The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 193: shooting game

   Returner: Zhang Long.

   Return method: Ordinary return.

   Personality analysis: Clockwork salted fish.

   As long as there is no external force to twist the clockwork behind him, he can stay home to the end of the world.

  Kihanasaki Yashin looked at the report of the returnees thoughtfully.

   "There are only ordinary returnees now."

  The returnees want to return, but they can return not only by collecting game points and game coins.

   also need to conduct a personality evaluation, if you fail, the memory will be erased and re-practice.

   And wanting to get the return of super power skills, it is more than ten times more difficult than ordinary return.

   Therefore, there are only ordinary returnees, and Saki Yashin can still understand it.

  Moreover, personality evaluation is still basic. Once it is discovered that some returnees have anti-social behaviors in the present world or the second thought of dominating the world, they may be deported again.

   Like Zhang Long, a game house, obviously there is no risk.

   "But through Zhang Long, I seem to have discovered something interesting."

  Kihanasaki Yaxin's eyes penetrated the infinite space, and he directly saw the game played on Zhang Long's computer.

   This is obviously a game that is no different from the previous first-person shooter CS.

  The only difference is probably the guns, characters, and maps.

   And, if Saki Yaxin Muhua didn't guess wrong, this game is still in its infancy.

   No, it should be said that the game industry in this world is in the beginning stage, no, it should be said that it is just taking off!

   The completion of this game is equivalent to the previous CS1.6 version.

   The playability is already very good, and its popularity is rising rapidly all over the world!

   Seeing these data, Muhua Saki Yaxin felt a little itchy.

   She also played CS in her previous life, and she is still a more advanced version of csgo.

   But, in her previous life, she just played with her friends, and she played very poorly. It can even be said to be terrible...

   From not knowing east, west, north, south, to learning to recognize the way, to being able to shoot people...

   She can only say that this is a bitter experience.

   However, when she got started and finally became a qualified novice, she realized that her marksmanship was really sunset red and real body strokes.

   The muzzle smashed into the face of others, the kind that can't even hit the enemy...

   For this reason, she was laughed at by friends several times in her previous life.

   But, today is different!

   She has the existence of the Supreme Demon's Eye of Death!

   She is going to wash away her shame in this familiar game today!


  Daiwei was lying on the tatami with her mobile phone, looking at the fans' messages on station B with a smirk.


   "Yi-chan is so cute!"

   "Is it true that Weijiang's guitar has only been learned for a few months?"

   "Of course it is true! Wei-chan is really a genius girl! Super talent with absolute sound!"

   "Light tone girl yyds!"


Dawei turned over, holding the phone to the ceiling, with a silly smile on his face, holding the phone and shaking back and forth: "Hmm~haha~ I'm really going to be a big star. It's really awesome... Do you really want to perform in the martial arts meeting with this kind of highly anticipated feeling?"


   Suddenly, a new message prompt appeared on the phone.


   After seeing that the ID indicated by the message was the Eye of Death, she was just stunned: "Ye Xin Jiang? In these boring days, is Ye Xin Jiang finally unable to bear her risky heart?"

   "I can't bear it anymore! Even if Mrs. Kat is with me, I can't bear it anymore! As expected, the days when everyone gets together will not be boring!"

   Thinking of this, Dawei suddenly sat up with a look of excitement, and quickly opened the message in his hand.

  【Eye of Death】Stay:

  "Weijiang! In this unaccompanied day, do you feel boring already! Come on! I have found the treasure to end these boring times! Come on! Come here to find me!

   I have put everything here! "


   She knew each of these fonts, but for some reason, she couldn't recognize them when they were combined together.

   Wei shook her face blankly. She watched it again three times, and then thought about it with her ultimate single-threaded processor for five minutes.

   As a result, she still did not see, what exactly did Ye Xin Jiang mean?

   If you want her to go to a certain place?

   Didn’t you send the name of the location?

   However, this is the time.

   The mobile phone displays the new message sent by [Eye of Death] again.


  With a message:

   "I never forgot to send the address, I just want to give you some time to think."

  Daiwei looked at the picture. It was a screenshot of the location map and a text description of the detailed address.

   She ignored the message attached to Saki Yaxin Muhana, and whispered: "Is it here? It seems to be a... Internet cafe?"

at the same time.

  Michan and Luchan also received Muhua Saki Yaxin's message at the same time.

   is out of curiosity, and it is indeed boring to stay at home, so they are all very interested in the so-called treasure of Saki Yashin.

   The four dressed up and went straight out.

   Wei-chan arrived first. She wore a small round hat and a pair of big heart-shaped sunglasses, almost covering her small face.

   The clothes are no longer the same, there is a trendy girl style.

   She did not enter the Internet cafe, but waited at the door of the street.

   She knew that Ye Xin-chan must have called Azimiao and the others.

   As expected, Mio is the second one to arrive.

   She glanced at Wei-chan, who was wearing a round hat and loving sunglasses, immediately listed her as an unknown passerby, and then stood around the door looking for other people.

   "Am I the first to arrive?"

   Yui stood on the left side behind Miao-chan, and she gestured scissor-hands to Mio's back, with a smile on her mouth.

   "Hee hee, sure enough! Miaojiang didn't find me! I have to see, when will Miaojiang find me."


   Just like that, Mio stood by and waited, whether he looked at the people coming from Jiajia Street on both sides.

   Soon, Mio saw one, a girl with long blond hair moving her calf, trotting in a bird-like posture, running all the way.

  澪 suddenly smiled: "紬!"


  紬 put on a touch of blush on her face, she had a small person on her face, and she grabbed Min's hands with a little excitement: "Min, am I the second one to arrive?"

  澪 was stunned for a moment, and then said helplessly: "You don't have to be so excited, right?"

  紬 shook his head, smiled and said, "I thought I was the last one to arrive."

   At this time, the shouts of girls rang on both sides of the street at the same time.

   "Min, 紬."

   "Senior Mi, senior 紬."

   I saw Li and Zi Miao jogging from both sides of the street.

  澪 and Jing turned around at the same time, one facing Li and the other facing Zi Miao, and beckoned to Qi Qi.

  Liu looked at everyone present, and suddenly said casually: "It seems that the only one has not arrived yet."

   At this time, only behind everyone, head down silently passing by.

   "Yes, Wei-chan seems to be the last to come every time."

  紬 smiled and spoke.

   Wei stood behind the crowd, gestured with scissors hands with both hands, with a bright smile on his lips.

   "Senior only, every time is the slowest..."

   Zi Miao also murmured faintly.

   "Would you like to inform Wei? I am a little worried that Wei has forgotten about it at home."

  澪 said something.

   Zi Miao nodded immediately: "Yes, I will contact Senior Wei now."

   While talking, Zi Miao took out his cell phone and was about to make a call.

   I only knew when I saw it behind everyone that I couldn’t hide, so I immediately pulled down my hat and sunglasses and raised it high, shaking my little hand back and forth, and yelled with a warm smile: "I’m here~"

   The four of them were taken aback for a moment, turned around together, and suddenly saw Wei Wei holding their hats and sunglasses and beckoning them.

   They were a little surprised.


   "Senior only?"

   Wei squinted and smiled and greeted: "Oh hi~"

   "Really, only the seniors didn't say a word when they came."

   Azusa complained.

   "Only you came so early?"

   Li and the others are still quite surprised.

   Wei smirked and scratched his head: "Hey~ I'm behind, just want to see when you will find me, I didn't expect you to find out."

   Speaking of this, it makes Zi Miao and the others a little embarrassed.

   Zi Miao said with an apologetic expression: "I'm sorry, only senior, I didn't expect you to come so early."

   Wei waved his hand, smiled faintly with his big eyes open: "It doesn't matter, Zi Miao."

   "Ah~ Since it's all here! Let's see what Ye Xin-chan is doing!"

   Li's face flushed with excitement, staring at the Internet cafe in front of her with her big pure eyes.

   "If I feel that it is better not to have too much expectations, after all, Senior Ye Xin's secondary disease..."

   Azimiao's weak way.

   "It makes sense!" Law agreed.

  澪 said with some fear: "Hope is not an adventure."

   Only poked his little face and tilted his head: "Huh? Isn't this an Internet cafe? There seems to be nothing to do here except surfing the Internet?"

  紬 heard this, his eyes flashed, and an excited smile appeared: "Internet cafes! It sounds very interesting! Let's go up!"

here we go again……

   Zi Miao looked at the excitement-senior Jie's spit silently, every time there is something new and strange about the civilian class, Jie-sen will show unprecedented interest.

   She glanced at the sign on her head. The name of this Internet cafe was: Gu He World.



   The girls rushed to the second floor in a hurry.

   came to a sci-fi-like Internet cafe covered with silver-white wallpaper and RGB light strips.

   They looked around, looking for Muhua Saki Yaxin, but found nothing, not even a waiter at the front desk.

   "What's the matter? It looks like it's still open here?"

   They looked at the rows of computer seats in the lobby, but they didn't even notice a single guest.

  澪 suddenly became a little scared: "Ye Xin-chan...will she want to prank us here?"

   However, just when Mio finished this sentence.


   Suddenly, all the lights in the room went out, and the surroundings suddenly became dark.


  澪 closed his eyes directly, hugged Li on the side with both hands, and then yelled in horror.

   However, let alone this scene, the rest of the girls were panicked.

  Liu hugged Huo Miao-chan, swallowed, and whispered tentatively into the darkness: "Ye Xin-chan? Stop playing, turn on the light."


   Suddenly, Muhua Saki Yashin's familiar scream and laughter came from the darkness.

   澪, Zi Miao, and others heard the chubby smile full of breath, the trace of fear that had just been harvested suddenly disappeared.

  澪 also let go of the law, closed his eyes and yelled at the darkness: "Ye Xin-chan!!! Don't be mischievous!"


   Suddenly, a few lights lit up in the darkness, and they gathered in a place about five meters in front of the girls, fully illuminating the figure of Saki Kihana.

   I saw Muhua Saki Yashin with her hands on her hips, her small chest held up, and her head tilted back with an arrogant smile.

   "Huh~! Hahahahaha!"


   Seeing Muhua Saki Yaxin seemed to be laughing.

   Lujiang directly stepped forward, raised his hand, and put his five fingers together to make a knife.

   "It seems that Ino-san did this, right."

  Liu turned around and asked for some advice, Miao Jiang and others.

   The girls nodded together.

   was confirmed.

Li directly raised the hand knife, facing Muhua Saki Yaxin’s small head, he lifted the knife and dropped it. When it fell halfway, Li suddenly regained his guilty conscience, and then the hand knife fell like a fluttering piece of paper. Muhua Saki Yaxin's little head.



   Kihana Saki Yaxin’s crazy smile stopped abruptly, and she wailed her head with her hands, then raised her face and looked at Li with her big watery eyes.

  Liu looked at Chuchu's poor Muhua Saki Yexin, and squatted her mouth: "Don't lie, I didn't try hard."

   "Then why do I feel the familiar pain?" Muhua Saki Yaxin said in a low voice with teary eyes open.

"I know I know."

  紬 trot over with a look of excitement, and said to Muhuasaki Yaxin: "This is because Yaxinchan is used to being beaten, and the brain's nerves have formed a conditioned reflex, so the familiar pain will appear!"

   "Huh?" Muhua Saki Yexin stared at Jin with his eyes wide open: "Nonsense! How could I be used to being beaten! Ino hasn't beaten me for a long time!"

After speaking, Muhua Saki Yexin's eyes She covered her mouth with one hand, looked at the smile of Jing, and quickly let go, and said angrily, "Nothing, but the Dark Emperor My best friend, that's why I let her!"

   "Alright, Ye Xin sauce, we don't care about this, can you tell us why we are here?"

   Li asked quickly.

   "Yes, yes, Ye Xin-chan, what is a treasure."

  Daiwei asked in a dazed manner with her big pure eyes open.

   Kihana Saki Yashin just wanted to speak, suddenly Azusa also asked: "Is it fun? Isn't it a computer game?"

   Suddenly, Muhua Saki Yaxin's face stopped.

   You have a sentence, how can I answer it?

  Kihanasaki Yashin glanced at the computer room next to him, raised her small fist and coughed twice in her mouth: "Cough cough, the treasure I found is naturally not as simple as a computer game!"

   As he said, Muhua Saki Yaxin raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and all the lights in the room were turned on.

   The interior has returned to light.

Then, Muhua Saki Yashin jumped to an open computer screen with a backflip, made this please see gesture, and proudly introduced: "This is super fun! I feel like a unique first-person shooter game. !"



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