The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 186: Unreachable infinitely distant place

   Chapter 421 The Unreachable Infinitely Far Place

  Milim's body was burning with flames, and he fell directly into the sky.

  During the flight, it can be seen that Milim lowered her head slightly, her eyes closed tightly, and all her clothes were lit.

  Boom! !

  Milim smashed into the ground. The ground was easily torn apart like tofu. She smashed directly into the ground several hundred meters deep!

  Looking from the outside, it was like a terrifying shell hit the ground, causing a huge explosion, smashing out a huge hole, and there was high-temperature melting lava on the edge of the hole!

  At this moment, Milim was deeply plunged into the ground rock, and the whole person was embedded in a rock wall. The rock wall was full of cobweb-like cracks she smashed out.

  Milim opened her big eyes expressionlessly, and looked forward indifferently, as if this attack did not even feel the slightest to her.

  She did not expect that she would be hurt by her own moves.

  After the battle, she understood.

  Kihanasaki Yaxin is indeed a much stronger existence than her.


  She is not so easy to admit defeat!

  Thinking about it, Milim agitated energy again!

   is just an instant!


  It's like an underground nuclear explosion!

  More than a thousand meters of ground was directly lifted off!

  Milim rushed up directly from the ground, with ripples of energy along the way, and the energy diffused by moving her body at high speed had already melted any surrounding matter!

  She is like a beam of light, shooting directly into the sky, and instantly passing through the flame cloud above the sky!

  However, without waiting for her to observe clearly, suddenly Muhua Saki Yaxin's figure flashed before her eyes!

  Milim can see very clearly, Muhua Saki Ye’s heart is wrapped in a gold-red energy gauze at this moment, with an overwhelming vigor and beauty!

  She didn't have time to react, Muhua Saki Yaxin directly printed a palm on her chest.

  Boom! !

  In an instant!

  A terrifying torrent of energy erupted in the palm of Muhua Saki Yaxin, and the energy flames entangled in Milim's body were completely dissipated!

  All the matter around her was melted in an instant, and a radius of 100 meters was blown into a vacuum!

  The energy seemed to penetrate through, directly passing through Milim, sending out a powerful stream of energy behind her!

  Such a powerful attack made Milim's body turned back, her eyes widened, her pupils trembling, and her mouth retched out of water.

  Boom! !

  She fell from the sky like a meteor!


  The Milim meteor fell to the ground and exploded instantly. A terrifying torrent of energy erupted. For a moment, the white explosion flames and shock waves covered a radius of ten kilometers...

  Such a terrifying battle, all the monsters in the Jura Great Forest began to tremble and hide.

  At the center of the 100-meter-deep crater, Milim stood up again. She wiped the blood stains from her mouth, and a smile full of warfare appeared on the corners of her mouth.

  "Have you finally taken the shot? It is really strong! But! Not enough!"


  She ascended to heaven again, faster than before!

However, Muhua Saki Yaxin’s speed is faster, she is like a light spot, flying in the air, turning a bend, and instantly passing Milim, coming behind her, and throwing her whip leg again. Behind Milim!


  Energy bursts in the air, squeezing the air to form a circular wave of air diffusion!

  Milim was knocked into the air once again, passing across the sky like a meteor!

  And Kihana Saki Yaxin, speeding up again, the light flickering, once again turned a big bend and flew below Milim!

  A heavy knee bombarded Milim’s stomach!

  Boom! !

  This blow was very heavy. When the blow fell, the scattered terrorist power and energy directly dissolved and ionized all the matter within hundreds of meters.

  You can see from the outside, a circle of ions formed by an electric arc, enveloping two people!


next moment!

  Strength broke out!

  Milim is like a straight laser, breaking through the air, lasing towards the sky, and flying directly into space!

  However, in a blink of an eye, Muhuasaki Yaxin followed and flew into space.

  In the empty space, Milim, who was flying upside down, was very conscious. She wanted to stabilize her figure, and suddenly saw a little starlight coming out through the clouds!

  I saw Muhua Saki Yexin, who was covered in gold-red energy gauze, rushed out of the atmosphere, extremely fast, at least five or six times faster than her, and walked directly behind her.

  Milim just had time to turn around!

   But at this moment!

  Kihanasaki Yashin held the hammer in both hands, and slammed Mirim fiercely!

  Boom! !

  A little light blooms in the universe!

  Milim once again flew towards the land of the planet, but Muhua Saki Yaxin once again accelerated to keep up, chasing after Milim and punching again!

  Boom! !

  Get hit by a punch again!

  Milim felt very uncomfortable, and his head was a little dizzy, completely unable to control his body.

  However, Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't seem to have any intention of letting Mirim go, and once again accelerated to the limit!

  The speed reached the extreme and followed Milim again. She arched her body and punched again, hitting Milim's waist fiercely!

  Boom! !

  Burst and burst into energy storms, tearing the atmosphere and smashing the clouds!

  Milim is like a meteor piercing the planet, falling from the sky with a long streamer tail flame!

  This time, Milim's falling speed has reached the extreme.

  Kihanasaki Yaxin did not follow up and chase after him!

  In this way, Milim fell directly at dozens of times the speed of sound!

  And the monsters in the Jura Great Forest can also be fortunate to see this meteor swinging through the clouds. This scene looks very beautiful.

  It’s just that this beautiful meteor is very deadly!

  At the speed of Milim's fall, when they saw the light of the shooting star, it meant that the shooting star was not far away from them!

   is almost the next moment!

  "Meteor" crossed the long tail inflammation from the horizon, and immediately landed not far away!

  Boom! !

  It's like Mother Earth yelling, the voice is loud!

  The sky collapses! Land sinks!

  The impact center is like the collapse of heaven and earth, and the terrifying impact of destroying light and eroding everything engulfed all around!

  Boom! !

  In an instant!

  Most of the land in the Jura Forest was smashed and sunk...


  On the other side, in Turnpest, the citizens of the monster kingdom didn't know what happened. At the moment when the meteor fell, they even thought that the sky was about to collapse.

  Under the terrifying ground tremors like the world's earth dragon turning over, and under the shock wave that destroys the world!

  They all thought Turnpest was not immune.

  Who knows, at the moment when the shock wave swept across!

  A magic circle suddenly spread out around Turnpest, completely blocking the impact of the explosion.

  After the shock wave passes, what can be seen is! Within 20 kilometers of Turnpest's location, the ground was swept to the ground by the burst of shock waves!

  At this moment, the aftermath of the roar stopped...

  Kihanasaki Yaxin slowly landed on the edge of a huge abyss.


  Thousands of meters deep underground.

  Milim was lying dead in the rock formation, with her head deeply sandwiched in the center of the rock. Her eyes widened, her face expressionless, and her eyes blank.

  This time, she really slapped her face.

  Why, Suddenly Kihana Saki Yaxin fought back so fiercely?

   Could it be that she bombed the island, so she was angry?

  Milim thought for a second, then immediately began to move, exploded with energy in his hands, easily crushed the hard rock beside him, and then pulled out his head.

She seems to be straight into the ground like a needle, so she drilled very deep. In her current position, it is a small space that can only accommodate one person, but on a hard rock, it can’t compare to Milim’s magic power. , Milim turned hard and squeezed the rock to expand some space, then turned to look at the sky.

  She discovered that the top hole was blocked. It should be that when he smashed it down, the after wave shattered the rock beside the hole and blocked the hole.

  Milim squeezed her fist, and the blow just now caused her unexpectedly little damage.

  She doesn’t understand, the only possibility is that Muhua Saki has been careful!

  Milim sighed: "I have been underestimated all the time!"

  Milim got a little serious, coldly raised a face with no emotion, and looked at the hole on his head!

  This time!

  She must use all her power!

  She doesn’t care what happens!

  This is the first time she has been underestimated!

  Milim's footsteps moved slightly, and the powerful energy suddenly crushed the rock easily. He raised his head to look at the hole in the sky, his feet bend slightly, and then jumped!

  Boom! !

  The rock under the feet suddenly burst into pieces.

  Milim is covered with energy flames, flying upward like a rocket arrogantly!

   Penetrated countless rubble along the way, and went straight to the ground!


  A huge pit in the abyss braving the heat.

  Kihanasaki Yashin stood on the edge, with a calm expression, his eyes coldly looking at the dark abyss hole below.

  How do you say it?

  She was indeed a little angry, after all, it disturbed Ino and the others.

   accidentally exploded the sky island, this mistake must be counted on Milim's head.

  If she didn’t come to her casually to fight, how could the island explode?

  At this time, Muhuasaki Yaxin felt the ground shaking!

  Kihanasaki Yexin's eyes condensed, and he stared at the bottom of the abyss!

next moment!

  Boom! !

  A puff of smoke exploded underneath, and a figure soared out, bending in the air and instantly fell to Muhua Saki Yexin not far behind.

  Kihanasaki Yashin suddenly turned around, looking at Mirim with a serious expression.

  At this moment, Milim’s clothes are already in tatters and become war-damaged. Of course, the place to be covered is still covered.

  In addition, whether it was her face, arms, or other exposed skin, she was more or less stained with smoke and dust.

  However, Milim doesn’t care, she just wants to win and lose with Saki Yashin!

  In contrast, Kihana Saki Yaxin looks very clean, free of dust.

  The energy gauze draped on her body is also ethereal and beautiful.

  Milim suddenly a little unwilling, is she really so far from Muhuasaki Yaxin!

Milim squeezed her fist, and once again burst out energy to rush towards Muhua Saki Yaxin. She was like a streamer, and she immediately rushed to Muhua Saki Yaxin, and then tossed around Muhua Saki Yaxin, facing Muhua Saki The whole body sends out continuous blows like raindrops!

  However, Muhua Saki Yaxin's expression calmly unfolded the shield of mind power again!

  All of Milim’s attacks were unable to penetrate within half a meter of Kinki Hanasaki’s body.

  Kihanasaki Yashin carefully observed the observer, seeing Milim throwing hundreds of punches in an instant, there was a sudden pause!

  Kihanasaki Yashin saw the right time, the moment Milim wanted a punch again!

  A plain but extremely fast punch, directly hit Milim's chest with one step!


  For an instant, Milim’s body turned back, her eyes were full of scarlet blood, and her mouth opened to spit out a mouthful of blood.

  Then, the whole body flew out directly!

  Milim felt the physical injury, and thought carefully: This punch was obviously unremarkable, but it was heavier than imagined! Sure enough, Muhua Saki Yaxin has been keeping her hands just now!

  After Milim flew upside down for hundreds of meters, the burst of energy barely stabilized her figure, her sight had just returned to level, and she just wanted to lock Muhuasaki Yaxin!

   Suddenly saw that Muhua Saki Yaxin was already close to her, Milim's eyes shook, she couldn't have time to react at this moment.

  Kuhana Saki Yashin, who was expressionless, had already clenched his fists and swung out quickly.

  "End Yan·Meteor Shower of Death and End!!"

  Kihanasaki Yaxin's double fists flicked extremely fast, as if tens of thousands of fists were thrown in an instant, and the entire space in front of her was covered by the real golden-red energy fist shadow!

  This dense fist is like a molecular-level meat grinder, and it seems that Milim will be crushed in an instant!

  Milim also felt the breath of death at this moment!

  However, I saw countless shadows of fists passing by her side, just like the side of a human body!

  At the same time, on the ground behind Milim, there were many large gullies silently and silently for an instant, all of which were caused by Muhua Saki Yashin’s terrifying energy punches.

  In a few microseconds!

  Kihanasaki Yaxin’s wave of death fist shadows has been wiped out.

  And Milim looked like a lost soul, looking at Muhua Saki Yaxin with wide eyes.

  Saki Yaxin, who stopped the attack, was a little surprised to see Milim in this state. She carefully looked at Milim's small face left and right, and then probed Milim's eyes with her hands.

   "Milim? Is it scared of me? It's none of my business? You asked me to use all my strength. I haven't used my strength yet."

  Milim suddenly recovered, watching Muhua Saki Yaxin directly take a step back, and at the same time her chest was undulating, panting.

  She is like a drowning person who has just been rescued, in a very strange state.

  Actually, Milim had just recovered from the breath of death.

  At the blow of Muhuasaki Yashin just now, she really thought she was going to die.

  Too terrible, the move just now!

  It's like erasing her completely!

  It was the first time she felt such a deadly breath!

  She came back in the breath of death just now, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she almost drowned.

  Milim calmed down, looked at Muhua Saki Yashin, and said with a serious expression: "As expected, I am a traveler in another world! I am still too arrogant! I admit that I lost this battle!

  But, I want to know how big the gap is between us!

  So, can you allow me to make the final blow! ? "

  Kihanasaki Yashin floated in the air without her feet touching the ground. To Milim’s request, she directly replied without hesitation: "Yes."

   "It's fine!!"

  Milim shouted out at the end!

  She roared, driving every cell in the body to completely release all the magic element energy!

  This moment!

Milim's whole person was wrapped in terrifying energy, and the whole person seemed to have become a spot of light that was a hundred times brighter than the sun. The dispersed energy agitated around him, and the moment the energy touched the ground, the ground was instantly melted into A pool of lava.


  The energy in Milim's body broke out again, and the hot air rolled away. The air within 100 meters of her body was squeezed away and turned into a vacuum!


  It seemed that the space was shocked. This terrifying energy was instantly compressed and became a tiny ball of light accumulating in the core of Milim's body!

  At this moment, Milim did not hesitate anymore, holding his claws in both hands and pushing out towards Muhua Saki Yaxin, for an instant!

  Almost all the energy poured out at the girl in front of you!

  "The end of the world·Dragon Star collapsed!"

  Boom! !

  In an instant, the world faded, it seems that the whole world is only left with this terrifying torrent of energy!

  Kihanasaki Yashin faced this world-destroying energy torrent, and did not panic at all. She still looked casual and indifferent in her clothes: "Then, I should be a little more serious."

  Speaking, Muhua Saki Yaxin bowed her legs slightly, and put her left hand around her right fist to her waist.

  At this moment, the torrent of world-destroying energy, UU Reading has come to Muhuasaki Yexin!

  Kihanasaki Yashin punched hard without hesitation!

  "Death is over! Go forward!"

  Boom! !

  Fist shot instantly!

  The invisible force of terror erupts!

  The moment the torrent of world-destroying energy comes into contact with Quan Jin, it is defeated!

  The terrifying energy diffused in the air seemed to have encountered some nemesis, and the moment was wiped out of thin air, and Milim felt the breath of death once again.

  However, this horrible boxing force suddenly dissipated when it flew half a meter in front of Milim.

  And Milim stayed in place.

  Kihanasaki Yaxin slowly retracted his fist, and smiled proudly at Milim: "Did you see the gap between us?"

  Milim nodded blankly, she did see it.

  The gap is...

  Unreachable infinitely distant place...

  (End of this chapter)

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