The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 185: intensify

  Chapter 420 Intensification

  A thick and terrifying energy beam of thousands of meters flew to the sky, and swept across the earth and mountains in the blink of an eye!

  Boom! !

  The earth was cut through, and the mountains were penetrated!

  To the place where the energy beam swept across, it has become a gutter that can't see the edge, it runs through the mountains, and is as vast as the Grand Canal!

Limru looked at the horrible aftermath and couldn't help swallowing: "Milim this fellow! He is indeed a destructive tyrant. This destructive power is really terrifying! But, I have a feeling! Her strength More than that!"


  And Zhu Cai and the others, who were playing on the beach, witnessed that wave of terrifying energy beams across the sky just now.

  Now his head is blank!

  If the position of the energy beam is lower, just hit them directly.

  Zi Wan tremblingly asked, "Fa...what happened?"

   Ino and Nanako's expressions are the calmest, they seem to be used to it.

   "It's probably Ye Xin who is playing with something, don't make a fuss. It's okay, let's continue playing."


  Zhu Cai looked at the mountain that was pierced and the "river" opened up.

   "You tell me, is this playing?"

  If you continue playing, the island will be shattered!


the other side!

  The real battlefield!

  Milim, who had entered the form of the awakened dragon, shot with all his strength, the majestic energy burst out, and flew straight to Muhuasaki Yaxin like a meteor, and blasted out at the same time!

  Kihanasaki Yaxin still looked careless, her thought power wrapped her body and flew towards Milim like a beam of light!

  At the same time, he used his mental power to squeeze an air fist in the air, and the same punch was blasted out!

  Boom! !

  Fist and fist collided!

  The two crossed by!

  Boom! !

  The meeting point of the two people exploded, the air exploded, and the waves swept around!

  However, the aftermath of the impact of the collision is not simple!

   is as strong as Limru, and was swept away by a few hundred meters away!

  He was forced to pull away again and continue to watch the battle on the edge of the battlefield separated by kilometers.


  Kihanasaki Yashin Milim after a hit!

  The two crossed, back to back.

  This time, Milim didn't rush to shoot anymore, but showed an excited smile on the spot.

  She did not expect that she actually found such an opponent!

  After many years, she seems to finally be able to enjoy a fun battle again!

  Milim and Saki Yashin turned around together.

  The two are facing each other!

  And, this time!

  Milim’s attitude was completely different, and her inner fighting spirit had risen to the extreme, smiling confidently.

   "It's really great! I haven't played so happy in a long time! What's your name!"

Muhuasaki Yaxin still had a careless expression, proudly raised his head and said with contempt: "As a challenger, don't you know the name of my Eye of Death? Then just listen! I am the supreme existence of the infinite dimension. The eye of death! Real name! Kihana Saki Yashin!"

  Milim smiled even more, his face revealed excitement, and the whole person exuded a high war spirit.

  "Very good! Kihana Saki Yashin! That was not all my strength just now!

  I want to truly liberate my true strength! I will do my best to fight you! So next! Be careful! "

  The voice fell off!

  Milim burst out of energy again, her wings shook behind her back, and her whole body was like a stream of light, and it shot to Muhuasaki Yaxin in a flash!

   Make a fist with his left hand, with a terrifying magic element energy, blast out a punch!

   "Long Xing Tian is overpowering!!"

  Kihanasaki Yaxin has also raised her hand to block her front, her mental power gushing out, forming an invisible protective shield in front of her!

  Boom! !

  The unstoppable Long Xingtian rushes to dominate, directly bombarding Muhua Saki Yexin’s invisible mind shield!

  The air exploded again, and the space began to twist!

  The ground hundreds of meters away from them is shattered like tofu!

  Kihanasaki Yashin’s mind shield was immediately broken, and she was bombarded by the aftermath and flew out like a rocket launcher.

  However, Milim’s offensive is not that simple!

  Milim's wings shook behind her, and she broke out at extreme speed again, and instantly caught up with Saki Yashin, who was flying backwards.

  One more note! !

  Kihanasaki Yaxin was beaten upside down, but she was not harmed at all, and she still maintained absolute mobility!

  Kihanasaki Yashin immediately fought back!

   "Nice attack, I also approve of you!"

  In an instant, a sharp spear formed by the power of mind met Milim’s blow!

  Boom! !

  The air explodes again!

  The shock wave erupted by the impact of the terrifying force is terrifying!

  Like a nuclear bomb, even the aftermath of an attack can directly set off earth waves tens of meters high!

  And the battle between the two is amazingly fast!

  With Limru's eyesight, it was difficult for him to see clearly, only two figures flickering back and forth!

  Then a terrifying roar, a violent aftermath of shock, has been erupting!

  At present, Kawasaki Yaxin seems to be at a disadvantage.

  After all, the energy-wrapped Milim has always been the offensive side, every action, every offense is very powerful!

  And Kihana Saki Yaxin has been passively countering and responding again.

  Even though, Milim did not get any obvious results.


  Indeed, every time he fights, Milim is always on the offensive, and Muhuasaki Yaxin is always blocking, and occasionally fights back.

even so!

  The battle between the two is also very scary!

  Milim has great power in a random blow, breaking the mountains and rivers and smashing the earth is just a simple one!

  And Muhuasaki Yaxin’s barrier is even more water-proof, and almost no attack can get within half a meter of her.


In this way, Milim's various moves opened and closed, and the attacks that fell on Muhua Saki’s mind power barrier were almost as dense as raindrops, and the power of each attack easily smashed a mountain, even Destroy this sky island at your feet!

  Kihana Sakiya has been passively beaten.

  The two hit the sky from the ground of the island, then hit the real ground from the sky, and then penetrated the island from the ground, and fell on the ground of the island again!

  Boom! !

  The two figures are like two meteorites falling from the sky!

  The ground suddenly shattered layer by layer, and the world-destroying shock wave impacted all the substances on the island, making the entire sky island tottering.

  Wait for the smoke to dissipate.

  Kikhana Saki Yashin and Milim are exposed inside.

  Milim raised her left hand to Saki Yashin, and smiled confidently: "What a fun battle! This kind of battle is really enjoyable!"

  "Kuhana Saki Yashin! It's really surprising that you can beat me to this point.

  However, I have never met you!

  You are not from this world, right! "

  Kihanasaki Yashin was taken aback, and then he smiled proudly: "That's natural. This world is too weak to accommodate a supreme existence like me."


  Milim smiled wildly: "Since you are so confident, let go and fight with me! Stop defending! I really want to try to feel defeated!"

  Milim naturally felt Muhua Saki Yaxin’s contempt for her!

  She also knows that Yashin Kihana is always on defense!

  There are many times, she can obviously attack, interrupt her skills directly!

  But she didn’t!

  Moreover, every time she attacked, she was perfectly defended by Saki Yashin!

  If she increases her strength, she will increase her defense ability accordingly!

  She feels that this girl has been tempting?

  In this case, Milim decided to use the real firepower!

  Even, if necessary, she will activate the ultimate skill-King of Wrath!

  In response to Milim’s question, Saki Yashin tilted her head, and then raised her chin with her small hand rest, thinking slightly.

   "Well... if you attack, you might lose miserably."

  Milim said decisively: "Go on with all your strength! I won't lose easily. You shouldn't think that this is my full strength!"

Muhua Saki Yashin asked Milim in a bit of surprise: "Full power? Are you serious? If I use my full power, this world will become very fragile. Maybe, I will destroy it in the next second. maybe."

  Milim's smile remained undiminished, her body bowed slightly, her wings spread out behind her, and she was obviously ready to fight.

   "Since you are so strong, then I don't have to worry! Next! I will really go all out!"

  Kihanasaki smiled proudly: "Well, such you are the real challengers, let go! Although the power is not enough, I will give you a glorious defeat!"

  In response to Muhua Saki Yashin's arrogant words, Milim clenched her fists, and the energy in her whole body began to boil! The magic element energy is fully activated!

  Ultimate skill, King of Wrath, directly open!

  The so-called king of anger, this can turn Milim into a magic element multiplication furnace, and the power and magic element can gradually increase with the anger consciousness, making the magic element increase infinitely!

  This means that Milim can use unlimited ultimates!

  She has entered the unlimited firepower mode!

  Boom! !

  The terrifying energy flame burst out from Milim Boros's body, forming a semicircular energy dispersion field!

  The terrifying energy squeezed the air and exploded a burst of air. The ground under Milim Boros directly melted, and the surrounding ground also began to be overwhelmed, cracking in layers!

  The wind and waves rolled up by energy centered on Milim Poros, spreading outwards layer by layer until it covered an entire island in the sky!

  Limru felt that the battle seemed to be escalating again, and he quickly shielded the sand from the wind and waves with his hands.

  In order to watch the battle, Limru used some analysis and observation skills early on.

  The Great Sage is also reporting various information to Limru in real time.

  He also slightly measured the energy level of Milim's burst at this time and the almost endless magic elements contained in that body.

  Limru’s face was full of shock:

   "Good terrifying energy response! Good terrifying magic element content, Milim can destroy the world by herself!"


   "Oh~ this power."

  Kihanasaki Yashin folded her hands on her chest, and looked at Milim, who seemed to have become very powerful, and raised a little bit of interest: "It is indeed possible for me to use a little bit of strength."

  At this moment, Milim's body was wrapped with purple-blue lightning, and her body was covered with a layer of energy flames with a radius of three meters.

  Her back wing moved slightly, and a ray of thunder was instantly agitated. She looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin with sharp eyes, spitting hot white smoke.

  Boom! !

  Milim stepped on her foot, and the ground burst again. In an instant, her speed reached the extreme!

  Compared with her before, her speed at this moment has increased several times!

  I saw her flying out like a shooting star, blinking in front of Muhua Saki Yaxin in the blink of an eye, bringing a frightening energy to Muhua Saki Yaxin's face and blasting fiercely!

   "Unbelievable Dragon Star Burst!!"

  However, Muhua Saki Yaxin remained calm, and even watched with an interesting smile. This small fist with a flow of terrifying energy hit her face!

  Boom! !

  The terrifying energy exploded in front of the invisible mind shield in front of Muhua Saki Yaxin’s face!

The effect of    is that a terrifying torrent of energy erupts backwards in a fan shape centered on Muhua Saki Yexin!

  In just an instant, the fan-shaped area behind Saitama was directly destroyed by the torrent of destruction energy!

  Kihanasaki Yaxin is also flying out directly in the flood of diffuse energy!

  But Milim also knew that with the blow just now, she didn't even touch the heart of Saki Saki, and it was even more unlikely that she would hurt the heart of Saki Saki!

  Milim looked at Muhua Saki Yaxin who was flying upside down, clenching his fists.

  "Aren't you going to make a move!?"


  She burst into flames of energy again, like a beam of light, instantly flashing beside Muhua Saki Yexin!

  In an instant!

   "Dragon Star Blast! Dragon Star Blast Yanba! Dragon Star Rising Dragon Ba! Dragon Star Group!..."

  Countless big moves without money spilling out!

  The brilliance of various colors covers the whole body of Muhua Saki Yaxin.

  Boom boom boom boom boom! !

  In one second, Milim used hundreds of big moves, and the figure flickered in various locations around Kawasaki Yashin in order to break the shield of Kawasaki Yashin's mind!

  Moreover, Milim seemed to be a little angry, almost one of the three punches smashed Muhuasaki Yaxin's face!

  Kihanasaki Yashin is supporting an invincible mind shield, like a ball, flying in the air hit by Milim!

  She also watched with a smile inside herself, as if she was watching a play, seeing how Milim could play.

  And this scene, in Limru's eyes, was like two lights flashing back and forth in the sky. Even if he used various auxiliary skills, he couldn't keep up with their battle.

  At this moment, he seems to have completely lost the qualification to watch the game.

  Even the great sage’s ability to observe does not match.

  Now, in addition to the flashing light spots, you can also hear the continuous roar!

  No one can see the movements between them at all.

  Everywhere they fought, there was a terrifying energy dispersion!

  This is the aftermath of Mirim's attack on Yasaki Kihana!

  And how terrifying the aftermath is, only by seeing the objects affected by these energy can you discover it.

  I saw, the two figures are like two beams of light, flying over from a height of one thousand meters close to the ground in the blink of an eye!

next moment!

  The ground was almost hundreds of meters in radius, and it burst directly. The solid ground was melted into magma in an instant...

  Blink your eyes, and more than half of this island is turned into rubble!

  This is the situation created by Muhua Saki Yaxin and Milim specially taking care of them, not letting the aftermath of the attack be too diffuse!

  Milim once again followed up with Muhua Saki Yashin Saitama, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com holds a ball of light that is extremely bright with both hands, and sends it directly to Muhua Saki Yaxin after it is charged to the limit!


  A horrible beam of light shoots towards Muhua Saki Yaxin!

  In response to this, Saki Kihana directly raised her finger and drew a circle!

  The space was immediately cut into a hole, and after the beam of light penetrated into this space hole, there was no movement at all!

  Milim rushed up unwillingly after the attack was completely invalid.


  Kihanasaki Yashin drew a circle again!

  The space was once again cut into a dark hole, this time shooting out from the hole was the energy cannon that Milim had just fired!

  Milim was a little bit unable to react for a while, so she had to send another "Dragon Star Blast Flame Tyrant" to confront the energy cannon!


  I saw, the sky islands were covered by explosive energy in an instant!

  On the sky, there is only one shining energy fireball like the sun...


  (End of this chapter)

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