The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 194: CS girl

   The girls heard Saki Yashin's introduction and looked at the two men dressed like special soldiers with rifles in the game screen on the screen.

   They were speechless for a while.

   "It's really a game."

   Azusa was disappointed.

  澪Sauce is also lacking in interest.

   There are only Li, Wei and Miss Jie-chan who are still absolutely excited.

Muhua Saki Yexin also clenched her small fist, staring at Mio and Azusa with big pure eyes, and said, "This is not an ordinary game! Believe me, as long as you play for three minutes, you will fall in love with this game. game!"

   Hearing Muhua Saki Yexin's boasting about going down to Haikou, Azuma and Miaojiang suddenly became a little more curious.

  澪 sauce hesitated and said: "Is it really that fun?"

   "Really, it's not fun, I won't call you!" Muhua Saki Yaxin patted his chest, and said decisively.

  澪 still hesitated, because she knew Ye Xin-chan's words could not be believed.

   However, when she turned her head and looked at Senior Li and Senior Yu who were looking forward to them, she immediately knew that she would definitely not be able to run.

   She sighed, "Well, let's play this game together."

   Zi Miao secretly vomited: "I knew there was nothing good."

   However, Zi Miao didn't mean to refuse. After all, as long as she is with the Qingyinbu senior, it seems that everything can be fun to play.

   The game or something, it doesn’t matter.

   "Then let's get started! Ye Xin Jiang!"

  紬 clenched a small fist, looking like he could not wait, his small face flushed with excitement.

   Kihanasaki Yaxin nodded, and immediately led the girl to a private room.

   Six top computers have been equipped here.

   First of all, Kihana Saki Yashin is naturally responsible for teaching girls to play, because first-person shooter games are relatively novel things for girls.

   "This game, maybe none of you have played a similar game, so I will teach you the most basic gameplay first!"

   Speaking, Kawasaki Yashin opened the game and began to teach carefully, such as moving the button WSAD in four directions, jumping and using the mouse to realize the angle of view rotation and so on.

   Seeing Muhua Saki Yashin's operation, the girls suddenly felt that the game seemed quite complicated.

   However, they didn't think it was too difficult.

   "Okay, you go and test it yourself." After the operation, Muhua Saki Yaxin left the keyboard with both hands, and smiled confidently and told the girls.

   "A first-person shooter? It looks really fun."

  紬 ran to the computer seat next to Muhua Sakuya with a look of excitement, and directly started a tentative operation.

   Mu Huasaki Yashin glanced at her head, and found that Jing-chan seems to be relatively talented. The operation she just showed can be completed by Jing-chan. Unlike her back then, she didn’t even understand the direction.

  Ri and Wei also chose his seat enthusiastically, and began to operate his own characters.

  澪 sat beside Li as usual.

   Zi Miao hesitated for a while, and had to sit next to Wei Jiang.

   And Kihana Saki Yashin is like a coach, standing behind the girls, and beginning to observe the girls' talent for first-person shooters.

   First of all, it is Lijiang. Her operation seems to be a little problematic, but it is normal. She passed.

   Then there is Zi Miao, and her operation is quite normal.

   And the problem comes.

   The first one is Yui.

   I saw that she was operating a very cool female special soldier spinning around an alleyway.

   She doesn't seem to be able to distinguish the direction. The mouse-controlled angle of view is very confusing. She looks at the sky all the way for a while and the ground all the way.

   Just looking at the sky and walking along the way, it's no wonder that she can get lost in a small alley and keep turning around.

   Maybe her single-threaded processor is not powerful enough now.

   Next is Miao-chan. She seems to be even more outrageous. She clicked the mouse to shoot, and the sound of the gun could scare herself.

   This led to the fact that she closed her eyes first when she fired a shot, and shot it wildly.

   didn't even know what he was fighting.

   Kihana Saki Yashin covered her face with her hands. The situation of these two people can't be changed by simple teaching.

   At this time, Lujiang became familiar with the operation, and the routine began to show off to Min.

   "Min, look at me and see me, this game is still very simple, there is no difficulty at all."

  澪 suddenly blushed, and he didn't dare to continue the operation: "Yes...Is it?"

   Zi Miao also noticed Wei's strange operation at this time, and she was speechless for a while.

   "Senior only? Can't you control the mouse to move the perspective to the front?"

   Only a little face was dazed, and he said bluntly: "Yes."

   said, she immediately moved her perspective to the front.

   Zi Miao took a look, eh, it seems that there is no problem.

   She was a little puzzled: "Then, senior, why did you just watch the sky and walk?"

   "No, I just walked like this just now."

While talking about the female special forces on the screen, she only moved the arrow keys, and the hand holding the mouse seemed to move reluctantly. This caused the character on the screen to move, the angle of view moved, and suddenly again. It has become a walk to watch the sky.

   Zi Miao immediately discovered the problem, and she was a bit stunned.

   Only the hands and brains of seniors can’t keep up?

   So, Zi Miao is still trying to save the hand-brain synchronization problem.

   Fifteen minutes later, under Wei's cute expression, Zi Miao gave up with a sullen face.

   "Senior only~ You are no longer saved..."

   Only dumbfounded and confused: "Huh?"

   Kihana Saki Yexin also shook her head when she saw this, but she was not ready to continue to save Weihemin.

   She is about to start actual combat drills, she firmly believes!

   Under the experience of guns and fire, Miowa will definitely transform successfully!

   So, she waved her small hand directly, and said aggressively: "Everyone knows about the game! Then we have to start actual combat training! Start the real game play!"

   The girls heard the words, and Qi Qi sat in distress, with a serious gesture of being ready to go to the battlefield on their faces.

   "Very good, then let us start the first battle!"

   Then, Saki Yashin and the girls connected to the local area network and began the first level of actual combat training-a battle with humans and machines!

   Level: Simple man-machine

   Mode: Classic blasting battle

   Matches: Police and robbers face off with six wins in ten rounds

   Starting economy: 800

   Start selection camp: Police

   Starting role selection: Red Falcon Special Forces-camouflage painting. (The female special forces have three camouflage patterns on their faces. They are very handsome.)

   Enter the preparation stage.

   Kihanasaki Yashin said with a serious face: "There is no body armor at the beginning. You can choose whether to buy a gun or a body armor by yourself."

   At this time, the girls don't understand the performance of guns at all. They just have one idea, that is, the more expensive the stronger.

   In this way, Kihana Saki Yashin gave up her body armor and directly bought the most handsome Sand Eagle pistol. (-700)

   Wei-chan saw that Muhua Saki Yashin's Desert Eagle pistol was so handsome, she immediately bought one as well.

   and they are very smart, they directly bought body armor, choosing safety first. (-700)

   "The blasting mode is divided into points A and B. Our task is to guard these two locations, and we can't let the bandits come in and plant bombs!"

   Suddenly, Li volunteered to raise his hand and said: "I'll guard Point A!"

  澪 also opened his mouth suddenly: "If Li goes to point A, I will also go to point A."

  紬 also squinted and smiled: "Hey~ I'll go to point A, too."

   Mikasaki Yaxin nodded: "Then I and Weijiang, Azimeow go to point B."

   The map is more complicated, and the path from the police’s birth point to point b is not simple.

   This caused Wei Jiang to lose his way or hit the wall and move very slowly.

   Looking at this scene, Jing Jiang snickered: "Weizhen doesn't seem to be very good at playing."

   Zi Miao has a face of Buddha-like calm: "Only senior, you come on, we are waiting for you at point b."

   Only panicked, a little bit of cold sweat appeared on her little face: "Huh? No, Azimiao, Ye Xin Jiang, help me."

When Muhua Saki saw this, he looked at Wei with a serious face: "Weijiang! This is a training! About your own training! You need to challenge yourself, and then break through yourself! You want to make yourself more. Powerful! Until this world can't restrain you!"

   Yui stared at Muhua Saki Yaxin's big pure eyes, listening to these encouraging words, she suddenly rushed with blood and passion.

   She clenched her small fist, her eyes gleaming with little stars, and excitedly said to Muhua Saki Yaxin: "Hmm! Yaxinchan, I will try to become stronger!"

   said, Wei shifted his gaze to the screen again, holding the mouse like a whip, flicking wildly, the gaze on the screen began to flicker crazily, and the character she controlled turned like a spinning top.

   "I won't lose!!!"

  Kihanasaki Yashin and Azusa Meow looked at Yui's operation like this, they were stunned.

   Kihana Saki Yaxin shook her head, she decided not to Guan Wei, let her comprehend the profound meaning of "top" first.

   Zi Miao whispered softly, "Senior is really...out of help."

   At this time, the squad of Li, Min and Jing has reached point A.

  Liu put on a military posture, smiled and directly reported to Muhuasaki Yaxin: "Report! Yaxinchan! We have reached our destination!"

   Kihana Saki Yashin is also like a tactical commander, and nodded seriously to Li: "Very good! Lijiang! Find a good place to be concealed, wait for the enemy to approach, don't show mercy, pour out firepower, and destroy them all!"

   Lujiang once again put on a military posture, and said with a smile: "Received!"

   However, at this moment, Mio suddenly shouted in horror.

   "Here are they! Here they are!"

   Suddenly, a burst of intensive gunfire came!

   Hearing the words, the small face also recovered serious, and immediately began to check the enemy's location.

   Sure enough, she found an enemy running in from an alley at Point A, and then hiding behind a wooden box.

Um? wrong?

   The robbers didn’t shoot, did they?

   Where did the gunfire come from?

  Liu immediately turned his perspective to look at a female special soldier character controlled by the side.

   As expected, this character was shooting.

   But, where are you hitting?

  Law is a bit speechless.

The muzzle of the character controlled by   澪 was shot in the air. Is this a salute?

   Thinking, Li looked at Min who was holding the mouse and keyboard beside him.

   Sure enough, she saw that Mio was shooting with her eyes closed.

  Lu immediately spit out at Min: "Min, do you want to shoot a parabola in the air with your gun and then kill the enemy behind the box?"

  澪 heard the words, suddenly stopped shooting frantically, and then hurriedly controlled his character to walk behind a bunker and hid, his small heart thumped, and a flush of flush appeared on his small face.

   She nervously said to Lu: "Here, the enemy is coming! They are coming!"

  Liu looked at Min with a nervous expression of three-point fear. She was also a bit speechless: "Min, I can still understand the ghosts and ghosts you are usually afraid of, but why are you even afraid of gunfight games? This is just a game."

The nervous and scared expression on   澪's face remained unchanged, and the same sentence: "Come, they are here! Lil! Go and knock them down!"

   "Yes, yes, I know."

  Law also sighed when he saw this. I'm afraid this problem can't be corrected.

   thinking, she also controlled her character and popped his head to observe the situation.

   However, this observation made her a little dumbfounded.

   I saw that the character controlled by Jing had touched the enemy's head.

   That's right, it's on the enemy's head!

   didn't know how Jing did it, she jumped directly on the enemy's head.

   Then, the enemy seemed to ignore the existence of Li.

  Liu immediately looked at Li, and Li also felt Li's gaze, turning his head to look at Li, his eyes curled and a smile on his mouth.

   Li opened her mouth and asked bluntly: "How did you do it?"

Jing kept smiling, with a funny expression, pointing to the computer-controlled terrorists on the screen: "These computer man-machines are so stupid. I walked over directly and they didn’t respond, so I tried to jump to their heads. I didn’t expect it to be a real success.

   Sure enough, this game is really fun. "

  Liu suddenly became a little speechless: "How do I feel, this is a bit too..."

   bang bang bang!

  At this time, the cyber terrorists started shooting at the outcropping Li.

   Gunshots continued, and Li also heard the sound of bullets passing by and the sound of bullets hitting the bunker.

  Lu suddenly started to fight back with a pistol, she said to Jing: "Ying! I am going to fight back! I will kill all these terrorists next, so you should avoid it first!"

After hearing the words,   紬 smiled and raised his guns at the two terrorists under his feet: "No need, Lujiang, let me do it."

   However, before I started, I saw an announcement in the upper right corner of the screen:

  [The Eye of Death "Desert Eagle" killed Computer Snake]

   [Death's Eye "Desert Eagle" headshot and killed Computer Andrew]

   [Headshot of the Eye of Death "Desert Eagle"...]

  【The Eye of Death...】


   A total of four broadcasts.

   Then, Muhua Saki Yaxin's voice came from the headset: "Under the shining eyes of my death, the terrorists have all been wiped out! Even the bomb has dropped on point B!

   Law sauce! How is your situation at point A? "

  Lu suddenly looked at the 紬 on the side.

  紬 smiled at Li, then pressed the mouse to the two computer man-machines under his!

  [Jingjingjiang "usp" headshot and killed the computer Jack Kris]


   Then, the sound of the victory of the game sounded.

  【Police Victory】

   After the screen freezes for a second, the screen suddenly turns and jumps back to the birth position.

   "You won~"

   Jingjiang showed a slightly happy expression on her face, and said with a chuckle.

  Liu suddenly felt a little dazed: "What happened? Did I do anything?"

   Only more dazed: "Won? So fast."

   Zi Miao was silent, she just shot, but she didn't seem to hit the enemy with a single shot.

   And Kihana Saki Yashin stood up very handsomely and fired six shots at the enemy, and all the enemies were killed.

   This game is really not as simple as imagined.

   It should be said, more realistic.

  The gun has simulated ballistics and recoil, so you can hit the enemy without hitting the front sight.

   She found out that she was really interested in this game.



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