The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 184: Milim Strikes

"Well, I have already introduced all the driving methods."

With that, Muhua Saki Yaxin handed Limru the key to the island of the sky, the golden sword.

Limru was a little dumbfounded, and carefully glanced at the smiling Muhua Saki Yashin, hesitated and took it in his hand, and asked suspiciously: "This is it? Give me a try?"

Muhua Saki Yaxin shook her head and said with a smile: "This key is for you."

"Ha ha!?"

Limru's eyes widened suddenly: "Send...send it to me!"

"Yes! Together with this vehicle, I will give it to you. Just treat it as a reward. After all, I won't get something for nothing."

Muhua Saki Yaxin put one hand on her hips, her little head raised proudly.


Limru spoke with vibrato.

The onlookers Zhu Cai and others were shocked when they heard this.

Limru looked at Ino and Nanako, and found Ino with a faint smile, but Nanako didn't care.

This shows that the gift Muhua Saki Yaxin said to give is indeed true!

no! no!


This gift is too big!

Limru just wanted to refuse.

Muhua Saki Yaxin directly stretched out a small hand to block his face, and said proudly: "The things I sent out naturally do not mean to take them back. If you don't want them, I won't move this island."

Limru's words to his mouth were immediately blocked, and he said helplessly: "This gift is important, so if I just accept it, I feel a little uneasy.

And... I don't have the ability to keep this island running. "

In response, Muhua Saki Yaxin put up a finger and shook it in front of Limru: "No, no, no, my vehicle doesn't need you to keep running.

This island has been burned by me with a magic array, it can automatically absorb the energy in the air to maintain its operation, and I also leave a part of its magic power as its backup energy.

As long as you don't spend too much, this vehicle is more than enough to run at full power for a thousand years. "

"A thousand years!"

Limru was a little stunned, this time was too long for him.

He was a human being in his previous life, and he couldn't believe the world scale of a thousand years.

However, since it can run for that long, he really doesn't have to worry so much when he arrives.

Limru looked at the golden sword in his hand, took a deep breath, raised his head to Muhua Saki Yaxin and solemnly said: "Since Yaxin has said so, then I will accept it!"

"Yeah, take it. Next, you can be regarded as a special attraction in Turnpest!"

Muhua Saki Yaxin said with a grin.

Limru was taken aback, and smiled a little embarrassingly. He didn't expect that Muhua Saki Yaxin was still thinking about it.

However, this sky island is indeed a great entertainment attraction.

You can play on the beach and sea at an altitude of thousands of meters. This is really a novel experience.

"Nah~ try it first, start the island."

Muhua Saki said with excitement in Yexin's heart.

Limru was obviously also a little excited, driving a sky island, it was an unprecedented experience.

"Then I will give it a try."

"Hmm, give it a try, get familiar with driving skills."

Limru squeezed the golden sword in both hands immediately, raised it high and hid in front of him.

Zhu Cai and Zi Wan became even more excited, their eyes fixed on Limru holding the golden sword.

They also didn't expect that Master Limru would get such a sky island!

And the great Limru-sama actually wants to drive the sky island!

Sure enough, Lord Limru is reliable!

Limru took a deep breath, then swiped a sword forcefully toward the front!


A sword of golden light flew out!

In the blink of an eye, he flew hundreds of meters and chopped on a huge rock!

boom! ! !

Jianguang directly split the giant rock in half, and the cut was extremely smooth.

However, seeing this scene, Limru was indeed a little confused.

what happened?

Is this different from what you imagined?

And obviously he just simply wielded his sword, what's the matter with this exaggerated sword light?

Everyone was also a little confused.

And Muhua Saki Yaxin also reacted, and stuck out her tongue a little embarrassedly: "Ahhh~ I seem to forget to give you permission."

"Now, it's all right, Limru, you should be able to feel it if you continue to swing the sword."

When Muhua Saki Yashin said this, Limru suddenly felt that he and the Golden Sword seemed to have established a peculiar connection.

Limru felt a little strange and said, "Is this mind manipulation? It's amazing that it can connect directly with my brain."

This time, he did have a spectrum, and he swung his sword directly in front of him!

Thinking about it, let the island move!



The huge island began to move.

Go forward in the direction pointed by the Limru sword.

And Limru can indeed feel the approximate speed of the island, just like looking at the speed dial on his own brain.

This really made him feel the feeling of driving.

He suddenly thought and stepped on the accelerator.


Speed ​​one hundred and two!

Suddenly, the island began to speed up violently, of course it was not too fierce.

Anyway, Zhu Cai and others standing on the island can clearly feel that the island is moving.

In this way, Limru began to play on his own.

Accelerate and decelerate, make a sharp turn to stop, and reverse.

It was a joy to play.

Zhu Cai and others have been watching Limru playing.

Ino and Nanako went to play in the sea by themselves.

And Muhua Saki Yexin is standing on the highest point of the island, a boulder mountain.

She cast her gaze into the distance.

She seems to have seen a certain demon, is coming!

In response, Muhua Saki Yaxin's mouth curled slightly.

"The devil?"


Limru was holding a golden sword at the moment, came to the edge of the sea, overlooking the earth from a high altitude, and then wielded the golden sword, driving the island of the sky.

This feeling immediately gave people the illusion that I was the king of the world.

But I have to say that this feeling is really very exciting.

Limru thought, his face turned up with a smile unknowingly.

And at this moment, he suddenly found out.

Something seems to be flying at extreme speed from the horizon.

Limru suddenly became a little wary: "What is that? It seems to be a pink unknown object?"

However, when the pink object approached, Limru suddenly panicked.

"Milim!!!!? She is here!"

I saw that Milim flashed across the sky like a shooting star, slamming straight into the center of the sky island!


A huge roar sounded, and Limru also saw the smoke rising in the distance.

"Huh? How did she land there?"


On a small rock mountain, beside Muhua Saki Yexin, the stiff rocky ground has been blasted out of a large pit, and there are still some places in it burning with red flames.

Even some of the surrounding rock and soil had melted into a nest of magma, and Milim was standing in the nest of magma, looking straight at Muhua Saki Yaxin, her eyes full of flames full of fighting spirit.

Muhua Sakiya was not at all conspicuous, and smiled confidently: "Huh~Is Mirim who is known as the oldest demon king, destroying tyrant? Do you want to challenge me?"

Milim was obviously taken aback for a moment, and then he showed a warlike smile: "Huh! Knowing that it is me, dare to challenge me like this, I really have to fight you!"

Muhua Saki Yashin also smiled at this, "Oh, really want to challenge me? Then you have to be prepared for defeat."

Milim smiled noncommittal and showed two little tiger teeth: "Really confident! Let's give it a try! See if you really have such strength!"


Milim suddenly exploded with a burst of terrifying energy, and for a time violent energy agitated the ground, and then!


The ground bursts apart!

Like a beam of light, Milim rushed directly towards Muhuasaki Yaxin!

Limru, who had just arrived in the distance, just saw this scene, and his face suddenly turned black.

"Sure enough, it's okay if Milim is here! But why is there a fight!?"

boom! ! !

With a terrifying speed, Milim threw a fist towards Muhua Saki Yaxin.

Muhua Saki Yexin flashed her figure and avoided it!

This punch fell to the ground!

It's like an asteroid hits the ground!

Rumble! ! !

Suddenly the entire empty rocky ground burst open!

A terrifying shock wave swept away gravel and mud like a wave!

To this shock wave, Muhua Saki Yexin stretched out a hand indifferently, flicked it slightly to guide the air flow, as if rain enters the water, softly and indifferently turning the impact of the storm into calmness!

And Milim also exploded with energy again, turning

The smoke and dust all around swept away.

Standing in the middle of the crater, she looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin not far away with a warlike expression on her face.

However, this time it was Kihana Saki's turn to exert her strength.

She smiled and raised her hand to this Milim.

next moment!

An invisible mental power burst out instantly!

shock! ! !


Suddenly, the ground within a few kilometers of her own center began to fall apart, and some of the rocks were crushed into powder.

Such a horrible scene made Limru who watched the battle in the distance a little bit of horrible power!

Sure enough, these young girls are powerful monsters with impenetrable appearances!

Facing this invisible huge power of thought, Milim also felt a little uncomfortable, as if she was carrying a big mountain on her back, and her waist was about to bend.

Regarding this, the energy she burst out again, the moment she pushed back this thought force, she stepped on it!

Boom! The ground collapsed!

She rushed in again!

In response, Muhua Saki Yaxin also began to attack to prevent it.

Threw the sky full of boulders and wind rolls directly at Milim.

At the same time, the boulder controlled by mind power rotates around the body!

After all, she also knew that such an attack would involve Milim's actions at most!

It is impossible to have much influence on Milim!

So you have to increase your power output.

However, Milim faced the sky full of Shihai, but he just went over it recklessly.

The stone slammed into the energy bursting out of her body and shattered directly, seemingly unable to stop Milim at all.

Indeed, Milim felt that such an attack was too weak, it was like a stone thrown by a child!

In this regard, Muhua Saki Yexin also took measures, only to see her paw facing the stone group, five fingers together!

Immediately, Shi Qun turned around and pressed towards Milim.

Facing the oppressive stones from all directions, Milim still didn't care, and blasted out with a punch. The violent energy directly blasted the boulder in front of him to smash, and then continued to rush forward without any reduction in speed!

Along the way, she was like a sharp arrow, a meteor that shattered everything!

All the obstacles in front can't stop her every bit!

Even if the boulders are stacked like a thick wall like a mountain, to her, it is almost like tofu! No, it should be said that tofu is inferior, just like air, there is no way to stop her!

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't feel surprised by this scene either. At this moment, the speed of the rock entwining around her at this moment has also reached the extreme!

That's right, she was just a messenger of COS Mind Power.

This trick was learned from Tornado.

Lanliu gravel wave! ! !

After Muhua Saki Yashin was fully prepared, he directly caused this horrifying and extremely fast lashing gravel wave to shoot towards Poros!

In an instant, Muhua Saki Yaxin seemed to shoot a beam of light that pierced everything!

At this moment, Milim just rushed out of the blocking wall where the rubble was piled up. Seeing the menacing blow, her inner fighting spirit became more and more high.

"Really long-lost makes me excited!"

He said so, but Milim Boros, who kept flying at extreme speed, had a grin at the corner of his mouth with a tyrannical smile. At the same time, he clenched his right fist and threw a punch at the flying Guangnenbo!

"Dragon Star Burst Flame Tyrant!!!"

boom! ! !

The vertices collided, and a burst of white light exploded in the center. The violent white energy light wave enveloped a huge white ball of light, swept around, how to accompany the material that touched the white ball of light, it will be instantly Destroy devoured!

The ball of light directly covers an area of ​​one kilometer!

At the same time, there was a violent air wave that overturned the surface. Ino and others, more than ten kilometers away, were almost blown down by this strong wind.

Muhua Saki looked at the place where the explosion center was covered by heavy smoke, and casually vomited: "Why do you use your fist to pick it up?"

Then, she continued to mobilize her mental powers, just dispelling the smoke and dust in front of her!

But seeing the smoke explode, Milim, who was unscathed, ran out of it with a look of excitement.

At this moment, she has entered a combat awakening posture, with dragon wings on her back and a single horn on her head.

"Hahaha, let's have a fun battle!"

boom! ! !

The energy of Milim's body stirred the air, exploded a circle of white air currents, and flew straight forward with a rapid increase in speed!

In response, Muhua Saki Yaxin directly controlled his thought power to form a violent shaking awl in front of him.

"Come and try this! Cone-shaped mind kills waves!"

With that, she pushed her hands to the front!

The invisible mind force awl twisted the air and pierced Milim directly!

In an instant, the smoke in the center of the explosion broke through a big hole!

Poros, who had broken an arm, rushed out with excitement, and directly confronted the awl of thought power.

Milim's expression of excitement and joy, raised his right hand, stimulated the body's energy: "Dragon Star Blast!!!"

boom! ! !

A punch that enveloped a huge amount of energy collided with the mind-power awl!


Fist, energy, and thought force collide to offset each other!

The air bursts into a ring of invisible air waves!

Milim was also repelled for the first time.

However, Milim did not feel the accident, but became even more excited. Her eyes flashed with a sharp light of warfare, and the energy exploded again, rushing to Muhua Saki Yexin at a very fast speed!

at this time!

The distance between Muhua Saki Yaxin and Milim is not far away!

Below this distance!

Milim was able to come to Saki Yashin's side almost instantly!

Because Muhua Saki Yaxin wants COS to be an elegant messenger of thought power, she naturally can't let people get close easily.

She wrapped her body with thought power, facing Milim, but her body flew towards the back!

"It's useless! The speed is too slow!"

Milim suddenly speeded up and caught up in an instant, punching Muhua Saki Yaxin's mind shield!

boom! ! !

The air waves are tumbling!

Milim also knew that she didn't break the shield of mind power and Saki Yashin also used this force to accelerate backwards and pull away from Milim.

Milim didn't resist: "Don't even want to run!!!"



Two figures flickered in the sky, and each flicker meant a collision of mind and energy!

There will be a huge roar at this time.

The speed of these two people is incredibly fast.

For an instant, like amplifying firecrackers, the roar almost never stopped, and you can even find the roars that sounded almost at the same time.

At that speed, the naked eye is no longer observable.



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