look, let's play together~ Look at how beautiful this scenery is."

Ino looked up at the blue sky and white clouds that seemed within reach, and smiled excitedly. "Then what, let's play, let's fight water fights!"

After that, Ino splashed a ball of hands with his hands and spilled over!

Muhua Saki Yaxin was sprinkled all over, and all his clothes were soaked.

Muhua Saki Yaxin was a little anxious about this: "Damn it! Ino, you actually attacked! See my boundless sea!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin also picked up a ball of sea water and splashed it back!

Ino hid directly and said grinningly: "You can't fight, you can't fight! Ye Xin, your technique is a bit poor."

"Damn! Ino you dare to provoke me! Then let you see my power!"

As he said, Muhua Saki Yaxin snapped his fingers for an instant!

The clothes of the four people present instantly changed into swimsuits. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

This sudden change caused Teresa and Nanako to scream.

Ino was also embarrassed by the unexpected change.

The three yelled at Muhua Saki Yaxin in shame and angrily: "Muhua Saki Yaxin!" ×3

Then Muhuasaki Yaxin was attacked by the three people's cataract technique.

The power was very terrifying. After a wave of water passed, Muhua Saki Yaxin was shot directly by the waves and sank to the bottom of the sea.

Muhua Saki was heart in the sea, with bubbles in her mouth, a little depressed: "Damn, I have to change your convenient clothes for you, so I'm still doing this to me!"

Muhua Saki's heart was in the sea, looking at the three Ino floating on the sea, she suddenly felt her heart!

"Come and **** deep-sea tornado!"


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