The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 187: Small town

  Chapter 422 Small Town Situation

  After the end of the century war between Mikasaki Yasaki and Milim, what is left is the devastated Kura forest.

  It can be said that the Jura Great Forest has existed in name only, and the entire forest has been crushed into craters one after another.

  Only Turnpest survived under the protection of Saki Yashin.

  And Limru, Ino and the others, were bombed in the sky island for an instant, and they were protected by Saki Yashin's mind shield.

  They are not a serious problem, that is, they are a little frightened.

  When they returned to the ground, they were dumbfounded when they looked at the devastated land like this apocalyptic world.

  Is this still the Great Forest of Jura?

  At this time, Muhua Saki Yaxin and Milim came to the front of everyone.

  Kihanasaki Yashin smiled and said hello to everyone: "Oh~ long time no see, mortals."

  However, except for Ino and Nanako who returned a fierce look at Kuka Saki Yaxin.

  Limru and the others ignored Muhua Saki Yaxin, they stared blankly at the deserted ground in front of them.

  This large forest should be full of greenery and verdant trees.

  How did it disappear all of a sudden?

  Limru suddenly remembered what seemed to him, and quickly turned his head to look at Turnpest.

  When he saw Turnpest, he was still intact, he was also relieved.

Milim was in a war-damaged posture at the moment. Seeing Limru’s expression, she knew that her waywardness had made a mistake. She apologized to Limru a little embarrassedly: "I’m sorry, Limru, I’m kind of Excited too much."

Limru turned his head to look at Mirim and Saki Yashin when he heard the words, looking at the neatly dressed Saki Yashin and Mirim in tattered clothes. No need to think about it and know that Saki Yashin won the battle. NS.

   Limru pressed his forehead with a headache: "Since it has happened and Turnpest is fine, I will not pursue it."

  In fact, he is not qualified to be held accountable, so the Jura Forest is not his place.

  Not to mention that these two girls are existences that he can't afford.

  It's better to accept as soon as you see.

  Zhu Cai and the others did not say much, and silence is the best answer at this moment.

  Kikhana Saki Yaxin also felt a little embarrassed about this.

  It seems that I am playing too much, indeed.

  A certain tree elf is going to cry to death.

  As the administrator of the Jura Great Forest, she suddenly discovered that most of her home had been blown up. She was afraid that she would bring her knife to find her and Milim.

  So, she still has to do something.

  Kihana Sakiya thought for a while, and said to Limru: "Well...Actually, I can still recover here, but recovery will take time."


   Limru heard this, somewhat surprised.

   "Only a small technique needs to be activated."

  Speaking, Muhuasaki Yaxin directly activated the Eye of Root, portraying a huge magic array covering the entire Kura forest.

  Limru suddenly stopped seeing the huge magic circle now.

  Is this a small technique?

  The magic circle is constructed in one second, and then disappears directly in the air.

  Kihanasaki Yashin explained: "This magic circle will collect magic elements to restore magic to the Jura forest. According to this progress, it will take about two months to restore the entire Jura forest."

   "Two months!?"

   "It only takes two months?!"

   "That's really great!"

  Limru was jumping happily like a child.

   Zhu Cai and the others also looked happy.

  After all, they were born in the Great Forest of Jura, and they have a lot of affection for this place.

  In this way, the Jura Great Forest entered the restoration period.

   And Turnpest after Muhua Saki Yashin and Mirim battle, the atmosphere has been very low.

  Moreover, the people obviously have a sense of fear for Saki Yashin and the others, which makes Saki Yashin and others feel like some bad guys every time they go out, very unhappy.

  So, Muhua Saki Yaxin and the three took Teresa and left Turnpest.

  Before he left, Kihana Saki Yashin also restored the sky island and gave it to Limru.

  In this way, Muhua Saki Yexin and the four people moved away from Turnpest and came to a small town on the edge of the Great Jura Forest.

  Adventurer’s Pub.

  Kihanasaki Yashin pushed the door and entered. As soon as he opened the door, he heard noisy sounds and a strong smell of wine.

   Feeling this familiar atmosphere, Muhuasaki Yaxin's eyes suddenly brightened.

   came to the right place.

  Nanako and Ino seem to be interested.

  Kihanasaki Yashin came to the front desk and asked the waiter to deliver some wine and snacks.

   Then I found a place inside and sat down.

  However, the combination of their four girls here is very strange and very conspicuous.

  The adventurers cast their sights on them, if not.

  However, no one feels that they move lightly, after all, people in this world have never been able to judge their strength by their looks! The fool who judges strength by appearance is basically dead.

   Therefore, the adventurers are 100% wary of the four girls of Saki Yashin, who seem to be weak and weak.

  At this time, a group of people seemed to want to test the three of Muhuasaki Yashin, and they walked straight over.

The head was a blond brawny man in armor. He wore a soft armor similar to a vest. From his arms and soft armor, we could see how explosive his muscles were. The soft armor was crimped tightly. He looked like a muscular man, but his face was unexpectedly delicate.

  Behind the brawny blond man, there are three teammates, one is a woman with a mask and a samurai sword around her waist, a young man in armor with a big sword and a masked man in a magic robe.

   looks like a regular team of adventurers.

  I saw the blond brawny man standing in front of Muhua Saki Yexin, with an arrogant and outspoken expression.

"Hey, girl, I don’t seem to have seen you? Are you here looking for a job? Are you interested in taking a trip with your brother? I will pay you a lot. The work is not difficult, even very How are you interested in your happiness?"

   Hearing this, Muhua Saki Yaxin suddenly frowned and became a little angry, pointing her finger at the blond and muscular man, her cheeks bulged.


   "You stupid human! You dare to speak foul language to me! Do you want to be purified!?"

next moment!

  Kihanasaki Yaxin’s magic circle lights up!

  The golden-haired brawny's complexion changed, the attitude of a girl, and this mantra!

   reminds him of a guy!

   Stupid humans! ? Purification?

  This mantra, as far as he knows, is generally the favorite mantra used by dragon species!

  Moreover, the magic of certain dragon species is very powerful, often incarnate in human form and play in various human kingdoms.

  He once met a similar dragon in a survivor base!

  It is also a loli, eyes are like fiery red amber, pure and beautiful, tall and 1.5 meters tall, looks petite and cute.

   very much in line with his XP system.

  According to his temperament, he usually asks directly if he is interested in playing whales with his elder brother.

  However, it was intercepted first.

  At that time, 60% of the adventurers in the tavern were basically wasteful and could not speak.

  And like Long Lolita, the cute and touching little Lolita appeared in front of which animals, it was very attractive.

   Immediately, a bunch of people surrounded them and said a lot of filthy and bad language. Not surprisingly, that Long Lolita suddenly exploded!

  To this day, he still remembers that when the loli was furious, he said Sanlian.

   "Stupid humans!"

   "Stupid humans!"

   "Stupid humans!!!"

   "I want to purify you all!"

  Boom! !

  She suddenly became a dragon, a western lizard dragon, covered in red scales, spread her wings, and half of the street was dark.

  A breath of dragon's breath is like a nuclear bomb exploding, throwing half of the city into flames.

  That city was destroyed just like that.

  At that time, he escaped from somewhere because his awakened super skills were strong enough and he was still a bit strong.

  Now, he saw another young girl, wearing a blindfold, speaking strange words!

  There is also the familiar [stupid human! 】

  Blond-haired strong man suddenly erected his hairs, you must know that the strength of the dragon species is so powerful that it is incomparable! Like Muhua Saki Yaxin, it is conservatively estimated that reaching the so-called saint level of mankind is just simple!

  If she irritates her, the city might be destroyed once!

  Even if the adventurers here are strong enough to suppress them, the casualties are unimaginable, not to mention that there may be revenge from other dragon species in the future!

  So, when Muhua Saki Yaxin's magic circle was lit, he felt the energy fluctuations, and the blond burly man immediately knelt on his knees, raised his hands, and shouted sincerely!

"I'm wrong!!"

  The sound went straight through the sky, and everyone in the tavern could hear it clearly.

  But Saki Yashin, who was brewing an attack, was stunned.


  This man...

  The action is so simple, and so skillful...

   Ino and Nanako are also a bit dull.

  She still plans to do it directly...

  Why is this ending?

  The muscular guy's teammate immediately moved away from him ten meters away, as if he didn't recognize him.

  However, the blond brawny man didn't feel ashamed at all, with a straight expression on his face, bowed to Muhua Saki, his head clung to the ground.


  "Please forgive me for being rude!"

  Kihanasaki Yaxin was a little embarrassed to retract her gesture, scratching her face, looked at Ino with a confused look, and wanted to ask what was going on.

  Ino said he didn't understand and shook his head.

  Kihanasaki Yashin looked at the blonde who had paid such a big gift, and was embarrassed to pursue him for being rude.

  She coughed twice and said righteously.

   "Ahem~ Since you apologized, I will forgive you!"

  The blond suddenly raised his head, smiling.


  The blond suddenly lay down again.

   "If you are guilty! I will never forgive easily!"


  The blond didn't look up, and responded with a pressure on his face.

   "Get out!"


  Blond hair just like this, maintaining a kneeling posture, moving her legs backwards, and with a very ghostly posture and speed, she suddenly disappeared into Muhuasaki’s vision.

  Although the incident is over, Yaxin Muhuasaki is still full of question marks?

   "Do these adventurers have pitfalls in their brains? Or is it that this adventurer was infested by the ancient demon **** and turned it into a fool?"

"Guess so."

  Ino nodded, this time she agreed with Muhuasaki Yaxin's words, after all, this person doesn't look like a normal person.

  Nanako looked a little curiously at the back of the blond burly man leaving.

  The crowd of onlookers saw that they hadn't watched, and they immediately scattered and left. What should they do one by one.

  You need to know that the team of muscular adventurers is not a weak team in this small town. It can be said to be quite famous.

  Then why are they persuaded?

  This question, the adventurers onlookers want to know, but they all acquiesced that Muhuasaki Yaxin could not mess with it.

  No one can make a name in this tavern, and none of them are fuel-efficient lamps.

  The existence that can make the blond brawny fear so much, it must be the existence of super strength!


  Kihanasaki Yashin noticed the strange look in Nanako's eyes.

   "What's the matter?"

  Nanako shook her head: "It's just weird that their adventurer squad, why the configuration is the same as those in the game novels."

   "Um... it's probably a coincidence..."

   "Hmm... Maybe."

  Nanako thought silently.


  In this way, the episode of the Adventurer’s Tavern is over.

  The four girls walked out of the tavern and brought them to the street. Nanako leaned against Ino, and was held by Saki Yashin. Teresa walked by herself like an outsider...

  Kihanasaki Yashin is regaining her former innocent and innocent appearance. She seems to be interested in everything, looking around at the various small shops on the streets of this small town.

  Nanako was a little hesitant, and kept looking towards Kuka Saki Yashin.

  Ino noticed Nanako's strangeness, and she touched Nanako's head.

   "Nanako? What do you think?"

  Nanako opened her pure eyes and met Ino's eyes.

   Ino smiled gently, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

  Nanako looked at this gentle smile, as if she had made some decision, her eyes changed.


  Ino was stunned for a moment.

  Kihanasaki Yashin also looked over.

  The four of them walked together, Nanako continued.

   "I doubt it! The adventurer team just now definitely has another purpose!"

   "It is very possible, UU reading, something is about to happen here!"

   Ino and Kihanasaki Yashin was taken aback.


  Kihanasaki Yashin touched her chin with a small hand, as if thinking.

  "He may have discovered my hidden deep and powerful power, so he wants to test my variable?"


  Sean Fake Village Center Guardhouse.

  Here is the center of the town, where the town’s security and guards are located.

  In the central meeting room of a high-rise building, a handsome man with white hair stands by the window, looking down at the whole town through the window.

  He is the mayor of this small town.

  His deep gaze seemed to reach the great Jura forest in the distance.

   "What happened there? Hope it won't affect my plan."

  (End of this chapter)

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